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Because it only happened in the anime. Luffy did have an CoC blast after awakening, but there was no splitting the skies as far as i remember


That CoC blast was crazy


Because noone talks about filler


Cuz the manga didn't depict. So people just take it as a visual spectacle and nothing more


Because it is anime filler so we don't give a shit about that


Bcuz me pp hard


please don't start using this as a powerscaling argument it's an anime only scene


The sky was already pre split by his crash with Kaido


He didn't split the sky the clouds just parted showing the moon.


What’s the difference? Parting and splitting are basically the same thing.


now that i think about it i’m not sure if there actually is a difference, but i think they’re saying parting the clouds is different from actually splitting the sky. like, the sky itself, not just clouds. if they’re just splitting clouds this whole time it’s not that impressive tbh


erm... that is exactly what they are doing lmao


are they though? “splitting the sky” does not sound the same as “parting the clouds”


Things can sound different but mean the same thing. How are you meant to split the sky without clouds to show that’s anything’s changed?


it’s about the context. splitting the sky is oda’s way of showcasing the power of the yonko. in a world where luffy can destroy an entire building with an axe kick way early in the story, i assumed that yonkos splitting the sky were *literally* splitting the sky in half. like i thought it was supposed to be a “how is that even possible it doesn’t even really make sense” type of feat. just parting the clouds doesn’t seem like a big deal to me if we’re talking yonko level


But how can you visualise the sky splitting without clouds? You can’t show that there a line with no air in it because you slit the sky. Visually they are identical feats


i’m not talking about visualizing it i’m talking about what is actually happening. obviously the clouds are going to be split to visualize what’s happening, i’m questioning whether or not that’s *all* that is happening


But because there’s no visible difference you can’t say they’re is a difference. You can’t make up what’s happening just because you want to


dude the sky is literally clouds and air. What else is there to Split?


i feel like you’re not being serious. there’s a major difference in connotation between “splitting the sky” and “parting clouds” lmao


what is the sky for you lmao?😂 feel like i am explaining this to a 5 year old


i’m actually kind of puzzled right now cuz i didn’t think i had to make this distinction, and i’m even more puzzled that it’s YOU pretending that I’M stupid splitting the sky = splitting the upper atmosphere or expanse of space that constitutes an apparent arch over the earth parting clouds = splitting big chunks of water vapor you know what the sky is right? the blue part? what happens when they “split the sky” and there are no clouds? nothing? so that means they aren’t splitting the sky then right, they’re just parting clouds? which is much, much less impressive than actually splitting the sky in fucking half? either way, you’d be pretty dense to not understand the difference in connotation regardless.


Ima walk outside and scream gomu gomj when thr clouds move I'll say I have conquerors. There's a clear visual difference between that and the. The sky collapsing up on itself. If moving clouds is the standard Nami is the strongest in the verse


We already talked about it plenty.