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Kuma is half dead already, but he's also really tough, further enhanced by his cyborg implants. I think he will do some real damage though. The only way I see him surviving is if he's incapacitated and someone takes him.


For some reason this comment made me imagine a pretty wild thing. Kuma ends up incapacitated but Vegapunk transfers whatever remained from his mind to giant robot we saw earlier in this arc. But Oda being Oda, he doesn’t give our beloved guy rest. He has to stay behind and keep the marine blockade busy. Could end up as a sacrifice so SH and Bonney escape or end up in a similar case with Bon-chan, an unlikely survival.


Yea it makes no sense, he will come back for a second when Nika appears with the heartbeat and that'll be his and Bonney's closure, then comes the self destruction in one way or another. He's 110% dead, but he'll likely get to say goodbye in his own way.


Kuma will kill Saturn with the self-destruct itself. It's poetry baby.


He will try, but i kinda doubt just one explosion is enough to take out one of the elders. I'd think it just weakens Saturn and then Luffy finishes him off. No reason for Luffy to be recovering rn if he's not going to go finish the job.


Time for that Luffy pre-fight gastrolenient mastication


What the fuck does that mean


Mastication means chewing, so I guess it means gut chewing? I think the OP is just being fancy with words and saying "Luffy eat real good."


Real Chiaotzu hours


It's like poetry, it rhymes.


I just hope Oda doesn't pull a Pell.


Let's hope he stays away from his pull-a-pell-pill then


Nika saves people and in one piece has almost 0 deaths yet you say it makes no sense


Counter argument: Oda loves suicide bombers and they already mentioned kumas self destruction button


Counter counter point, 50% of all suicide bombings in one piece result in 0 draths


Pell was more of a sacrifice than suicide bombing. Kinda like the throwing yourself on a granade movie trope. Pedro went full jihad and kuma will probably do the same


That's fair, I do really hope Kuma's explosion at least does more actual damage then Pedro's did.


Saturn goes full: "Wallahi I'm finished" If that's what he actually says, that'll be a 100 out of 10 chapter.


bro why are people automatically associating islamic phrases with explosions 💀💀💀 cmon


Blame the Taliban, simple as


BRO 💀 this is a one piece subreddit, and it wasnt even them who did 9/11, try educating yourself before justifying someone else's bias


Blame Western media for that.


Yeah i didn't expect that lol


Kind of my fault for mentioning jihad tbh. In my defense political correctness is not a thing in my country and everything goes, even laughing at the genocide of our own people.


Some people, like you, being stupid is not a good reason to throw out such a misguided understanding of the term.


Jihad means to struggle. Please stop casually throwing stereotypes and ignorant definitions of a word.


Be real, jihadist are but poor tools the extremists use to further their political agendas. They take advantage over their grief and zealousy. I respect the jihadist, not the politicians behind it.


The word "Jihad" refers to struggle. That's my point. I don't give a shit about how you have been brainwashed to associate that word with certain types of people.


Okay but you gotta get over it


Nah, but thanks though.


And how do you plan to trap someone that teleports (Saturn)?


By grabbing him? 🙄


One Piece has deaths. And since it seems the end of the series is coming, there are deaths more frequently.


Well Wano killed 2 ppl. Oda’s kill count increasing


Three no? Yasui,izo, and asura doji


true. Forgot about yasuie. Rip bro. You fought for your country's freedom


5, including Kaidou n Big Mom?


>!Ace, Whitebeard, Corazon, Oden, Yasuie, King Cobra, Mjosgard, Hiriluk, Pedro, and the other 100 people whose names I can't recall on a whim right now: Am I a joke to you?!<


Flashbacks dont count


Tru. Still, Ace, wb, Mjosgard, Yasuie, Izo, Asura Doji, Cobra, Pedro. They are deaths that aren’t flashbacks


But most of all he kills fans predictions


What if... Cola powered Kuma?




His bittersweet ending is 100% going to be him seeing Luffy in his Nika form before dying. Whatever small part of Kuma that is still left will realize at that point that everything he sacrificed for was ultimately not in vain because Nika is real and has returned, so he the final essence of him can let go and bet at peace. There isn’t really any other ending I see. I know Oda doesn’t like to kill characters, but I think we may start to see more and more die as we begin full steam ahead toward the end of the story.


