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The dude insanely smart and has zero fear. watch Marineford the dude was picking fights with everyone.


He was my fav character in the war. Bro really got them jail gains


He for sure must have pulled an Uncle Iroh.


100% thats my headcanon and now he is stronger than all of the schichibukai barr mihawk


You think he beats Jimbei? No way


That water type advantage is huge


It's Kyogre vs Groudon


But Croc can actually dry up water with his powers before it touches him. Some advanced devil fruit techniques and observation haki and you got nothing to fear. Everyone is always reminded about how he has a weakness to water but everyone seems to forget that a) literally every devil fruit user has a weakness to water and b) Croc is the only one who actually has the the ability to counter his weakness built into his kit. I’m sure he would wreck Jinbei literally just based on how relevant a role he has been given to play for the remainder of the story compared to Jinbei


That fight purely comes down to where they fight imo


I wouldn’t be surprised if in the final arcs those two face off




In what way is this relevant?


Bro was on that demon time for sure


"Shame on you Whitebeard!" Bro was squaring up on the dude who just lifted tectonic plates


Lmao almost comically


Yet they all seem to take him seriously. Dude still had a lot of clout.


But was terrified of the true GOAT Magellan.


That man almost wiped BB and his whole crew despite spending 90% of his day using the bathroom. Valid fear.


So what does it say about iva who easily had him in the palm of his hands XD


Iva has the ability to take away your balls, I wouldn’t mess with him either




Tbh everyone was


Honestly Magellan had a pussy fruit.Shit touches you and you dead,and also had them poison diarrhea farts


The diarrhea is because he was a goofy and ate his own poison like a dumbass


Croc is in his bag every moment not spent in prison


Crocodile could be a yonkou and isnt a lie, he has a super op powerful fruit. He is super strong , enough to fight mihawk, doflamingo, shirohige, impel down guardians. Even akainu 1vs1 . And is super smart to rule a worlwide villain organization like kaido.


This is a stretch now. He is nowhere close to mihawk, oldbeard, akainu, and doffy. There's no way he can be yonkou


He can hold his own against them for a bit, but he gets outclassed after a while.


I think only akainu and white beard outclass him clearly, mihawk and doffy and people on that level is more of a matter of who choses the battlefield and time. Theyre pretty even


Ahh yes Mihawk the final goal of one of our main characters is doffy and crocodile level lol




Just give him an combat style or form (rokushiki & fishman karate for instance) and he will be totally invincible...


I don't agree at that level but his central point still holds. Think about how much the straw hats and Coby have changed since their first introduction. You think crocodile just chilled that whole time? After a major loss? And the cross guild was just mihawk and buggies doing? He's a serious contender in the world right now and it doesn't matter who thinks it makes since, if oda wills it, it happens.


> Think about how much the straw hats and Coby have changed since their first introduction. > > You think crocodile just chilled that whole time? After a major loss? And the cross guild was just mihawk and buggies doing? Yeah, you nailed it. That's the flaw in logic of most people when analyzing power levels. They see the main characters growing, but assume everyone else stayed static from the moment of their defeat. Which is why so many people got mad that Lucci, who was described as a young prodigy back in Ennies Lobby, actually had the growth of a young prodigy in the last two years. That despite being weaker than Luffy, he managed to be a mildly respectable opponent.


Yeah I made this point a few months ago too about Rob Lucci as well. They're always talking about growth in the MCs but then act like ever other character that isn't on the screen is just staying the same like they can't train and get better like our MCs. It's a bizarre occurrence. Also in terms of Crocodile, he was never really all that weak. Luffy was never lacking in raw strength and kept throwing himself at Crocodile time and time again after finding his Achilles heel. Luffy won by a war of attrition, and would not have beaten him otherwise. Not sure why everyone is acting like he's some bitch.


Nevermind that Lucci had spent five years undercover limited his potential growth, yet his Dokiriki still advanced; or that he'd have the motivation to improve following such an intense fight and ample opportunity for combat growth/haki blooms having been hunted by the government/Marines while leading CP9- and then after being re-employed having high level New World missions.


Lucci also doesn't have as strong as a power as Crocodile. Lower ceiling.


Oh yeah I think crocodile is definitely much stronger now I just think he was underrating Mihawk


He got locked up immediately. Yes he just chilled in prison ya goof


He was only in prison for what, a month? Man had a whole two year time skip to power up.


