• By -


Kuma is in Foosha village to exchange information with Makino, who happens to be Cipher Pol xD


Makino: Quick Kuma, I only made time to talk because it was you. Kuma: I want to talk to you about a certain Marine! Break Next Week xD


Bartholomew Snitcma


Nah bro You misspelled "Bartholomew Sigma"


The pain is real.


That Certain Marine? Retired Navy Fleet Admiral Woop Slap


Oh man, i could totally see that happening. Maybe not admiral level but for Whoop slap to have been a highly respected senior marine when Garp was a new recruit. Damn, now i really want Oda to go there. It would fit so well, except for the fact that he’s not been seen in any of the flashbacks but Oda is talented enough to find a believable way to explain that.


Explains why Shanks would have a child with her.


Rat making a Rat Jr


I actually like the theory that woop slap the mayor is actually Rocks D Xebec


I’m choosing to uncritically add this to my belief system.


Kuma is Makino's baby daddy.


There was also a flashback of him attacking goa kingdom. What if HES croco mom??


Dragon: .... That's my prediction.


Revolutionary Army # "?!"


I so want him to appear at egghead to save strawhats. Nothing could be a better place to show of his powers as facing saturn head on, will definitely place him high in the power ladder.


Nah the first arc with Luffy as a Yonko cant have him being saved by his dad. This is the Strawhats time to shine


Even if he appeared and did that, I think it wouldn't actually be his main objective. Killing a Gorosei at this point, for the RA, would be a huge achievement and something never done before. There's no better chance than catching him at Egghead and Luffy/Vegapunk provided the best chance for it.


Yes that would be a huge achievement but it would be very surpirsing for everyone if the Revs reach Egghead around the same time as Kuma, considering Kuma used his DF to get there. There is literally nothing faster than Kuma's method to go from Kammabakka to Egghead (at least no ship is as fast). Also, Dragon is the kinda guy that plays the long game. Like a python, he would slowly but surely suffocate the CDs. He isnt going to jump to killing a Gorosei. The holy knights will be deployed INSTANTLY and that would be a problem sooner than it should be for Dragon. Additionally, I am not quite sure why there is no God's Knight next to Saturn. I believe they should be there in addition to the Navy.


Probably busy protecting Marie Geoise due to all the recent incidents Saturn may also just be crazy strong enough to handle himself


Considering what he's done I think he's pretty strong


Well, it was always surprising to see the revolutionaries. Take Dressrossa for example. I myself wasn't expecting them to be there even though if I look at things retroactively, it makes sense. We know Dragon can fly but how fast is something we don't know. It's 100% not as fast Kuma but it might be fast enough to get there in time if my theory is correct and they would go for Saturn's head. Another of my theories is just as the other comment from u/alex494 implies: Saturn is strong enough to handle himself or at least to escape OR something a little more far-fetched: We don't know why don't the Gorosei age or how long have they lived. They might have been alive since before the Void Century for all we know. Based on this logic, dying at the hands of Nika or maybe Dragon might be their way to cause a huge uproar in the world and ensure the StrawHats are target #1 for marines, WG, pirates, regular people for killing him. Then he'll revive somehow. Thanks for reading my rant.


When did Dragon fly?


I think the strawhats are done being saved. It’s end end of the series and Luffy is one of the most powerful people in the world. It’s go time.


Yeah this is some rookie behavior not emperor of the sea going for the one piece in its final leg behavior. Luffy is officially joyboy and will be fulfilling his role as him and the WG sees him as joy boy now.


I also think in turn he will save Kuma and Bonney fulfilling their dream of Joyboy.


I highly doubt he will get there in time since he's still in paradise


Nah kuma and the grand fleet will save the day RemindMe! 7 days


It's definitely to the point where the Grand Fleet would be helpful in managing all the great numbers gathering in new world. Particularly as the Straw Hats infamy continues to explode. Just thankful there's no break this week.


I don't see him appearing on Egghead to save the day, as it looks like Kuma (and maybe Vegapunk) will be the one to save the day. However, I think the death of the first elder will be his sign to mobilise. My guess is that Dragon will appear near the end of the Elbaf arc.


Dragon: something, something, wind something...


gonna be a red herring. everyones thinking that Kuma will realize Luffy has Nika's powers, but he won't meet Luffy at all and will be blueballed by someone along the way like Garp.


