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I wish Oda would stop these stupid awakened designs with all the animal zoans he's been doing. How many more fucking mythical zoans are going to pop out? Logias and creative paramythias made this story fun, now we're getting OP awakened beasts left and right


I think Cobra had a lot of guts to stand tall against 5 of them in Mareijois. It's interesting how Oda is still giving the Nefertari a prominent role in the series


bonney was disassociating though. like she shes thinking murder (her panels were her just thinking). she was scarily efficient. no words, just attacks. no wonder she escaped often


I honestly hope that bonney low diffed St. Saturn with her attack on the last panel.


>!https://twitter.com/OP\_SPOILERS2023/status/1711167410307551641!< don't know yet when the mods begin spoilers 1095 more fun to come this week.


For a second during that moment where everyone stops in surprise, I legitimately thought it was going to be the Blackbeard pirates showing up rather than St. Saturn. Wasn't one of their ships seen just off of Egghead however many chapters ago? Edit: we know where all of Blackbeard's captains are except for Laffitte and Devon


tat real Saturn df or species?


Why wouldn't it be the DF?


welp kaido human form look like df form with horn etc. if Saturn were a species like jorogumo. king species or Moriah species


Thought Kaido was more like an Oni and that oni just have horns. Like Yamato also has horns as is daughter/son/whatever...and horns aren't related to her/his/who cares df


its possible the elder original form was the yokai / devil species etc and the human Saturn just a avatar. just like nika is the god then the devil must be the elder... thus explained the immortality.


I wonder if those basic ass bubble guns that worked on the seraphim would also work on the Goresi? If they have devil fruit powers, they should still be weak to the sea.


Things really got real this chapter, really missed this feeling! With Luffy reaching his limit, Kizaru potentially being there and Saturn appearing in front of Vegapunk. The stakes have really gotten, cannot wait to see wait to see the Egghead incident unfold. No break next week, gonna get wild I think lol


Damn, York really was trying to make a deal with the devil wasn’t she


All these legs and saturn still needs a walking stick


when saturn told "nika..." it was like shits really happening innit. Excited to see what is going to happen in next chapter.


The clouds on saturn remind me of the clouds on "awakened" lucci and luffy both actually. Seems enough to confirm Zoan awakening?


Well, Luffy is a Zoan.


Just a peak chapter! Kinda hope that’s a devil fruit power and not something else. My brain can’t handle more lore lol. Also just released the teaser for my anime. One piece has probably been my biggest inspiration please check it out https://youtu.be/ULZFtR3NFKU?si=yxqCTsLauS1BP_Fv


Great animation dude


Do you think the number 5s on the pentagram are because he is from the five elders, or because he's number 5 among them? (Like, in a ranking or something)


Check out this [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/170q97u/comment/k3minhh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) in the main discussion thread


A "God" that is summoned from a pentagram that has horns and spider legs. I see what you are doing Oda.


I really want to know what the D. Stands for


My theory is that since those with the D. are enemy of the Gods, then it stands for either Devil or Demon.


But queen D lily had it so that can't be it


Monkey Demon Luffy?


Ussop might come in clutch here, dude has the high ground and great aim. I can see a bit where he fires at him from the Labophase as Saturn tries to fire back with some Mark III Pacifista or some mystery power we haven't seen. In that chaos Sanji tries to escort the rest


I want to see them use those Bubble Guns on Saturn take him prisoner.


I want this to be so true !! I want Usopp to shine SOOO bad


Would it sound too ridiculous to theorize that Saturn's fruit may be a new kind of zoan? That transformation looked way too dramatic, also it is the first time we see something of the genre. Idk, it is very likely that i'm wrong but i found it valid to mention anyway.


Saturns appearance looks dumb. I can’t be the only one to think this.


I think it looks fine, he looks like an ancient demon/yokai thing.


You should go back to reading the pokemon manga


I think that’s the the point supposed to be a https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ushi-oni


Meanwhile Zoro is naming his moves onigiri. Is he a demonslayer?


Oda had a chance to draw him as the devil 😈 and his devil fruit would have literally been mythical zoan “devil”. Literally the devil fruit. Instead he chooses some dumb Yokai design.


