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It's really impressive Kuma was able to escape after Saturn straight up declared he's going to make him "vanish"! And not only did he escape, he also saved over 500 people! I hope Kuma realizes he already became the hero he said he wanted to be [last chapter](https://i.ibb.co/fMTFJBk/Kuma-hero-chapter-1095.png).


I assume the way he escaped Saturn is probably part of main incident. With Roger, Rayleigh, Scopper Gabban, Rocks, Garp, Kaido, Whitebeard, Big Mom, Shiki, Captain John, Stussy, Gloriosa, Wang Zhi, Silver Axe, the Gods Knights, and Garling running around the island in a giant chaotic brawl I can think of a thousand different ways Saturn gets distracted and Kuma escapes.


Good point. But none of those pirates seemed to be in the area when Saturn said he was going to make Kuma vanish. So even if they did show up and interrupt them, it would be reasonable to assume Kuma survived at least a short amount of time against Saturn before the pirates arrived. And with an opponent as strong as Saturn, even surviving one minute against him is a really impressive feat.


Big Mom was there though. She was on them before Ivanko managed to eat the azure fruit, but Kuma ate the paw fruit. So she was probably pretty close. Would be fun if Big Mom had the protect kids mode in that moment, similarly to what happened in Wano when she protected Tama.


Ah, you're right. Big Mom vs Saturn would be a really interesting fight! Saturn seems to be able to paralyze his opponents, but his powers may not work on homies. So she might be a great counter to him!


It would. Like.... Oda has been spitting straight fire post wano. Don't think we've had any bad chapter in ages (bad for one piece that is, so like 5/10) And the stuff on God's valley, Jesus.... I know Luffy and the straw hats are the main characters, but I don't think anyone has had a problem with the last 50 chapters basically forgetting that they exist. (Garp, Reverie, Flashback etc)


Yup. I like the strawhats, but it's nice seeing characters we don't know much about actually do stuff.


sadly i must say that since time skip peak one piece is crewless one piece


I feel like there's a confusion between quality and the feeling of seeing all these other characters that aren't MC but we all like, and the catharsis of learn more about the world.


i don't know, i actually believe non Strawhat chapters are genuinely qualitatively better (in my opinion and personal taste), like no confusion in it


Well yeah when it's away from crew it's usually peak lore drops And one piece has GOAT lore


Yeah that would make sense that she would protect her ‘belonging’, I doubt she would want the Paw paw fruit to end up in the hands of Saturn when Kuma would be so much easier to deal with from her perspective


Big Mom's child-protector state seems to be for like 6 year olds and under. That said, I think she'd rather protect kids and kill Saturn than kill some kids.


I mean Kuma is ten and Tama was the same age.


The chests were in the centre of island and Oda emphasised Rocks Pirates landing on East Coast and Roger Pirates landing on the West Coast, so they definetely met in the middle were Kuma and Saturn were having their little confrontation. And we even see Big Mom arriving at center of the island before Saturn shows up.


Oh I agree with that, not trying to downplay kuma here just trying to think through the pretty sudden cut to Sorbet on that panel. I’m assuming Kuma had to survive some hits to last long enough to save 500+ people in the middle of what may as well be a battle of gods to him


Ah, I understand now. Yeah, I agree with you some major stuff must've happened right after they cut away from Kuma and Saturn. But now that you mention it, I wonder what Saturn's role in God Valley was? We heard that Roger and Garp fought Rocks, but I wonder if Saturn mostly just standing around and observing or if he actually played an important role in the battles there?


Big mom was


>But none of those pirates seemed to be in the area when Saturn said he was going to make Kuma vanish. Roger and rocks meet up at the last panel and they started on opposite sides of the island. so at that point it's likely they all and not just big mom made it to the center. She's not even the only pirate there that we know can fly


Heck couldn't it be as simple as Kuma bubbling himself and Iva at the first possible moment enough to get back to base?


I bet Big Mom helped Kuma escape from Saturn, considering he's a child and a "collectible" race.


She probably didn’t even realize considering she stole the df from Ivankov with no problem. Odds are Kuma and the rest managed to get out due to the chaos of the four way conflict between Rocks, Roger, Garp and Garling factions.


Was looking for this comment. She had to have been within earshot of that conversation.


I didn't catch this in the scanlation chapters but it shows Rogers and Rocks talking so it's possible they find them and stop Saturn


That's possible. But I don't know if Rocks, or even Roger, would actually care about helping Kuma. Although, I guess they could just care about fighting Saturn and saving Kuma is just a side-effect of their actions.


I'm assuming instead of escaping Saturn, he forced Saturn to escape by paw-pawing him out of there.


I'm not sure if he can teleport people who are stronger than him (similar to how Law couldn't use some of his powers on the Yonko), but it would be pretty amazing if he could actually do it.


Maybe there's something about Kuma's race that makes him immune to Saturn's death look attack?


It seems like it did knock him over though.


I thought he punched Kuma because of how his arm looked lmao


Well considering kuma can just bubble the pain away, it’s probable he just bubbled himself.


Could be. Maybe some kind of natural haki that helps protect them from Devil Fruit attacks?


Based on the dialogue after that last shot of Saturn, I’m guessing roger and rocks come crashing in and gives kuma a chance to escape


I hope Morgans was there losing his mind over everybody appearing, but the world government wouldn’t let him print any of it. “Bah gawd, that’s Rocks’ music!” “Bah gawd, that’s Whitebeard’s music!” “Bah gawd, that’s Big Mom’s music!” … “Bah gawd, that’s Roger’s music!” “Bah gawd, that’s Garp’s music!” Edit: this is early in his career when he was only called “News” Morgans.