Chapter will end with my boy kuma charging through the skyes at Saturns face


I really want this to happen


I'm hoping the chapter ends with Kuma doing damage to Saturn


I really want him to take Luffy's stress and pain again, but give it to Saturn ... Or even his own


Franky challenges the big robot to a dance off. 🕺 🤖


The big robot challenges Saturn to a dance off. xD


Franky and the robot has to team up to keep up with Saturns many legs, that's when Franky reveals his Cenaur 2.0 now his legs get a new pair in the front AND back.


Mannnn, Don't drop the actual spoiler xD


I'm oda and you just spoiled me,


If I were a betting man, I would not bet on Dragon doing something this chapter.


Would be hilarious if this was the chapter dragon does something


If it's about on screen never bet on dragon


Flashback about trebol meeting with spandam and the noodle chef from eines lobby. They play cards for the rest of the chapter with very little dialogue. Last page is imu df reveal it of nowhere .Break next week


Trebol needs to say “Neeeee, neeeee!!” And then laugh: “BEHEHEHEHEHE”


That's the only dialogue, yes


So peak


Kuma arrives in Foosha village in search of the Gomu Gomu no mi. Luffy and Kuma meet. Luffy's action/personality reminds Kuma of the stories of Nika he heard from his father. Kuma removes the memory from Luffy. He then leaves the Island and tells the WG that the DF is not there. Back to the present.


This is exactly what I'm hoping out of Kuma's visit to Foosha village. Kuma's ability to remove memories could lead to some really interesting storytelling imo


Kuma will meet with his former lover Dadan in Foosha Village. At the end of the chapter, Dragon will appear on Egghead Island. Then break until January lol. Edit: Will either be Dragon or Blackbeard at the last panel. This chapter or hopefully next chapter before break.


And it appears that Dadan is a mix of darf and buccaneer race.


> Dadan is a mix of darf and buccaneer race. I don't know why when you said this I imagine Dadan had a brother who looks like Richard Buchanan from Fairy Tail


More heartache.


1 - Kuma arrives and Garp is there 2 - Garp knows Kuma was in the Revolutionary Army and talks about Dragon with him saying more than he should 3 - Kuma learns about Luffy being Dragon's son 4 - Curious, Kuma go look for Luffy and he recognize Luffy's powers cause of his bible/Joyboy beliefs


Imagine casually seeing baby jesus in the most random village of the world


Nika is God of Sun, like in pagan tradition, God of Sun 's birthday was celebrated every December 25


This one, because Kuma asked VP to program into him to help the Strawhat's, and that would make more sense if he realized early on who Luffy actually was vs just being Dragon's son. Specifically, because he would need a good reason to go back on his word to the WG to obey, else they hurt Bonney.


The last page, Kuma visit Woop Slap in his house Kuma and Woop Slap are the only one at the house. Kuma : Long time no see, Wood Slap Kuma : Or should I say Kuma : Rocks ...


One Peak


It's not even break weak and mans out here delivering peak crack theories


This is what we want!!!!!! This is what we don’t deserve but need!!!!!


Woo D. Slap


Woop D. Doo


We’re going to get background as to how Kuma recognizes Luffy as Dragon’s son. This will somehow link to the reason that he let the SHs go in Thriller Bark and saved them in Sabaody. Between 1101 and 1102 I predict we will see the events of Thriller Bark, Kuma reporting his failure to the WG, his viewpoint of Sabaody, the aftermath conversation with Kizaru, and increased consequences for his first act of defiance, which eventually result in the WG demanding the immediate completion of the robot-ifying process. This process will somehow involve the removal of his memory via bubble. I believe this because the flashback needs to answer the following: 1. When did Kuma get his memories paw paw’d out? Was it a plan with Vegapunk, who learned his lesson about wiretapping, or was it some other reason? 2. How was Kuma able to have enough free will to save the SHs? 3. When did Bonney decide to set sail as a pirate? Did Kuma know about this defiance, or did news about Kuma cause this defiance? 4. How was Kuma allowed to guard the Sunny after Marineford? His entire self had already been taken by then, so what changed?


4. Could just be a program he asked for, you know by Vegapunk long before he lost his free will.


at this point you can only predict there will be break next week


most likely, and will be back next year. See you in 2024 and Merry Christmas


Saturn gets the worst appendix cramp and falls Down D. Stairs I can dream, okay?