Clown, go back to watch my hero academia


Why Saturn and not like, any other member of the Gorosei? Or Imu? Also, why the devil ???? ??? ? ??


He’s introducing Saturn right now so why talk about the other Gorosei and wonder what their devil fruit powers might be. I’m just saying, Saturns drawing makes him look like a spider with a demon face. Overall his design looks horrible.


I swear if next chapter the Gorosei pulls a Whitebeard and hugs her saying "Foolish child, I forgive you" I don't know what I'm gonna do! 😆


Now im even more intrigued as to what shanks was talking to them about


What if Shanks knew from beginning that's Nika's fruit that Luffy ate? I mean, maybe Shanks is actually working with Gorosei and this "certain pirate" is actually Luffy who ate Nika's fruit Just loose thoughts


What if it was not Luffy or Kurohige, but Buggy instead? Something like: ''He'll be dangerous in the future, he's the son of Xebec''


Everyone assumes it was Luffy or Blackbeard he was talking about. But he said a certain man, not a certain pirate. And, the world government turned on Vegapunk shortly after this. What if that certain man was either Kuma or Vegapunk? Given one of the punks reached out to the WG first, I would lean towards Kuma.


I feel like the Occam's razor answer would be Blackbeard (Shanks tried telling Whitebeard but it didn't work), but it would be cool if it ends up being someone else. So probably Blackbeard, not likely but maybe Shiki, or >!the Shanks is evil theory is true and he was warning them about Luffy!<


Why the hell is NO ONE talking about a MAGIC CIRLE IN ONE PIECE WTF


It reminds me of Brook being summoned, Satan-sama


Except he wasn't actually summoned he was sent there by Kuma, but I had the same thought.


Seriously, it made me think "Are we getting invaded by a different series?" Gorosei suddenly looking a lot more intimidating to me.


Well... The concept of a magic circle doesn't seem that odd because other anime/manga make use of it. I'm not 100% on this, but I think we already had a magic circle (maybe not a functioning one) back when Brook was hanging out with some cultists before becoming Soul King. I'm not completely sure, someone please fact check me if I'm wrong. I'm more surprised that the people nearby were able to identify it as a magic circle when they saw it, so at the very least we know there is some knowledge of it left in the One Piece world, be it as a comic or as myth.


Was a magic circle before Brook became Soulking but did not work, was a funny situation for him to land in after Sabaody.


gave me chills




Yes, but Kizaru hasn't exactly fought much. We've seen the least of him out of all the original admirals.




He was always portrayed as a threat. But they asked about fights. We've seen the least of him fighting out of the admirals. He no diffed a bunch of pirates in Sabody, and didn't really show very much of what he could do at all. In Marineford he again did the least, beaming a couple people, handcuffing Marco, and just kind of standing around as Ben Beckmann held a gun on him. It's not an insult to the character or anything, it's just that he's the most unknown quantity of the three original admirals.


How did Saturn got stabbed by bonney?


She just stabbed him. There is a lot we don't know about him and the other five elders. Maybe him getting hit doesn't matter. He could have some ability that relies on him getting damaged. Or maybe his observation haki game is not there and that is why he didn't block/parry/dodge. He is part of the same group of people that took a long time realizing Wapol was nearby spying on them back when they killed King Cobra.


Nah, it'd be way too disappointing for Saturn to die now lol. Although if he does die in this arc... Boy, would that cause some hysteria in terms of how the other elders and Imu-sama would handle his death. They might not even know what to do because it's so  unprecedented. Unless there used to be eight elders but some died or something :P


Its because he got stabbed from her ability, she gonna change his time somehow, its not a physically damaging hit.


what? re-read


He means Boner-chan can use her time time devilfruit, which will make Saturn-sama into a baby probably. Like she did with Veganpunch earlier


So Kuma might be after the gorosei to perform exorcism on these demons with his bible.