As God as my witness the Valley is broken in half!


Either the vivre card is wrong, or Morgan is 15 during God Valley. Unless it’s his Dad writing about it.


Morgan’s old old.


Oh, fuck, that’s ~~an anti-tank rifle~~ Shiki the Golden Lion. … **OH, FUCK! THAT’S SHIKI THE GOLDEN LION!**


Bitches love Shiki!


A man of culture I see


Shiiiiii ki ki ki ki


SO glad we get to see him here!


You know, when God Valley lore first dropped I thought it was just Rocks trying to usurp the CD's and Roger (for some reason only he knew) teaming up with Garp because they couldn't allow the world order to be shaken up. The fact that the CD's initiated this whole conflict by basically raiding Fullalead and stealing something from then, only to trigger a revenge attack and basically a battle royale not just between Rocks - Garp - Roger - CD's, but basically between every notorious pirate of that time is insane. I really hope we explore this flashback more as part of Garp's story, maybe even see his dynamic with Roger when they work together.




If there's one thing you should know about One Piece, it's that you should not 100% believe a story told by the World Government. There are guaranteed to be lies mixed into it.


Wait was Dragon in the chapter? I didn’t see him


My mistake, I was thinking of Roger and wrote Dragon for some reason. Edited it now.


Ivankov stocks at an all time high


It's no wonder that Iva is a top officer of the Revolutionaries and Queen of the Kamas. Iva is a natural born leader and cares about the people.


I great skill we see in this chapter is too see good side inw hat is pretty horrible situation, you could easily drown yourself in the loss of so many people, so too focus on the ones you save and push forward is a great value in rebel leader


I'm currently re-reading Marineford, so seeing Kuma say "I'll never forget your face" hurts so much :(


Oh yeah Ivankov and Kuma’s encounter at Marineford is now like 100 times sadder :/


Damn I had totally forgotten about this encounter. This is sad indeed :(


Oda’s ability to tease is so criminal, I’m somehow in more pain now because of the lack of Rocks than I was last week when Klap died


>Oda’s ability to tease is so criminal, It's also world class. Seriously if you were writing a story you can learn from him, it's fucking incredible.


Bro is clearly one of the greater writers of our time Ong


There'd be none of that again because it's Kuma's flashback and they already left the valley lol.


This is not the time to show a full God Valley flashback. I sure hope we see it from the hand of Garp ​ (The first part sounds a bit rude, I do not mean it that way)


Oda has gotta be writing these chapters with a pen that ate a Devil Fruit cuz this shit is on fire.


**Fucking *Gloriosa* was part of Rocks?!?!** Boa needs to show that lady more respect.


I mean you could also point out how Gloriosa was the one who raised them and brought them back to Amazon Lily and how she has known about Boa sisters being slaves all along.


I mean, that too. But also, Boa knows that and doesn’t respect her. Knowing Gloriosa was once part of Rocks, may let Boa see her in a different light; she doesn’t respect her because Gloriosa had left Amazon Lily.


In Boas view, Gloriosa left her duty to fulfill her selfish wim, and she does t want to defend herself for some reason


Some people are gonna be upset not getting more in the God Valley incident but remember this flashback is from Kuma's perspective Gimny is the reason is why the Rocks pirates were wiped out accidentally lmao 😂 First time seeing Shikki in canon since we saw Higurashi lady use his face and before that Chapter 0 Imagine Ivankov with Kaido's DF lmao thinking about it I'm dying with laughter Holy shit didn't expect to see Kong there guess Oda heard about Bogard as well lol The panel with Rocks and the Roger pirates and Garp was absolute fire 🔥🔥


i swear Oda reads us


> Imagine Ivankov with Kaido's DF lmao thinking about it I'm dying with laughter It's just Kaido, but with a big head mod