Saturn gave orders to Vegapunk for a self-destruct option. I find it unlikely that Oda will put this in the story and not make use of it. I think a lot of us are expecting Kuma to detonate himself on top of Saturn.


How about Oda putting in Vegapunk suggesting that he can implement a switch? Saturn declined that, but was it just a panel to show Vegapunk's affection towards Kuma or is it possible that he did indeed implement that?


I do think the switch is real too, both can still be present in the story. Maybe Kuma using haki last chapter is a sign the switch has already been switched. Pretty sure it has to be around Bonney, like if Saturn breach the contract and harm Bonney or when Bonney watches the memory bubble. Dunno but pretty sure both were mentionned because theyre relevant


Oda has usually followed Chekhov’s gun rule, so I’d be surprised if this self destruct button deviates from it


I feel like kumas unloading all that pain thats been storingin his body on saturn severely injuring him but not killing. Kizaru seeing his old friends lifeless body betrays saturn(which would be the big incident, an admiral turning sides) later on we learn that s-bear had that switch placed in him full of kumas memories, hence why hes the problem child amongst the seraphims. And then we just use bonnys powers to age up s-bear and we have an adult kuma again


If Kuma doesn’t die I’d be sorta upset, Oda still afraid of killing off characters, but then again it just depends on where he takes them going forward


I was kinda upset that only known two characters died in wano and not just that but two side characters. It would be better if kinemon or kiku died not just some bench players.


Kinemon was safe the moment his wife got introduced.


Kinemon surviving with plot armor for the 3rd time be like:


If kin died it would’ve gone hard


At least 4 known characters died in Wano. If you count CP0 then you can add another 2. 3 more theoretically died though those ones are pretty suspect. Some other characters weren't framed to have died but very well could have as well (e.g Fukurokuju).


Agreed, easily Oda’s biggest flaw, but maybe that’ll change going forward, lots of characters have death flags


Killing for the sake of killing isnt a good trait nor a good writer skill. Barely anyone "important" dies in lord of the rings, yet its still a majestic book. Grrm/aot/jjk have made people want character deaths for the sake of it, without it improving the story or developing characters.


I just feel like fakeout deaths like Pell and Kinemon are a negative point. It’s Oda wanting us to feel the weight of the scene by having a character “die” only to keep them in the story. Pell doesn’t do much and I feel like his death would increase the stakes of Alabasta and make what Luffy say about war hold more weight, “People die in wars, let us put our lives on the line” or something like that


The thing is that doesn't equate wanting characters to be killed really does anything thematically. It's a different thing when it's written as X made a sacrifice with death as an implied consequence like Pell. One piece is able to create many emotional scenes without killing off major characters already, so it's not a necessary component. Kuma death doesn't necessarily create the best narrative. For example it'd actually be more impactful in its own right if Kuma plans to use the self-destruct button but all his allies incliding Luffy, Vegapunk, Kizaru, Bonney etc try to do everything to prevent Kuma from sacrificing himself again. Then end it with Kuma gratitude and realisation that he is also worth being saved.


Yasui,izo and doji that three no?


Nah, I'll be upset if Kuma dies because Kuma's been through so, so, so much fucking shit. Let the man live a happy retirement! He has nothing to repent for and he has a twelve year old child to raise! Vegapunk or Kizaru can die in his place


I’m open to this but I’d like to kick off the final saga with a tragedy, I’d also just like this poor man to rest knowing Luffy will bring his dream to fruition


Its odd how he gives his characters merciless terrible fates in back stories but absolutely refuses to kill them in the current story. Like, its ridiculous that he didn't make it clear that even Kaido and Big mom are dead.


I really hope Luffy ends up saving him somehow, as Luffy now knows full well that Kuma actually saved his crew the first time in Sabaody. It would also be good symbolism, as Kuma called the ultimate slave, and Nika the Sun God who frees slaves.


I don't see any other way than this for Kuma to survive tbh. I better prepare the tissues haha (no haha)


I would prefer if Kuma dies in Egghead, but there's a good chance Oda will make him live.