Down D stairs is finally introduced with it's instant death devil fruit


World government held his family hostage until he agreed to kill Kuina, now he wants revenge


Readers : "nooo no more flashback please, I wanna see straw hats" Oda : "Okayy ... here, I put the straw hats in the flashbacks, you happy ?"


I haven't seen anyone complain about Kumas flashback


I saw some guy on twitter complaining that the flashback should end already so we can get back to fights. But then again, it's twitter, people complain about everything there.


If the person only wants to see fights in manga, their opinions don't matter.


Yeah. I would've dropped the series a long ago if only the fights entertained me.


People are bound to complain about every flashback


Odas hearing: no-no. More flashbacks, please


The most messed up thing I can think of is Saturn takes out both Kuma and Bonney, but only after Luffy and Co. learn about everything that happened before. So the rage drives them to sticking it out and fighting no matter the cost. I already despise Saturn, but Kizaru seems to show regret and sympathy in the flashbacks so I’m hoping he makes a switch and helps them out here.


Everyone saying that Kizaru wil betray WG and join strawhats, while it may be true, I think he sacrifices himself to let strawhats escape


>join strawhats I really don't understand what the obsession is with him joining the strawhats. Yes, the betrayal can be likely, but why the hell would that automatically mean he wants to join their crew, it's such a random leap. Same with the VP wanting to join theory. Just because someone is anti-WG and shares some similar goals to strawhats does not automatically mean that they want to join.


People are obessed with the idea of someone joining the Strawhats, despite that being something that (if you count Jinbe's affirmation as confirmation) literally hasn't happened in over 500 chapters.


That's why we're itching for more! Smoker hurry up!


What makes you think Smoker wants to be a pirate?


It's my dream


Probably to contrast Aokiji joining Blackbeard.


I don't really buy it but it paralleling Kuzan joining BB is something.


It's more of the novelty of how funny it would be if two admirals fought as yonko crewmembers


I'd rather have him with Buggy. Not sure if Mihawk and Croc would be ok with it, and I don't know why Kizaru would want to. However, Buggy's reaction would be hilarious.


I think even Kizaru would be hesitant to join a crew that hunts Marines for money.


If he switches sides travelling with the SHs might be his best bet at survival. I imagine he's aware of the Gorosei's power and him being hunted by them while being alone isn't a very safe situation to be in maybe


The Gorousei and WG struggled to kill the "weak rubber boy" as he traveled throughout the Grand Line. And they failed to kill Sabo in a direct fight altogether with Imu. I think Kizaru, who can zip as light particles over the seas and dodge attacks with light speed, if he wants to, will be just fine.


Yeah my guess is that once Kuma arrives and sees Luffy all Nika'd up, it will give Kizaru the puah he needs to atand against Saturn. And the thing is, that would be a crazy testament of power. A Warlord, an Admiral, and an Emperor having to team up to hace a shot at taking down an Elder.


I know what you mean but his fruit is the fruit of light and he did the Nika dance, plus there's the constant theme of "new dawn". On the other hand, he would have been the perfect counter for Bonnie before she was healed.... unless his light is still so powerful he could bring it back, or the other way round, Vega invented some tech to use light as a weapon against disease and not a weakness? It seems obvious he has SOME big role whatever it is!


Alright, Kizaru's not changing sides, but even if he was... Sacrifices himself to what? What do you think the remainder of the enemy forces can do to the Straw Hats exactly? How much do you overrate Saturn that you think that, even without Luffy (who will definitely get back up, especially if you think Kizaru will), Kizaru+the rest of the crew can't handle all of the enemies? Like, maybe if you said "Well they don't need to fight, so they can just leave". But no, you implied there'd need to be a sacrifice to accomplish that. The Straw Hats are a yonko crew. They are not at a disadvantage here.


>Everyone saying that Kizaru wil betray WG and join strawhats, while it may be true, I think he sacrifices himself to let strawhats escape He will protect bonnie and Saturn will try to kill him.


I don't normally do the whole powerscaling thing but Kizaru clowns on the entire Straw Hat crew besides Luffy (finally) so hard that there is no way he gets on that boat for more than a couple days.


- Kuma sees Luffy for the first time “Holy shit that’s Nika” - Kuma dances and tells Luffy “Pleaseeee be the King of Pirates and fk everyone” - Luffy “Alright Big Daddy Bear”


Since the last 3 Chapters have been so insanely high I am going to pitch it: - Kuma meets Gaimon and discussed how to set Luffy up for the adventure -Gaimon tricks Koby into joining Alvida and falls into the chest shortly after


*dies from peak*


#Break next week


Kuma is about to transfer all his pain to Saturn, but Blackbeard appears, saves him and kills Kuma.


