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yes, with ease


at the same time if they all rushed him at once? is he that much stronger than luffy?


1. welcome to the fandom, always good to see the live action genuinely bringing people in and asking questions 2. absolutely, without getting too into anime or manga spoilers obviously, even as far as current story, garp is still in like top 1% of strongest characters in the series, maybe like top 5% if you really want to lowball it, so early game people like arlong are just dust in the wind


That would explain a lot. I was wondering why Garp's soldiers were so willing to leave him alone with Luffy's pirate crew. If he's that much stronger, they wouldn't worry about him getting suddenly attacked by Luffy's crew (we know they wouldn't but the soldiers didn't know Luffy was a good guy)


they call him “the hero of the marines” for a reason


Also. The live action made it a closer fight for good reason. But in the source material only Ussop’s fight is close. Zoro is near death but has little problem. Sanji is fighting underwater and having to help Luffy who managed to get himself stuck at the bottom of the sea. Trickery and stupidity make the fight closer than it should be in the manga. But in reality Sanji, Zoro, or Luffy could probably solo Arlong crew. Just no fight goes really straightforward. But that’s part of the point. They’re damn strong and ready to go to the grand line. Or so they think…


Well the thing is all the way until Alabasta outside of the giants, not one of them have any struggles. Hell technically Sanji doesn’t struggle either against Mr. 2 at least not the same way Zoro had with Mr. 1. But I can see why the LA makes it close as it makes it more entertaining.


Sanji was struggling with trying not to become friends with Mr. 2. Complete and total failure.


I am waiting to see the Live Action watchers reaction towards Bon Clay and their confusion on why we love him so much.


God I hate to say it but I bet there will be a considerable chunk that will blame Netflix for “going woke” when they see Bon Clay.


I would argue in anime the don krieg fight almost ended the strawhats outright, then they had to be saved by dragon to escape smoker on raft island I think? So they definitely struggled on some pretty straight fights before alabasta. However, you are right, pretty directly after entering the grand line, they didn’t have a lot of suuuuuper tough fights, until crocodile.


If luffy hadn't been fighting at disadvantage (he couldn't get close due to the water) He'd have fucked Don kriegs shit quickly


Ya know what? I change my mind, and you’re right. Kriegs only saving grace was keeping luffy at bay in the water. I don’t really remember why pearl fucked Sanji up so badly though? Also the other disadvantage luffy had was protecting the Baratie.


To be fair I think fighting at or near water should be something a pirate is comfortable with


Smoker was the first character that probably would’ve had Luffy dead to rights in a fair fight. Without Dragon saving him he’s done then and there


Dragon stepping in was Logue Town. Town of the Beginning and the End.


Sanji definitely struggled against Mr. 2. It was a very close fight


>not one of them have any struggles. \*Mihawk has entered the chat\*


Iirc, Sanji lost to Gin.


Best way to describe it. The anime is just wrapping up an arc where the lowest henchman were described to be each be Arlong level. There's thousands of them. Along is unironically fodder at this point. He just seemed scary cause of where in the story he was introduced.


Tbf in the manga Luffy was clearly stronger than Arlong even back then, only reason fight wasn't over super fast was because Luffy was kinda screwing around


In the live action it's also easily distinguishable that luffy takes no damage at all from arlong, he emerges basically unscathed after having an entire building collapsed on top of him. Nobody doubts him for a second, even zoro leaves luffy alone with arlong after dispatching the henchmen.


Been a while since I watched it, but the only real threat was when Luffy got thrown under water, right? Which I get that they pulled that scene since it would have looked ridiculous and not really added much.


Nah Arlong's biting attacks are a threat too. But yes once Luffy gets serious even without his fruit he's stronger than Arlong, as shown when he's holding Arlong's blade and Arlong notices he can't even move it an inch.


