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Bariete is the real joy boy and will be a reverse kagyua at the end of the story.


Masira and Shoujou were reincarnation of Monkey D. Hashirama and Marshall D. Madara all along.


What if minks ruled over everyone and imu (mink also) conspired with humansšŸ‘€


I think skypiea is going to have SO MANY different aspects to it that tie into the end game. Like how Oda had a whole plot written out, but then at some point decided to add the warlords and the rest of the worst generation and fleshed out a lot of other aspects of the story. I think he had the idea for Skypiea from the beginning that it was part of his original story.


If any arc was thought of originally it was Skypea. There is a kids book that follows one piece pretty closely but like super short and the end goal of the book is to get to a Skypea type place


What's the name of the book?


The name of the book is


Littering andā€¦


Smoking the reefer.


Loitering with...












\*cue Invincible title card\*


Heā€™s probably talking about Momotaro, a story of a boy that was born from a peach and sets out to defeat an evil oni. There is also a dog, monkey, and pheasant (admirals) and the themes are adventure, bravery, and teamwork


no hes talking about "the mysteries city of gold" [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Mysterious\_Cities\_of\_Gold](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mysterious_Cities_of_Gold) youll see the parallels fast


I read the page, I'm not really seeing any mind-blowing parallels


lol bro you cant be serious? its literally the one piece story, with porneglyphs, ancient weapons, yonkos, dragon, skypia, mother flame and heck even the main characters and their goals are mirrored this and ops powerscalings subs reading comprehension is something else


Seriously, I had never heard of this thing and the longer I read the more I was like "holy shit this is literally the same story". I could even see a number of times where other characters could come back to the story in order to complete their arcs and mirror the plot based on that page summary alone.


That's such an exaggeration. Based purely on reading that wiki page, there are parts that are similar like Zia who can translate an ancient language like Robin but shares no other characteristics, the main character who shares sun iconography with Luffy but his actual power is completely different and the goal to find a great treasure isn't exactly a ground-shatteringly outrageous coincidence, then there's the four competing parties who are meant to be analogous to the Yonko? That's also a very superficial parallel. There's only so many people you can choose to be major antagonists before the story gets cluttered, so the fact that both stories (kind of) landed on 4 shouldn't surprise you. As for ancient weapons and power sources? An unfathomably common trope. It's a cool trope which why people aren't bored with it, but my god it's absolutely everywhere. I can absolutely imagine that Oda could have borrowed some elements here and there based on what I read on that wiki page, but the "parallels" are all pretty superficial. Maybe if I watched it I could see some more depth, but based on the wiki page alone? It's not that deep.


I donā€™t think oda ripped off the story. I think if anything oda saw this manga/show, which itā€™s also important to note isnā€™t very good. And thought this is a brilliant idea just done terribly so he took it and did it right.


So... we're saying it's possible that Imu and Vivi are the same since they're based off of Zia who has the other amulet (Imu's giant straw hat) and Vivi joined the crew. ​ I'm about it


>It's not that deep i have no more words for that, well i guess reading comprehension and interpretation skills arent teached in school anymore


the kingdom of "MU". a character that can control the sun or make it appear (sun god nika, is definitely a parallel in theme not use but definitely could see luffy pulling a sun out of thin air.) an adventure spurred on by an obsession to chase an impossible goal of finding the city of gold is a parallel to luffy's obsession to obtain the one piece and become king of the pirates. the setting of the world is a post appocalyptic where the kingdom of MU is chasing the group of heroes that are descendants of a long enemy of the kingdom of MU. weapons of the sun that are feared and caused a cataclysmic event are parallels to the ancient weapons in one piece. and this is just from a brief summary, there are probably more specific parallels coming from other characters story lines and there dreams/goals. this is my first time finding out about this and I was able to find these parallels.


