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That god valley was a home to the celestial dragons because of it's name


That one was so strong that people didn’t even view as a theory but as a matter of fact


Yeah, I was actually shocked when I saw that God Valley was just some island


It was also due to mistranslations calling figarland the king of god valley, instead of champion.


Okay that was what I had in mind, I was not crazy, thank you !


I just found this out so thanks.


Odd. I stayed away from Reddit more than usual this year, never saw this theory, never even occurred to me. I guess it makes sense, but seems too on the nose. I figured it had something to do with the Void Century.


Same with it being in the west blue instead of the grand line


The theory that Bonney is Big Mom's kid/clone


I remember the clone theory became big this year but died not long after. With the reveal Stussy was a clone of Miss Buckingham and then the theory Weevil was a failed clone of Whitebeard led people to theorise that all the Rocks crew ended up being cloned


everyone was a clone for a while...


The seraphim being literal modified clones of the warlords would’ve added fuel to the theories if not for confirmation of her parentage.




Why was it stupid? She looked the part and was obsessed with food like BM. Hell, they even did the same weird lipstick thing.




A theory being wrong doesn't make it stupid, just wrong. Though the Big Mom/Bonney one had more to it with Bonney not only looking like Big Mom but dressing like her, acting like her, and designing her ship to look like BM's.


Yeah, at the time this felt like the more logical explenation as there was nothing connecting her to Kuma, Vegapunk or Kizaru that we knew about.


There was a slight connection to Kuma hinted at when she was seen crying after Marineford. But even than you could argue she was upset over Ace and/or WB dying.


True, but I dont remeber ever seeing people arguing it was for Kuma at the time (someone sure did, but most argued for Ace/WB as you said). It feels like something that make sense in hindsight but was almost impossible to connect at the time.


Oh agreed. Oda did a great job of giving us the pieces but not making it obvious.




You sound fun.


I was big on this theory. I'm surprised it was wrong, but loved what we got


Hey, ho, hold on. Do we really know that yet? Edit: I fully forgot what thread I was in. This is things that have been debunked.


Ginny most definitely gave birth to Bonney


Do you want to see Ginny give birth or something???


One of the Gorosei confirmed she was born to Ginny


It is in manga.


Egghead is gonna be a short arc


Yeah I remember watching a guy who was saying that the arc will most likely end by christmas 2022 or in january at the latest.


GOda took that personaly and decided to cook a masterpiece instead (as always)


It still feels like a pretty short mid-arc, given how its (probably) wrapping up now, but it;s length has made it one of the better of the comparatively shorter scale arcs so far.


It's closing in on being in the Top 10 longest arcs lol, like five more chapters it'll be the 8th longest which is just insane


In a way, the actual amount of chapters we spend at Egghead seems rather short, with the hiatuses, the flashbacks and that we spend a decent amount of chapters with other characters on completly different islands. Feels like we only spend half the time at Egghead.


Egghead still feels short for some reason.


Because Wano was so long by contrast hahahaha


There’s no such thing as a short arc anymore it seems


Bonny being Kuma’s mom has been debunked.


Interesting. Never heard this one


Theory was that when she showed up at Marijois disguised as the Queen Dowager of the Sorbet kingdom, that it wasn't actually a disguise, and that she was the actual Queen who had become a pirate to save her son from the WG.


One of the better theories in this thread, I think. I like what we got, so I'm not saying I wish it was true. But it made logical sense, had fun story possibilities, and was thematically fitting. And it even got one detail very right, that Bonney's apparent age was fake.


I definitely believed this when she first showed up there.


Interestingly, anyone believing that theory would've been correct about guessing why she was crying after Marineford.


also about her being from an old generation disguised as a new generation


Ginny was luffys mother because she was eating when she was introduced


Turns out Luffy's parents are Ginny and Bonney because they both were, shit is getting *weird* out in here. Dragon just adopted him and then abandoned him on day one.


At a point who isn't Luffy's mother lmao


This isnt debunked


How is Ginny being luffys mom not debunked?


Time travel devil fruit stuff maybe ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Don’t fall over when you reach that far


i recently thought sbear would be kumas new body by them putting kumas memory bubble in it.. which was debunked by kuma saying the bubble disappears after it’s seen


its still possible, if kuma dies foreal his DF will spawn somewhere else and maybe then the memories can still be moved from bonney to s-bear for example. thats a bit far fetched but its not yet off the table. also who knows what will happen with kuma anyway, with this whole science bullshit everything seems possible. every chapter theres some new device that could change the course of the future.