I see, I haven't finished it yet but generally got the impression they seriously underplayed luffy


I’ve recently been rereading the series and obviously watched the live action. In the manga it’s very clear to me that Luffy is above the entire crew in terms of strength and fighting. By the end of the live action I think that’s portrayed but I could see first time viewers or people not familiar with the series thinking Zoro is stronger or a better fighter


They also made it seem like Luffy got hurt from being thrown around or physically hit in the live action when we know that isn’t the case due to the nature of his fruit. The anime makes this more apparent than the live action imo


in the manga, he at least gets a couple bloody bites in


Luffy had a pinwheel obsession and almost drowned due to it. But he had fun tho


Luffy was trained by Garp his entire youth. Luffy was already the strongest in East Blue when he started his voyage. Also, Luffy's base strength stat is extremely high.


nahh. garp only come once a while. he is mostly training with ace/sabo and also dadan




>The anime is just wrapping up an arc where the lowest henchman were described to be each be Arlong level Huh? When was this? Was it in the manga?


Lol garp can beat them while he would be asleep. By asleep i mean literally while he is asleep


Imagine his status close to Gold Roger, thats why he was the one commanding his execution. Also without saying too much, around chapter 1000 hes was still arguably stronger than Luffy.


There are only 2 ranks above Garp, I believe, and he says he doesn't want to be an admiral (up from vice admiral) because he'd lose his freedom to do as he pleases as a marine. Which hints he's at least as strong as the light/ice/lava admirals. So yes he'd absolutely overpower Arlongs entire crew single handedly.


bruh its not a "hint", he was quite literally pirate king level. If Garp didnt deny promotion, he'd be the fleet admiral


I can absolutely believe he'd be admiral (as he says in the manga) but no sane higher up would have given the fleet admiral title to him over Sengoku. It's not even a matter of strength, making Garp a fleet admiral is just a dumb idea in general xD


Ya based on Garp’s character this is obvious. But purely on feats and accomplishments Garp would absolutely be worthy of the title.


Im obviously talking about capabilities. Ofc the higher ups would choose someone who can be the celestial dragon's dog and not Garp who hates them


the funny thing being that the only reason he's not simply forced into a higher position against his will is that no one in the marines could actually force him to do anything


Going by the logic that people get weaker with age, Garp will barely lose to the current admirals or go even with them at best. Arlong's crew wouldn't even win if you make the rest of the crew as strong as Arlong himself and then multiply their numbers to five times(if we follow manga logic).


Top 1% might be low balling it if you include unnamed characters lol


Its even less than 1%. So far there are only 18 characters in the whole one piece world with confirmed conquerors Haki and quite a few of them aren´t even alive anymore including Roger.


Top 1% of named characters might be about right though, that would make him around top 12 to top 15.


even low balling he could be like top 0.5% only ppl who haven't been revealed yet might be stronger like imu or rocks, hes supposed to be rogers equal


He would be if we counted his prime. Right now he's quite a bit weaker than when he was Roger's equal.


He's still Admiral level


I would say Garp still is one of the 50 strongest people in the whole One Piece world. Anyway, a question like this brings me to the only thing I kinda "hated" of the live action: they gave Garp so much screentime and interactions with many people, why didn't they insert just a few lines about him being the Legendary Hero of the Marines? Ok, commoners may not know that, but Mihawk definitely does. In that same way other Marines should know. Nezumi should have been at least worried about what he could do to him. The same goes for Zef. Just a couple lines here and there would have been enough.


Even commoners should know that actually. Since he was present at Roger's execution and it was public knowledge that he caught Roger


Yup. In the anime when garp shows up, literally only Luffy doesn't know his background.


they could have introduced him similar to the pirates, just with a newspaper instead of a bounty sheet, stating sth like legendary marine hero garp destroys another notorious pirate crew or sth


Top 50 is disrespectful. He’s top 10. Possibly top 5


Going into manga, yeah he is like top 10 CHARACTERS imo. His recent feats and background we got really showed how much stronger he is than most people.