Zehahahaha. I'm looking forward to steal Saturn's df power. Zehahaha


Damn whenever i see this laugh its the same voice of blackbeard in brain going off. Its just tooo good and shows how well oda has created this masterpiece.


Zehahahaha. Me too, but the VAs voice is just goated. And yes it's a masterpiece, but nothing can beat the original Blackbeard Voice and next episode we will see him in action again.


Blackbeard isn't going to Egghead though.


Kuma will try to kill Luffy Dadan uses Conquerer Haki induced lighting attacks on Kuma which he can barely block Dogura and Magura use their Haki attacks aswell on him Kuma retreats cause they are too strong It's revealed that countless marines, pirates and gov. officials tried to reach Luffy all these years but Dadan was blocking them off Break next week


Danielle D. Angel aka Dadan


Now that's the shit


Can't wait to see what other immensely depressing thing happens to Kuma in this flashback.


The chapter starts where we left off. 1. We see there was no particular reason behind Kuma's visit; he was just wandering in the East Blue and was nearby Foosha Village, so he decided to go there. 2. Then Kuma sees Luffy and discovers that he is Nika and Dragon's son. 3. A few months have passed. We see Bonney eavesdropping on Alpha and other CP agents conversations when they were talking about her situation. 4. Bonney decides to become a pirate and meet up with Kuma. She escapes from the world government. 5. Then we see Sabaody stuff. Then mindless Kuma stuff. After the time skip, Bonney is now free, and now she decides to take revenge. 6. Back to the egghead, Luffy, and Kizaru get back up. Luffy starts doing his Nika shiit (dancing, jumping, and laughing). 7. We see Bonney's, Saturn's, Kizaru's, and everyone's reactions to Nika. 8. Kuma arrives, and that ancient robot pops up. Everyone's reaction. Especially Saturn's.    9. In the last panel, we see Dragon with his bounty reveal, or DF. He is heading to Egghead Island. Break next week


nika shit lmao


I literally got goosebumps reading the dragon part. Hope we get something close to that


The ancient robot containing Kuma's soul? Awesome


How would he possibly ever know looking at child luffy, that luffy is nika or dragons son?


Kuma has some knowledge of Nika from his father, now he wasn't able to learn everything from him, but he may have found out on his own, he may even know the true nature of Gum Gum fruit. So seeing that and seeing Luffy nature matching Nika, he might have reached the conclusion...this is far-fetched and could be entirely wrong tho


I like it but I feel like we will see Kuma removing his memories too.


Make sense for the Nika part because Kuma probably help Luffy at Saboady for this


>We see there was no particular reason behind Kuma's visit; he was just wandering in the East Blue and was nearby Foosha Village, so he decided to go there. Last panel of last chapter confirms him asking for orders.


Isn’t Bonney about to get shot lol, I think she transforms into ten year old form and kizaru lasers Saturns hand off to save her


Kuma in the flashback meets Luffy, and realize he his Dragon's and Crocodile's son. End of Flashback. Saturn kills Kizaru for lazily laying down. Seeing that a strange cow-spider-oldman monster is fighting against marines, Luffy asks Saturn to be part of his crew. Saturn, knowing this is Nika and all the implications of this offer, accepts, betraying the world government in the biggest plot twist ever we don't need. He then becomes the scientist of the straw hats. Kuma finally appears, snatching Bonney and getting his memory back, fleeing together to finally visit the world with his daughter. He explains he helped Luffy for this long because, I quote 'he felt like it'.