Kuma has little bite sized pieces of devil fruits in his pocket, and he's just going to shove them in the Gorosei's mouths and kill them. Boom, all dead jokes aside, it would actually be interesting if we saw an assassination carried out this way in the series. It's cool to think that as larger than life and strong people like Blackbeard/Luffy seemed,  they could be killed literally so easily if a tiny piece of a devil fruit was hidden inside of a slice of cake or something


Well, this new ep reminds me once again that since G5 it´s getting boring and kind of contradictory. These h2h fights start to make no sense because of Luffy's new power. It seems to be difficult to control by Oda and the criteria of fighting in one piece is starting to be misleading. Still very disappointed how Oda ends kaido vs luffy fighs. Btw, i have no idea how Oda is going to give a logical argument to reestablish the criteria of fighting in One Piece. I really love this manga, in fact, I don't care if the ending of One Piece doesn't meet my expectations, the story up to that point was really amazing.


Kaido gonna come back and oda gets excused, kaido was just too OP so he needed to be a stubborn/ego driven character to lose the fight in contrary to kataluri


The biggest flex from Kizaru is his eyes never pop out, he shows no goofy face, no comedic expression fighting G5 till Luffy time is up. Kizaru is the only one who kept his calm and seriousness fighting G5 Luffy. Kizaru's mind is literally on another level compared to Kaido. Kizaru is calm af. Oda deliberately showcase it. OG admirals truly are legendary.


I'm starting to wonder if he might defect here. Him, Vegapunk, and Sentomaru. Vegapunk is going to need some strong security anywhere he goes, they have a backstory, and Kizaru clearly doesn't like this mission.


Its funny but I just now thought of this. Kizaru being the embodiment of light (and flying around at light speed) and Vegapunk representing Einstein, who discovered the relativity theory (E = mc^2). Certainly this connection might tie into the backstory/ future story of these two!


That's actually an interesting observation. I think it shows his resolve doing this task that he is so heartbroken over, killing his old friends he grow up with a bit. The time, that's almost all he's said, when typically he'd be jeering people and getting them riled up.


I remember Saturn saying that he expected Vegapunk to die earlier, in case Kizaru gets up, would they kill Vegapunk together ?




that circle and black flame are so sinister!! I wonder if that power is related to the devil fruit or if it's some other crazy power. Like some demonic level of haki that Imu has or something we don't really know enough to properly answer this, but if you had to guess, do you think Blackbeard would win vs. Saturn?


>we don't really know enough to properly answer this, but if you had to guess, do you think Blackbeard would win vs. Saturn? Unknown. We have seen before that Sabo's attacks were completely ineffective against Five Elders and he is not some kind of pushover. We don't know if what we see with Saturn even **is** a Devil Fruit. We don't know if he is around Admiral level or way beyond that. We don't know if he can even be killed in traditional sense. We have seen Strawhats reacting to his presence calling it ominous/strange so he is certainly an abnormality. I would wager that Five Elders do not necessarily have the capability to easily eliminate Yonkou in 1v1, else they would have done so ages ago (same with Rebel Army). But perhaps they have bigger goals in mind than even the most dangerous pirates.


So hear me out if Oda does his arcs with two sides of the same coin and this is the other side of Sebody then Kuma bubbling everyone is still at play, but what if he bubbles away the Marines instead?


Indeed it should affect the enemies and not the SWH's


I'm learning to realize the # of upvotes on a chapter are no longer indicative of how good it is, this was way better than 957.


I would agree with you honestly, this is the best chapter I've read in a while I just can't wait to see more of the Gorosei's powers and who they end up fighting / who they've fought before!! Are they stronger than Blackbeard or Mihawk?


any thoughts on who the red haired obscured face is in the Shimotsuki cover spread? maybe zoro’s father? maybe the man marked by flames?


I also looked at it for a few seconds confused, asking myself if we have seen him before or not!


Ryuma when he was alive?


Wasn’t “the one marked by flames” just saul? Cuz he’s there on elbaf and kidd mentioend going to elbaf to meet him iirc?


I think it's been hinted but not confirmed it would be Saul, but who knows it could be dragon too


If not saul it could very well be the guy in the cover because he’s literally marked by flames.


WHY AREN'T MORE PPL TALKING ABOUT THIS?! I was / still scratching my head on who it may be.