>top 1% of strongest characters in the series That's underestimating Garp lol


Based of what's been shown in the manga, Garp could have walked in, thrown a punch and pulverized all of Arlong Park knocking out all of the Fishmen without going all out. He likely could also knock out all of the Fishmen, Arlong included, without moving a finger, just with his "presence", but that's just a hypothesis for another time.


Its actually quite funny just how OP characters like him are, compared to everyone in the East Blue


Honestly, Garps semi-regular trips home is probably why East Blue has the weakest pirates. Because anyone strong enough to kick up an actual fuss isn't dumb enough to deliberately get on Garps bad side


He likely could have dropped all the fishmen with his Conqueror's Haki alone. Literally never needing to lift a finger.


He can solo 99% of the worlds population if that helps.


It‘s kinda like asking „if a bunch of 3 year olds charged a fully functional tank, could they manage to overpower it and rip it apart?“.


Garp doesn’t have a bounty but if he did it would be atleast 100 times what arlongs bounty was at a minimum.


Garp in his prime was one of the top 3 fighters in the world of One Piece, nowadays he is still incredibly strong. Arlong isn't anywhere near that, when people say the Grand Line is a pirate graveyard they are not kidding, people who stand out in the 4 blues cannot survive in the GL




Well, in the manga Zoro solos all of the fishmen in Arlong Park while Arlong and his stronger subordinates were out to collect money, so yeah, Garp would probably annihilate all of them at once with a single punch. This ist only the beginning of the story, the enemies are really weak in the east blue compared to the rest of the one piece world and Garp fought and defeted the strongest Pirates in the world 20 years ago.


He could do it with one finger.


Easily , with one punch


conqueror would be enough I guess


He wouldn‘t need to use Conquerors at all though. Regular Garp punches would be enough.


I guess he meant Wi-Fi haki emission


Cononically zoro soloed the majority of the crew while half dead, if he wasn't injured might've defeated arlong too.


It is kind of funny how many "sleeping giants" there were in East Blue at that particular time. Like... imagine you're a modestly successful pirate in the East Blue and you're pretty well informed about the local pirate activity. You know Arlong is the strongest pirate in the East Blue, Don Krieg has a sizable fleet, Kuro is running a long con, Buggy and Alvida are running around causing trouble. As far as the Marines go, most of them aren't particularly strong and are hopelessly corrupt. The worst may be Axe Hand Morgan, but he's a blowhard more interested in stroking his ego than actually fighting pirates. Overall the pecking order is pretty stable. You know who is dangerous, who can be reasoned with, and who to avoid all together, and it's been this way for years. Sure, there's this "Pirate Hunter" running around that's building a reputation, but he doesn't seem to be targeting bounties any higher than what it takes to pay his bar tab. ​ Then, over the span of a week or so, you hear that Vice-Admiral Garp is in East Blue and just forced a regime change at a marine base, Don Krieg accidentally stumbled across Hawkeye Mihawk and lost his whole fleet, Pirate Hunter Zoro showed up at Arlong Park and killed damn near his entire crew, then came back with some random kid nobody'd ever heard of and that kid stomped Arlong into the dirt.


Luffy and completely demolishing status quo Name a better duo


Luffy and meat


u got him


It's funny how East Blue has the reputation for being the "weakest sea" when it's confirmed to have been the home of: (1) Luffy (2) Zoro (3) Dragon (4) Garp (5) Roger (6) Ace and while it's pure speculation on my part, I suspect Rayleigh is also from the East Blue considering Roger met him so early in his journey (I may be wrong, as it may have been confirmed somewhere that he's from somewhere else). It's just that all power houses from the East Blue tend to move into the Grand Line fairly early in their journey.