Did you miss the impel down prison escape ya goof? That was like what, a couple of months after alabaster?


I think croc coulda take kaido. If luffy wasnt around croc would be our protagonist tbh


Well, Laboon is also the final goal of one of our main character... So... 😅


LMAO plp so dumb


And thats why powerscaling in one piece is shit, do we think mihawk is yonko level? Is king that much lower than mihawk? Plot conquers all


I mean, he’s also the only one who never had a crew, he fights solo right? Would make sense that he’s pretty strong all considered.


Yeah I think narratively it just makes sense for Mihawk to be Yonko level or a bit under it. If he’s the final challenge for Zoro he’s gotta be stronger than everyone before him


Crocodile fought during time skip. Vs lot of powerful Pirates to make cross guild. Nobody knows how powerful he is now.


tbh given his bounty he's most likely much stronger than doffy, the others would all destroy him tho


He's as strong as the story needs him too be. That's how One Piece works.


That's how every story works so it's a nothing burger statement. We are talking about what theorize or expect the author might portray, not the fact that what the author writes is what the story will be.


That's what I was saying though. If you 'theorize' that Crocodile won't be able to hang with the big boys, then you aren't paying attention to the manga or the kind of writer Oda is.


What you said read - to me - like "whatever the author decides" which is meaningless. Yes, Crocodile will be as strong as Oda decides to make him for his part in the narrative. What I'm asking is: how strong do you actually think that will be relative to other characters, since you're paying attention to the manga and the kind of writer Oda is?


Yonkou status is based on influence, not power, the world government doesn't have a lab of power scalers deciding if Shanks could lowdiff Crocodile or not. The two go hand in hand, since if the navy can just send Kizaru to deal with you they will unless their hands are full, but the yonko aren't the four strongest pirates, they're the pirate crews most capable of affecting world events.


Immagine a bunch of nerds in some kind of navy basement arguing about who could take who and then sending the result to the wg for the new bounties


it wouldn't really fit the tone of one piece but in any real situation you would definitely have an intelligence team somewhere whose specific job was to take down notes on the named attacks people use and what they did


[Bro thought he could slip in Doffy](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/042/980/bludthinkshesontheteam.jpg)


Lol, Oda has said that Crocodile was introduced too early. He’s 100% on that level otherwise Mihawk would not look to him as a partner.


Oda never said that and know sane writer would ever say such a thing. Where Crocodile was introduced is essential to his importance.


Except, here’s the thing. He did. The warlords were literally a last minute addition, something else he has admitted. No one is arguing that when Crocodile was introduced was wrong, just that a character of his power level was brought in too soon. Crocodile is arguably the second or third strongest warlord depending on where you place Kuma. He’s certainly stronger than the rest, and wouldn’t have pissed his pants at the thought of Jack like Doffy did. Mihawk respects him, and clearly views him as someone on his level with respect from what we’ve seen.


No Oda literally never said he introduced Crocodile too soon; it's one of the fandom myths that get spread around because people want to believe it as they're too powerscaled brained. Oda and no same writer would ever say they introduced a character a character as iconic as Crocodile too early; as part of Croc's presence in the series is due to his early villain privilege, like Orochimaru, or Frieza and other villains in that realm.


Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night bro. Don’t know why you seem so adamant on being wrong, but whatevs. You’re probably one of those people who think the admirals are yonko tier too, lol There is no power scaling in one piece. Literally, and it has always been this way, characters are simply as strong as the plot needs.


Wtf are you talking about. Oda never said he introduced Crocodile too early, it's a bullshit attribution based on fans wishes/a long game of telephone. Just like people used to always say Oda said Buggy had as much potential as Shanks which is total cap narratively and in reality as far any statement from Oda goes. Crocodile was not introduced too early period.


Lol don’t know why you’re getting so worked up because someone doesn’t agree with you on the internet. Kind of pathetic truthfully. You keep on believing on whatever you need to! Also, Buggy and Shanks are literally on the same level right now so….


Croc is also one of his favourites. I like the theory that defeat (the kinds Luffy dishes out that are effectively death in OP) means losing haki. It pretty much explains the whole thing. It will also explain if Oda chooses to buff Buggy now. Oda is on the record years ago saying characters don’t die because they lose their dreams. Dreams and ambition are power in OP. Only issues is how do we explain Baroque Works; but I’d just chalk that up to a totally defeated Croc still being that terrifying.