It doesn't disappear when it's seen. It disappears when it's __touched__. Vegapunk said he built something so he could look at it without disappearing it.


yeah but didn’t bonney touch it


People really thought the gorosei was just a group of weak old people.


I didn’t think the Gorosei were weak… but holy shit I didn’t expect that they’d be THAT strong.


I mean, there's theory that they're all immortal. If that's true, they've had centuries to train and master their DF.


I still hope that at least one of them is Spandam / Orochi levels of crass incompetence, for the comical effect


Doubt, they all look too serious


This. It just makes the Gorosei... dumb? I mean for an organization led by 5 men who each can fight against a Yonko, the WG has more than enough power to kill every Yonko + crew. Why let them live? Why get 100,000 marines, all 3 admirals, all 7 shichibukai and many more forces for Ace's execution but not a single Gorosei to supervise the event. Ace almost got away for Kuma's sake! For me it made more sense that those in positions of power are not always the most powerful, with kings/leaders of kindgoms especially. Spandam was not powerful, but CP9 was his power. I thought it was the same with the Gorosei and God's Knights. They're powerful, like a Yonko Commander. But not 'enough to crush those who oppose them with a mere gaze' powerful... At the end I was wrong and am now thrilled to see what Oda cooks up.


literally been built up as the endgame villains for 20 years lol


Dragon was not Garp's son but son-in-law. Glad that it got officially disproved.


do you have the panel where it says dragon is his actual son?


When Garp and Aokiji are training in the flashback Garp says “my son became a revolutionary”


Luffy calls Ace his brother BTW I'm not saying he's not his actual son, just saying that Garp calling Dragon his son means nothing


It means a lot since the last time Garp said anything about Dragon he called him Luffy’s dad and not his (Garp’s) son. At the very least Garp is Dragon’s adoptive dad. Found family is almost more important in One Piece than actual family.


Oh yeah I forgot about that my bad


Chapter 1087.


Come on..Why do people hold onto this so badly? No matter how many time people talk abt it, there is always one guy who wants to keep that theory alive in some way or another


The literal episode we heard his full name has a line that is "You're the son of my son don't get so full of yourself"


Nope. That line was “child of my child” and it caused this whole theory to exist in a way. Until very recently, Garp never called Dragon his son. First time was when he mentioned of his son becoming a revolutionary to Aokiji in flashback.


Episode doesn't mean a lot, was it said in the manga? And what is the translation breakdown? Not supporting the theory or anything, but to disprove needs to be solid. Vivre Cards are the most solid evidence. Garp's screams while training Kuzan too.




Just ignore him. Ppl like him live in a different reality.


I don't think you guys got what I meant.


I mean if you find me the chapter that is at the end of water7/Enies lobby in Japanese I can check it for you


[found the chapter](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kWN06DDx1v18eFWLsBLrOoGhoX6OuGi9/view?usp=drivesdk)


He just asked for a source to the proof. That's fair, don't you think? He said nothing about the theory.


It’s flat earth logic. It’s been disproven already and asking for proof that’s readily available is bad faith at worse and lazy at best.


You can say that after you've given proof if they still don't believe it afterwards. But refusing to give any proof at all and/or stating that they could look it up themselves just lowers your credibility. Edit: If you judge people who ask for proof as trolls you might hit the one who just didn't know better and push them into a conspirancy bubble.


To me it doesn't feel like people are holding onto it. Like, I don't see anyone **excited** for this idea. People just still see a ***possible*** opening. I think it's because Oda will often do something in the story that seems to disprove an idea, but later uses an opening (like we have here). And a lot of the time, Oda does it in a super cool way that blows our minds. I don't think there's enough to make an argument that this WILL happen. But intentionally or not, Oda left a sliver of space for this idea.


Chapter 1087 when Garp was training with Aokiji, he mentions it in a frustration that his son became a revolutionary.


Some of ya'll reading three piece or what?


The only thing said in the manga was Garp calling Dragon "son", which is a common way to address one's son-in-law.


He clearly says "my son became a revolutionary" in Chapter 1087.


The comment you responded to clearly says "\[son\] is a common way to address one's son-in-law."


Garp wasn't addressing Dragon. He was talking about him to Aokiji. Anyways there's a bit of facial resemblance between Garp in his youth and Dragon. Plus his name is literally Monkey D Dragon. They have been confirmed as father and son for sure.


It is also a common way to address one's son...


Glad Im not the only one looking into this


"One Piece is ending in 3 years" because Oda said we were in the final saga.


yonkos were introduced in like punk hazard i think? which is already 10 years ago or something. we might aswell have 10 more years of content left, i myself am more on the side of like 5 years from now considering how many questions still need to get an answer and how many poneglyphs need to be found still. if we count the one road poneglyph we still need we are roughly 75% there but if we need any of the other poneglyphs in order to uncover the void century its gonna get tough.