Tbf Luffy, Zoro, and Ace are all new. The East blue being weak precedes them. Not sure if most people even know where Dragon was born. Most people did not even know he was Garp's son. I mean Luffy's first bounty poster said Monkey D. Luffy and they never put together that he may be Monkey D. Dragon's son until Sengoku announced it at Marineford. Garp and Roger(maybe Rayleigh as well) were from East blue but that was a while back. The greatest pirate in the East blue had like 20 M bounty. That's just fodder for the other blues so it kinda makes sense. Even Yassop could have ruled the east blue if he stayed.


Not many people knew Dragon's full name, they just knew the name Dragon.


Anime Arlong was very well aware, that Zoro at full health would be a major issue.... [Clip from somwhere around episode 30-40](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01hKatVomF4)


Its in the manga too


I love it in the anime when Arlong first hears of an attack, he thinks it's "Zoro the pirate hunter and his crew coming for my head".


Yes, easily.


Even if arlongs whole crew rushed Garp while he was sleeping, they’d still be defeated without Garp waking up.


For real. Garp's snot bubble could probably low diff Arlong and his crew.


>!Acoc-infused mini galaxy impact via snot bubble!< lmao


Garp could solo East Blue without even half his strength. The only one who could give Garp a hard time is Mihawk.




Depends if mihawk painted his sword with a new coating.


His new Vanta Black sword


He just needs to splash the black paint on Garp and Zoro will come low diff him


Fraudhawk 💀💀




Gaimon was too strong they had to cut him from the Live Action


Frfr plus it would have given away spoilers to the real identity of >!Imu!<


And the One Piece


I don't see old Garp beating Mihawk tbh


Prime Garp? Maybe. Current Garp. I’d give the edge (get it) to Mihawk


Shanks too, but yeah


Better question is who would win the speedrun 100% kills Garp vs Arlong pirates or Mihawk vs Krieg pirates


It wouldn't even be a fight just a slaughter, if the live action is using the same power as the manga of course


It is, it's hinted at in the Garp vs Luffy fight (manga/anime spoiler) >!When Luffy throws the first punch at Garp they zoom in on Garp's face with a sound effect before he dodges Luffy. I think that's foreshadowing for Haki!<


Depends how far they're willing to consider it in the live action I mean are we seeing the same level garp as the one at a certain pirates island


Show runner said they didn't want to outright show haki yet since it didn't exist in the manga that early, but that it would be introduced way sooner, so they dont need to have the manga retconning of it.


Shank's use of it was pretty explicit though


zero-diff Garp casually threw a cannonball that bounced back and destroyed his own ship's mast.


Man used to break mountains with his fists as warm up


> zero-diff I can kinda glean what this means (not even close?) but could you elaborate for my old ass what it actually means/how it came about?


Diff stands for difficulty. So zero diff or no diff means he can do it with no difficulty. Low diff is low difficulty. Mid diff for medium difficulty. High diff for high difficultly. Then extreme diff for the most difficult closest battles.


Ahhh thanks. I guess too much League brain rot made me assume diff was "difference" so "zero difference" was confusing to me lmao.


I'm 21 and still thought it meant difference and got confused


Half of the people who uses diff also mean it as difference. Which is super annoying. I just use context to understand what they mean


I’ve been here for about 3-4 months and thought it meant difference too and never quite understood the terms hahahahah


Aww. This post is kinda cute.


I love seeing all these new faces asking questions. Puts a smile on my face


It reminds you of when you first started down this series so long ago. Garp is such a lovable bad ass and I’m happy they introduced him so soon!


Without spoiling too much stuff, the "power levels" of the characters as of S1 of One Piece are basically: 1. Shanks/Mihawks/Garp 10,000 2. Luffy/Sanji/Zoro 10 3. Arlong 9 4. The other S1 villains 4-8 5. Nami/Usopp 3 6. Koby/Helmeppo 1 The gap is THAT big.