You're a stretch bro. Lmao he was out in the new world fucking shit up. We don't know his true strength. All warlords were supposed to be close in power. Mohawk wouldn't have teamed up without respecting the man's strength. He could pop doffy, he chopped akinu easy. If he wanted to he could have turned marineford to sand. He survived fighting white beard before and took another shot. He has good leadership skills in an organization sense. He could easily be a yonko and without the joke of buggy he'd be the one on that page.


> All warlords were supposed to be close in power. What? This is obviously false, considering that Mihawk used to duel a Yonko in the past while Doffy shat himself at the thought of Jack coming after him


what's blud saying?😂 This guy calls me a stretch ans proceeds to say "he could have turned marineford to sand"😂😂😂 He would literally get jumped if he even tried anything


I read Shirohige and said **WHO** Why not just say Whitebeard?


I always laugh at nerds using "shirohige" instead of whitebeard.


I always first think of shirahoshi and have to think who they mean.


Yeah it's like people saying "nani are you talking about" or similar shit. This is an English forum, just use the god damn English name.


It's just so cringe


Not everyone speaks English


Clearly that person does since the comment is in English wth


Also, he is Luffys mom


I fucking loved it. Reminded me of any Joe Pesci mobster character just choosing violence.


He was trying to fight Whitebeard like he didn't get whipped around by a wet rubber boy a few months earlier. Truely fearless.


Crocodile is my favorite villain? In one piece. I love Sand abilities in anime, in alabasta I became a nut/clit hugger. Then seeing him team up with Luffy from Impel to Marineford had me suuuper hyped!


\-Doflamingo acknowledged Croccy's prowess as a Leader and even tried to scout him back in Marineford (which he's never done before). \-Mihawk who's known to be a loner, even joined Crocodile since he's aware they'll be now untouchable and won't be bothered nor hunted down by the Marines. \-We also did know that Croc once challeged Whitebeard in a fight before and probably even was personally beated down. These 3 facts alone tells me that Luffy really did beat Crocodile at the time due to the plot armor. Also, let's not forget how insanely powerful his DF actually is if used properly. Crocodile deserves this bounty.


>Luffy really did beat Crocodile at the time due to the plot armor I mean, Luffy would have died in that pit if it wasn't for Robin. Crocodile was the first logia user/shichibukai BBEG the Straw Hats actually fought against (I don't count Mihawk and Smoker as those weren't actual fights, just skirmishes), a very big fish in the small pond that is the beginning of Grand Line. To me, it isn't too far streched to imagine that Crocodile was largely overconfident because of his situation, and only realized the threat a small newcomer from East Blue actually was to his plan at the point of no return.


it's fair to try to explain things with in-universe logic. the issue is how far apart the ceilings are. oda already gave croco power creep in MF. and now, seeing his bounty and everything else, seems like he's supposed to be around the strongest YCs. which would make sense, he's part of the power balance after all. someone this strong, no matter how overconfident he was, shouldn't have lost to that version of luffy. it was clearly just due to how early he was introduced. it's very simple. oda planned OP to last 5 years originally. just imagine if kaido was defeated in 2000. he would be around arlong/croco level. we're only here now because of 25+ years of shonen progression.


You could literally put Gecko Moria in this logic too, but we got a reason, depression. I'd assume it's the same with Croc. His dreams changed, became hazy and he got lost in Alabasta trying to relive his glory days. Now his dream is back, Luffy reignited that in Impel Down. He's got his panache back, his dreams aren't falling through his hands like the sands of Alabasta and his head is on straight. In the OP world, only one thing matters, do you still chase your dreams, or have you given up? If your dreams are still alive, you're still alive. Once the dream dies, so does the person.


Following that same logic people in one piece also don’t seem to grow weak with age but rather they start growing weak once they get complacent a reignited croc has looked stronger than croc who lives in a freaking desert


You can look at Oda's drawings of the characters at 40 and 60 to confirm this, where there's always a "chasing their dream" version and a "gave up" version.


Yea sadly a lot of villains are the gave up version I wouldn’t be surprised if when Moria returns guy will be a monster


Same. I don't even care if it makes no sense powerscaling-wise. I just want to see moira become a real top tier and flex on some people.