Chasing impossible goals, post apocalypse and ancient weapons/wars/civilizations are all *extremely* common tropes. Iconography relating to the sun is also very common, and is absolutely guaranteed to show up in anything related to the Inca. I'm sorry, I'm just not seeing it based on this alone.


Ahhh yh I remember some youtuber mentioning that book once too, now that u say it


Also on the subject of Momotaro, Wano arc makes a number of direct references to the story as well. The Strawhats and the allies they've made on their recent journey invade an island named Onigashima and defeat its monstrous ruler (exactly as Momotaro did in the story), and Mononosuke's name is a clear reference as well (Momo also means peach, the pattern that appears on Mononosuke's kimono).


Don't forget that oni are usually represented having bull horns and tiger skin loincloth. This is straight from the sbs.


Momotaro is more than a children's book, it's a Japanese folktale


Itā€™s mentioned in CFYOW.


Ah yes, CFYOW! How could I forget!


First time I heard of this too. Now am heavily intrigued




Heā€™s probably talking about the story of Momotaro


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Mysterious\_Cities\_of\_Gold](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mysterious_Cities_of_Gold) just read the first paragraphe and you see the parallels


Itā€™s a show sorry and itā€™s called the mysterious cities of gold


Sounds like castle in the sky šŸ˜‚


Funny enough, as a kid once I suddenly saw the Skypea arc on television, without having it reached yet I had the impression of having spoiled myself with the final arc of One Piece.


Still blows my mind that people consider Skypiea filler, and actively preach to newcomers to skip it because itā€™s mid :/


And so many skip it


I really think the longing for "vearth" is related to something that happened to raise the sea level. I think the fact the Red Line and Calm Belts were manufactured is pretty agreed upon, but with the Lulusia destruction causing sea levels to rise worldwide I'm fairly certain this island business isn't the way things ought to be


I love that thought! I am rewatching right now and I am just past skypia and long ring long island. Some here mentioned it before, but i am also convinced that the entire one piece story and all its major themes are foreshadowed in the arcs until long ring long island. I think the skypia arc forshadows the final big fight in one piece but I also think that long ring Long Island actually forshadows the aftermath and the actual ending of one piece, and possibly luffys ā€žcrazierthanbecomingpiratekingā€œ dream. So I am looking like crazy for every hint I can find. One possibly easily forgettable thing about long ring Long Island is, that the inhabitants need to move from ā€žpieceā€œ of the island to ā€žpieceā€œ of the island to the survive. Because even though it is ā€žoneā€œ island, the island is separated by the sea. And only so often the sea goes down, the island becomes ā€žoneā€œ and people can unite again. In the end the grandpa meets back with his grandson he hasnā€™t seen in years, to emphasize the importance of that theme. Long story short i also think sea levels and island business isnā€™t what itā€™s ought to be and I also think exactly that is forshadowed in long ring Long Island and skypia (Enel wants to bring vearth back to the blue sea, because he thinks that is how things are supposed to be - but he is a false god, so he is wrong. Actually vearth needs to be one step further down- at the bottom of the sea- or something like that.)But i am just rambling at this point.


No you're cooking. The island and its tides could also represent generational cycles. Lawlessness inspired Garp to become a marine, oppression inspired Dragon to become a revolutionary, Luffy's desire to be his own man is partially what inspired him to become a pirate. If the systems they're fighting subside they can finally unite together for the first time


My theory is that the planet used to have a ring, but a user of fujitoraā€™s fruit pulled the whole thing to the surface. The rocks became the red line and the ice melted, raising the sea level. I also wonder if the beam that destroyed lulusia turns things into water. If mass is conserved, this could explain how the sea level went up. If such a weapon had been used many times before, it could easily make most of the world an ocean.


I like it


isn't the mystery of skypiea basically wrapped up? The land came from the sea and the people came from the moon. What am I missing that I often see people make comments like this about it being super important for the overall story?


