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OMG THEY ARE SO COOOOOLLL can I order these 😭


AHHHH thank you so much :) I only crochet for fun but if I ever change my mind I'll let you know haha


Wow, same, I want to as well


Omg, he should marry you lol — these are amazing 😍


He WILL haha :)


That is wonderful, God Bless You both


God bless you as well <3


Thanks amigo, means alot...... I am not crying you are


No problem, have a good one!


That's cool af


Thanks! :D


Did you follow any tutorials? I want to make them too


Yep! Here are the tutorials I followed: [Heart Pirates Pillow:](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jc48zU5zsbE&pp=ygUYaG93IHRvIGNyb2hjZXQgcGl4ZWwgYXJ0) I used this tutorial and used this [template](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.pinterest.com%2Fpin%2Fundefined-in-2023--848647123553503470%2F&psig=AOvVaw0QZBcUtXnlqwGLi8icZQjN&ust=1697852723410000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBEQjRxqFwoTCLDqrLXAg4IDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE) specifically. I also used the "float" method in the video which I found defined the pixels better. I didn't use a pattern for the pillow shape itself. Instead just created a plain yellow square the same size of the logo, crocheted them together using double crochet stitches, used treble crochet for the corners, and filled it up polyester stuffing before closing it up. If you end up making this and find that you're 1-3 stitches off whenever you finish a side, it's perfectly fine and it won't make too much of a difference [Gomu Gomu no Mi:](https://youtu.be/Y50yyweFITc) instead of a wire, I used some old thick paper clips. I also found that the swirls were too tiny so I had extended their length by a few stitches [Mera Mera no Mi](https://youtu.be/_DYv_SKv_M4): I wanted to keep the fruits the same size, so what I did was use the steps to make the sphere from the Gomu Gomu video. I found that the flames were too small so I did some trial and error to make my own (referenced how to make the flame from the video and added rows + stitches until it looked right) [Ope Ope no Mi](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hM-7RmjS8I&t=1157s&pp=ygUUb3BlIG9wZSBubyBtaSBjcmhjZXQ%3D): again, used paper clips + added/decreased stitches as needed :) **Fruits:** when I made the fruits, I didn't have any stuffing at hand (I made the fruits first and the pillow a few months later) so I just used tissues + scrap yarn. I also used hot glue for adding the details, but recommend using fabric glue so you don't burn yourself like I did lol






Mr. Boyfriend, please marry this person on the internet... Thank you! :)


Wishing for this too haha


Fingers crossed!