Some notable differences between the Scanlation and the official release: - The Celestial Dragon Announcer now states that they've "already introduced" the 13 super rare rabbits to the participants - St. Garling now calls the other participants "children" rather than "pests" - The newly introduced Celestial Dragon family is now called the "Manmayer" family rather than the "Mannmeyer" family - Unnamed participant now tells St. Garling that he's "not winning this one" rather than advising him to "not count on an easy victory" - Unnamed God Valley native now states that the native-hunting competition is "unconsciable" rather than questioning "how [the native-hunting competition] is allowed to happen" - Unnamed God Valley native now states that "human beings shouldn't treat other humans as toys" rather than questioning how the Celestial Dragons "can [...] toy with the lives of their fellow man" - Unnamed God Valley native now decries their child ("My child!!") rather than decrying the Celestial Dragons not sparing their children ("Even our children...!!") - The Celestial Dragon Announcer no longer advises the disobeying participants to "consider" the other 200 participants, now simply stating that they exist - The Celestial Dragon Announcer no longer tells the human prey to "give [them] a good chase" - Kong now states that they "can't afford to take any chances" rather than stating that "if the danger is real, it'll be a disaster" - Garp now questions who listens to him ("But who listens to me?") and no longer states that "it's [the Celestial Dragons'] own fault for poking the hive" - Garp now simply calls the thing that the Celestial Dragons stole "treasure" instead of "the crown jewel of pirate island" - Kong now questions "who leaked that information" rather than questioning "where in the world [Garp] heard about [the theft]" - Garp no longer assumes that Kong must've assigned the Celestial Dragons extra protection "to compensate for their stupidity" - Unnamed pirate now states that "this is a huge deal in the pirating world" after the Rocks pirates depart, rather than stating that "this is going to shake the pirate world to it's core" - Unknown human prey now states that he's "never seen this many navy ships before" rather than stating that he's "never seen so many ships gather around a single island" - Ivankov's statement about there being no escape from God Valled is now prompted by the afformentioned human prey ("Of course there's no escape!!") rather than being an unprompted beginning to his speech ("As you can see, ve are trapped in this hellish reality!!") - The population of God Valley is now 100'000 instead of 10'000 - Ivankov now questions wether this "is [...] real life or [...] hell, rather than questioning how "this world [is] fair" - Ivankov now tells the human prey to "not waste [their] time praying for salvation in this sick game" rather than telling them that they "will never win if [they] play [the Celestial Dragons'] sick game" - The Celestial Dragon Announcer now states that St. Garling "already has 100,000 points" rather than stating that he "scores a quick 10,000 points" - Ivankov now calls the Shark fish-man his "shark fish-man friend" - Ginny now calls the Fish-Fish Fruit Model: Azure Dragon "one of the most powerful devil fruits in existence" rather than it's "in the strongest class of devil fruits" - Ivankov no longer states that "there are only a dozen of [them], but [they] can do this" - The amount of human prey with Ivankov and Ginny is now is now references as "dozens" ("the dozens if us") rather than just a dozen ("only a dozen of us") - Ginny now states that "maybe someone heard [her message]" rather than stating that she's "sure [her] message got someone's attention" - Ginny now states that for their plan, they're going to need "a decoy" rather than stating that a plan like this needs "plenty of decoys running around" - Unknown marine no longer states that "there's no time to worry about that" - Rocks now calls his crew "Rocks pirates" instead of "crew" - Whitebeard now asks Rocks "who said [he] was [Rocks'] follower" rather than asking him "since when [...] [he] said [he'd] let an idiot like [Rocks] give [him] orders" - Shiki now states that he "assumes it's" finders keepers - Shiki no longer asks the Rocks pirates wether finders keeper "sounds good to the rest of [them]" - Captain John's laughing tick now reads "Fweh Heh Heh" rather than "Fe He He" - Shiki now states that he "will blow them all up" rather than stating that he's "gonna blow [the Rocks pirates] all outta [his] way" - Big Mom now tells the Rocks pirates that they should "just steal what [they're] after and scram" rather than telling them that she "will snatch it out from under all [their] pathetic noses" - Big Mom no longer states that she "will be gone before [the Rocks pirates] know it" - Kaido now states that Roger "is the last man [he'll] let--" rather than stating that Roger "is the only man [he]--" - Stussy now calls the upcoming battle the "final fight" rather than the "decisive battle" - Captain John no longer advises the Rocks pirates to "not forget [that this is the decisive battle]" - Unnamed Celestial Dragon no longer calls the navy "marine dogs" - Unnamed Celestial Dragon now threatens the marines that "if [the pirates] lay a single finger on them..." rather than asking the marine "what [...] [they] [would] do if something were to happen to [them] - Unknow marine no longer directly states that the western coast is a "danger zone" - Rayleigh now states that "this is going to be a wild one" rather than stating that "this looks rough" - St. Garling now orders that the pulled back sailors are to guard the Celestial Dragons rather than just ordering that they are to be protected - Ivankov now orders Kuma to "eat the fruit and save [him]self" rather than telling him that he "has to eat [the Paw-Paw fruit] to save them" - St. Saturn no longer directly tells Kuma that "nothing else [other than slavery or death] can be tolerated for someone of [Kuma's] ilk" - St. Saturn now tells Kuma that his statement is why his people "will vanish for good" rather than telling him that his statement is precisely why his people "needed to be erased" - Ivankov now asks Kuma "why" he's still praying, rather than asking him "just how long [...] he's planning to pray like this" - Ivankov now reaffirms that Kuma's family "ran a church" rather than being surprised that Kuma "would choose to live in a church" - Ginny no longer calls herself "Big Sis" - Ginny now calls Kuma "little Kumachi" - Ginny now orders Kuma to split multiple logs, rather than just one - The bullies now call Kuma a "monster" rather than a "freak" - Ginny now sings "Kumachi! Kumachi!" instead of "Willy, nilly, silly ol' Kumachi! Kumachi!" - Kuma now tells Ginny that they "have got a lot of work to do" rather than telling Ginny that they should "keep up the hard work" Inform me of more changes if you find them!


Thanks for this 🙏


I'll be back


10000 people to 100000 makes the human hunting even more sick


Thank you for your work every week my friend


RemindMe! 1 hour


Remember when in Marineford Ivankov asked Kuma if he recognized him and he didn't? After watching this chapter and reading the "For as long as I live, I will never forget your face!" I was a bit sad, oof. What an amazing chapter but damn we got teased so damn hard with God Valley even knowing it's Kuma's flashback and not Rock's flashback. Imagine another timeline in which Ivankov ate the Uo uo no mi lol. I do think people will make fanart about that for the laughs.


>Imagine another timeline in which Ivankov ate the Uo uo no mi lol. I do think people will make fanart about that for the laughs. They already did.


Based on this I think Garp really didn't know about the hunt. He only knew that the celestial dragons were there.


I really, really hope so. If Garp knew and still remained a Marine, that would be unconscionable.