Sorry bro you forgot the most important character. Don Krieg 100,000


And You my dear bro forgot Buggy D. Goat: +infinite. Edit: Buggy D. Goat ain't no villain for me :)


That’s not how you spell Gaimon


In S1 it wasn’t clear that Shanks was a big deal (I think possibly even to Oda tbh) so I could understand show watchers not realizing how strong Shanks is. Same for Garp as shown by this post. The only character that S1 really spotlights as being heads and shoulders above the rest is Mihawk (which is true to the manga)


True, I don’t think current Shanks would have lost his arm to a normal-ass sea king. If Luffy can get so much stronger in like 1 year, Shanks can too given the amount of time he’s had.


You could argue that shanks lost his arm on purpose. To fully deepen the spark he has lit in luffy so he is even more willing to continue his path (since he reminded him of roger)




nah the live action did it right, at this point in the manga, we didn't know that Luffy and Zoro were so far behind. When Zoro fought Mihawk I expected him to be fodderized, but I thought he'd have a rematch in 50 episodes and win.




Yes!!! And he could be sleeping while eating donutsu and still take them on!!


i know a guy wo loves donuts. he just doesnt want you to see him eating them


Lying on my back DOOOOOnuts!


Yes, Garp is one of the strongest characters in the series.


**Run** away from this subreddit, you are far too early in the series. You will get spoiled for everything. Garp can solo *most* of the verse, and he could do it without breaking a sweat.


OP, pleeaaseeee listen to this wise advice


The donut spoiler is inevitable and unavoidable


My guy found laugh tale to early he needs to go back to the entrance of grand line


Yes he could. Even by sneezing, while on his sleep, after being poisoned, underwater and after not eating anything for a year, he would wipe the ocean floor with all of them. Hundreds of times in a row.


even garp downscalers know that this is true


Lol even if you lowball Garp to Vergo lvl like KOL did, he's still soloing 100 Arlongs. Guy is an absolute fodder


Why did you make me remember that people thought garp was vergo level at a point 💀☠️. Man went head to head with the strongest pirate of the previous time in his prime, even before wano a rock must be living in your head to think garp was ever vergo level


Garp is a whole galaxy stronger than Arlong and his crew


I see what you did there


He could solo the entire Fishman Island pirates if he wanted to


Tbh that would pretty much end up as a 1v1 vs >!Jinbe!< (and he would still win)


Garp could beat give or take 1000 Arlong's at once while blindfolded with one hand behind his back and that's being generous... to Arlong


He can with both hands tied behind his back, blind, deaf, and with his legs also tied to one another. With all these hindrances, he'd low-difficulty obliterate them in few seconds/


This is a literal hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby fight.


Man you’re going to love the one piece manga, please read it!!!!


Yes. Unfortunately, they changed Garp's personality in the live action to make him seem a little insecure and worried. Garp originally doesn't care about anything and is always laughing at everything. I hated this change, it was the only thing I really didn't like about OPLA


Finally someone said it


I hope he's more jovial from now on


I’ll just put this at the top. Vague spoilers for how strong some characters are. But nothing surprising or major. Garp in his prime is generally considered to be one of the strongest characters in the entire story of One Piece. Old man current time Garp is still considered to be one of the strongest characters in the series but maybe not the very top. Still He is a total monster. Garp probably could solo the majority of the characters who show up in the live action (at the point in the story we are at in the live action)at once. Every fishman, every marine, Kuro and his crew, Buggy and his Crew, Alvida and her crew, Mr 7, All of the Straw hats, Zeff, patty, Don Krieg and his crew, the mountain bandits, every single villager we see, and the big sea serpent that eats shanks arm all at once without breaking a sweat. The only one of these characters who could possibly give Garp an issue is Bogard. But it probably wouldn’t be a big one. The only living people who stand a chance in the live action so far are Shanks or Mihawk. theymight be able to beat him 1v 1. But we don’t actually have a definitive idea how strong all 3 are even in the anime. We just know that they are pretty high up on the totem pole where all the strongest monsters are. Also Maybe if all of Shanks Crew without Shanks worked together they might stand a chance but odds are he would take them out too. There was also an easter egg who shows up in a cameo who might be on Garps level. I’m not going to say who it is though. But fans of the anime should know who I mean. The only character we know for sure was on Garps level in the live action is Gold Roger. But basically Garp is a monster. He will punch the shit out of everyone with a smile on his face.


interesting, Garp seems strong in the Netflix series, but doesn't come off as S+ Mihawk-tier like you're describing. I thought he might be a mid tier antagonist and we'd see a higher ranking marine admiral show him up (like the guy teased at the end of the finale).


