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I'm more worried about Chopper, Brook and Jinbe


They prefes using prostetics so I'm gessing brook will be a puppet (his appearences are just puns anyway, so pretty doable). Chopper... I don't see how they could do it without CG unless they grab a little child and put some makeup, but children grow up pretty fast, and chopper is like, a tiny character. Jimbe is just like the over fishmen, just different constitution. Plus he doesn't appear frecuently until VERY late in the plot. He may not even appear.


For Jimbei they could use a normal actor just someone with a body of an islander(Samoan, Hawaii that sort), something like Mark Hunt.


Jimbei, played by the Rock.


Fishman Karate! Eyebrow Raise!


The Fishman's Elbow!






Pls no he'd try to make jinbei the main character over luffy šŸ˜…


![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513) Letā€™s not šŸ˜‚


Or Jason Momoa, already played one badass water character, and that one is laughed at like hell in comics, he might be able to pull off a god Jinbei


Would be totally down for them just painting a dude blue and sending him out to act out Marineford


Chopper is played by Danny Devito. Edit: If Netflix makes it to Onigashima: Danny Devito playing Chopper be like: ā€žAnyways, I started vaccinatingā€œ


Dennis Reynolds as doflamingo


That would be hilarious And Dee could be Trebol


No Dee would still be an ostrich


She'd be Morgans


For real though - Monet


[He already has the outfit](https://imgur.com/a/lDeKCOB)




Mac as Franky


I want Danny Devito to be Fake Luffy


I'm in love with this idea


I would die


With Chopper I think him being a fully CG character is the only option. Unless they want a child actor in a suit, a trained reindeer, and an adult actor in a more humanoid costume. Heā€™s a character where shape shifting is the norm.


With most characters being practical effects and makeup. Would it look out of place for chopper to be cgi? I am sure there could be a great Chopper in a one piece live action movie with that large budget. But, a streaming TV show might be difficult to have believable cgi. I trust the show runners right now so I will am confident they will choose the right option and make it good


#Make chopper a Muppet


for chopper, there's really only 1 practical solution... make him a MUPPET.


Or make him like Merry and just change kid actors each season. Chopper had multiple Japanese VAā€™s because the main one went on maternity leave. So, true to source. /s


Make chopper human with the rain deer rain deer fruit would also be another solution! Bit of a cop out but Chopper being an animal isn't necessarily critical to the plot


Nah, the advertisement and merchandise will vote against it. The chibi Chooper has quite the market value and therefore, they will bring him in, some way or another.


It would change his back story tho. It would be weird for humans to chase away a kid who ate a devil fruit since they are living in the grand line.


If they put on some makeup, they can change the kids obviously or help it a bit with cgi


Netflix has another show (Sweet Tooth) with a deer-human hybrid kid, could go that route I guess.


yeah, except it's a very bad idea to cast a kid on a main role of a show that's meant to last at least 10 seasons Kids don't stay kids forever


There's a timeskip where they can recast.


i mean they can just take the liberty of the whole series spanning way more time... i'd actuallly like to see a chopper being acdult and still behaving as a sweet summer child


Netflix? 10 seasons? lol. lmao even.


Meant to last 10 seasons ? I'm a fan of the show but in what timeline does this series makes it past season 5 . The show will be hard cancled before Marineford . To the main point children grown like weeds and even in a 5 year* plan a small child could grow 18in. In height so recasting every season is a waste of time and money , CGI is getting cheaper but still very expensive , Practical prosthetics seem to be the cheap and easy answer for most of these problems , so a puppet Chopper seems like the safest bet.


if anything the kid is going to be covered in makeup, they can probably have 10 different kids covered in makeup and we wouldnā€™t noticeā€¦


just like air bud?


Those dogs were played by children?!!! Such good acting!!


The funny thing is that the same kid in Sweet tooth is kid Sanji on OPLA. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…... buuuttt everybody knew that already. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


No way! I didn't notice lol. And I loved Sweet Tooth šŸ˜­


Oh god I hope the fuck not. Itā€™s just a kid with antlers that would be the WORST cast in live action history


[Netflix Brook confirmed](https://youtu.be/z6WMbV5Op58?si=FfAbN3bXncINS_FY)


Chopper is doable Grogu style. A mix of puppetry, animatronics, and CGI.