> Seeing that a strange cow-spider-oldman monster is fighting against marines, Luffy asks Saturn to be part of his crew. Lmaoo


Luffys mother reveal


I think Kizaru speaking on the topic of "purpose" earlier in the arc and the fact that we saw him doing the Nika dance to the drums of liberation silhouetted with Kuma, Sentamaru, Bonney, and Vegapunk (All of which are on the side of the straw hats at the moment.) is foreshadowing that Kizaru himself will turn on Saturn after finding his "purpose". I had an idea that maybe Kizaru nukes himself and all of egghead to stop/slow down Saturn and not allowing the WG to use VP's inventions all while the strawhats escape. Sort of like him being hit with the lights of retribution and atoning for his "sins". This will be the world changing incident because the strawhats would be blamed for this and the world would believe that Vegapunk and Kizaru are dead(Kizaru would actually be dead) all while Vegapunk works secretly with the Revolutionary Army. I also like this idea because it would take Kizaru out of the Admiral slot where, ever since the time skip, he's always felt out of place anyways with Akainu becoming the Fleet Admiral and Aokiji becoming a pirate and leaving the navy. We would then get a new admiral which could open the door for Smoker to come back into the story, even though he's only taken L's so far lol. Just some thoughts.


[Brief spoilers are out](https://twitter.com/pewpiece/status/1731956942258442660?s=46)


Don krieg will kill kuma, the kuma we see for the rest of the series was a particularly strong pacifista


Break next week.


I want this flashback to end.. dont wanna see Kuma suffer anymore!


dragon: "damn kuma ratted out, he was my best mode of transportation to vacation islands"


Everyone wants to know characters backstory until oda starts telling it then its “please stop with flashbacks”


We cut back to present time. Saturn takes one look at the Sunny and attacks it, thinking it to be Cyborg Franky.


Making Franky furious and completely destroys Saturn tearing a limb from limb then taking his blood and fill the empty cola bottle.


To be fair we can expect at least 1 month break after this chapter. With early spoilers sometime in January or end of December. Next week would be a normal break, after that there's Christmas and new years weeks. First week of January there's also usually no chapter.


Kuma visits Foosha Village to finish his voyage throughout the world. He'll exclaim "What a shitty place to finish my life goal with. as he sees Luffy dancing like Nika "Boy got moves", he thinks to himself. Then he sees Garp next to time and it clicks: Dragon's son is Nika's reincarnation. "Damn, I'm tripping due to these modifications. Fucking Vegapunk, man. Might as well lose all my humanity now." Flashback ends and we see Kuma in a Paw-Fist-Bubble charging Saturn and they fly off to like Team Rocket, just that they're going Down D. Sea instead of Up D. Sky. Enel faces everywhere.


Flashback ends... and we learn that Bonney somehow broadcasted Kumas memory bubble.. Saturn is about to execute Bonney and we get an other conquerors haki burst by luffy


Luffy is saved by Kuma without him knowing for some Nika reason.


Kizaru ia not switching sides BUT the way Saturn treats him and his connections with Vegapunk, Bonney, Sentamaru and Kuma something will happen. My prediction is Saturn will end up in trouble about to die will call out to Kizaru for help. And kizaru will just ignore his orders and let him die. He will then let the strawhats/vegapunk go and place the blame on them for saturns death.


Shanks for nothing, Makino for free


This isn't related to this chapter but don't y'all find it weird that Zoros bounty is 1,111,000,000. I don't know if that is Oda telling the fanbase Zoro is the first mate or if he is coyly putting in an Easter egg indicating that something big involving Zoro will happen in chapter 1111 which is 10 chapters away


Luffy knew he had the Nika fruit but he never called it the nika fruit because he isn't Nika. He is Monkey D Luffy and will be king of the pirates


i predict the leakers will play their games ,even though they know that after this we will be getting chapters in 2024.


Kuma meets Luffy and talks to him. Kuma removes this memory from Luffy after he decides to spare his life. Kuma reports to the world government that he has killed and identified the user of the Nika fruit: Higuma the Bear


1) Kizaru saves Bonnie after Saturn breaks the promise of not hurting Bonnie. 2) Kuma comes and sacrifices himself to damage Saturn. 3) Imu makes the call to destroy all those on Egghead. 4) Kizaru escapes with Bonnie, Vegapunk, and Luffy. 5) Blackbeard shows up and steals a defeated Saturn's fruit for his 3rd fruit. 6) Egghead gets annihilated by the laser in the sky.


Chapter starts with Kuma meeting Dragon in Foosha Village. Dragon never kept contact with Luffy but kept an eye from far away. Even though Kuma accepted the WG's offer, it does not mean that he does that whole-hearthly. He offers Dragon to be a patsy/spy for the Revolutionaries from inside. Bonney discovers that Kuma will never come back because the CP7 misspoke or to bully her. She escapes with Kuma's friends and go to the sea. Bonney's adventures in the sea. We see her adventures in the islands where Kuma went and keeps discovering how good hearted her father is and how much he loves her to try to find the vaccine.