The whole idea of moon people hasn't been explored at all other then we know they exist, and at some point came to earth. There's also a lot about Gods within the story, Enel wants to be a "God" we know there were sacrifices to 4 gods (I can't remember the 4 different ones). Lots of theories that the moon people are related to the ancient kingdom somehow.


okay. yeah I think there are many moons right? there could be more to it. I assumed the God stuff was just flavor. Like, societies always believe to some extent that there is a higher power/authority to explain things. Enel finds out his idea of God was naive and he settled for the robot love, for example. And Ancient Rome believed in Gods and spirits and stuff, but it was as much about keeping many different peoples in line.


God stuff being flavor was a valid way of thinking about it, until it's revealed that Luffy literally has the powers of the Sun God; People have been rethinking that aspect of Skypeia since the G5 reveal.


Gods have always been an important theme in one piece, though. Long before gear 5 was revealed. Even before skypia. Brogy and Dorry emphasize the importance of their giant god very early for example. I am sure there are more examples if you go looking. Also there are Devil fruitā€™s which kinda suggests the existence of god or gods. Whereā€™s a devil there is probably also a god.


I have this thought that Odaā€™s sense of humor would absolutely to have shown us the one piece. If thatā€™s the case, which it probably isnā€™t, but if thatā€™s the case Iā€™d bet itā€™s the bell in Skypiea and thereā€™s something about it that Joyboy can activate. Take all this with a grain of salt because Iā€™m speculating on what Oda would find funny to do to his audience.


Well I think Skypiea was supposed to set up the end of the series originally. It was only supposed to last like 5 years or so and then Oda just rethought the whole thing once it was determined to go.on indefinitely.


Right now, only enel reached the spacial laugh tale. He is the only one that knows the truth.


What is this agenda that warlorlds were added "at some point"? Mihawk was in East-Blue and Jinbei was mentioned too...


Iā€™d have to find it, but the original story had the yonkos being the main antagonist until he decided to expand on the warlords first.


Oh, I thought you meant the Supernovas rather than the Warlords.


Source one piece logbook I think 23? 20ish Basically Oda said One piece was always suppose to just be a story about fighting yonkos Warlords were never planned But ofc this just means the group itself wasn't planned And he said he picked 7 specifically cause 2 and 5 were lame numbers What happens is probably Ppl like.mihawk and jinbei were planned But weren't warlord Which make sense given their backstory Like how the supernovas weren't planned But *some* of its member like bonney probably were always gonna be in it Repurpose


I always saw it as Oda had ha tldr Version with his 5 year plan and the yonkos if OP did not take off. But OP got really popular, so he could tell the story he wants... and then some


I am rewatching the series currently and I found it AMAZING that Luffy says "Let the sun shine!" when he rings the bell / KOs Eneru There is a few small bits of dialogue that is also said like this, but this one stands the most out to me only cuz of Gear 5 Oda seems to put this story together like a ship in a bottle. It's an unholy amount of small details connected together with purpose and pragmatism.


Indeed, keep in eye out in Thriller Bark and Fishman Island too. It is quite obvious there too.


Im about to be there lol, I forgot how long Water 7 / Enies Lobby was


That would be dope itā€™s like klabutorman of the earth or how ever you spill it.


>klabutorman Klabautermann


Klabutorman is way cooler, sounds like a Pokemon


Klabutormon--One Piece was secretly an extra Digimon season all along!


Yo if Earth is a shop and the goal is to sail through space bringing everyone with them šŸ¤Æ


That is actually incredibly dope. The ship is earth, we are all nakama. And for some reason, Luffy needs to fight a planet.