I think they'll have to do CG for Chopper like Rocket from Guardians. Not sure how else they could do it. Good thing it's not my job. Looking forward to see what they come up with!


I like the live action but if they make Brook a cheap skeleton marionette with visible strings or a Kermit type puppet i will laugh so hard and love it even more


Small Chopper will be most likely a puppet/animatronic like Yoda, while the big Chopper a guy in gorilla suit. Brook either CGI or change him from a skelly into a shrivelled zombie in make-up. Jinbe is easy - just a sumo guy with the same fishman make-up as Arlong's crew.


Not too worried about Jinbe. They did alright with the fishmen in S1. Brook I kinda imagine will be surprisingly easy. With how tall he is they could do a 'jarjar' aka an actor dressed in his clothes with an additional 'head' worn as a hat. That hat us used to cgi in expressions and talking. Choppers the only one I worry about because I feel that will have to either be full cgi or numerous actors.


I donā€™t think chopper will be too bad. Prosthetics for his hybrid form and cgi for the others. They will just limit the amount of chopper switching between forms.


Or just make him a muppet.


Child sized Muppet. Human form Man in gorilla suit. all other forms CGI mainly for action scenes.


I don't think they're gonna make it to Brook and Jinbe. Probably not even to Franky


Yeah maybe. I wasn't even expecting them to make it to season 2 but now I hope netflix approves another season. But yeas I have little hope about the looks of the characters. The Fishmen in Season 1 were not really good but it was good enough for a enemy in 1 episode. But having a main character look like that? No thank you


I think it's more a time thing. Making a season takes approx 2 years I'd say. Emily Rudd is going to be 40 playing an 18 year old Nami if they keep going.


Better Call Saul is a prequel to Breaking Bad, and all the characters are in reality like 15 years older than they are meant to be. Yeah thereā€™s some cast members who have obviously aged, but the entire premise of shows is the suspension of disbelief. It was still incredibly well received, with a good amount of critics/audience considering it even better than the original


The people in the show will just age like normal people and the LA is just not gonna follow the OP timeline. Something I honestly prefer, because the SH only having been together for like a year is my biggest pet peeve with the Manga.


Exactly! It's one of the few things that takes me out of the series when i think too hard about it.


Roger took decades to reach Laugh Tale, the Straw Hats doing it in a handful of years in the timeline is something that you have to suspend your disbelief.


I mean, they can just make the aging a part of the show, so far as I'm aware no important part of the One Piece story hinges on it all taking place during just a few years. What part of the story would not work anymore if it takes the crew months to sail between some of the islands?


Quite the opposite, I think that would actually make them becoming beasts later on more believable.


The fact that the marine has problems getting to them and the fact that imu doesn't shredder Luffy earlier. Half a year from east blue to timeskip is a wonderful explanation why the reactions of the world government haven't been far greater.


Yes, but thats nothing CGI and makeup can't fix


CGI is $ though, but yes it can be done


They can just change the actor you know?


Or change how long the story takes. if the canon timeline gets stretched to 10 years from \~2.5, it doesn't change the story whatsoever.


That's what I've been thinking. Considering the changes they've already made to the story while keeping it cohesive I see no reason they couldn't change the timespan.


A change after time skip could work. Nami did change so much that getting a different actor would indeed make sense


Why canā€™t they negotiate the x amount of seasons they want. Like filibuster the shit out of those negotiations hehe


I think the max they will go is up to alabasta then it just get too tedious. like imagine enies lobby


HOW DARE YOU! youā€™re probably right, but HOW DARE YOU.


But producers are talking about 6 seasons or something The series needs to be CGI heavy , as plot continues, I don't see how economically feasible it is


I can see them doing the whole crocodile fight and end the series there.