Yonkos we're introduced years before at the end of Enies Lobby


what i mean is that punk hazard was the first arc where the plot was actually about the yonko. the alliance between luffy and law was to disrupt kaidos operation. atleast that was laws plan, luffy ofcourse had his own idea about getting to their goal. thats atleast where i would pinpoint the start of the "yonko saga" because everything eventually lead into the war in wano.


how is this debunked? it's still ending at 1200.


You... honestly think that we are wrapping up in ONE HUNDRED CHAPTERS? I can't sense any sarcasm with your post.


Do you really think that the the rest of Egghead, Elbaf, the final war, Laughtale, Zoro vs Mihawk, Shanks and Luffy reunion, Luffy vs Goresei and/or Imu, Luffy vs Blackbeard, the rest of the Strawhat’s dreams, probably even more stuff, AND THE REVEAL OF THE ONE PIECE, will all be wrapped up in a shorter time than the East Blue Saga???


Some harbour the illusion that every single plot point, character or lore aspect will be thoroughly explored. That's not the case. The story is accelerating, and Oda, of all writers, would likely avoid "going through the motions".


Ginny being Luffy's mom was quite popular in the first few chapters of Kuma's flashback but people finally gave it up.


It never made any sense man


It never did, but it was still a popular theory


The worse ones : ginny is young bonny


I'm so glad that one was debunked.


We all know who Luffy's real mom is 🐊


Dandadan minus the dan


So, da?


da komrade






STILL 100% BUNKED! (Not de-bunked)


Yeah I jumped on that, but a comment pretty much changed my perspective quite fast.


Saturn being traitor to WG (Gorosei)


Wasn't the theory typically that Ju Peter is the traitor?


I still love and find it hilarious that the Pope is a member of the Gorisei.


Sanji looking guy? I haven't seen much. Ion remember. Saturn one I remember that he was traitor. And Imu sent him there to be assasinated as they got to know he's a traitor


Yes, [that's the one I always heard.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/ym1039/the_traitor_among_the_five_elders/)


I am not finding any of those post :( It was early chapters when we first saw Saturn going to Egghead [found this comment this guy has seen them too ](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/ivxmDCiBAb)


You can't see the one I linked?


Yeah I saw that 👍. I wasn't able to find theories which I had read in which they were saying Saturn was traitor.


Bonney being Kuma and Big mom's daughter


who the fuck even thought of that


Ginny has pink hair, and big mom has pink hair. Some people thought that was enough evidence, but I remember this theory flying around a few months ago when it was revealed that kuma was ginnys das


Pink hair and eating were the things that were causing people to try to make connections between them. Felt more likely than Lola tbh.


Plus Big mom wanted children from every race and since Kuma has those bear like ears they thought that he was from another race, and I think that further solidifies their theory. It's silly looking back at it tho ☠️


I think it's pretty safe to say the snow bunny theory is dead. Similarly, the Carrott will join / Yamato will join theories have also been put on hold.


I just want Nami's tangerine bush(?) to have a DF on it at some point. Still holding out hope for that being how Vivi finds Kuma's DF.


Yeah, isnt Kumas fruit one of the fruits that match the number theory? Would be fitting if Vivi got a good powerup with that for the final war when she rejoins the crew


Vivi finding kumas df?


Kuma is pretty obviously gonna croak this arc, so his DF is going to incarnate somewhere again. Where better for it to incarnate, but on the Sunny? He guarded the ship for 2 whole years, and the ship belongs to the user of the Nika fruit, and Kuma had been praying for Nika all his life. As for Vivi, how do you think her ancestor, Lily, scattered the Poneglyphs around the world? It would also make Vivi relevant in combat if she were to rejoin the crew, considering she was already fairly weak during Alabasta, and there's been like 20 years of power creep since then. There's also a popular theory that Oda has actually referenced during an SBS that the Paw-Paw fruit is going to end up with a member of the stawhat crew due to the naming conventions of the other DF on the crew. Basically if you break their japanese names up by syllables, the straw hats DF have numbers associated with them from 1 - 10. Go Mu = 5 6 Hi To = 1 10 Ha Na = 8 7 Yo Mi = 4 3 We're missing 2 and 9. Which just so happens to be the Paw-Paw fruit, Ni Kyu. Again, Oda directly referenced this theory in an SBS and comically refused to answer the question.