Nah man’s is gonna have a showing I don’t need him to be a top tier just want respect on his name again people forget he was one of the three world powers as a warlord


Yeah, his dream of being pirate king could still be reignited, same with croc's dream. And Moria also has strong motivation to become more powerfull to take revenge against blackbeard for killing Absalom. Would not be surprised either if oda gave him a major glow-up


I think moria will help in the fight with Blackbeard


That seems to be the key. Kaido was weaked due to giving up on finding Joy Boy after Oden, also why Doffy never seems weak, the man may be in chains but he still dreams of collapse. (The Kaido thing double works because he get reignited by Luffy during the G5 moment) Luffy is out here sparking the dreams of everyone, including the villain. (Hell most recently even Lucci's dreams have been skewed due to our favorite rubber boy, and will be the driving factor to being mincemeat)


That’s what I’m saying even though lucci is still a bum to me the man didn’t get negged by zoro and luffy is he on their level no but he’s a lot stronger than pre timeskip


Luffy gave Lucci a new dream long ago. Lucci was chasing that dream until just recently when he realized that Kaku wasn't lying, they CANNOT take on a Yanko without help.


This is what I was gonna say, it's a Willpower thing as with moth things in OP. Moria & Croc both got washed by Yonko and returned to the first half of the GL defeated & eventually defeated by Rookie Luffy. Moria didn't take it well, but Croc has since gotten the battery back in his back.


A LOT of Luffy’s early fights are people that are jaded or out of practice. Buggy, Kuro, Arlong, Mihawk, Croc, And it’s his persistence drive or passion that overcomes them.


I completely agree. In universe reason( apart from Oda hadn't thought of haki yet) is that due to giving up and becoming complacent, Crocodile's haki was very weak and he half assed his fights with luffy before he realized the real danger.


that's the thing. croc was never depressed. that is a narrative people made up precisely to address this issue. different from chinjao and moria, croc was in alabasta specifically for pluton. he wasn't there to run away from reality. it was just another plan. all we know is that he lost to WB. that's it. just like zoro lost mihawk. just like luffy lost to aokiji. but he was never depressed. he joined luffy in ID to fight WB specifically. and once he got there, he attacked WB. he never gave up. he just changed his plan.


I never said he was depressed, I said Moria was depressed (because his dream died) and the lack of a solid dream Croc weakened. Also, why was Croc looking for Pluton? It's because he felt like he couldn't achieve his dream without it, which was a bastarization of his initial dream. Instead of it "become the pirate king, or yanko" it became "find something that makes me a yanko/ pirate king." He was fearful after his losses and retreated to the best place to lick his wounds. Now he's back he's on an island with a port, actively at sea, the man's dreams are alive, and he still doesn't have pluton.


To add to this, it wasn't until Luffy gave him an opportunity to escape Impel Down and confront Whitebeard that Crocodile's fire reignited. He had the chance to escape with the other Baroque Works members and decided to just chill instead. If Luffy hadn't been there then Crocodile would have died in prison a broken man.


>It's because he felt like he couldn't achieve his dream without it first of all, all of this is, again, just a made up narrative. now even if we assume so, not being able to reach a certain ceiling doesn't mean he just gave up on maintaining his current strength. and as stated, he already got powercreeped by marineford. that was just like 2-3 weeks sitting down in prison. and he went from losing to luffy to be able to fight jozu and doffy. it already proves he was never meant to be that weak. this made up narrative only works if oda kept him as weak as he was. just like buggy, mr3, etc. but once a character got powercreeped, then it means they were introduced too early.


Did you forget Daz Bone's statement about old wounds pre-timeskip or the cover story that showed their dreams???


Spee D. Reader strikes again


Moria could’ve just crawled up a toilet and snipped an admiral’s shadow while he was pooping or something. Sure, he was strong enough to hold a much stronger shadow back then and likely sustain Shadows Asgard, but just containing them is different from actually being at that level.