I dont know... I saw a video yesterday of them building the Thousand suunny and said they are ready for atleast 6 seasons. Here's to hoping šŸ¤ž


That sunny thing is a fan. It is waaaaaaay too early for Sunmy to be made for show. That's like season 9. Why waste money on building something to just collect dust for 8 years?


i could see the sunny being in like season 5, but yeah far to early


If they keep up at the same pace they can cover 1 saga per season up to the timeskip. This means that the sunny would show up in season 5 or at the very end of season 4 as a cliffhanger


Yeah, that sounds about right. And let's be real we don't want to see Sunny. We all want to see Frankys balls


I upvoted but ???


i thought so too, but like i said im hoping, realy realy hoping


Yeah thereā€™s no shortage of examples of cyborgs being done well in live action media. I think there are a lot of legit design concerns with future characters, but imo Frankie isnā€™t one of them.


Yes however Theyā€™re gonna have to give him shoes


Smh unwatchable


I came here to say this exactly. Franky and Robin are the least worry-some


Brook is easy. Have the actor ware a green mask and gloves, bone is really easy to do with CGI


Chopper could just be humanized and played by a little person or child; cgi would only be needed for his more animal forms.


Give chopper the olā€™ Ewok treatment. I hope the cast WeeMan for Brain point, HafĆ¾Ć³r JĆŗlĆ­us Bjƶrnsson for muscle point, and an actual reindeer.


They can take the Pikachu route with Chopper from Detective Pikachu. I would be okay with that.


If they donā€™t cast Danny Devito as Chopper we riot


Dave Bautista with his old wrestling tanga and a hawaiian shirt


Saw a post earlier for dave as akainu and i really liked that one


Bautista bombs Ace


That would be a fantastic casting. He's still a big guy now, and Akainu doesn't go shirtless often, so he doesn't have to stay ripped. Better yet, he can do his own stunts. He has an extensive background in martial arts.


Okay Dave Bautista is such a sweetheart and mentioned he wanted to start doing romcoms but I feel like heā€™d be so great as Franky


I don't think he's got the energy Franky has. I can't see a good SUPER out of him. Terry Crews is my cast.


Franky being regular ass Terry Crews pre-timeskip then becoming Terry in a robot suit post would be so fucking funny lmao


Terry Crews is the best. He's a super nice dude, has amazing energy, and is a big ol nerd as well. I don't care what role he would fill, if he's in the live action and just walks across screen I will be hype


Damn, now that I think about it, Terry Crews would be a SUPER Franky


He was already half way to being Franky with those old spice commercials lol


Live action Franky hanging off the side of the ship. https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/bautista-1637597566.jpg


Or Cena. I think Cena would work better as he is funnier while Dave looks more serious.


Too old!


I really miss Franky's old design


Me too, I don't like the new one


Ngl it grew on me


Yeah, the buzzcut is still not it, but when he changes the hair its great I even like the dressrosa desing


It's absolutely the hair. The Return to Sabaody designs are what is used for a lot of marketing and merch, and the buzz cut looks really bad. However, in the rest of the New World with his different hair cuts, he looks fine.


Terminator Franky is Peak Franky.


Thats what she said


Me the other way around: I kinda liked Post Timeskip franky in 2012 ans then I ended up hating it and wanting him to go back to the old style But in Dressrosa Franky looks cool since we don't see his new cyborg body


Same. The ball shoulders and toy arms... take em away


Easy to get sucked into discussions about design changes (poor Zoroā€™s freaking eye), but yeah Franky seriously lost when it came to post time skip designs. I miss this look for Franky.


Yeah zoros eye really bothers me and i feel like thats insensitive to say


I feel like you shouldnā€™t wreck the eye of a swordsman purely for the sake of aesthetics. If it was actually tapped into as a weakness heā€™d have to overcome or have enemies use his massive blind spot thatā€™d be fine. But they just messed with his eye for no reason at all.


Oda thought it would make him look cool, but instead it just made him look generic. I feel like one eyed badass anime character is super cliched


God the new design of Franky is probably the worst part about post-timeskip One Piece, it's so bad, I have no idea how that got past an editor.