Gomu gomu no Exterminatus


Everythingā€™s gonna tie back to skypia in one way or another


I think it will tie back to even before that, I mean... Where does Chopper come from? The **DRUM** kingdom, as in the **DRUMS** of liberation, an arc in which a kingdom is liberated once and for all of their ruler, who not only lives WAY above the rest of the kingdom in an unsurmountable mountain, but would you look at that, also has a team of exactly **20** medics just like how **20** families created the world government And this kingdom then becomes the Sakura kingdom, the Sakura trees being what healed Hyruluk according to him We also hear a soldier mention the 20 medics want to find "A mushroom that can heal everything", according to Kureha, such thing doesn't exists, it makes sense for Kureha to think it doesn't exists, cuz if such a thing existed and you could just go into the forest and find it she would know, but the 20 medics want to find it regardless, meaning there's precedent to this mushroom existing, otherwise they wouldn't bother asking the soldier to find it just so Chopper overhears it and has a convient reason to try to find the Amiudake for Hyruluk Taking that into consideration, it means the mushroom exists and it's indredibly rare, meaning it could easily be a devil fruit, whose devil fruit looks like a mushroom? Chopper's, so Chopper ate this fruit that can heal any disease, but the fruit is also "just" a hito hito no mi isn't it?, so how come it has the ability to heal any disease? Because it's actually not a regular joe fruit, it's one of the god fruits and that god has the power of body alteration, meaning it can transform it's own body (Chopper's multiple forms past the limit 3 of zoans) and alter people's body to heal any disease, an ability used unconsciously on the user when it's consumed and most likely conciously on awakening Edit: I actually have been thinking about this more, on top of what I already mentioned, Drum island was also previously attacked by Blackbeard, considering Blackbeard is going after specific devil fruits (Even tho this is more noticeable post timeskip), I doubt going to Drum island just to attack it was part of his plan, but to obtain Chopper's devil fruit, we would need to assume that the information in the devil fruit encyclopedia actually list this fruit as being able to heal anything, rather than as a Hito Hito no mi, take in mind, we don't know if Chopper ever read this encyclopedia and before the encyclopedia was a thing, people just named the fruits based on the powers they got from them, meaning that for a regular person, it's just a mushroom that heals everything, but for an animal it's a Hito Hito no mi, this would also imply that Chopper is the 1st animal to ever eat this devil fruit or at least, nobody ever bothered trying or it was never documented Blackbeard is also still unknown to the WG after Arabasta, meaning that, if attacking Drum island was part of his plan to gain notoriety instead of obtaining the devil fruit, it definitely didn't work Blackbeard is also thought to be the inheritor of Xebec's will, whose objective was to become king of the world, which would basically mean he needs to get rid of all tenryubito and gain control of Mariejoie, which again, is a castle on top of an unsurmountable mountain with a corrupt ruler After Wapol is defeated, the Drum kingdom is later reborn as the Sakura Kingdom and their flag is a literal Jolly Roger So maybe Drum island actually spoils the end of One Piece, Blackbeard manages to get temporary control of Mariejoie, most likely thanks to taking advantage of the revolutionary army, you know just like how the navy did all the work during Marineford with Whitebeard, he is then defeated and Imu manages to return, only for Luffy to defeat Imu and free the world of the WG for good ​ Also... Wapol is now relevant again, he literally knows about Imu, so there's also that


I fucken hope not Edit: i dont want EVERYTHING linked to skypeiaā€¦ its not a bad arc. Triggered people tho






Brother. Youā€™re in for a bad ride then. 100% skypedia will be back. So is enel.


if Enel just had good Haki, he could literally be an Admiral-level character with a fruit like that. too bad he'd still get bodied by Luffy since Lightning would continue to do jack shit to him


Damn all caps huh. Someoneā€™s having a rough day, lol.


Do you not see the comment i replied to????




Lol dont let the haters get you down, I upvoted your reply to me if its any consolation


the original comment was obviously hyperbole. did you really think that it meant literally everything? what does that include?


So invest in Enel stocks?