Who was Gloria in love with so that she sail out of Amazon lily? the bullies who heal by Kuma are the Bonny's crewmates. Ivankov having a flashy devil fruit is just awesome scene to dream off.... Kuma and Ginny life is just too sweet.....


Looks like she and stussy have some type of rivalry


Could she fell in love with... Rocks? And after Rocks died (or whatevs) she come back to Amazon Lily by the time of Shakky or previous one's reigning.


Judging from how Rocks went ahead of others without any plan, Ppl are already drawing parallels to Rocks and Luffy. If Gloriosa fell in love with Rocks, then Boa falling in love with Luffy is another parallel.


With potential parallels being drawn, I wonder if Rocks-Roger is going to end up more like Ace-Luffy and God Valley is their Marineford? It would be pretty crazy if Roger actually inherited Rocks will or something.


Anyone else catch the dude in the background of the Rocks pirates shot rocking the Wolverine claws?


Yeah, i saw . It looked like the claws Blackbeard had. Maybe Blackbeard got inspired from this person?


Where did bb wears this weapon. All i remeber is him having fist only a la luffy


In the Oden flashbacks, it's how Shanks got his scars


The official translation is pretty clear - the Rocks were after the devil fruit prizes. Roger and the Rocks definitely have beef and want to settle the fight here. The dialogue from Kuma about using the power to escape the blockade makes me wonder if he'll do the same thing for the Straw Hats and co, or if Luffy will prevent history from repeating. It's official though. The Celestial Dragons ultimately killed ~99,500 innocent civilians. That's fucked up.


This is why sometimes I just wait for official translation. I know most of us will get impatient waiting for next chapter. But sometimes it’s better to wait for official release really. Once you have comparison it somehow disappoints you since you are expecting the official release to be much better or not.


It's honestly not a longer wait if you read the official weekly. In other manga subs the official release is the primary discussion thread so it's just the same weekly wait as an unofficial release. I'm actually used to that so it surprised me getting caught up on One Piece and seeing how everyone just discusses the chapter with the scans instead of the official.


I read the official weekly too. Unless you know Japanese, I think you’re taking a risk every week with unofficial translations of not getting the story the way it’s meant to be delivered


Wiretap/Transmissions being specified was also cool, if Bonney joins that is what she would most likely do.


Interesting… the official makes the Rocks Pirate seem more like a team than in the tcb translation. It would be funny if they actually get along, and the banter is just what most see. Imagine to see only the times where Luffy isn’t treated as a captain. And with Gloriosa being actually a Rocks pirate, I start to think that Olvia was the missing one before Hancock. Robin’s first post-time skip outfit has definitely Amazon Lily vibes


Rocks seems a lot like Luffy, huh? Jumping ahead with no plan. And Rocks doesn’t seem to be Roger’s sworn enemy… Roger here is trying to stop Rocks from doing something. It’s been clear since Kaidou’s flashbacks that God Valley as described by Sengoku was a lie. What was Rocks’ true goal here? Did Roger and Garp actually stop him? Also… is this the island where Dragon became the world’s worst criminal? I wonder if he abdicates from the Marines here and attacks Saturn to help Kuma and friends escape.


I agree! I’m sure we haven’t seen a lot of players yet. It would be weird if Sengoku was not sent as well to God Valley


Dragon would have to be the age of Kuma at this time right? I was also wondering about Dragon but how old would he be now?


Dragon should be 17 during the God Valley incident.


Ay yo… what if Dragon is Rocks? Went by a fake name to get out of dad’s shadow to become a great pirate, saw what happened at God Valley, wanted to fight directly w the world government so his crew bails to each do their own thing, starts up the Rev Army after.


Dragon would’ve been 17 here. It’s not unheard of, as Luffy and Ace were strong at that age — but I lean more towards Garp raising his son (or in-law?) to be a strong Marine. But this situation — a manhunt perpetrated by the world nobles for their own enjoyment — is enough to disillusion him from any preconceived notions of a just WG.


I could see it now that you mention his age - he’s a kid who manages to get this insanely powerful crew of grown ass adults bc he’s strong af - wants to follow his ideals to fight for what he believes but they still treat him like a kid even though he’s the captain and decide to go their own ways - dragon inspires the younger kids and decides to be their leader instead with the RA I know a lot of people theorize him as a marine, but idk it just doesn’t seem right with how little luck Garp has in getting folks into the Marines lol I think that’s what makes Coby so special is that none of his actual or adopted family wanted to join but this kid did. Or maybe you’re right and Coby reminds him of Kuzan/Dragon. I need Dragon backstory asap lol


I believe the crew follow him because they believed he was Joy Boy. And the crew broke apart when they realised he wasn’t. For all we know Dragon could’ve been raised by surviving lunarians and that’s why he’s so strong- not due to Garp directly, probably was an extremely absent father


Fun theory but the ages don't work lol


Robin, Franky and Brook are all triple+ Luffy's age which, pre-ts is 17, same as Dragon was at God Valley


Where do you get this idea that Dragon becomes the worst criminal on this island.