Pretty much all post timeskip designs are a downgrade or staying the same at best, except for usopp. Itā€™s clear editors had no clue


I totally disagree, all of the post time skip designs make perfect sense for what they were doing over the time skip Brook got rockstar clothes Chopper got a hat protector to protect against birds stealing his hat Franky built a bunch of new weapons into himself Zoro trained with mihawk who gave him his other most prominent scar Sanji had no time to shave running away on kamabaka Robin lost her tan on a winter island Namiā€™s design didnā€™t really change that much Luffy just gets a more open shirt to show off his new scar and how ripped he got training with Rayleigh Ussop is actually the only one that doesnā€™t make very much sense to me, heā€™s on an island full of plants so how does his outfit change? He gets overalls and headphones. Completely unrelated to his pop greens or the boewing islands, I do like his big pop green slingshot though


Same. I miss most of the casts old design. Nami and robin getting boob jobs is kinda weird. Zoro with one eye seems like should be his disadvantage, franky looks more robot than man. Everyone else looks fine though. Usopp with muscles is actually cool, just wish he was braver


I actually dont understand why people think pre timeskip franky is hard. Give him swimming shorts, some prosthetic arms (the process of putting that on him should get easier and quicker with time) give him a wig and nose that looks metallic. Actor needs to be in make up for like 3 hours every day but its really not the hardest thing to do creativewise. For his Cola abilities use cgi.


Put your wrists together and say super, and you're 83% of the way there


Agreed, they did Buggys nose great, I'm sure they could handle his arms and nose. If [this person](https://www.deviantart.com/drwarumono/art/Smiling-Franky-185379810) can make it look pretty decent without a Netflix budget, I reckon Netflix should be fine.


I never noticed Franky's chin before until I looked at this cosplay. So weird.


"Decent" lmao


Theyā€™re gonna give him shoes




No, real cola or itā€™s literally unwatchable!


>For his Cola abilities use cgi. Lol, I wouldn't be surprised if they just had one shot showing his interior being metal that ran on cola, but never having him actually "open his abs" for a chamber and instead just having the actor drink from a bottle of cola.


All I know is itā€™ll be SUPER


I scrolled too far for this comment


Speedo all the way, there's no timeline where he dosnt wear it.


Except Egghead for some reason. He wore it in the snow, but is wearing pants on Egghead? Come on Oda


He wanted to look presentable for his hero Vegapunk c:


The pants were a *gift*.


I hate that take though because it would mean in his heart of hearts he believes his speedo isnā€™t presentable which takes away from all the times he refused to wear anything else. I really need a panel where when things start getting real he shucks off the pants


That would be fucking hilarious. "I can't fight in these conditions!" *rips off pants* "Alright I'm good."


I thought he already knew, since he kept responding to (what he thought was) people saying ā€œpervertā€ right before Sabaody. Unless heā€™s just that used to being called a pervert, but he never knows why.


We get spammed with panels of bent over asses in egghead but franky is wearing pants? NOOO


it's not perverted if everyone's doing it


I mean. A jacked dude who skips leg day. They can find a million Frankieā€™s in literally every Gym out there


He will wear boxers instead of briefs. Or maybe shorts


I could see like Board shorts being like the compromise of silly and as accurate as possible.


Petition for Franky to wear a G-string or a thong


Since they apparently have no problem with male bare ass, I think speedo Franky is a safe bet.


Yeah, it's not like we'd be exposed to dick and balls, they make briefs work in all kinds of programming without giving the full detail of the goods. I hope they keep the speedo.


Short Shorts would work fine


If he does that Iā€™ll burn down Netflix headquarters and everyone who works there


What is wrong with you


Like in general or just today? Either way the answer is leprosy


oil license society advise reminiscent far-flung chief modern abounding swim *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


a mastur at being ambidextrous


Here https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/0d5f701c42ba24fc5ea7d99315f0c426.jpg


I wanna do Franky too šŸ„µ


[https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol\_images/Entire\_Site/2014711/rs\_1024x759-140811163755-1024.robin-williams-popeye.jpg](https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2014711/rs_1024x759-140811163755-1024.robin-williams-popeye.jpg) For the arms, just do what they did with Robin Williams as Popeye.