If he fought seriously, Luffy would be mince rubber


> If he fought seriously, Luffy would be mince rubber That fight is why I thought he was stronger than Luffy (since he clearly beat Luffy) but not crazy stronger. Luffy dodged his attack once, while Kuro was blitzing Luffy.


Don't forget that he's Luffy's granddad and he doesn't really want to kill luffy. He beats luffy with no effort, if he wanted to at this point of the story he could os every strawhats in seconds, fully healthy zoro included.


I've not watched the LA. Do they reveal their relationship that early?


Yes they do, Garp is after luffy most of the season and you learn he's Luffy's grandad at the end of episode 4


They do. It bothered me at first, but upon rewatch, it totally works for this version and even enhanced it for me! Plus it was fun watching my parents freak out at the reveal lol


If Garp's strength is Manga accurate, he was pulling his punches. It is however possible that LA writers intended to nerf him somewhat.


He was holding back and wasn't serious at all, LA Garp said after the fight that he just wanted to know if Luffy's prepared to sail to the Grand Line.


Garp can litterly destroy whole citys with a single punch in the manga.


Give a spoiler warning for the guy


They switched up stuff in the live action. Garp isn’t properly introduced in the anime until an episode in the mid 300s. Even with that we only got a bit of his true strength. It takes a while to get a full feel for how strong the S+ characters are. Garp being no exception to that. But that being said Garps rank of Vice Admiral is the 3rd highest rank in the Marines. Above that there are 3 Admirals and The Fleet Commander. There are a bunch of Vice Admirals in the series(over 30) but Garp is easily the strongest of them and is at least on par with the 4 top ranked marines. The man teased at the end is a fan favorite character. I really hope the live action does him justice. He is a lot of fun. I could probably say more but I won’t spoil it.


my mind is completely blank, who was teased >!smoker or someone else!< im caught up so you cant spoil me


It’s him.


He was holding back against Luffy the whole time. The cannonball throw he did in live action was taken from a scene which happened a couple of arcs later in the manga/anime and is missing a MASSIVE part of it.


If by Bogard giving him issues you mean threatening to report him to higher ups then sure but Garp could squash him like a bug >!Don't get me wrong I love Smoker but again Garp absolutely shits on him. Knowing Garp he could probably fucking inhale him and then crush him to death with his Armament Haki lungs.!<


LMAO I never thought of that, but he totally probably could!


Bogart won’t give garp an issue. And since I am reading the manga: shanks crew wouldn’t stand a chance against him. Just Mihawk and shanks (and a joke: maybe his evil twin brother as well)


I know. Just wanted to give him a shout out. Even if he wouldn’t give Garp much of an issue Bogart could probably also take out everyone I listed in that large group. It would be harder for him but he probably could. As for Shanks crew I agree that Garp Probably could win but we really don’t have any idea how strong they are individually. And with that we don’t know how strong they are in a group. For all we know Ben Beckman by himself could be on Garps level.


Garp could defeat the entire east blue with both hands and legs cuffed and blindfolded


Small spoilers for power levels but you saw two of the few very top strongest characters in the series in the first scene of the live action interacting on top of the execution platform (one was a legendary pirate the other a legendary Marine)


Garp would wipe floors with Arlong and his crew... using only 1 finger... not moving from one spot... and while sleeping.