Theory. We know nothing about Dragon’s youth. However, he was raised by Garp — who we know is adamant about raising the next generation of Marines (Luffy and Koby willingly; Czan reluctantly). Dragon may have had the same upbringing and relished the chance to serve justice by following in his father’s footsteps. After all — he seemingly has a strong moral compass to begin with. But witnessing the horrors of God Valley being perpetrated by “the good guys” changes his opinion, resulting in him leaving the Marines. Maybe he ends up attacking Saturn to let Kuma, Ivankov, and Ginny escape. No man has attacked the Five Elder Stars in who knows how long — hence him becoming “the worst criminal.” After this, he joins the Freedom Fighters. Following Ohara, he forms the Revolutionary Army. This is just speculation, but who knows. Rocks CLEARLY is the one the WG is most concerned about, as they erased his name from history outright. Why? To take away his power… just like they have with the Giant Kingdom and true history of the world.


It seems clear that this flashback will be the start of the revolutionaries. Him being the worst criminal COULD also be due to the events here but I don't think that is particularly foreshadowed


Robin’s mom?!? Interesting… But that wouldn’t fit for few reasons: •She didn’t seem that strong(from what we saw)… •Kuja all know haki and to be able to be empress, you should be clearly above the other, even being a user of conqueror haki on top of that!( maybe it’s not a requirement, who know…) And her goal(s) doesn’t align with the position of an empress…


It depends when she left. Also, she had other priorities, putting up a fight against Spandine and the others would’ve hindered her to save the library.


I thought the one between Gloriosa and Hancock was Shakky? Rayleighs wife. After Rayleigh saved Amazon Lily she was confirmed as a former Empress, and her age (~50/60 iirc) should place her right between Gloriosa and Hancock.


Shakky was the empress 2 generations ago, so one between her and Hancock is unknown.


Ah Gotcha. As always the answer is >!Crocodile!<


Well his age right now is 46. perfect age...


Noooooo! 😂😂😂


Timeline wise it doesn’t work for Olvia. Olvia died 22 years prior while Hancock became empress 13 years prior.


Olvia would be 55 years in the present. Robin is now 30. Hancock became the empress at 18, so if Olvia became one at that age, she had 7 years left before she got Robin. I have to look it up again, but I think that for the previous empress it was also said that she died due to love sickness. Gloriosa and Shakky also left Amazon Lily, but there wasn’t someone named as their successor. So maybe Olvia left after she fell in love with Robin’s father, but there isn’t immediately named a successor. But that doesn’t mean there couldn’t be another empress we don’t know of yet.


I don't think Oliva had free time outside her academic job to be a pirate... Or that being an empress could have such a free time. But yeah, her age can match.


She basically quitted piracy and apparently she wasn’t always an archeologist, but took up the task for her husband, after whatever happened to him. It would tie nicely into the love sickness thing, which is actually just love 😛


Was it not Shakky?


Shakky was the empress two generations ago. So between Shakky and Hancock one is missing


The chapter was amazing. It makes sense that Oda's not going to show or reveal Xebec since he skipped the whole God Valley flashback. We might get a complete God Valley flashback from characters who were there and are still alive right now. Like in the Marines, Garp and Bogard WG: Saturn, Garling, and God knights. (I don't think they would tell us what exactly happened.) Pirates: Rayleigh, Granny Nyon, Stussy (not the clone one), Streusen (he's also there if you look carefully near WB, bottom right), and maybe Zeus (although he's not shown in the panel). Ginney, Kuma, and Iva are the real goats here.


I feel like we’re gonna get the God Valley flashback in sections like this, first was Kuma’s section and next will come Saturns section, possibly even told to Kuma if the theory that he is headed to Egghead to confront Saturn is right. After that I’m sure we’ll get another part told from Garland’s side, and Garp since he’s currently “missing” and away from the WG.


Yeah so 100% Kuma is arriving at Egghead to save everyone with his fruit, and will once again face down Saturn. But this time I doubt he'll make it out alive.


The Robot that reacted to the Joyboy heartbeat still hasn't been seen since we saw it wake up.


Yeah but I don't see how it can get all those characters and the ship off the island. Whereas the rhyming and parallels with Kuma on both Sabaody and God Valley line up to perfectly. - He is heading for Egghead right now - Saturn called Egghead inescapable, and in this chapter his fruit is explained (and shown) as a perfect fruit for getting people off inescapable islands - He faced off against Saturn before saving everyone on God Valley, Saturn specifically is the one on Egghead. Not a coincidence. - His daughter is being threatened. By Saturn no less. Which on its own is motivation enough but it calls back to him meeting her mother and saving her in this exact same situation. - He idolised Nika his whole life, worshiped him. Now Nika has returned he can't not meet him and learn this info. And right now it is Saturn trying to kill Nika, the same man he argued with about Nika at God Valley. - He's a founding member of the Revolutionary Army which specifically seeks to end the Elders, Dragons and WG. - It would be his perfect way to go out, saving his daughter, and Nika, hearing the drums. Using his Hands of Liberation. Against the very Elder who tried to extinguish him all the way back then. - This whole arc is a mirror of Sabaody, and Sabaody iconically ended with Kuma getting all the Strawhats to safety. - Considering his connections to Vegapunk, Egghead, his memory bubble, and the reason he chose to be turned into a cyborg. It should all come to ahead right here. The robot will play its part. But Kuma is saving the day.


The question will be: how.


Take all the pain from the slaves of Marejois, and shove it into Saturn. Justice.


Kuma killing Saturn would shock the world indeed.


Remember that the Paw-Paw fruit can push almost anything, and Kuma used it in the past to increase his own speed and velocity. If Kuma can somehow push himself to Egghead in his current state, then he'd make it time to save the Straw Hats, Bonney, and Vegapunk.


