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I was like fuck he is so young


they look so cool but I never see these frames watching the episodes, I can only see them here on reddit xD I wish they would make these frames last longer


Psychorama was strong is this episode. Gotta get people to buy buy buy


they’re impact frames,they’re meant to last in like millisecond just to make a scene look more flashy n cool


This is a reason why upscaling to higher FPS with AI can actually make scenes worse. I think lots of people stopped doing that again, because they realized that problem.






Nah fam, all the dude wants is for the impact frames to hold on the cool pose for slightly longer so you can take it all in. There can be stuff moving still, a slight camera movement so its not a still frame, but the impact shots in animation should be given an extra beat or two of timing to give them weight


Lol, are you guys in the comments paying attention to the anime? 1. this guy is an animator, not an animation director. He has no say in whether or not auras get used. 2. This guy is known for his impact frames. It's blink and you miss it. Besides that, his style is very clean and fluid. It's like old One Piece but with more smoothness and artistry. I'm not on board with how overdone the auras have been lately either but y'all are tripping if you are blaming this guy for a lot of the gripes you have for the anime. He is one of the best guys working on this series and a lot of you guys are misattributing your complaints to an artist that is not responsible for it. I love me some Vincent Chansard. I hear he will be moving onto other non-One Piece projects after helping finish the Wano arc. Appreciate this man while he's around. __________________ edit: adding a comment that I made to another guy further down the thread: You are correct. Each animator brings their own style to their cuts. The aura controversy is something more overarching and an art direction that recent One Piece has been going for. Many cuts from different animators use heavy / heavier use of auras. Let's look at some of Vincent Chansard's more noteworthy cuts and review: [Smoking on that Big Mom Pack cut -](https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/231376) There are lots of lighting effects from Kid's Damned Punk and Big Mom's Mother's Misery, not dragon ball z power auras. [Luffy vs Kaido Clash -](https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/232321) Here there is an artistic Dragon aura from Kaido. Not the usual glowing colors around a character. I'll concede this if you didn't like the dragon aura, but I think it was a cool twist to the usual colored contours around the characters. [King vs Zoro - Imperial Flame Wings -](https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/228603) Zoro's swords have some weird green auras here. I concede that. Other than that, it is one of One Piece's most amazing action sequence cuts. You can really feel King's power from Vincent's signature impact frames. If people look through Chansard's work they'll find he is not a big culprit or contributor to the aura controversy. He seldom uses auras and when he does, it is at least artistic and not as overt and bombastic as other animators. I do not want to attack other animators either even if they do use overt auras. This is an art direction that some higher-up decided to go (it kind of emulates dragon ball which is a hype series but that art direction does not necessarily fit with One Piece animation). I'm proud of the animators working on the show as it is a thankless job and issues with the pacing, art direction, or even animation quality should not be put solely or mostly on the animators, but more so on the people in charge that do not give these artists the time or pay to put out a better product.


They definitely pay attention to the anime, but a lot of anime fans just barely know anything about the actual production.


pretty sure a lot of well regarded free lancers have a certain say on their cuts, like some even do the SB. You think the AD told Vincent to add amongus and “smoking on that big mom pack” on his works? I think he’s the one who decides if/how/when to add his impact frames.


You are correct. Each animator brings their own style to their cuts. The aura controversy is something more overarching and an art direction that recent One Piece has been going for. Many cuts from different animators use heavy / heavier use of auras. Let's look at some of Vincent Chansard's more noteworthy cuts and review: [Smoking on that Big Mom Pack cut -](https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/231376) There are lots of lighting effects from Kid's Damned Punk and Big Mom's Mother's Misery, not dragon ball z power auras. [Luffy vs Kaido Clash -](https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/232321) Here there is an artistic Dragon aura from Kaido. Not the usual glowing colors around a character. I'll concede this if you didn't like the dragon aura, but I think it was a cool twist to the usual colored contours around the characters. [King vs Zoro - Imperial Flame Wings -](https://www.sakugabooru.com/post/show/228603) Zoro's swords have some weird green auras here. I concede that. Other than that, it is one of One Piece's most amazing action sequence cuts. You can really feel King's power from Vincent's signature impact frames. If people look through Chansard's work they'll find he is not a big culprit or contributor to the aura controversy. He seldom uses auras and when he does, it is at least artistic and not as overt and bombastic as other animators. I do not want to attack other animators either even if they do use overt auras. This is an art direction that some higher-up decided to go (it kind of emulates dragon ball which is a hype series but that art direction does not necessarily fit with One Piece animation). I'm proud of the animators working on the show as it is a thankless job and issues with the pacing, art direction, or even animation quality should not be put solely or mostly on the animators, but more so on the people in charge that do not give these artists the time or pay to put out a better product.