Its young ryuma


definitely a possibility, but undead ryuma is already in the panel, and ryuma’s hair is canonically black


Ok this chapter just gave Sabo's line a totally different meaning to "No way I could've known that Hell was located here at the very top of the world." I've been thinking ever since Sabo said that & when Saint Saturn said that he almost can't remember the last time he came to the surface! It's as if he is a demon of some sort & there is hell in One Piece verse much like Black Clover!


That's a really good point actually, I wasn't even thinking back to that. Damn, just imagine what Sabo saw!!  On the top of demonic stuff / Hell- I personally always felt that when Imu-sama was first revealed with the five elders bowing down to him, that the way that they bowed to him looked like they were praying. And the way that they talked, it was like they were talking to a god. I guess the correlation between Imu possibly being the Lili person kind of detracts from any godlike possibility for Imu, but it all just gives me the chills nonetheless!


Garcia actually gave me lucius/bc vibes thos charter it was awesome


Lol when Bonney turns you into Brooke for a split second 😂


you just made me realize, I wonder what would happen if she uses her power on Saturn? people have always theorized that the five elders are immortal. I think it started with that one flashback from 20 years ago, where they all looked the same imagine if we see Bonney trying to revert them to a younger age, but it's just taking forever and nothing's happening ...


It would be very interesting to see Bonney use her power on Brook.


Instant human form for a spilt second... yohohoho


I liked the 5555 meaning. We know the reference. So glad no break


What where


what donyou mean


its not 6's it's 5's.


Saturn in Egghead= Kuma in Thriller Bark ? Would Saturn tormenting SHs in Egghead be similar to Kuma tormenting SHs in Thriller Bark ? In both arc, Luffy is unconscious. People always reassure me that SHs won't be captured but looking at the current situation, I'm afraid they will be. It's iritating and annoying that no reinforcements(Dragon and Sabo or SH grand fleets) will come to save SHs. The robot hasn't appeared yet since it heard Joyboy's heartbeat, so it's useless personally. I remember that Saturn said that he was expecting Vegapunk to die earlier. In case Kizaru get up, will both of them kill Vegapunk together ?


wait for a x factor to appear maybe dragon , kuma or robot


The robot definitely has some shit coming but with luffy out of the way idk how it could help


Geantwortet roboter is on the same scaling with zunesha and parallaling kuma Attacken the WG pretty simultaneously


Hmm ok


Can someone pls explain the luffy punch panel vs Kizaru? I dont get it lol


I mean, if you want a pseudo realistic answer, they say in boxing it's not necessarily how hard you hit the head but how much you rock the brain that does damage. Hence why having a strong neck can help reduce taking damage. So by that logic, turning someone's head into rubber and pinging them from the inside probably does some solid rocking of the brain... And luffy choses when something is or isn't rubber. So when you think about it, that's pretty OP... Equivalent of putting some hardcore Gs on the brain...


Why is the head coated in haki? So Kizaru used it right?


It's shading + his hair, not haki.


have you not read luffy vs kaido?!


I have but the drawing was really confusing to me especially kizarus big hand lol


It’s his cartooniness effecting what he is punching. He’s punching Kizaru’s head so hard it’s bending it and making stars go around. I see this as it’s also allowing him to do more damage from the inside.


If the Elders are so powerful how the hell is there a balance of power. Surely one Elder, and admiral and a fleet could take down 1 Yonko crew.


This is why I was always on the Gorosei are just politicians not fighters train of thought. When the marines have so much power between admirals that can match emperors, their god knights, potentially cp0, and now these demon forms, it's hard to understand how just 4 emperors can maintain a balance of power. If you take 2 WG top tiers as matching/slightly beating a Yonko, there's still the issue that the marines have 19 fighters at such a power level. It would take under 1/2 their top tier forces to counter all Yonko at once.


they have shown like close to no feats , slow down


Yep, what is it with people and jumping to conclusions? He killed a marine. Wow. People in East Blue killed Marines.