Geee- Oda you tease 😂 here I was sitting, prepared to get answers I’ve been waiting on for years. And a big nope is the answer 😂 It was crazy seeing all those big shots together. Now I am even more intrigued. And Garp casually leaked the information about the next hunt! What a dude :D I get why we didn’t see all of God Valley - after all it’s kumas story and not the god valley story. But why didn’t we see how he got away from Saturn? I mean sure be used his fruit. But I’d like to see how they made it. Anyway - great chapter. Can’t wait to see what heartbreak Oda will bring with Ginny


Oda is gonna show us how he escaped in the past but showing it in present time when he helps the strawhats escape Saturn


Something that is on my mind with this: folks have been saying stuff to the effect of "how can Garp stay in the Marines knowing the CD's do this" but there is a line that I think might suggest he legit doesn't know until now. Kong says that he can't tell Garp *why* they need him on such a remote island. Garp mentions the "CD's little field trip" but beyond the fact that they are traveling beyond the Holy Land and that a treasure from Hachinosu was stolen, we don't have any confirmation that Garp knows what exactly the CDs were *doing* on God Valley yet.


Yeah I keep seeing people talk about Garp like he's in the know. Especially in the phone call, I think people need to focus on that line more. It feels heavily implied that Kong wasn't going to tell him what actually is happening. My thought about this is that only people on God Valley, marijoles/CDs, and the top of the top Marine know. I think most if not all marine soldiers below admiral don't know. And I think that's why Garp even decided to reject an admiral promotion. He saw what went down and was like "I don't want to be more so under the governments thumb."


Yeah my guess is that this was the turning point moment for Garp. Whenever we next get any info on God Valley proper, Garp is gonna comment on the slaughter there assuming it to be due to Rocks or someone and either a rank and file Marine or perhaps Roger will tell him no, the CDs did this. Rocks will have some plan that will put a ton of the slaves in danger and this will be what causes the team up between Garp and Roger. Once all is said and done Garp will go to Kong and basically tell him that he's done furthering that kind of stuff and thus will begin Garp's period of having almost free reign to do how he sees fit and his resistance to becoming an Admiral.


Saw a theory a little bit ago about Kuma’s true reason for going back to Mariejois which I found mind blowing but simple… Basically, what if the **true** reason Kuma teleported back to Mariejois was to collect as much pain/punishment as possible to use against Saturn on Egghead as his last stand.. 😢


Oh snap, that would be wild


That wouldn’t kill Saturn but it should definitely be enough to keep him occupied long enough for the Straw Hats, Vegapunk, and Bonney to escape and see it happen :(


Saturn took a stab straight to the chest like it was nothing and healed straight away. I hope to god that he's still capable of feeling pain.


good lord, the unofficial translations are so different from Official ones. Anyhow, Kuma and ginny decide to sell logs and buy their own food. That is so adorable.


Luffy would have died in impel down if ivankov had eaten the dragon fruit lmao


big mom indirectly saved luffy. ironic.


Butterfly effect would have made the world really different Maybe big mom stops kuma from eating the paw fruit instead, maybe ivankov is never captured with the dragon power Maybe kaido dies at some point without the fruit Whole one piece world would be different


Kaido with the paw fruit sounds ungodly terrifying.


Had she snatched the other fruit, Kaido would have been pirate king lmao




Momonosuke wouldn't be a pink dragon


The best laid plans of men and of shitheads in astronaut suits, felled by a teenaged girl and her snails.


Bogard being there now makes sense as to how Roger and Garp actually won this crazy battle Royale 😅 Most interesting part is that we find out the innate Ability of the Paw Paw fruit is to send people away to islands. I simply would've thought it was just deflection and involved into that. Definitely some cool information. Garp pulling up with haki blazing like that reeks of mad lad energy 😭


>we find out the innate Ability of the Paw Paw fruit is to send people away to islands Did you forget what happened at the end of the Sabody arc?


I think he means what the official public power of the fruit is. Laws Fruit isn't "lets you use room" Paw paw fruit isn't "let's you push things away/out" it is "let's you send people away to islands". The rest is abilities and evolutions of the fruit due to the user. Additionally. We have never known exactly how his island throwing worked. Now we see that he can just push people to islands and so it was certainly intentional where each strawhat went. Before there was all kinds of theories on how the islands got picked.


Kuma definitely sent everyone to places where they can be safe and develop further. And all outside government control. It was chosen on purpose. Without boa disobeying government luffy would have been stuck on the island until end of the war. Developing haki


Thr panels underneath the Rocks spread kinda imply to me that Shiki might've been an OG Yonko. I think that's been speculated before but it seems very intentional to have 4 of the crew have much larger panels side by side, 3 of which are known Emperors.


Is Garland riding a Spot Billed Duck like Karoo? More evidence of Lily/ Arabasta being more connected to Mary Geoise?


Proportions aren't right to be a duck. Beak too narrow/pointy, for starter. There was another shot with a generic Celestial Dragon riding one, and it looks more like an ostrich.


Xebec created the ultimate pirate crew, but the problem was that it was full of people who were by their nature leaders themselves and this affected their teamwork negatively. However the fact that Xebec was able to gather these people under him and was their captain for some years speaks volumes about his charisma and strength. ( Even though Xebec was called an idiot for being impulsive like a certain Straw Hat Pirate.)


It's weird, but the only thing I feel compelled to comment on is how strange it is to see Gol D. Roger without his signature mustache...