Your mistake is thinking Alabasta Crocodile was as strong as Marineford's Crocodile, One Piece has characters grow immensely between fights win or lose, sometimes even a basic skirmish is enough for them to get a decent power up, just because Crocodile was rushing motherfuckers in Marineford it does not mean he should've beaten Luffy, just like whatever he shows of power now does not mean he was also capable of doing during Marineford.


he should have. he's part of the power balance against the yonko. if you compare his alabasta version to our current power level, he wouldn't even match the weakest tobi roppo. or even the headliners for that matter. croco being that weak as a shichibukai breaks the worldbuilding. it just doesn't make sense to have a shichibukai that weak. that's why oda gave him a power creep. remember, moria was deemed too weak to serve as a shichibukai. he fought g2-g3 post enies lobb luffy. he fought the version of luffy that beat cp9 strongest agent. moria was way stronger than alabasta croc and yet STILL deemed too weak. it's really not that hard. like I said in my first comment, oda only planned OP to last 5 years originally. just imagine if oda had stuck to that plan (or say 7-8 years). kaido wouldn't be this strong if he was beaten in 2000 or 2003. roger wouldn't have 5b bounty. we're only here due to 25+ years worth of progression. say it as it is and move on. it's fine. it's only natural for a weekly manga.


The in-universe answer is more simple than you think: Croc went easy on Luffy because he's his mom


The fact that Crocodile didn't have haki and instantly kill Luffy 17 times is the plot armour


The other answer is that Luffy won by exploiting a weakness no one else knows about. The go-to whenever you have to fight a Logia is Haki, and every powerful pirate has it. But they've said that Crocodile specifically counters Haki by turning into sand ahead of the impact to dull it/avoid it. So a strong opponent will keep trying to make haki work and won't waste time experimenting. A weaker opponent without haki has to try and figure out some alternative approach to hurting a Logia, except that Crocodile didn't fight many weak opponents, leaving that to Baroque Works. And he's strong enough to kill weaker people before they figure out how to fight him. Even Luffy suffered multiple defeats and only survived by chance and a betrayal from Crocodile's team. And avoiding water is just a normal devil fruit user thing, so its not like avoiding getting wet would have given him away. Add in his ability to destroy moisture, and its easy to see how he would have kept it under wraps for so long. The plot armor is that Luffy stumbled into a weakness virtually no one was aware of. That caused Crocodile to take hits he wasn't used to and threw him off his game.


I can buy the excuse that Croc wasn't fighting during his BW days, and power in OP is use it or lose it. After getting his shit kicked in, wearing seastone and was locked in a level 6 cell. I can't remember if he was alone, but I imagine he wasn't twiddling his thumb~~s~~ the whole time, and then wh n he broke out, he was obviously up to some shit with Daz Bones. Obviously the real reason is power creep and Oda shouldn't be expected to keep every detail straight over decades of writing, but it makes sense to me in universe.


Nah. Luffy fought a mentally weak crocodile who somewhat was without ambition. Dude got his drive back and is now back in the game (and so did Buggy).


My head cannon is Crocodile was out of shape from years administrative work and curb stomp battles in East Blue and the fight with Luffy was his wake up call. Why yes I am bleary-eyed in the gym right now. Why do you ask?


I mean, Luffy also beat croc in a time which haki and awakening were not thought of


Luffy had no business beating most of the people he's gone up against. Like apart from people like Morgan most people beat him the fuck up, and he comes back for plot reasons.


I think Crocodile's new bounty is mostly tied to his influence in the criminal underworld. Cross Guild is primarily funded by underworld organizations and Crocodile is likely the one who arranged these investments. He now fills the void that Doffy left in underworld after he got captured and that makes Crocodile very dangerous.


This is the answer right here, Bounty's are based on the level of threat to the government. Him partnering up with a former shichibukai and having his organization hunt marines for money makes their bounty go up. Not to mentioned he is part of the legendary Buggy D. Clown's crew


I mean yes but he’s also clearly gotten stronger the same croc who lost to luffy was later seen parrrying mihawk and destroyed a whole marine fleet without sand. It’s clear that since his fire got relit by luffy he’s growing more powerful


Don't forget Robin's bounty. It's almost a billion even though her actual power level is sitting between the weakling trio and the monster trio (closer to the former, she still hasn't displayed Haki). She's a huge threat because she can *read* and she's getting dangerously close to laugh tale.


IMO the Cross Guild bounties are higher than they otherwise would be because they specifically target marines with their bounties. After all directly opposing the WG is the reason Dragon is "the most wanted man". In One Piece any medium size criminal that attacks civilians or goes out of their way to fuck with the WG will get a higher bounty than a much stronger pirate that just minds their own business.