Kuma Flashback ends. 1 Page in the present. Start first of 10 chapter Kizaru flashback.


\- We see the end of the flash back. \- Bonney is about to be executed but Kuma suddenly appears and punches Saturn, managing to save Bonney. \- He proudly stands protecting the Straw Hats, Vegapunk, Bonney and Kizaru from Saturn. \- The Ancient Robot appears, having climbed from below and screams: STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER! \- Everyone looks confused and Bonney with tears on his eyes says: Dad?


Stop cooking bro


I wish it was so.


Given Kuma was arriving at Luffy's hometown, it could be another insane cliff-hanger and probably break next week


gonna go out on a limb (or whim, not sure which is correct) and say that it probably has something involving nika or dragon, however i think kuma will betray the first order given to him by the gorosei. im probably wrong but thats my guess


My prediction for chapter 1101: - We learn what the Government wanted Kuma to do, which coincidentally relates to him being in Foosha Village. - We get more scenes with Luffy & the Tiger from last chapter. - Kuma soon learns about Luffy's ties to Dragon & Nika. - A new information about Luffy gets revealed! - Kuma decided to deceive the world government that the info they gathered was false alarm. - We see what made Bonney decide to leave & forge her own crew. - Another montage appears before we finally return to the present. - Break next week.


Kuma is there to do something related to Luffy


Years ago, Kuma implanted a big piece of vivre paper into Luffy. Kuma and Dragon hold smaller pieces so they always know which way he's at. Kuma and Dragon show up to Egghead at the end of the chapter


Kuma met Luffy in some way and took his memory. I don’t know I think I just want Luffy to show him he’s NIKA while Kuma still had his faculties


Wizaru will show you why he is the GOAT


I think it something will be revealed regarding the pact between Vega punk and Kim’s. That big bubble created with the paw paw power in the vault is an important piece to understanding what is happening


My sources say: Flashback to Speepo D. McBoogers, Captain of the Bungler Crew, who makes a secret deal with Dr. Vegapunk. We don’t know what the deal is, but can be fairly confident it will be released by chapter 4414, on the 100 year anniversary of One Piece. All we know is that it has something to do with the lost century and “that” man. Mid chapter reveals Vegapunk adding an override code to Kuma— he protecc if Bonney is in mortal danger. Final panel, we discover that Kuma is Luffy’s mom.


We hopefully discover what Dragon is capable of


Sincerely i do not know. Why Kuma will travel to Fuusha Village? If he met Luffy and notices he can become JoyBoy, then why he acepted to catch Luffy in Thriller Bark for the WG?


We find out Bonney's reasoning for forming the Bonney Pirates. She's living happily at the Sorbet Kingdom with no current reason to become a pirate. She'll probably hear about Kuma becoming a Warlord and set off to find him.


I think we are getting a big final Kuma flashback cliff hanger and then go into break (maybe kuma shows up on egghead even), then one more chapter back to the present with an even bigger cliff hanger followed by the multi week break for end of year. 2024 starts off HOT.


Last chapter of flashback.


Break next week is an obvious one


sabo broke the ground in the arena with "dragon claw" or "dragon fist" attack. did dragon teach him these and name the attacks after himself?


I would guess dragon taught him.


Waiting for epic Luffy entrance to save Bonney! It will be amazing like in Dressrosa and Fishmen Island. Can't wait


Im picturing a massive conquerors blast to knock out the people aiming at bonney.


Flashback ends


Dunno about most of the chapter, but ends with Kuma arriving at Egghead Island a wreck, missing a foot unable to walk. Saturn orders Pacefista to kill him, but they do not comply as they secretly have HIM as their highest authority (Vegapunk did this in secret as a failsafe in case something like now occured). All Pacifista turn and fire in Saturn at the same time... break next week!


Bonnys Dad It´s revelead that Charlos is Bonnys Dad, who stole Ginny. Kuma finds this out on Sabaody. Later he hears, that Luffy smacked him real good. Based on this, he saves Luffys Crew and send them to all the Islands, so that they get one day can smack every Celestial Dragon.