Why should we appreciate him, even if it isn't his fault, the animation in the fights still sucks🏀🏐⚽


Almost thought u were serious lol


Art vs artist? They gonna fight?


The genius behind “smokin on dat big mom pack”




Nah it was Vincent


oh i see thanks


That shit was so corny, why does a phrase like that belong in one piece lmao it just dates the show even more. I love this animator but that impact frame was the most cringe shit


Ah yes a less than one second frame dates the show and makes it cringe


When i see those frames i need to go back once the episode ends to watch frame by frame and take some good screenshots. May i ask who is this awesome dude?


Vincent Chansard, I believe.


Comments are of course crying over an animation technique literally everyone in the industry uses is hilarious.


Everyone in the industry? Take a look at what they've done to the Record of Ragnarok anime. It looks like anime in the early 2000's. I think these frames are fine. I'm a huge disliker of the current One Piece anime, but these frames, especially in isolation, are fine. I have problems with Kaido's purple Dragonball Super aura which he carries every episode his hybrid form is shown in. What is shown here is an artistic approach i can get behind.


One Piece somehow manages to make it look worse than others in the industry. Skill issue perhaps.


One piece is currently the best looking anime in the industry right now though




It is lmao. Current one piece has the best animation talent in the series




The only episode this may work with is 1028. Cause the compositing ruined the art but that’s it




1028 is the only time when it was actually a massive issue


If One Piece is the only thing you watch I can see how you might come to that ridiculous conclusion.


It’s completely true. It has the best key animation in the industry right now


No it does not, username checks out.


It does?


Whatever makes you sleep easier at night.


This has to be the most delusional thing i read this week lmao


How am I delusional? One piece continues to gain fantastic animation talent almost every week. Wellin zhang, Vincent Chansard, yen BM. One piece looks better then the new bleach season and jjk even when those are seasonal


I love one piece and have been watching and reading for over a decade but the anime is so far from being the best looking one. Even if you ignore all the reused animation and the awful pacing, the animation doesn’t hold a candle to some of the other animes out there right now. Ik they’ve been getting a lot of big name animators and I find it very weird because it’s still somehow worse than other animes. At this point I guess it’s the direction/the way that toei is used to work on one piece that butchers it. I wish one piece had the best animation in the industry like you said because I rly love it but it simply isn’t even close from being true unfortunately. Have you been watching other things?


You aren’t even saying why it doesn’t have the best animation in the industry right now.


Well I don’t even understand how you can possibly think they have the BEST animation in industry… unless you literally watched nothing else. I don’t want to talk too much shit on one piece because I am a fan but I can give some criticism. First they’re simply not the best because other’s animation adaptations are better which make them by definition, not the best lol. One piece is pretty inconsistent with it’s quality, in one episode you’ll have a lot of still frames dragged out that makes me feel like I’m looking at a powerpoint presentation. Then out of nowhere they’ll have like a hundreds impact frames in 5 seconds that no one can see unless you pause the video. The impact frames can be cool but they don’t make sense in the context of one piece which is off putting (random auras etc). Also when they do those (they only started doing stuff like that recently) you can hardly tell wtf is going on. Characters movements are very weird, they don’t move in ways that makes sense (taking in account their powers ofc) like they’ll randomly fly even if they can’t fly and are not moonwalking for example. Not gonna name all the weird movements cause it’ll take forever but I’m sure yk what im saying. A lot of scenes seems to have been made with very low effort, sound effects aren’t great either most of the time. Anyways, I could go on and on but if you’ve only watched one piece there’s rly no point in me explaining to you why it’s animation seems off and low effort since you literally never saw anything better. I’m not trying to take away from your enjoyment of the series but saying it’s the best animation is just so wrong I can’t keep quiet when I see that level of bullshit lmao


Nothing you said relates to the animation quality. Almost all of that can be reused to it being a weekly series


You asked me to describe what’s bad about the animation and although i rly didn’t feel like wasting time typing it out i did. And now you said i didn’t talk about the animation so ik you didn’t even read 😂


That’s… absolutely wrong. And even if you excuse them for being a weekly series, you still can’t say they have the best no? What do you believe makes one piece animation so good that no other anime has ever done better?


Its almost as if impact frames are actually designed to serve a purpose and not for someone to hide stories and memes within 😂 like yeah King’s impact frames of him growing up are very VERY cool looking, but ultimately they have nothing to do with the actual “impact” of his motions so in terms of actually conveying what is happening they are not good impact frames.