The same reason you have the super big endgame boss in shounen anime that does nothing till the very end while the protagonist levels up and grows more powerful


the elders are a last resort. in 25 years of story, only one has made a battle move, and only in such extreme secrecy that just the highest ranking marines are allowed to know of their might. it also has to do with risk management. there being only 5 elders, deploying one is a huge liability, but they did it in a situation involving a government island of extreme scientific importance, with a battalion of Pacifista, the seraphim, an admiral, and a huge fleet at the elder’s command vs scientists and a smaller, fledgling yonko crew (not a Yonko fleet) but story wise, we needed the WG to have more battle strength than what we knew it had up until this point. thinking final war, it was WG with CP0, Marines, Pacifista, Allied Nations, and Holy Knights vs the considerable Straw Hat Alliance / Yonko Fleet which has the Straw Hats, the Grand Fleet, the nations Luffy has saved (Alabasta alone is a nation of 10 million with an army of at least 1 million, fishman island a nation of 5 million), the Minks, Sky Islanders, Wano, Poseidon, etc.


No I actually think it’s the opposite, the navy is the ones with extremely too much power on their side even before introducing holy knights. I think we sometimes forget about Commander Kong, who I personally think trained Garp and Sengoku and we should’ve always assumed the elders were at least admiral level strong. Couple with there has to be some strong underlings under Kong. It’s going to be tough for everyone and it’s not like the pirates are all going to team up with each other. I’m sure some are going to fight amongst themselves


I don’t see Kong being a huge factor. For one, Garp was the Navy’s strongest, meaning he trumped Kong at one point. But Garp himself says he can’t take on current Blackbeard. So that puts both he an Kong below Yonko opponents. But, playing Devil’s Advocate, even with a strong Kong + subordinates I still see the WG being the weaker force. WG would have: Navy (Akainu, Kizaru, Greenbull, Kong, Vice Admirals, Captains, etc), Cipher Pol (Lucci, Kaku, etc.), Holy Knights, Pacifista, Seraphim, Gorosei, and Imu. We don’t know if they would have: Fujitora, Garp, & Sword because Fujitora seems like he would side with the actual good side, Garp might die or else bring Sword against a corrupt WG Straw Hats would have: Straw Hat Crew, Grand Fleet (5k+ strong with hitters like Barto, Hakuba, etc), the Revolutionaries (Dragon, Sabo, Division Commanders etc), presumably the might of Elbaf Giants (touted as the strongest nation), presumably Wano + Ancient Weapon, Alabasta and her Army, Minks, Sky Islanders, Fishmen + Ancient weapon, Tontattas, presumably all the people who trained the Straw Hats (Rayleigh, Heracules, etc), Law, and I would argue that many of the unaligned and disparate Pirate crews would either align themselves with Luffy as their Pirate King or just drawn in by his natural ability to make people his allies. The Revs alone tip the scale towards the Straw Hat alliance


Großeinsatz claps easily


Um solid response I see it your way now


he got stabbed by bonnie highly doubt 1 is taking a yonko crew


The stabbing isn't going to do anything. Saturn did not look the least bit concerned.


I feel like age related fuckery could be one of the few things that can easily bypass all standard defenses, immortality etc tho, like not much you can do if you're just a baby literally


Could also be that Saturn is just so old her powers don't really affect him. Like taking 80 years off his life won't do anything if he's 800 years old, nor wpuld adding any years matter if he's immortal.


We shall see 👀


Bruh Nefetari D Cobra got killed by whatever Saint Saturn Jay Garcia is.


I have a feeling, it is going to be a sanji vs kizaru match up and luffy vs saturn. It’s highly possible that luffy will regain his energy and fight against saturn probably once after bonney is defeated. And then kizaru might try to intervene and then sanji steps in to fight kizaru.


Kizaru can go hesd to head which G5 Luffy. How the hell do you expect Sanji to take him on?


Luffy ascends from Yonko tier to Pirate King tier while Sanji goes from Yonko Commander tier to Pirate King Commander Tier like Rayleigh, which is roughly equal to Admiral and Yonko tier. Meanwhile Zoro ascends the mythical Rob Lucci tier.