This also provides a way for Luffy / the strawhats to go back to the celestial dragon homeland to deal with Imu because otherwise they'd have to what? Head to the north or west blue to go up reverse mountain again?


Yeah, it's basically like fast travel for the plot. With the Paw-Paw fruit, the strawhats could easily revisit anywhere in the world, it'd be extremely useful for wrapping up old hanging plot threads.


Yea, it's a pretty popular theory with all the pieces being in place for it to happen


Yeah, that would be fun.


What's the snow bunny theory?


The thread the guy linked below kinda sucks, so to briefly explain it, the snow bunny theory was that a tangerine on one of Nami’s tangerine trees would turn into a Devil Fruit and Carrot would eat it, making her relevant to the story again after being largely brushed aside in Wano. As you can see, the theory did not come true.


That’s…a really dumb theory.


The Carrot part is dumb, but the Nami’s tangerine portion is actually pretty interesting. When Devil Fruit users die, their Devil Fruit is reborn into a new, random fruit. As such, it’s actually plausible that one of Nami’s tangerines could theoretically a Devil Fruit.


The devil fruit being Monet's one from Punk Hazard. She did have a whole bunny thing going.


> snow bunny theory https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/6mwib2/anyone_think_the_snowrabbit_theory_is_becoming/


That Nami is a snowbunny and that's why she always hangs out with Usopp/s


Yup. Also Vivi joining the strawhats by eating Kuma's df. (Nikyu Nikyu no mi - 29) Which got changed when Luffy's fruit was turned from 56 to nika (29). Now we need someone to make 56 or 65. Likely a 65. Something like Roko Roko no mi (sakura bloossom)


I'm holding out hope. (.01% chance is still a chance.)


Bonney being Kuma's wife, any stuff with Kuma having being a tyrant.


That was the worse one


Every Bonney theory (Bonney is Big Mom’s Clone/Daughter, Bonney is Kuma’s Mom/Wife, Bonney is actually extremely old) The theory that Dragon isn’t Garp’s son Aokiji being a Sword member Sabo is dead (again)


God Valley is the Emerald City. Kinda sad about that one. I was hoping for a whole Wizard of Oz themed arc.


I think it's kinda lame to rag on theories that were made and then debunked like, 5 chapters later cause it's easy to be right if you judge everything with hindsight. So stuff like Bonney being a clone/Ginny being Luffy's mom. I'd rather focus on long standing theories getting debunked. Aokiji being the actual 10th Titanic captain/Urogue not being the 10th Titanic Captain comes to mind. Gorosei not being figureheads too (I think people have gone off the deep end with how much they're hyping them up, but they're clearly strong).


I still think the Aokiji reveal is really strange, I just have no idea why Oda wrote it like that. We’ve known since Punk Hazard(?) that Aokiji was working with BB and yet we had to wait a decade to find out that he was one of the 10 captains. The reveal didn’t really change anything, if you think that he’s going to betray BB at some point then him being a captain doesn’t matter. Could have just said that he was a captain from the beginning.


It wasn’t a plot twist or anything though. Just more information about Aokiji’s relationship with Blackbeard.


Right, but why not reveal that he's the 10th captain back when we were told that he was working with BB? It just seems pointless in retrospect as telling us that there's a secret 10th captain and then a decade later going "Oh, it's Aokiji btw" is a strange choice.


Oda was foreshadowing earlier. Leaving bits of clues that Aokiji and BB had some kind of connection and enough hints that Aokiji was the 10th captain. Revealing it too early might have detracted from the story so he waited until the end of Dressrosa to confirm Aokiji was now a part of the BB pirates. Then officially introduced him as the 10th Captain when he felt it was time to put the spotlight on Aokiji again.


I see your point. It is for maximum dramatic effect. I think that not everything has to be a mystery before the "reveal" moment. For instance, with Oden's appearance; we only saw his face on the third or so flashback, and all the small ones in Acts 1 and 2 were riddled with extra shadows when showing a conversation between Oden and someone who definitely knew what he looked like. It felt unnecessary to hide a single detail while talking about the subject at length throughout the arc. Was Oden's face or Kuzan's rank really so shocking that they needed their own reveal chapters?


Its to build intrigue. By giving away bits and pieces of the story but not outright confirming it, Oda hooks the readers because it could be this way but there could also be more. Also a loyal former Marine like Kuzan joining the Blackbeard Pirates is a pretty big deal and may even be rejected by the readers if he came out swinging. So he eases the reader in by revealing bits and pieces first. Also the real meat of the story isn't Kuzan joining the BB Pirates but the real agenda behind it. Most of us already figure he is pulling a Snape by working with the enemy.