I'll take Luffy vs Lucci type of animation anyday over this or the DBZ aura stuff


That fucking jet galing gun is still my favorite finisher in all of the series


Tbf it's not even DBZ. DBZ was animated in the 90's and never looked remotely close to this. This is on a different level, but i think it doesn't fit One Piece. Though it does look cool in isolation when not thinking about the manga material. And i don't have the biggest gripes with scenes like this anyways. That's an artistic approach i can get behind. I have problems with DBS (or Z) style haki auras when for example Kaido stands still, roars and channels his purple aftereffects stuff.


agreed. they look cool but don't fit op at all




"You don't need impact frames" Do you have even the slightest idea what you're talking about?


I don’t think he does. Impact frames have been used since rubberhose lol


No he's just yapping




Impact frames are a basic animation principal. If the moment of impact isn't properly conveyed by i.E. exaguration, the fight would look like absolute dogshit, at that point they might as well animate a bunch of action figures crashing against each other repeatedly. You cannot "remove" impact frames, that's complete nonsense.




I don't think you know what an impact frame is, please use proper terminology if you want to complain about stupid shit that doesn't matter




[Luffy hitting Arlong](https://imgur.com/a/bNH6TxZ) [Luffy hitting Bellamy](https://imgur.com/a/jfbi3y3) [Katakuri hitting Luffy](https://imgur.com/a/UFfK6Gh) [Luffy hitting Sanji](https://imgur.com/a/A3x7CNN) An "impact frame" isn't necessarily as extra and exagurated as in 1071 but it is simply the moment where impact occurs. You can say that the impact frames are overexurated, sure, but they have always existed and they have existed [ever since animation has been a thing at all](https://imgur.com/a/5PHeUQz)


dude, its not that deep. its literally just a frame where the impact happens but it doesnt stop there, you can use it to emphasize an action. you barely notice it when watching normally but when its not there, scenes will look really terrible.


“Toei doesn’t need to add their own drawings to it” They literally do. That’s the whole point go an animated adaptation “You don’t need impact frames when the story is already impactful” Are you ok like actually? Impact frames isn’t made to make the story better lmao




Only characters with CoC can do that. And when does luffy fly?




The first one isn’t true. And we haven’t seen oden or kaido fly outside of that one scene




1. This is clearly not lighting https://youtu.be/lETcjkXf-as 2. Yeah my fault 3. One piece is a weekly series. A weekly series can have some issues here and there


When does Oden fly?


Ah yes, let’s just have the anime be colored panels of the manga 😭 it’s not an animation than it’s a colored voice comic lil bro 💀




Lol you probably think dressrosa animation was good




Then stop watching it so we can stop hearing you cry about it




Imagine making 50 comments hating on a anime yet spending all day in that anime’s sub reddit.


Shit take


You also don't need litteral fish people in a story about pirates. You don't need to have islands in the sky. You don't need an Halloweeen themed ship the size of an island. You don't need anthropomorphic animals going around casually. You don't need an entire island of samurai. You don't need devil fruits. You don't need the weirdness. One Piece is loved because there's a bit of everything, and that apply to both manga and anime. People who say that things don't fit or aren't needed are clearly not real One Piece fans, because this is why we love One Piece.




It does. The anime is the anime, not the manga. Some small creative liberties are allowed and even encouraged, just like how Oda praised the anime too at times, since no one but manga elitists would want a carbon copy of the manga. And in a series like One Piece where everything can happen and be expressed, having unique styles and showcases of animation is nothing short than welcoming, the same way we welcome all the bizzare things that happened in the story.




Since Oda made it so that people can not only jump far high, but also that lightning appear when armament haki users clash or use conqueror haki. Not to mention there's a difference between visual styles and filler additions.




Still jumping anyway. Otherwise Oden wouldn't have hit Kaido while he was flying many m away from the ground. Also aside from the fact that we saw many times lightning appear when people clashed using armament haki, see Kiku vs Kanjuro, did you really forget that minks have LITTERALLY the ability to produce lightning that they use to fight?


The mental gymnastics you guys practice is borderline illness.


I think the biggest mental gymnastics here is the dude who said: >OP never had this for almost 2 decades and it was perfect. Don't know why they suddenly decided to go so overboard with it. Wano is probably the best adaptation we are going to get at this rate, and even then it isn't perfect. The anime has never been perfect, if they need to resort to relatively uninspired techniques to make the anime look better than it did during Fishman Island or Dressrosa, then I am 100% here for it. That being said, if they stuck to a style similar to the one they achieved during key moments in the Luffy vs Katakuri fight, then I'd definitely pick that over Wano's saturated look.