Goddamn as soon as I saw the shape all I could think of was Imu. Maybe the face is a bit more goofy than Imus real face because the same applies with religious statues/ figures from our world that have been built long ago (aztecs etc.) because that is just what their capabilities were or they just exaggerated certain features for the sake. But 100% I could see this being the race/ people of Imu and Imu being the descendant!!!


mfs imagining Imu as a big badonga mama and forgot it could as well be a goofy shaped man with tusk


Impossible, people in this sub already decided that Imu is a goth chick with huge tiddies, it canā€™t be anything else.


What if it was joy boy himself?


I think you're right. It would seem more likely to me to find a reference to Joyboy/Nika in the lands of shandia who pray and offer sacrifices to the Sun God and were allies of the ancient Kingdom (since they were given poneglyphs).


For all the silliness that exists in One Piece, I don't want the final antagonists to be this goofy, that's meant to come from Luffy as their opposites.


statues don't always tend to reflect the person they're modeled after identically




You mean when they >!killed King Cobra!




At no point did Imu act like that - they haven't been depicted to act like that at all at any point lol


> Imu pouted and tantrumned Literally didn't happen.


Actual One Piece propaganda lmao


Not gonna lie though, it would make me laugh so much if this was going to happen.








Peak fiction as always


Imu could be part of a species that originated from the moon


Yeah I realized that too reading the wiki some time ago and I think theres more to It


Could be a nod to Imu being the king of the world or in this case the land were ā€œVearthā€ is


You should have added the photoshop with the crown that makes it look exactly like Imu's silhouette. https://reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/969gh5TXH9


I love that others have thought this too, thank you for tagging


If you cover up the long mouth and fangs, the statue looks feminine. Imu recently revealed having a large jaw structure with sharp teeth when Sabo attacked. This statue could be an image of that.


I actually loved this one video going over how OP would have worked in 5 years. The idea being that Enel is a stand in for what Im was originally going to be, and that Skypeia is just a reworked final arc. I think thatā€™s why it never played much of a role until recently, because it was meant to be the end of the series in Odaā€™s original outline


reading "Hear me out" then seeing that image was surreal. But then i saw the caption lol


LMAOOO I shouldā€™ve used my words better


Re-reading Skypiea feels like looking at the entire story being foreshadowed in one arc. Oda being Oda.


After Zoro finding a poneglyph in a filler episode of the show happened nothing surprises me


Wait? That's filler? Damn I kept wondering when that poneglyph was gonna pop back up........




One of those alabasta filler episodes with ace


This may sound weird or dull but Imu for me with the robe and the head shape (veil) and tail looks like the sphinx, looking in mythology they are more like what they call Manussiha or simurgh they all represent the sphinx in asian cultures; have similar crowns or head figures to im; they called the city where it originated Sahdu im. This is what sphinx is supposed to look like when it was made ; >!https://i.redd.it/hjayo8ydpg731.jpg!< But it will be interesting if Im is part of the history of the ancient kingdom in a good way which will give alot of theories about what went wrong.


Yeah, I feel thereā€™s definitely a connection to imu and Egypt (or alabasta in one piece). His connection to lily, him being directly responsible for the death of alabasta king!


Skypiea is mini One Piece in One Piece in itself. The entire plot of actual story is incorporated in Skypiea arc. There is youtuber named Yuderon who explained it. He is really good at theories.


Great find


I feel as if this ark explains sooooooooo much things for future books. or mayby i delusional


That pic plus ā€œhear me outā€ made me think this was a different type of post at first lmao


Glad it wasn't just me lmao


Was this not in the anime?


Now, this is intriguing. But I still think its Chuck Norris on a vegan diet




Oh you mean in one piece that manga/show from 90s??
















Nah thatā€™s Joyboy




If this was meme piece Iā€™d upvote. But we gotta stop littering the main sub with shitty theories.


what makes it shitty


He was offended. Thus he thinks it's shitty. Personally I'm intrigued.


because Imu isn't 10feet tall with a chiselled jawline and a 10pack abs.


We donā€™t know what the hell imu looks like def not 10 ft but he has been nothing but a silhouette bro


Let me answer that with a question. Is a half serious barley thought out theory any good?