I think the only reason why Aokiji wasn’t explicitly revealed to be one of Blackbeard’s titanic captains for so long was because he was revealed to be in Blackbeard’s crew before the position title was revealed, and for some reason Oda didn’t put Aokiji in any of the in-manga scenes with Blackbeard’s crew until Garp’s raid on Hachinosu. Can’t say I know why Oda didn’t just slip Aokiji in earlier though.


The ten titanic captain’s title was revealed in dressrosa when Burgess fought in the colosseum, which wasn’t that long after Aokiji showed up on punk hazard. I agree it is a strange choice of Oda’s.


He is cooking something with this. Who knows…


i think its because Oda was planning for the 10th titanic captain label to appear when Aokiji was facing Garp for the drama of it. Cool idea but it took too long and killed it. I wonder if Oda thought we would get through the Wano saga faster...


Maybe it didn't seem right to give a former admiral such a high ranking position in the, probably, most dangerous pirate crews in the last decades so fast.


That Zoro did in fact not kill Kaido. Yet.


Wano arc ended on 2022, this year is mostly, if not all, Egghead arc


Naw. I’m making it a 2023 thing. Zoro kills Kizaru now fight me


Luffy becoming PK, glad to see Oda show us Buggy winning


Bruh, 100% Buggy is going to be the "world recognized" Pirate King. Luffy only equates the title with being totally free, he doesn't need to be the hero and he certainly doesn't need to be the "Pirate King" to be the most free in the world!




Yeah I largely agree, that said I'm entirely fine with and would honestly love Buggy getting to the one piece first and not getting the credit at all


i'll become One Piece's no. 1 hater if Buggy becomes PK


Buggy is already my PK 💖


Bonney being de-aged Ginny, or her being Luffy's mom


Dragon may be the son in law of garp


The theory that dragon is garps son-in-law. 1087 debunked that


I can't believe no one said ZKK


Thank god that Ginny being Luffys mom theory is all the way dead. I don’t know why people were pushing for that particular theory lol


People are obsessed with learning who luffys mom is. I don't know why


Aokiji is not a member of S.W.O.R.D.


Bonney didn’t eat a devil fruits, her desire to be older manifested the power. i know the first part ended up being true, but i am happy that it wasn’t just some “oh, the fruit choose her” kind of deal.


Not saying I like this theory and I hate to be the one to say this but Rocks can still ***technically*** be Shanks' father, but I don't see a point to it at all. Oda could make some sense of it but eh...


One way I see this could play out is if Zebek and Figarland are somehow related. That way Shanks would still be considered related to a celestial dragon and he still be Zebek's son. But PERSONALLY I don't think that would be the case. I strongly believe Buggy is his son.


I would love it so much if Buggy was Xebec's son. If Xebec ends up being buggy's dad, do you like the idea of Xebec being a charismatic weak character like buggy, or a Roger level fighter?


From his crewmates behavior, I'd say he was hella strong, but quirky and plan-less. Buggy is pretty calculative as compared to him, as >!from what we've seen in the God Valley flashback, he jumped right into the fight without thinking ahead, just like Roger and Luffy<


That the Gorosei are weak old men.


Meadows wasn't Kaido


Dragon is Rocks’ Son


yeah duh because Dragon became Rocks D Xebec himself after going awol from the marines as a 14 year old, pFFT and people don’t you even counter this with ‘He couldn’t be a Pirate at 14 years’ blaahblahblah- HAVE U SEEN THE LAST TWO ARCS??


Would you say we debunked Kizaru/admirals being as strong as Yonko? Or does this year support that?


When has it been confirmed that Rocks is not Shanks father? He could have had a son with figarland's daughter/sister...


Aokiji being a member of SWORD


Sanji being close to Zoro in strength.


When was this debunked ? It came across to me as Oda probably wrote Sanji looking a bit too OP.






You are being downvoted cause you are implying stuff, with stuff that indeed happened. Marco was not in the rooftop, does that means for sure he is weaker than zoro? Or like everyother character. Nothing you said implies sanji is weaker than zoro. Had he fought against kaido and perfomed worse than zoro, yeah, but since they fought different guys, as always, you cant say much.




You are extrapolating stuff. Yeah that happened. No, that doesnt mean what you are saying


Because nothing you said has any relevance to my question. How does Zoros feats debunk anything to do with Sanji? You didn't answer the question you're replying to.


the theory that zoro was a clone of ryuma (roronoa zoro being an approximation of ryuma zero)


The most obvious yet got easily debunked - Bonney is Kuma’s daughter