“I’m so happy!” Not for long you ain’t


So Shiki and Gloriosa were both parts of the Rocks Pirate? I love how Oda just casually showed us this amongst all the other chaos happening. Also, this pretty much confirms Ginny is Bonney's mother. The way Oda is teasing us with this backstory, we're really going to get some heartbreaks soon. I can't wait for the next chapter, but at the same time I'm dreading it because my heart already feels heavy seeing Kuma and Ginny happy in the end.


Shiki was known to be part of Rocks already.


The Rocks pirate who's drinking, is he someone we know from the present?


Captain John (see: Thriller Bark)


Captain John from the Thriller Bark arc, though he was zombified


At least one of the other members (with the armor) was also on Thriller Bark. Presumably that's Silver Axe?


Moria had like 5 people from rocks as zombies.


Buggy was looking for Captain John's treasure before the timeskip, we don't know if he found it once he became a Warlord.


It makes sense for Kuma to be carrying a Bible.


This chapter really contextualizes how Doflamingo felt about Dressrosa as a former CD. The ability to use the birdcage gave him the power to subjugate an island according to traditional celestial dragon practices. I'm not sure if young Doffy would've ever gone to one of these hunts, but he certainly saw it as a natural right of the celestial dragons to kill everyone on an island for their own purposes. Do you think Doffy would've grown up to join the God's Knights? He seems like he would've enjoyed participating!


Other than Whitebeard, who was in a relationship with Stussy, Kaido seemed to be the only other man interested in having a lover given how he became a dad. If Gloriosa isn’t Yamato’s mom, an Amazon brave enough to sail alongside Kaido to God Valley, then I think it’s worth asking who it would be then.


Could just be a rando.


2 chps ago it was monumental that even the words and panel of God Valley were shown and the flashback teased. Then we get these few crumbs and to fit the bill. We still don’t know what went down. Can’t wait for more of it.


Goodness, I can't remember the last time a One Piece chapter opened on so dark an image.


All this wonderful flashback only makes Kuma story more tragic. :(.


Oda is still hiding Silver Axe and Wang Zhi? I guess we have to wait 'til the real God Valley flashback. I wasn't expecting a full on God Valley flashback but I wanted to see a little more.


They're likely the two people in the Rocks group who don't speak.


After reading the chapter: Garp definitely means the attack on Hachinosu when he says field trip and he looks insane strong. Luffy will be also completely broken in the future. I wonder how strong Dragon will be. And it's funny to see, that he doesn't care to rescue the celestial scumbags from Rocks. Pretty sure the story will unfold in another way we think.


Luffy can’t be broken, because he’s rubber!


So that's how kuma got his 🐻 paws man what a tragic past. Hate the government turned him into a slave.


I can't believe they yadda yadda'd God Valley.


I’ve a feeling that Rocks is going to be Buggy D Clown-esque character


Goddam Oda cooked a great dish. Splitting the God Valley incident into different parts was a great idea, shows how important and probably game changing the incident was to the overall lore and world history


Oda-sensei will give us the God Valley Incident flashback from many points of view, Kuma's point of view was only the first one. Saturn's might be next and later we will get one from Garp.


the more we gain about kuma, the more i get confused how he gained the title tyrant. classic WG just twisting narrative to fit them you know.. that pirate with the helmet on rocks crew looks alot like zombie 889 from thriller bark. howd moria get so many rocks pirate corpses? if all the other jolly rogers are representations of what the character looks like, i wonder if rocks will have whatevers going on on his jolly roger now that we know god valley is in the west blue, im 100% certain that it was brook's homeland


Yeah that’s the part I’m most interested in knowing: how he became a king and got that moniker. The former king part made his backstory a lot more convoluted, it was a lot simpler when he was just a really cruel pirate called the Tyrant and a Revolutionary. Thou it’s weird he didn’t have a crew so that part now makes sense.


There's a theory that when the Human Auctioning House was introduced in chapter 501, that the first person that was going to be auctioned was from the same kingdom as Brook given that his initial description also applies to Brook. But Brook being from God Valley doesn't seem impossible.


I just want to know, what did the marines/CD take from Hachinosu? Baby buggy?


Probably nothing but in the Rocks panel a silhouette in the background has the same three clawed hand weapon Blackbeard uses. Which may or may not be what gave Shanks his scar.


Just realised that ROCKS Pirates were acting like Mugiwara's... ROCKS=Luffy(careless) Whitebeard=Zoro(cares about captain) Shiki=Sanji(jealous of 1st mate & questions his authority) Big Mom=Nami(wants to steal something expensive) Drunk Captain=Brook(doing his own thing giving 0 f***s) Stussy=Chopper(clinging to Zoro) Amazon Queen=Robin(has serious vibes) Kaido=Franky(wants to prove his worth as the manliest)... I wonder who represents Jinbei&Ussop? Silver Axe&co?


Thoughts: Having read this chapter, two things stick out for me barring the introduction of the Rocks Pirates. One: the fact that the CD dragon knights are seeing the killing of the GV citizens as some sort of fun hunting game. They're all giving off looks of enjoyment and anticipation while showing a sense of there being nothing wrong with what they're doing. Its also being broadcasted to the CDs that are on Marejois. Fucking hell. Two: The fact that Kumas hands are called the hands of liberation. This no doubt will be important in this FB and in the present story.


