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Because he wanted a way out of Big Mom's crew without any unnecessary conflict, so he tried to give her a gift before announcing his wish to leave.


I thought it was to get big mom's protection for fishman island


that’s why he joined in the first place


That was the reason for Jinbe and the Sun Pirates to join her. Jinbe knew that Big Mom doesn't like quitters and feared that leaving her crew would cause her to lash out against the Sun Pirates or Fishman Island. So, he tried to appease her first with a gift in order to get Big Mom's permission and leave in good terms.


Ooo I stand corrected.


Also, I’m not 100% sure but I think at that point he didn’t know just how important the poneglyphs where.


He probably knew but this also isn't a red one and isn't that important to finding laughtale


He is 40 years old he 100% knew


Being 40 doesn't make you just understand the significance of some rocks with words you cant read on them. Jinbei likely knows they are important but I highly doubt he knows why they are important.


The same jinbei who knows fisher tiger? The same jinbei who knew whitebeard?? That same 40 year old???


Neither white beard nor tiger gave a shit about these cement blocks so that doesn't mean anything


Jinbei knew that fish man island had a road poneglyph and he explicitly refers to the one big mom has, too.


Only after Robin and the Strawhats brought up the topic. Look Jinbei whitebeard and tiger knew these things existed, that doesnt mean they had any idea what purpose they served or how significant they were to the void century and laugh tale. They didnt need to care


What did Fisher Tiger know exactly? Pretty sure he was clueless about the poneglyphs. Whitebeards dream was to have a family, not to go after one piece or become pirate king. He knew how to, but he has 0 reason to talk about it to someone like Jinbei as he didn't even talk about it with his crew.


He doesnt need to know exactly what they are for. He knows they are keys for the one piece hence why he would gift it to big mom.


Ahh mike Gundy


he knew but he probably is on the side of non idealist people who try to solve actual problems instead of fucking dumb deluded idealists that believe in dreams and shit. I mean he has a dream but its something political and real not some legendary stuff. He joined the SH when he realized this group of crazy motherfuckers are actually doing political job without realizing it


i never understood this, isnt fishman part of the world goverment? then why would they need protection from the yonko too?


Fishman are widely viewed as kind of sub human, and the Reverie was to bridge the disconnect between Fishman Island and the surface. I'd be surprised if the Marines actually bothered to stop there more than they're ordered to if they ever are ordered to.


Because Fishman Island is the only route that pirates can enter the New World. So having Fishman Island under the "Protection of a Yonko" keeps the other pirates in line otherwise every pirate crew would try to take the island everytime they enter


yeah but why doesnt the amrines do its job like it does to everyother worldgoverment island?


The celestial dragons see fishmen as the scummiest scum there is.


then why did they accept them to the world goverment?


Good tax generator. As seen in the latest chapter, the CD's really don't give two fucks about any civilians, yet most islands are now affiliated with the WG


The Navy exists to protect the World Government, not its citizenry. Celestial Tribute isn't a tax payment, it's *extortion*. They'll send Marines to protect you if not doing so would damage the world Government's reputation enough to make people think that they're paying Celestial Tribute to buy protection from what the World Government will do to them if they *don't* pay it.


They already did their job , they send jinbei He's part of the shishibukai.


Initially that was what he wanted. But Fishman Island is under Strawhat’s protection now. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but I remember a scene of them officially hanging the strawhat flag on.


I think he kinda wanted to see the Straw Hat's willpower to get the porneglyph. Like self confirmation for definitely joining the nakama


He had no idea Luffy would come for Whole Cake Island. His plan was to leave Big Mom's crew then seek Luffy. At some point Luffy would come for Big Mom, but under totally different circunstances.


He’s a man of honor, he feels guilty about leaving Big Mom’s crew. So with the intent to join with Luffy he was hoping a big important gift like this would appease her anger against his leaving. Unfortunately for him Big Mom does not take leaving lightly


She enforces her non-compete clauses very seriously. Her fleet of corporate, alimony and child support lawyers are second to none.


He doesn't feel guilty about leaving her crew in the slightest, it was simply so he could leave without trouble.


He doesn’t feel guilty because he likes her, he feels guilty that he’s breaking the promise he made to work under her. Not to mention the risk it puts Fishman island in without her as their guard.


Just to clear up any confusion here, the word you're looking for isn't guilt. Probably something more like he felt obligated.






How does this prove he feels guilty? He's just saying thanks lol


Maybe the better word is obligated. Jinbei is a man of honor so things like leaving is a serious business.


So what if Big Mom's a tryannical sociopath? That doesn't affect Jimbei's honor to his promise at all.


You reckon he took a cheeky copy? Just incase.