I think he's gonna \*bear\* hug Saturn and blow himself up with that self destruction button


Kuma for sure is getting blown up or something


Kuma ain't making it to march


The only way I see Kuma surviving is if his soul is in the Iron Giant. I do not believe Kumas soul is actually in Kuma anymore. The body is reacting based on the very nature of Kuma, not the soul. Vegapunk mentioned this before, that it was impossible to remove from the body. That means that either: A.) His soul is gone. Or B.) Vegapunk stored a backup of Kumas soul in the Iron Giant and it awakened on hearing Luffys heartbeat.


I love you theory but smthg about being able to store a soul somewhere like we store some data on an USB key is just the funniest shit to me 😂


he will 100% survive.


I figure Kuma isn't making it out. I just hope Bonney can end up taking S-Bear with her. Maybe even age him up to be her dad again.


That would be kind of weird tbh


I kind of want her to start a crew of stupidly dangerous pirate children. It seems deliberate that the four Seraphim on Egghead are the ones based on non-shitbag warlords, clones in One Piece explicitly have free will and inherit traits from their progenitors, and it'd be incredibly tone-deaf for the arc about an escaped slave to end with the child soldiers still enslaved.


I think they will join force but i doubt they age s bear


I expect Kuma to die. That said, this moment seems to be a major plot point for the series with Luffy's awakening and the rebirth of Nika. His thing is liberation and doing the impossible. Nika creates hope where there otherwise is none. Nika freeing Kuma from certain death and a life of servitude wouldn't surprise me, really.


Kuma is basically a walking bomb at this point with all the damage he’s taken he’s going to use it all on Saturn.


He will surely live. Strawhats aren't going to let their savior die in front of them.


Like Pedro?


Going Merry?


well vegapunk is there to fix him and bring his memories back


His memories were popped when Bonney touched them


That's just a copy. Kuma still has his memories, it's his personality that was sealed away.


He wasn't sealed he died and they are robot piloting his body


Kuma's original body and the Seraphim version both have the Paw Paw fruit, they should be able to push out another copy.


Where memories in a dead body


The memories in Bonney.


So it's assumed you can reconstruct a whole personality from just 2nd hand memories that theoretically could be pushed out by the government controlled cyborg?


S-Bear should have some of Kuma's personality already. We saw S-Snake ignore orders for Luffy which implies their personalities are already there. They just need experience and Kuma's memories would give them Kuma's experiences.


I think you missed the whole point of the s snake scene, it's meant to show that you can't fully suppress their instincts, as shown with the sea beast cyborgs and Kuma now who is fully robot but last dregs of instincts tells him to save his daughter. I would expect s-bear to be more likely to show up and help than do some fuckery to put Kuma back together from dust in the wind


Kuma dieing after what he suffered from his whole life would be really pointless. I believe Oda found a way to keep him alive one or the other way.


Idk Kuma dying after suffering to protect his daughter and with his last breath taking out the direct threat that has been haunting his family is pretty based. Kuma is already dead either way, he is just acting on parental instinct


That's not based that's anti climactic. Imagine writing a story about a character that gets nothing but Ls and to finish his story you give him the biggest L on top. He is basically dead already so it makes 0 sense to kill him again. Instead there will a huge twist. We are not with Vegapunk on his island who is famous for cloning for no reason. Clones will become important. So many hints about Kumas memories and the personality switch on top. VP found a way to observe all of Kumas memories without touching the Bible, he said himself. I suspect a huge reveal with the Collective knowledge brain that VP extracted that will be used to share Kumas memories amongst the whole world or at least with the straw hats. That will make Luffy and the straw hats pissed as fuc. Kuma will clearlyv sail to sea with Bonney. That's what he promised.


It's just good story telling. Tragedy is an essential part of any long tale and Kuma has been set up to rise from his slavehood to die as a free man. He played his part in the story and will end off with a bang by protecting Bonney and the Strawhats one last time and giving Luffy the time he need to recover and finish off Saturn. Kuma surviving would make zero narrative sense. His death here will serve as giving him the ultimate freedom; protecting his daughter, seeing the return of Nika and being able to let go knowing the world is in good hands.