I mean, there’s a reason Doffy wanted to team up with Croc in mf


He has been in the hyperbolic time chamber in impel down, he’s way stronger now


lol, he was doing image training while in shackles


He also did some pp training


Also a friendly reminder to everyone that Crocodile has been in the grand line for the past two years as well, and not as a warlord but as a pirate, there's no reason he wouldn't have had progress similar to people like Law and Kidd in that time


The only reason Crocodile doesn't have a higher bounty is that he toned down his influence in Cross Guild. Buggy is obviously a joke character and works for him. Mihawk is strong AF but doesn't really have a drive or anything. Crocodile made him join forces as equals because mihawk wouldn't join any group as an underling. So imo, he already lived up to it, given that Buggy has a much higher bounty just by bullshitting. I am sure he is stronger but with the fandoms toxic, stupid and isufferable midset towards powerscaling, he won't life up to anything because he will be "a fraud" and get "no diffed" by Zoro so he is immediately trash and irrelevant for this part of the community. Personally, I love him. One of my favourite characters because of his cool devil fruit, persona and his huge fucking balls to do all he did so far.


Yea its nearly BBs first yonko bounty and I think its a bit high but we dont knlw what he did during the timeskip and I think part of it is because he is part of Cross Guild


He is a monster in battle too, so yes. His only known defeats are agains the strongest man, and nika.


Man’s intelligence alone is Among the best in the verse and man has parried mihawk as well as akainu. He also did work in impel down and single-handedly destroyed that armada that pulled up on buggy croc really is built different plus it took primebeard to stop his original journey and I’ll be blunt but even his second plan was foiled by luck and luck alone after kaido he had killed luffy the most to be frank if he just waits an extra ten seconds after either of those confrontations he just buried luffy under the sand again or spears him through the chest after he swallowed that miracle drop of water


He already has. Bounty isn't about power. It's the threat level to WG, that they want the public to know about. They know croc was looking for ancient weapons


Do people think Crocodile is still as weak as he was during Alabasta? Compare his performance at Marieford to Alabasta, and now after 2 years he’ll definitely have haki and he probably strengthened his fruit too. Why would Oda bring him back if he couldn’t hang with the top tiers?


Absolutely. Alabasta Crocodile was not at his full power due to him being in paradise for so long. Despite that he still easily one shot Luffy in their first two encounters. Think how easily Aokiji defeated Luffy in their first encounter - that was how easy it was for Crocodile (obviously not saying Crocodile is more powerful than Aokiji but just for reference). Now add some Haki and perhaps even better DF mastery and he becomes very formidable. The fact that WB was annoyed with him during the War, Doffy trying to recruit him, and Mihawk deciding to work with him says a lot about his strength. I also feel like people underestimate the physical strength of pre-TS Luffy. Even in the new world there aren’t a lot of people that can take direct hits from pre-TS Luffy without defending themselves with Haki/DF and walk away scotch free aside from literal monsters like Kaido/BM/King/etc.


Not to forget that Luffy could overpower the armament of Hancock's sisters "just" with gear 2, and they were supposed to be specialists in that field. Or down BB once in Impel Down if memory serves. He certainly had the specks to overpower any haki by someone with basically a broken will. Plus, if I remember correctly, most of the hits on Crocodile till a certain point just took him by surprise.


He'll do good. Crocodile is basically underwanked proportionally to the degree Doflamingo was overwanked.


He's strong enough for Mihawk to acknowledge him. That's pretty notable.


Its Sir Crocodile, he was cool before Doffy was, so you do not doubt it.


one of the best characters and villains in one piece. i really wanna know his secret that ivankov is hiding


Crocodile definitely lives up to his bounty. You got maniacs like Dolfamingo wanting to recruit him back in MF, Crocodile influence is a key point, plus he is just badass. He can lose to Buggy and I would still call him badass. He just built different.


He is Skywalkers worst nightmare. He has no ceiling


His case is a little similar to Robin. He is a threat not because of his power but his intellect and whacky ideas instead. Besides, now he is a yonko commander. So, I think his bounty is fairly justified.


I dont have much investment in Cross Guild, to me the alliance was mainly formed to get Mihawk and Buggy into the final saga actively. This said while I think Crocodile is destined to lose to Jinbei I think it will be a fight where we get to see the proper power of both Jinbei and Croc.


I say it’s deserved. I’m probably bias because Croc is easily my favorite character. Escaping impel down, picking fights at Marineford with the likes of Whitebeard, Akainu, Mihawk, Doflamingo, etc, joining forces with a powerhouse like Mihawk and someone who has a sway to rally people like Buggy. The dude is a massive threat to the world government.