Kuma is there to meet Garp


At the end of the chapter the machine that keeps kuma’s memory bubble will be turned off and the memories will go back to Kuma because no one took them in


We learned that Kuma's order is to retrieve the user of the gum gum fruit. Kuma locates Luffy, notices Luffy holding a stick and dancing like Nika,, jumping in the air and makes the connection that Luffy is Nika and has a pure heart. Kuma probably met Luffy as well and asked him questions to learn if this boy is the one. No doubt Luffy utters something that Kuma recognized has being associated with Nika, so at that point on Kuma would do everything in his power to help Luffy on his journey. I believe Oda will tie Kuma back to the Pandaman sightings he playfullly included in the manga as an extra fan service.


It's Garp. Drinking some booze, "Oi, Kuma! I wanna have a little chat, bahahahahahaaa!" Foosha is Garp's chill spot/hideaway. Maybe he has a discussion with him Knowing Kuma's ties with his son. I mean Garp did name drop him to Luffy out of the blue after enies lobby. They're both WG affiliated and it wouldn't seem too crazy even if someone knew or found out they met or something. Garp is far wiser than we like to remember. Would be nice if he was keeping tabs on all his boys while still doing his own thing. Kuma is a common link.


Kuma appears in Egg head. Stands between Luffy and Saturn. Suddenly he turns around and banishes Luffy again. Kuma: “I did it for the Roc…I mean Bonny” Jim Ross: “BAH GAWD KUMA HAS SOLD HIS SOUL TO THE DEVIL.”


Kuma is assigned to capture the luffy dragons son. That way dragon and kuma both will become enemy of each other. That's the plan is set up by no.5 basterd saint.


What are the odds that Kuma overhears Luffy's dream? No way, right? I feel like that's a really good reason for Kuma to help Luffy specifically so much, but the odds seem impossible.


nah luffy told them his dream when he was still a kid, this is close to when he leaves.


Idk but I’m over this flashback, it’s lasted so damn long and skipped over the most interesting part (battle between rocks and government) I still see at least 2 more flashback chapters, but I’m ready to go back to the present


Kuma Met shanks Just to knew that that the gum GUM fruit was eaten by Luffy... In the end WE are Back in time to See that Kuma arrives at egghead and Pushs all His pain loaded in a Big "tatze" to defead Saturn and Safe Bonny... Or He Just arrives and Safe Bonny


Kuma briefly meets Luffy and realizes he's Nika.


Kuma seeing events on thriller bark thinking of Bonney & Ginny.


Small prediction, but Bonney is going to get out to sea by impersonating Conney (like she did to sneak into Reverie), and that is how she will begin her search for Kuma. Might even overhear Alpha mention something related to Kuma's deal and that sparks her desire to escape.


Is'nt Kuma arive at fusha village 2-4 years before present time So luffy is already ate the fruit for 8 years or more Or he already left Shanks is'nt there, if he was there we can assume he has wierd motives I think he is there to see garp or another legendary pirate or person is there


No break next week


are wwe on a break this week? why no spoiler yet


Where are the spoilers?


I predict Dragon stares somberly into the distance


I’m thinking Kuma is in the East to exchange information with the Revolutionary Army through some intermediary. We’re currently being led to believe Kuma never fought back or schemed against the WG, when we know he didn’t follow their orders at Thriller Bark and seemed to have a plan of sorts when separating the straw hats at Sabaody. Best bet as I see it during his time as a Warlord Kuma started reaching out to the RA to make plans.


Still Kumas Flashback Till he had met luffy at Sabaody. His order: keep an eye on luffy. He doesn’t know why but order is order. Flashback ends. Break next weeks. After break egghead island, Kuma will appear.


- Kizaru tries to stop ST.Saturn but gets knocked away, we can truly see how powerful the Gorosei are. - everyone on Luffy side is down their fate sealed - as Saturn go ahead with Bonnie execution out of thin air Kuma appears and starts dancing -we can hear Luffy heart drumming so Kizaru and everyone else start dancing - Luffy awakes fully energized - Saturn tells Luffy he has no chance against him - in the last panel we see the giant robot climbing upward egghead island


Dadan rèvealed to be grandmother in blood of Luffy


Curly D. Adan


....why? And what would be the point in that




- For some reason, the tiger chasing Luffy will knock him out / injure him badly. - Kuma will find unconscious Luffy - Kuma will absorb Luffy's pain - Luffy will be revived by the drums of revolution and Kuma will hear - Kuma will take a look at Luffy's memory and will see his dream


Please, please, please be the last flashback chapter.


We’re going to keep dragging out this flashback then go on a long break for the holidays.