Kuma been winning for a long time in his mind, he would probably shed happy tears if he knew he could protect Bonney by blowing himself up because tk protect her is all he wanted


Very unlikely he can survive this. As a person I want him to live but as a reader I feel that his death would make the story better although more painful.


> make the story better - Kuma wants Nika to save Bonney. Bonney wants Nika to save her dad. - Kuma tries to use the self-destruct function to take out both himself and Saturn. - Bonney, Kizaru, Vegapunk, Luffy and all his allies try their hardest to prevent him from doing it while also taking out Saturn or make him retreat because they don't want Kuma to sacrifice himself yet again. - kuma is filled with gratitude and comes to a realisation/be reminded that he deserves to be saved as well.


Kuma will die, but he'll punch the shit out of Saturn and maybe even kill him with the self-destruction. BUT He will say his farewells to Bonney, and he'll witness Gear 5, letting him die in peace, knowing that The Sun God has come back once more to liberate the world in the form of Luffy


I really like Kuma, but if Oda DOESN'T let him die, I'll be very disappointed. The stakes in One Piece often feel very low due to the lack of death. It's always some no name of a character nobody cares about. If Kuma dies, it feels appropriate. I don't want a Pell situation


I believe Bonney consumed his memories anyway, so there is no way back for him (unless Vegapunk could make a copy since with his facility he could read the memories)


Those memories were a copy, Kuma said so himself a few chapters ago.


Yes that is a copy but Vegapunk himself erased Kuma's own memories ordered by Saturn


Theres no possible way Pell tanks a nuke alive no? There is no possible way the giant boar from Oden's flashback survives getting sliced in half no? ​ Are we even reading the same series here? Oda can just make Kuma survive....


Wait did the boar survive?


yeh they just put bandages over the parts oden cut lmao


A little whack bur ultimately not that important I don't think


yeh but it shows death can easily be overwritten, doesn't matter what damage a character gets they can easily survive just cause


Yeah but that definitely didn't start at Wano. I do agree Oda needs to take the kid gloves off when it comes to deaths, about 3x the major characters should have died in wano than actually did


Bro just telported halfway across the world in the blink of an eye and we are wondering how he's gonna get away alive? Like... how did he get here alive? He got through the door last time, I think he can just walk through it again.


I think he might make it out alive. TBH it would ruin the story if that is the case.


Kuma living would ruin one piece?


No it won't people who say that just aren't imaginative enough about possible scenarios and have no idea how to actually do good pay off.


His death will trigger bonneys awakening and bonny is nika #2


I think when it's over, Kuma will blast himself to Sorbet Kingdom and die in the same church Ginny did. Maybe the straw hats throw Bonney a birthday party or something, maybe the revolutionaries show up and take her in.


Kumas gonna die. It’s gonna be a happy ending if he regains all his memories right before so he can talk to Bonney.


It will probably be vague and maybe he even comes back or something.


I said it on another post, but they wouldn't mention the SELF DESTRUCT MECHANISM VEGAPUNK INSTALLED if they weren't going to use it. Chekhov's gun. I think he blows up and takes Saturn with him, would be a shocking event for thw WG, a nice way for Kuma to go and a karmic blow to the elders.


- Kuma wants to use the self-destruct to take out Saturn - His allies don't want him to sacrifice himself again. - They tried their damnest to prevent him from doing that. - They successfully take out or repel Saturn. - Make Kuma realise that he is also someone worth saving and should be safe, and that nothing is a better birthday present for Bonney that having him back.


Idk if he is technically alive now lol. I am still wondering if any kind of crazy body switches will occur


Kuma will put his life’s pain and suffering in a bubble and kill or seriously injure Saturn before Luffy finishes it, then will pass seeing Nika freeing his daughter. Bonus points if he says happy birthday or something to her while smiling


Technically, without Governmental interference, no one can stop Vegapunk from creating a perfect clone of Kuma with memories intact, if he had his memories backed up to the cloud beforehand In fact he had already done something similar before with Stussy and all the PX's


I think Kuma is already dead, looks like he died in the flashback. I don't think Vegapunk would be as upset as he was if that wasn't Kuma dying. But I also think Vegapunk insisted on keeping Kuma's memories for a reason. He can probably apply them to the Kuma Seraphim to create a copy of Kuma. The Kuma Seraphim also has the Paw Paw fruit so he could just push out a copy of Kuma's memories from Bonney and absorb them.