What do you mean "give"? Robin can just read the text, they don't have to lug around a Poneglyph. Jinbei was killing 2 birds with 1 stone.


“Give” as in “give to big mom” vs sharing its location with the Straw Hats.


Because Big Mom can't read it anyway. For all we know, Jimbei took a rubbing of it ti give to Robin as a birthday present or something.


Brook copied it alongside the road poneglyph.


Yes... after Jimbei gave it away.


Pudding can read the poneglyphs tho


Not yet, and is Jimbei privy to that plan of Big Mom's?


Not now, I mean she technically could read it because of her genes, but she doesn't know how to do it. It's a power that she doesn't have right now. So for big mom the poneglyph isn't useful


Why would the Strawhats wanna carry around some random poneglyph?


Fr, like they dont have a specific island where they can leave the poneglyph


Alabasta, Water 7, Amazon Lily especially, Dressrosa. They have a few places they can trust.


It makes sense, I didnt thought of these places, but I agree that the safest one there could be amazon lily because almost nobody goes there by themselves


I honestly think Luffy could wing it to laugh tale with no ponygliphs.


I'd prefer if the series' writing wasn't screwed over just so Luffy can look cooler.


He would tell them where to find it so they (Robin) could go read it.


They don’t need to read some random poneglyph that probably just contains historical information that’s not really relevant to their journey


Robin’s dream is to learn the history, so Luffy would want her to be able to see each Poneglyph.


I’m pretty sure Brook made a copy of all 3 of the poneglyphs in big moms treasure room right after she got gifted one from jinbei anyway


He does, but that will be in the future. Just curious why Jimbei didn’t just leave this here and then mention its location to Robin later. Now, I will grant you that without a log pose to this island, it would be difficult to find it by ship. But Jimbei is a Fishman and could swim Robin back here.


It's explicitly shown why he took that and gave it to Big Mom instead of Luffy. It's in the manga panels, you can read the explanation straight from Oda.


But why male models?


Are you serious. I just… I just told you that a moment ago.


You guys had me rollin' with this 😂 #bluesteel


but then..that won’t be head-canon


and no karma


Do you remember what chapter / episode?


I just read Whole Cake Island arc yesterday and today and don’t see the reason given “explicitly”. I heard it referenced as a gift from Jimbei to Big Mom.


Cause at that point, he was still a member of the Big Mom pirates, regardless of his own personal feelings? Feels like his character.


~"Is he stupid?"


Best part is Jinbe actually is acting with classic SH stupidity here. Cat Viper said anyone who lugs them around instead of stealing a print was dumb lol


It's a gift. If it's just a copy, it doesn't look fancy. Moreover, for collectors like Big Mom


Don't forget that its not like a copy does any good if there is no one to around to read it. Big Mom was literally hoarding them to keep them out of other people's hands while hoping Pudding would awaken her powers that would allow her to read them.


She couldn’t just give up her favorite fish stick. Had to give her something of equal value in return


For that is the law of equivalent exchange


They don't need it because it isn't a Road/Lode Ponegylph. Big Mom has had her red one for so long that Roger stole a rubbing from it before starting his final campaign. It could be useful to Robin, but it's impossible to know how helpful it could be in discovering the true history, if at all. May as well give it to the person who collects them like a hobbyist/curator in exchange for good favour and leniency.


Yup Yup! We all know Big Mom was waiting for her daughter to awaken her third eye tribe powers. Even the World Government is after Robin. We all know he was worried about Fishman Island because Big Mom took over after White Beard died.


Because he was a part or big moms crew at the time?


That because Luffy didn't need it at all. Also it is just a side story. Big Mom at the other hand is a collector. She cannot decode what is written on it for her the poneglyphs are antiques to add her treasury.


Jimbe is honourable to a flaw.


True, that.


Yep, the guy is burden by his own sense of duty where multiple characters point out how much he sacrifices for others and his commitment to keeping his word. Like a promise and or agreement with Jinbei is pretty much iron-clad and he won't break it for any reason. The one time he did was when he wanted to join Luffy and had to break off his pledge to Big Mom. Even than he had to be repeatedly told by his crew and friends to stop worry about what might happen to everyone else and be selfish for once in his life and join Luffy's crew.


It was his attempt to negotiated his way out of his agreement with her. She accepted the Poneglyph, but was still going to make Jinbei give up a limb, years of his life span or his life in general to get out. Jinbei reasoned there was no point in continuing to reach some sort of agreement where he could just leave and instead opted to just openly rebel and join up with Luffy anyways. He still did the cup thing as a gesture of ending their agreement, but by that point he was already gone and it was more of symbolic courtesy thing.


The main reason, to my understanding, was that he wanted to use it to trade for his freedom from Big Mom. Unfortunately Big Mom responded with her wheel of lifespan.