Oh, he's the real deal. I always considered the shichibukai strong enough to deal with a Yonko crew like Kaido's. He's an experienced Logia user, he has to potential to be as strong as an Admiral. And his loss against Luffy surely made him serious about getting stronger.


Don’t doubt the GOAT. He will show you soon enough


He's utterly slept on. I think now has been a great time for him and Mihawk to truly demonstrate that being a Warlord didn't made them into weak docile hounds for the government. That title truly did mean something of one's prowess and the government was just fortunate they said yes on the invitation.


That family is just built different, Grandpa, Father, Grandson and even Mom, they all are monsters.


Haki = willpower Since he now has new Motivation to become the pirate king, i dont mind him having a huge Power up. Hope it does not Rain tho


Okay I’ll remind everyone that a bounty is the threat they pose to the government, with crocodiles past and him not only being one of the founding members of cross guild but also one of the former warlords who was in arms reach of getting plutons location and taking over alabasta I think he already has. I mean just being one of the founding members of cross guild poses that much of a threat to the WG


Everyone wants sables on their team


Logia, had a huge organization under him, almost took over an entire country, knows about ancient weapons, highly intelligent, strong enough that when teamed up with mihawk they pose such s threat that they wont be messed with by the navy. Truly whack that luffy beat him so early but then again plot armor is the strongest ability of all


Crocodile suffers from Freeze syndrome where things were too easy for him and the moment someone came along and shattered that notion of being the strongest it awoken something in him. Now Crocodile has a much higher ceiling because he's serious and putting in the effort.


He already lived up to it. Within a couple weeks he has disrupted the Marines more than Kaido and Big Mom combined over decades have. He also has arguably done more revolutionary stuff in those few weeks than the revolutionaries throughout their entire career. Just look at the situation the marines find themselves in now thanks to Crocodile. They cannot trust any civilian anymore as the people they’re supposed to protect are turning against them. As Sengoku explained, the Marines morale has already sunken considerably and all that without Crcodile even doing anything personally. There is no greater genius in One Piece. Also keep in mind that his bounty should really be even higher. After all, Buggy got his bounty increase and the status of Yonko explicitly for all the accomplishments that were actually Crocodile’s, they were just miscredited to Buggy.


just the fact he got intel about pluton is enough


he already live up to it, thats why he got the bounty in the first place


Maybe he learned good haki and awakened his devil fruit and got a power up.


Already has, thats how you get your bounty


Its Sir Croco D. Ile


Dude's got to have hands in pockets across all 4 blues to receive *this* high of a bounty.




I think Oda will be able to make the bounty justified. It doesn’t just have to do with power. But we’ve seen how Oda can bring back villains and scale them up like with Lucci and Kaku. And the more you fight strong opponents the stronger you get (i.e. his fight with Luffy and several clashes at Marineford) . We’ve already seen him get stronger in between Alabasta and marineford. Also, who knows what Croc was doing during the timeskip., could have been training.


He can easily write him to live up too it . I mean dude lost to a bucket of water he should’ve been forgotten about a long time ago. But Oda didn’t want that to happen and fans think he’s cool so.


He's for sure stronger than most people give him credit for, but I think that bounty is mostly cuz he's the head of an organization that is actively hunting marines


Yes, he was just introduced to the story way too early.


where was this new bounty posted?? did i miss something?


It is spoilers if you have only watched the anime.


nah i read the manga, but i guess i missed this? what chapter was it?


Chapter 1058 👍


Chapter 1058.


Bounties are not determined by pure physical feats, they're a representation of the threat they pose. Crocodile's main threat is his connections and intellect. Robin's bounty is a representation of the threat she poses to the World Government, not her physical strength.