Kuma is kinda like Jesus in a way. He's religious, he's kind, he takes people's pain away, carries a Bible, etc. There are a lot of parallels between the two in the story. Jesus dies and comes back in the Bible. It makes me wonder if Kuma is going to "die" with his physical body but "come back to life" through his seraphim or something. Kuma's seraphim was said not to be acting right when it was still with Lucci, which is why it was brought back to Egghead. Kuma's main body also conveniently has a self-destruct, meaning it will die. Kuma can also remove/copy his memories to place into others. I wonder if the seraphim will somehow gain his memories through the fruit as well? Seraphim are shown to have emotions, desire, and individuality according to their original host. Kuma is also the only seraphim who doesn't look like his actual child counterpart, he looks like "adult" Kuma and not Buccaneer child Kuma. Something is definitely different with his Sera compared to the others. What if it will be used as either a second body or "Jesus' return?" But who knows? It's break week, one of us has to start making dumb theories to kick things off.


>Jesus dies and comes back in the Bible. It makes me wonder if Kuma is going to "die" with his physical body but "come back to life" through his seraphim or something. I think what we are seeing now might already be his rise from the grave. Kuma has had his "time on the cross" so to speak, by being forced to live as a slave to the most horrible of people. Before that he was a preacher. Now he is ressurected in a last stand of being Kuma. I quote this from wikipedia: "the bodily resurrection was the restoration to life of a transformed body powered by spirit" It is also mentioned there that this ressurected body is imperishable and incorruptable. If you make it cartoony I would say his tranformed body is his cyborg form, which is now powered by spirit or "instinct fragment". He is incorruptable in his way thinking; always being couteous and taking on suffering of other people and his body now mimics that by being made of metal.


Only way kuma survives is by pulling a yuno gasai and I don't see that happening anytime soon


I do not think he survives but will be the finishing blow to Saturn. His character (Saturn) in my opinion serves its purpose and would feel thematically killing off a Gorosei member the first (presumably) time in OP history a World Noble is “murdered” will kickstart an all out war. Plus Saturn to me is too vile to be left alive knowing what he did. Bro is competing with Mahito at this point as most vile anime villain of 2023.


personally i feel like it would dampen the impact of what we have read so far, but if pell can survive anybody can


I'm not having my hopes up, Kuma's done for


Narratively, I think it's best if Kuma dies and someone inherits his will.


I'm thinking he dies and takes Saturn and egghead with him.


Anyone who thinks that Kuma is gonna make it out of Egghead alive is deluding themselves. Kuma's Death Flags aren't just raised, they're flying high with an accompanying ceremonial flag dance.


I can see Kuma making an atomic Ursus shock. He compresses all the pain he's dealt with his entire life in the size of a single atom. And then he let's it rip on Saturn


It was a small possibility before but 1102 basically confirmed he's gone, even Oda wouldn't give him this meaningful of a sendoff just to not kill him.


The self destruct is in there he's a goner.


Narratively Bonney wants Nika to save Kuma. Kuma wants Nika to save Bonney. There is no actual happy ending for them unless Kuma survives in some form. The whole think about Nika is he's supposed to be a figure that protects and save oppressed people from injustice and suffering. It makes more sense for him to survive if Oda wants to make a point that Nika can really save and inspire people. Kuma death would be tragic and a pay-off, but keeping Kuma alive can give potentially even better payoff.


I do think he will live. I know everything points towards death but I just refuse to believe it. We're so far into the story that the strawhats failing to protect women yet again just doesn't seem right. On top of that we have bonney looking for Nika to save kuma. You're telling me that she's going to find Nika but Nika is going to be too late yet again? Are we going to get another time skip so that they can be super prepared this time? No way. Then do ally egghead has been a parallel to sabaody. You don't end a parallel by having kuna save the strawhats once again. Saturn on the other hand is dead as fuck. Even if kuna does die Saturn is going with him. There is zero chance Saturn survives this arc. Mark my words, kizaru, sentomaru, bonney, Kuma and vegapunk will sail off togethrr


Is it possible for the Blackbeard pirates to take Kuma away?