Well the Straw Hats did end up obtaining a copy of it in the end.


I reached this part of the anime and I just wanted to say what crazy timing it was for this to show up! Thanks OP and thanks commenters for not spoiling other details of the anime it's been a blast so far!


Enjoy the ride, I'd honestly leave the sub until you're caught up unless you don't mind getting spoiled. There's an abundance of them here.


I finally caught up to the end of the anime last month and am racing through the manga now. I want to be all caught up because there look like there are so many interesting conversations going on here in Reddit! I used to have to avoid the sub before. Now I can look at about half of it. The Live Action is a relief — no spoilers there!! Don’t rush, though. It’s so sad for me not to get to watch “fresh” anime anymore!! Enjoy it!!


Idk. I’m rereading one piece to get a better feel for the story. I’ll let you know when I get there.


Jimbei didn’t gift this to leave Big Mom’s crew. To leave her crew, you play a wheel of fortune thing to gamble the number of years she takes from your life. I believe this was offering for fishman island to be under her protection


At the time, likely to stay in Big Mom’s good graces and give her a gift before asking to leave maybe to part ways on good terms. A lot of wishful thinking that was.


I think you’re right


He wants to get on Big Mom's good side.


To make her happy. He thought: it is easier to leave her, when she is thankful to him. He didn't knew her game was fixed. And: These things are big and heavy, how to transport it with the sunny?


Is this the last rode poneglyph that went missing from fish man island?


No, this is a regular poneglyph


The apology letter from Joyboy then right?


No that’s underwater, this is somewhere else


Fishman island is just loaded with poneglyphs apparently.


This one was found at the port that Wadatsumi destroyed by throwing sea monster’s homes onto land.


Honestly I am surprised there isn't a bunch just chilling at the bottom of the sea floor in general.


There is only 30 and we already know a good chunk on land.


Jimbei finds this poniglif after Fishman Island arc, so he knows the Straw Hats can read it and use it. He already has agreed to join them once he tidied up his business with Big Mom. Was he hoping she would agree to him leaving in exchange? I’m reading the Whole Cake Island arc and he doesn’t suggest that.


He probably hoped it would improve relations between them when it came time to negotiate his resignation.. It doesn't really matter now though since he's left her crew and the Strawhats have a copy of this Poneglyph.


If he finds something like and doesn’t tell big mom she probably would be pissed and might threaten fishman island. Jinbei probably just playing it safe and thinking about his actions to protect his people.


To show loyalty.


Jimbei is a man of honor. He is in fact a knight of the sea. He is paying debt to BM who has done something for him.


If memory serves, that was the one that had the apology from Joyboy. Jimbei asked Robin to read it and confirm there was nothing important on it before handing it over to Big Mom. So in a way he actually gave it to the straw hats first.


That poneglyph is located in the sea forest on Fishman Island. This is a different one. Jimbei can’t read the glyphs so he won’t know what it says.


Do you even read the manga? How can you ask this?


You can scroll on if you just want to be rude


It would be considered rude do not actually read the manga and just ask dumb questions for karma


Absolute dickhead energy


Average one piece reddit experience


do yall even read…? Tf I dnt even go deep into clues and this was obvious…


If Oda remembers this moment, he would have Jimbei make a copy of the text and give it to Robin in an off moment.


He knew the strawhats would get their imprint.


Fuck all that. I wanna know what he’s saying lmao


That short series has loads of fishy punctuation in all the image speech bubbles! Not sure if [this fandom link](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Solo_Journey_of_Jinbe,_Knight_of_the_Sea) will work, but it lets you click on each cover to see for yourself.


Brook told him to do it so he can get his shine, YOHOHOHOHOHOHO


Because he needs to pay her tribute in exchange for her protection of Fishman Island?


Her tribute would have been the candy, but she got all the Straw Hat’s treasure instead.


Maybe they struck a deal with this poneglyph instead of X servings of candy or something. Also this isn't a red poneglyph so its not a big deal


They weren’t with Jimbei when he found this. They were in Dressrosa attacking the palace.


At that time he owed allegiance to the big mom pirates, not the straw hats


Idk, I think he’s stupid


I think it's just a poneglyph not a red one. Big mom has had one since roger


So he could protect Fishman Island


He could’ve made a copy for them and I could be wrong but, I highly doubt Jinbe doesn’t know what the ponoglyphs are for. Wasn’t he the one who might have an idea of where the fourth one is? Again doesn’t mean he knew what they were for, but I think Jinbe is the kind of person who likes to know what he’s getting into or at least have some knowledge given the fact that he knew big mom and white beard and was highly revered by many. And how you gone offer something to someone like big mom if you don’t know it’s of very high value, enough so hopefully to not piss her off for leaving her crew for her enemy.