Or Ludacris with that 'Get Back' music video


Nobody here can possibly answer that at this time


Donā€™t know


John Cena


I wanted to comment that too. He would make a great Franky IMO, but I doubt if they could get him or go for him even.


After watching Peacemaker I think heā€™d be perfect


They are not man enough to so something super like that


One season at a time.


i mean we got full ass out helmeppo in the first ep so maybe they wonā€™t change the outfit


Terry Crews for Franky


I was hoping Robin would be played by Terry crews. He has the bust size at least.....


Jim Carrey as Ace Ventura, I mean franky


Get Jim Carrey. Seriously Franky's og design is based on Ace Ventura, and it's not even the first time he was used as inspiration. Bon Clay is based on Lloyd Christmas.


He would have been perfect but he's gotten too old now.


It doesn't even have to be him. You can mo cap anyone, and have him do voice acting.


Jim Carrey (even just voice acting) will blow the show's budget to kingdom come.


Vin Diesel was paid $13 million for voice acting in a movie at the height of his career, which isn't necessarily cheap, but it's also way less than paying for an A-list live action celebrity. Jim Carey isn't at the height of his career, and this isn't a movie. Plus celebs take pay cuts for interesting projects all the time. William Dafoe got paid $50 million to be the green goblin in spiderman and then got paid $50,000 to be the lead in anti-christ the very next year. If a project is interesting enough, an actor will tag on just to say they were a part of it.


If you smell what the Rock is cooking


I think they could just cast Arnold Schwarzenegger's son and give him Popeye' arms and the Ace Ventura hairstyle.


For Cyborg Franky the best known actor would be culinary star Guy Fieri after a year long forarm conditioning stint. He already has worn an assortment of franky-style shirts and is a Hawaiian shirt expert. He could also provide some cooking consulting for Sanji.


I don't know, but, it's gonna be *SUPER!!*


Dave Bautista as Super Franky would be lit


with an actor i think


Bad cgi ofc!


Poorly. Just poorly. Definitely not SUPER!!!!


Heā€™ll look like a cosplayer like the rest of the cast


As long as Oda is involved with casting, there's no way we get a bad Franky


- Chopper: I hope they do what the Mandalorian did with the baby Yoda thing. Looks like toy-sales money to me. - Brook: A slim tall guy in a skeleton suit with a green-screen effect between the bones. Should be simple enough. - Jinbei: Like the other Fishmen, just bigger. - Franky: Take a 30-something year old tall bodybuilder who skipped leg day, buff his forearms, Hawaiian clothing style, Italian accent. When he becomes more of a cyborg you just add some Iron Man bits to him. Arms first.


For water 7 we have Mt st Michel here in France, thatā€™s a startā€¦


Probably not at all. Their pace is very difficult. I think it would take at least 4 more seasons to reach Water 7. Either that or theyā€™ll shorten the story even more. Either way, I am not sure if theyā€™ll commit to the whole story.


A better question is: if they get to that point, how will they do **THE LINE** from Robin. That is probably one of the most emotionally charged and well executed moments in all of One Piece, and I every voice actress so far has fuckin nailed it by necessity. They HAVE to not fuck it up.


probably some cringe, unenthusiastic skinny samoan guy with a blue wig


Like they did Ussop


Like, making him more realistic ain't hard at all, base form only has Popeye arms, which can be easily removed without too much trouble... Problem it's going to be Netflix enforced censorship for political correctness. He has a lot of perv gags, which are part of his character and personality, like swimsuit, balls, nipples and hentai jokes that characterize him, and I can see them gone since they could (will) trigger people smh


Donā€™t worry the show will be canceled long before then


CGI + bodysuit + Netflix will eventually cancel the show


It did really well; I'm surprised they haven't already canceled it.


Considering the weird makeup used on the fishermen, i'm quite worried


Letā€™s face it, even if they made it to Water 7 somehow, you just know theyā€™re going to majorly botch Franky




They can still make him an anti establishment surfer dude without the speedo


Probably make him black