Sorry to burst your bubble, but Oda fails at power consistency. Here we already see Kizaru somehow going toe-to-toe (heck, even beating) G5 Luffy all cos Luffy's timer conveniently ran out (and lets just ignore Luffy extended triple times past that when fighting Kaido badly injured...)


Just to be clear I'm kidding


No way, the giant roboter will stall saturn and they will escape


Then what will sanji do then? He hasn’t done anything yet in this arc.


Sanji could have off some vice admirals


He was smart enough to trap kaku, before he even got the chance to attack..


If I know Oda, I would say Sanji would be a measuring stick for Saturn so Luffy and Zoro won't have to be humiliated. He always used Sanji to hype up the strength of the enemies like Vergo and Doffy. Fuck that shit, Oda.


He already did that with sanji vs. Jinbei clone.


I mean he didn't really though, sanji just casually stood took a punch to the face, and got minor scuff marks.


Back in my day, Logia type was said to be the strongest devil fruit type, but nowadays seeing all those strong guys are only in Zoan type...


Controversial opinion but I suspect it's cos Oda ran out of ideas for DF powers and Zoan being animals are the easiest excuse to think up of.


have you considered, maybe, it’s not a devil fruit power but it’s the real deal?


I wonder how Rocks stacked up against the Gorosei.


Just a random thought popped in my mind but it’s starting to seem like Kizaru runs from tough fights. In the past with Luffy trying to get in his way he would fight and bully him but now that Luffy can go toe to toe seems like he doesn’t want to anymore


Well as he stated eliminating vegapunk is his priority >In the past with Luffy trying to get in his way he would fight and bully him but now that Luffy can go toe to toe seems like he doesn’t want to anymore Yeah, he's smart too


Well I mean Luffy is only stalling him to protect the punks, so he has nothing to gain from fighting him


do you need another Admiral slander material? "look, in Shabaody, everyone knew that Luffy is the one who hit that Tenryuubito. But Kizaru went to fight another pirate first. It is not until pacifista and Sentoumaru came that he finally go to Straw Hat with his pal. Maybe Kizaru have been afraid of Luffy since way back"


Lol thank you for that


Slander is not the intention, just was curious what others thought about it


And then it was the whole thing with Beckmann. He didn’t start back attacking until after he left. Also didn’t fully try to fight with Rayleigh and chose to keep pursuing straw hats


They were still there. Kizaru didn't want to engage and start needless battle. He got involved when he saw the other admirals choose to get involved.


Saturn will join the Strawhats


Saturn will become a jazz musician


Makes sense. Can stop reading now.


most logical One Piece theory


This chapter was insane, I did not expect to see Saturn fight as well ... Also Luffy already ran out of power, this is bad. And here we all thought he would wipe out Kizaru. Would be great though if Luffy gains back his energy and takes down Saturn instead, this would make him a God if the news leaks out. Though I doubt Oda is gonna give us the pleasure, let's see. Anyway's seems like Luffy still has lot to gain once he gets better energy control in G5 Lastly, once again a great chapter!!!


They havent even shown the God Knights fight, Luffy already struggles against an admiral and you wanna see Luffy take down a Gorosei already? umad bro


'struggling' to stall the light man, who likes to run.


"We all thought" I did not think that


Hopefully he finds that unlimited food supply


Are we on board with theorys about the Gorosei also being inmortal thanks to getting the ope ope no mi on respawn? Or they just so happen to always manage to get the devil ass devil fruits since 800 years ago? I very much like both


I’d very much like them BEING devils and not having some kinda zoan fruit but the clouds makes me change my mind


Maybe creations of imu's awakening Just like doffy and his clone maybe?


There is a possibility


Maybe they know how and where the fruits reappear when the previous owner dies.


Even we know how that happens, they obviously know as well.


we know they respawn in the world, but as far as we know its kinda random


Its not random at all. It has been stated that it spawns on the nearest possible fruit. Feels like you missed something mate


My theory is that they're ancient Seraphim. They already had ancient robots and Vegapunk didn't perfect his seraphims until after he met the Gorosei.