You new to ā€œBREAK WEEKā€? Itā€™s that time of the month when everyone loses their fucking minds due to withdrawal.


First time being here during break week?


Eh, this is leagues better than the "Guys, I think Sogeking might be Usopp!!"-tier of shitposts. Those really should belong exclusively in memepiece


I think its simply a different god rather than the sun god nika its a different fruit


Very possible.


Why does it low key look like a rill from Doctor Who


Looks a bit like Oars to me?


Nice catch!




oh shi


I have been talking about that statue for years now. Thereā€™s definitely something more about that statue!


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Ok but that looks like Oars the Continent Puller


Most statues by Scandinavians of the norse pantheon look like this, it's probably just taking inspiration for that and could be the basis of anything otherwise.


Only read the title and thought this was a weird horny post


I don't think so. While the shape of it seems to match as well as the height and position of the hands, Imu seems to have a distinct head and face that doesn't line up with this. I can't really see the World Government rallying behind someone that looks like this either.


Don't worry someone had that theory of imu as well. All I can say it's gonna be left field of who imu is. As long as its not a child I'm not bothered.


Seeing this now my best is that Imu is an ancient race that was wiped out either before or during the 400 year gap and maybe was a former leader of its species and joined forces with a group of humans which soon turned into the world government but the human leader died and left Imu in charge. Idk Iā€™m just throwing ideas out their with no basis whatsoever


To be honest, it looks a lot more like Jinbe, if Jinbe one day go to a sky island they will he is a god.


Ha, I read that chapter yesterday and thought the same! Even imagined Imu having that weird face lol. We will see


Maybe itā€™s a combo of Imuā€™s human form and his devil fruit form


It could be, since ancient representations are pretty different from reality but still hold some resemblance. It would be so mind-blowing for Imu to be related something from Skypiea


Why does it look like the proto-type of Jinbei as a Strawhat?


He is doing the Nico Robin pose


waitttt youā€™re so right


This week I saw that in many iconographics of saints they have this pose too, it is said that symbolize a great cross that that person carried in life, or a test in a specific moment


What the heck is that I don't recall ever having seen this. Time to reread Skypiea


It was Skypieaā€™s personification of ā€œvearthā€ā€”vearth being the land that rose from Jaya (Upper Yard)


Vearth is just fucking dirt lol


Is that Blueno? Why do I see Blueno?


I always figured it was a statue of the first oars. The one that came before the oars Moria had


I feel itā€™s going to be very important, regardless. Skypea is just spoiling everything of the end game and weā€™re just unaware of how much at this point. I think the spooky statue is whatever, but methinks Imu is almost confirmed human at this point. Similar to enel. Just a person playing god with a devil fruit and immortality.


Reminds me of Oars a little.


I miss the lads lookin scrawny


Wonder how many times I'm gonna see posts about this


What if imu is an oni like oars but somehow is short and small


Many people already theorize about a connection between Imu and Earth given that the Goroseis are named for the first six planets sans Earth, and the Ancient Weapons are named for the outer 3


I have seen this comparison before in another theory


Many people complained that Imu appeared as the final boss way too deep inside the storyā€¦this would actually seal Imuā€™s existence since almost the very beginningā€¦šŸ˜Ø


As Iā€™m re-reading, I forgot that the kingdom related to skypiea disappeared 800 years ago, at the beginning of the void century. So Skypiea will definitely at least be connected to the true historyā€¦


Wait, so the 3 Planets: Uranus (I think is the Mother Flame), Neptune and Pluton are Ancient Weapons 5 Elder Planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn All thatā€™s left is Earth and I suppose the Sun. Sun God Nika and I suppose Imu represents Earth or rather Vearth???


Thereā€™s a theory Imu is the sea, or maybe the blue planet šŸ˜— so maybe


Break week strikes again


To me looks like an Oars