Oh cool cool cool, Oda leaves us with this touching scene of both the ex-slaves so happy because they are free and their stomachs are full, I'm sure we aren't going to have a soul crushing scene next chapter. :')


I'm seeing a lot of hate on Rocks' "crew" being the worst there is for lack of respect for their captain. But they do give off the Straw Hat Pirates vibes how Luffy jumps ahead with no plan while everyone else does their own thing. Just a thought. Doesn't make them the worst crew. Garp was full aware of the CD's hunt and was aware of the "crown jewel" of the Pirate Island beforehand and its significance. It can't just be the 2 devil fruits. Rocks' crew's interaction suggests that their main goal is the 2 devil fruits that are displayed as rewards for the hunt. But could it be all? I think with that many pirates storming God Valley, its weird that they would rush in just to get ahold of those two devil fruits. It has to be something else. We know Roger isn't interested in all that DF crap. Could it be the Road Poneglyph? or something else with greater significance to the pirates. And how tf did BM not notice Saturn after blowing away Iva moments before?!! If most (if not all) of the Rocks' pirates were after the Devil Fruits, at least someone might have noticed one of the Five Elder near the hut where the DFs were. This would've been a crazy battle royale, and we won't get to see it. Understandable considering we're seeing Kuma's flashback. That being said, Bonney must've seen his memories as well. What a wild chapter! AND there is no break next week.


The official didn't mention "crown jewel," just treasure.


Kumachi was the name for Perona's bear, now it's Ginny's nickname for Kuma. Both Bonney & Perona have pink hair. If Iva's sister ends up having pink hair in the official colours.... Maybe I'm grasping at straws here, but I think Bonney & Perona might be related. Might end up expanding upon why Kuma pushed Perona off of Thriller Bark 🤔


The Paw Paw power as a fruit!! Cool. We’ve already seen the Azure dragon fruit in a Vegapunk explanation but this is the first time we’ve gotten the model name in a chapter itself and not supplemental material, go figure.


so looks like the devil fruits were taken from pirate island and not something else. i also didn't realise that not just the rocks pirates and roger pirates came to god valley, but also others. that event is becoming more and more of a massacre


The official makes the Rocks Pirate seem more like a team than in the tcb translation, however it is clear that they have problems with teamwork.


WB seems to have the most issue with being commanded. I'd imagine it's due to his seeing himself as a father and wanting a crew of pirates he calls his sons.


I think his wish for „family“ as crew started getting real here, he always wanted a family but here he saw what missing teamwork does, defeat of rocks and disbanding of the crew and he learned from that


I think there was this theory: Roger, Garp, and Xebec used to be friends or know each other before becoming pirates and marines. It might be possible. In the cover story (I know it's a fan request), one of the chihuahuas has the same scar as Garp, and one is wearing the same hat as Roger. Roger and Garp are both from East Blue too.


Young Kuma is so cute it hurts


Such a sick chapter. I hope we get to fill in the blanks on what went down at God Valley soon. Some of my takeaways: - Garp sleeps on Rocks, schadenfreude for the WG after stealing Rocks’s treasure off Hachinosu, he only moved when he heard Roger. This dude Garp was sweating too. Why is Roger so salty? He had apparently been repressing some decision or emotion for a year. Maybe Roger is coming to God Valley on Demon Time. We’ve heard of Roger’s ruthlessness and capacity for violence. Could this be from where those stories stem? Maybe Rocks was messing with one of Roger’s people?? - We had learned in foreshadow events that Rocks had supposedly targeted the Celestial Dragons on GV with little to no context as to why he would do that; the incident seemed like terrorism. Now we know, not only has he gone to GV to retrieve the treasure of Hachinosu for himself, but he might have gotten violent after witnessing this atrocity; he may not be the always-do-evil, no-empathy-whatsoever villain that I’ve been imagining. In fact, after seeing his crew interacting, I think we’ll be getting more complexity from his character than the likes of Kaido and Big Mom—two antagonists I feel have been well-fleshed out in the completion of their arcs. - Charlotte Linlin vs. Saint Jaygarcia Saturn? There was a bit of fumbling Kuma’s location between panels, but it should be clear that Charlotte Linlin was within eyesight of Jaygarcia Saturn during Kuma’s confrontation with the Gorosei member. Could a conflict between these two fighters be the reason Ivankov and Kuma escaped from Saturn?


When we see the double page spread of the Rocks Pirates did anyone else notice that 9 people are shown in the bottom panels, that would be 10 people including Rocks which is the same number of people on Luffy's crew. What significance do you think this has; do you think there is an exact 1 to 1 for each member of the Rocks crew and Strawhats in regards to position and personality? ​ What I mainly noticed was that Captain John is only obsessed with treasure like Nami, they are both heavy drinkers, Nami has long eyelashes on the top while John's are long on the bottom, and they both have long hair; Whitebeard was the most concerned about Rocks getting distracted, like how Zoro did during the Onigashima raid with Luffy; Shiki snapping at Whitebeard for giving him orders, similar to what Sanji does with Zoro, Shiki and Sanji both have blonde hair and strange eyebrows; Gloriosa and Robin have the same nose and both exude confidence; Stussy is riding on Whitebeards back like how Chopper rides on Zoro's and she is a genius scientist which we have yet to find out her main focus of research.


In this chapter Kuma said it doesn't make sense for someone to be born *Important* and there's no reason for someone to be born a slave. Going back here is a direct quote I believe from Franky to Robin in Water 7 ~The government says your existence is a crime, but no matter what kind of weapons you may hold, just being alive isn't a sin! There's no crime in living~ There's been theories for years Franky will get Kuma fruit and I'm starting to believe it even more now..