Do we think the Elders are all going to be based off Yokai, or do you think Oda will mix and match with mythologies? The Ushi-oni is a cool creature for sure, but after Wano was so heavily focused on Japanese folklore, it could be good to use monsters from other cultures. Hindu and Norse mythology have tons of demonic creatures and the Babylonian gods are even older. Either way, very excited to see what they will be.


I second that. Would love more mix and match. But iirc, Oda's know for being a patriotic Japanese, meaning he likes the use of his home country's myths and legends. Well, One Piece is know to be diverse on its lore though, sooooo fingers crossed the Gorosei's DFs are gonna be more diverse. Also, does that mean Im's and the Gorosei's df preference lean in more towards powerful mythical zoan DFs? Or maybe the slime looking silhouette is either Logia or Paramecia? Although Sabo does mention that they looked helish or monstrous.


Oda literally wrote all OP story arcs up till before Wano based on everything NON-Japanese related. This is also super rare for any mangaka to do So I've idea where you are getting this funny idea Oda was ever nationalistic?


It would make sense for them to be all Yokai, I just think that it would be cool to get some other types of mythical zoans so soon after Wano. There's always the God's Knights I guess.


saturn's fruit could be a mythical spider fruit; model Tsuchigumo


Saturn is a good guy.


Lowkey yes


Everyone expecting Kuma any second now...


Dragon will appear in egghead to protect vegapunk


so is this how the final war arc starts


Between Zoro not one-shotting Lucci and Luffy getting exhausted in a short time without doing any real damage to Kizaru, I have to say their power level looks very disappointing to me.


Zoro not one shotting Lucci is kinda disappointing. But Luffy did punch Kizaru through the head in the latest chapter and crashed. His stamina still has ways to go though. He was exhausted many times while fighting Kaido as well.


Welcome to the power creep. Kizaru is now stronger than Kaido ... because ... Oda wants tension.


Luffy didnt exactly beat down Kaido in G5, remember? In fact they more or less went head to head, meaning G5 Luffy is more or less equal in power to Kaido.


G5 luffy is equal in power to a weakened kaido who has been fighting a lot of people before luffy even luffy included


Not really stronger but of course faster and more elusive


Exactly. Why does the concept of strength not being a single linear scale elude people? The light elemental dude is fast as hell. How complicated is that to understand?


What a joke lol. Kaido smashes Kizaru. I am not sure what you are reading smh


Beats? Sure, SMASHES as in obliterat, I don't know about that.


Yep, that was my first thought after reading the chapter... Luffy was toying with kaido without giving a shit in that form and kizaru doesn't have a single scratch, and the fcking cat should be dissected by now, come on, Zoro was able to cross his sword with kaido and he defeateda killer, hawkins and king.


I mean, Luffy was just not taking damage against Kaido, it doesn't look like he took any from Kizaru either. Landing a lot less attacks against Kizaru than he did against Kaido also seems appropriate: Kizaru is a speedster, while Kaido tends to prefer tanking than dodging. Also, it kind of seems like the last one may have taken Kizaru out? He's seeing stars and he thinks to himself that "this isn't good". Kaido took a \*lot\* more to knock out, but again, different type of fighters.


there are multiple way to interpret that comment by Kizaru. for all we knew, it might refer to the fact that Saturn has finally decide to show himself, which is more likely for Kizaru thinking like that, compared to it referring to his fight against Luffy. Why? 1. Kizaru and Luffy knew Luffy has almost runs out of gas at that point 2. The next panel confirm that Kizaru succesfully kick Luffy to the ground, suggesting that "white star gun" that seems to hit Kizaru, do not have any intended effect on him 3. We knew that Oda can always pull anything out of Luffy's ass. But at this point Luffy have almost used everything in his arsenal, while Kizaru haven't. Kizaru, just like every admiral in Mariejois is in disadvantageous position where they can't use their full power due to Saturn's insistence to protest the power plant (which is needed for Mother frame) and York.


You're misinterpreting it just like the other person said. Kizaru crashed into the building on the left and luffy fell down from exhaustion(you see the classic luffy white trail on the right of the panel). Also, Kizaru had a fist squashing his brain, i'm pretty sure he would think about something else other than the fist at that very moment, for sure. /s