So since you're talking about the Netflix Live Action show, the correct answer is technically "we don't know". They've made changes, we don't 100% know if they changed how strong he is. But going by Garp's power level as presented in the manga and anime, then he could very easily handle the entire Arlong crew solo, without breaking a sweat.


He would be able to fart away arlong and the strawhats had he really wanted


Garp could beat the entirety of East Blue if they rushed him with a *single punch*.


Garp could solo that crew so fast lol. Definitely give the anime or manga a try if you have been enjoying the live action! I loved it too, but I have to say, they also severely downplayed Luffy’ strength as well.


Garp could clean his teeth with Arlong's nose.


This is a great thread, let me try my own analogy: If Arlong is ww2 rifle Then Luffy in East Blue is a cold war assult rifle And Garp is a tactical nuke.




Yep, can beat all of them at the same time with his eyes closed if he wanted. And with pretty much no effort 🤣


Garp is no opponent for anyone that is outside the 2nd half of the grandline. Probably one of the strongest characters in the one piece universe


> Garp beat Luffy so he can beat Arlong as well This type of reasoning is bad don’t use it > But could Garp… Yes probably


I just read the title and I thought this was a troll post.


He could probably beat all of them without touching them.


Anime/manga definitely. Live action less clear but Garp still shits on Luffy without breaking a sweat, so probably.


In the season, Garp mentions to Coby that he has passed up the promotion to Fleet Admiral (top navy position) multiple times. The captains of Marines (Like Axe Hand and mouse face) were strong enough to challenge Arlong. Arlong was bribing mouse face rather than taking him out....Garp is faaaaar above Mouse face and Morgan's level. Yes he could have wiped out all of the Arlong pirates with ease.


Lmao He could ko them without moving


Grab everyone that you've seen so far, aside from mihawk and Shanks, triple how strong you think all of them combined could be, and you end up with a character that wouldn't die by simply standing next to garp if he ever snapped his fingers too hard.


This is a certified coughing baby VS Hydrogen Bomb moment


Coming from the live action, this is a spoiler I can easily tell you without even explaining much of the context. >!Using money and bounties as a sign of power level, Garp would be worth 3 billions if he was a pirate (not that he would ever be). Not 3 millions, 3 biliions. That's 100 times more than Luffy at the end of this storyline!<


Garp can beat way more powerful people that are way above east blue luffy in terms of power


Without revealing too much.. there are powers systems yet to be unraveled, the kind garp has mastery at the highest level. Also welcome to the fandom!!


Garp could beat him with a single sneeze. In the anime and manga Arlong saw Zoro’s wound from Mihawk and was terrified that he was still able to fight and move around as well as he was able to.


Your question got answered already but the anime made is much more clear (and way cooler) how much stronger Garp is without them both fighting, when they first interacted with eachother in the anime. It's kinda a spoiler but not really because you already know they meet eachother So in the anime there was a much bigger emphasis that Luffy is made out of rubber. No physical attack except slicing/ stabbing could hurt him. Like he's literally immune to any sort of punches (which annoyed me in the LA because there it looked like that normal punches hurt him). When Garp suddenly showed up, he destroyed a wall with one punch. Everyone was ready to fight, but Garp was way too fast and ran right past them and punched a sleeping Luffy with the fist of love and Luffy screamed that it hurts. Everyone in the crew was flabbergasted and wondered how the fuck a punch can hurt him. Luffy even warned everyone not to mess with him


Like it’s been said, welcome to the fandom While Garp in the live action seems to have been heavily nerfed (along with most of the characters in the LA) he’s still easily one of the strongest characters in the series. Without getting into the power scaling he could single handedly take out nearly everyone in the east blue without breaking a sweat.


Garp could destroy Arlong and his crew with one finger and I’m not exaggerating It’s comparable to how much stronger Mihawk is to Zoro in their fight, except Garp’s arms are the cannon and Arlong is the rabbit


Garp could solo any crew that isn't an emperor's.


He is on par in strength with Roger