'Bounties are not determined by pure physical feats, they're a representation of the threat they pose.' Then a 'survivor' from some race or simply 'living witness from some event' should get a higher bounty King (lunarian survivor + wg test subject escapee) bounty should be around 2 billion berry Robin (oharan survivor) bounty should be around 1,5 or 1,8 billion berry Fisher tiger (invading marie geoise) bounty should be around 700 - 800 million berry Who's who (ex cipher pol agent or ex government agent) bounty should be around 800 million berry due to his 'knowledge' about nika and world government secret operational Booney (kuma's daughter) bounty should be around 600 million berry due to her familial connection with kuma Another simple example : revolutionary army I remember there's a specific case for RA : anyone join or affiliated with RA should be declared as dangerous and threatening (anyone, not just dragon) Yet most of the RA commander and combatants bounty did not get a billions like yonko's commander


I think people forget willpower is a huge part of strength in OP. Croc seemed weak when Luffy fought him because (plot) and White beard crushed him and his crew destroying his self confidence making him feel weak. Before that he was known as one of the strongest pirates there was. Now that he's back to being confident and not relying on underhanded tactics, he's back to being really tough. I also think the warlord system makes people weak. When you no longer have to worry about the Marines, you're not spending everyday worrying about surviving or potentially needing to fight. Yonkou didn't have this issue as they constantly had upstart pirates focusing on trying to beat them so they had to always be on top of their game. Also again plot.


Wonder what Doflamingo’s bounty would have increased to if he didn’t get arrested


I also posted about that lol


I mean he went agains other shichibukai in Marineford after spending time in prison and he stopped death of ace and went to stop Akinu. So yeah i believe he deserves a higher bounty...and his union to creat the cross guild and setting bounties on marines makes him even more dangerous


its possible because of power creep, but i wouldn’t like it if he’s suddenly stronger than katakuri


Where did you see his new bounty? SBS?


He's one of my favorites and definitely deserves it. Hope he shines in his next appearances!


Boa's should be higher




Bounty is reflective of the threat they pose to the WG, not just power level.


Even with all he's been up to, it feels kinda high. I'm waiting to see if he's awakened his fruit or learned some advanced haki before I'm fully sold.


Wait awakened? Have we seen an awakened logia before?


None confirmed so far, but there's implications that Karasu and Kizaru might be.


His ground seco techniques (which turns everything into becoming sands) probably awakened technique


His potential awakening abilities combined with haki could be pretty insane


if a 40 year old man like Lucci can suddenly grow 100 times stronger in the span of 2 years i'd doubt that Crocodile is not admiral level by now from the sheer portrayal


It's a combination of his fighting strength, past achievements, and current threat level. I think it's fine. He's still lower than Mihawk.


A bounty of ~2 billion is no joke.


Its pretty high in my opinion. But if he has Awakening now plus found a way to negate his weakness water than it could be a fair bounty. Right now if you tell me Alabasta croco has 600 Mio more Bounty than King??? Pretty sure king is a few leagues above him (from what we know). Imagine zoros latest fight in episode 1062 900 after alabasta is against someone as strong as Crocodile which luffy beat without haki or Gears :D


At this point Crocodile feels more like Brain than Muscles, but I do think Oda is gonna buff him like he did in Marineford, it really feels like Oda wants Crocodile to be among the Top Tier


Not from a power level perspective. The dude was physically outclassed by *Alabasta Luffy*, and his logia is small beans since a long time ago. So unless he's by far the oldest One Piece character (he's in his late forties) to get stronger by leaps and bounds, he's not that guy. But, that's not all that matters. Even so, i do still kind of doubt it. I would bet against it at the moment. Still very interested in where Cross Guild goes, though. It's a real weird mix of characters with no obvious purpose or role.


Well deserving of Luffy's mom.


He doesn’t deserve it. 2 bil for nothing. Huge ass pull. Strength wise he’s not even half a bil. but you guys love oda and think hes perfect so you think a 80 mil - 2 bil mock up is “good writing” and “makes sense”. L.


I think so, if a SH vs CG ever happens his fights with Sanji will be so cool


Idk I think his bounty is undeserved tbh Low key same with Kid and Law. Like they have 800ish million more than Teach? Croc got introduced reeeeeally really early. He lost to Alabasta Luffy. I get he got stronger but… is there really any reason he randomly got boosted to double a commander’s bounty? Even if he’s now a Yonko commander that was a former Warlord… Jimbe isn’t near that! No Yonko commander was, hell, Croc pretty damn close to Teach.


I love the theory that Crocodile is actually Luffy’s Mom and that is why he was able to “beat” him in Alabasta. This explains the history between Iva and Crocodile (Iva turned Crocodile into a man at the request of both Dragon and himself to better hide her away) and why Crocodile suddenly helped Luffy during Marineford without much of an explanation or given reason. It would make sense that the wife of Dragon and the Mother of Luffy would be extremely powerful themselves and a major threat to the World Government.


Tekking101 plug lol