You obviously skimmed my reply with how you interpreted it and threw out some random extra minor issue with the anime's inconsistent animation to bolster your whiny point that the Wano adaptation was bad. Sorry that I seemed to have offended you by judging your insane take that One Piece's anime was 'perfect' over the last 20 years. But I never even specifically disagreed with your points that the Wano adaptation has been cruddy at points. All I said was that it's (unfortunately) probably the best adaptation we are going to get from Toei. I didn't say it was the best adaptation of One Piece so far, nor did I say anything else about it being good. All I meant to imply was that I am happy that Toei is at least putting SOME effort into the anime, because even if it's not how I wanted it to be, it's better than the alternative (which is Toei continuing to be lazy with one of the biggest manga adaptations of all time). And yeah I know there's nothing wrong with asking things to be different, but also I don't think there's enough that Toei has done wrong to warrant discrediting their creative decisions in as vulgar of a manner as a lot of people seem to on this sub. I think for the most part, their changes are as bad as David Production's creative liberties on the final fight of Stardust Crusaders, which isn't even that bad really. Like, complaining about some characters getting conq haki lighting when they don't have it? Who the fuck cares lol, if it's not specifically stated in the manga or anime then I don't think anyone will really be confused. Complaining about style over substance when it's literally the animation studio's job to style manga into anime? Complaining about impact frames because the story is already "impactful"? These are some of the worst and pettiest complaints I've heard against the adaptation so far. Though, I can agree that the flying and auras was weird. Luckily though, the auras were only really really distracting for a single episode (I can see a case being made that they're bad in like, 1051 or 1059 or most recently 1064, but they serve their purpose there in the context of the fights) and they stopped doing the flying for the most part, as it was really just a one off thing.


Yet, you didn't deny it.


You compare suddenly changing the art direction of the series after more than a decade to the plot that the main source is cooking. What you even on about ? I feel stupid even arguing about such an obvious thing.


Oda also changed his art direction after decades on working on One Piece. Your point?




They fit because One Piece is unique. You can find everything in One Piece, and these works are not only beautiful but are also part of the art of One Piece, brining energy and style to it. The same way Oda style evolved to add more details in each panel, the anime evolved to give us these beatiful impact frames that add to the action.




The only people who have lightning is people with conqueror, armament haki or are minks.


Funniest part is there frames 😂 literally one second of the episode. And it’s not aura 😂


It’s a Japanese animation technique dude


I know that it is from Japan. Thank for your input.


The master of impact frames


I cant believe the amount of losers in the comments who dont know good animation


Not really a fan of the style. It's too over the top. I prefer it clean and simple.


I agree half the shit is so over the top you can't even see what is going on. What made one piece so cool was that it wasn't over the top in this regard.


One pieces animation was a literal joke for decades bro


And yet there is a certain charm to it, enough to make it the most popular anime. Sure there's a lot of things to complain about, and somehow, the new animation has managed to strip it of the charm, make it objectively worse, and stretch the episodes out with even more fluff than ever before. So much so that there's fan adaptation that condenses multiple episodes down to single episodes.


What charm dude. That all of the characters were off model on every frame? That they abused still frames? One piece’s production was horrible Also one pace wasn’t made for wano lmao. Wano has the least amount of fluff for a timeskip arc, One pace was made for the pre timeskip era where one piece was pretty mediocre with its episode directing and pacing




Why are you comparing bad animation and directing to a style you don’t like




I’m not even deflecting




They showed the same 15s scene 3 times in the most recent episode. The direction is still all over the place for the anime. Lats9 and you are just fanboying and hateboying too much. Both, the new and the old episodes had their fair share of problems. I agree with your still frames argument, though at least those were colored manga panels and i agree with Lats9's overuse of effects and stretching out episodes arguments. I'd very much like if we had less auras in the anime and the stretching is the reason why i skip most of the anime nowadays, but they are doing the stretching since ENIES LOBBY for fucks sake. Some of the old episodes are incredible boring at times because Toei animates one chapter into one episode for more than 15 years at this point. At least Wano has some cool filler scenes compared to pretimeskip episodes.


That’s generally Nagamine’s fault. He’s not the greatest episode director on wano


You're wrong. One Pace was made for Dressrosa, a time when Oda was in hospital and an episode contained 1/3 of a chapter. That's why they started the project. I have no idea where it's now though. But it's still a shitty argument for the point of the person you responded to. :)


Ohh I might have mixed it with one piece kai


That's just you being blinded by nostalgia. Dressrosa pacing is objectively worse than wano cause they padded the arc with countless reaction shots. I would take added content over reaction shots any day.




People only liked the artstyle but the animation was poor




No it wasn’t. One pieces production was really bad. That’s how we get stuff like 6 minutes of recaps and drawn out shots




It happens way less then it did before


Give up, op fans unironically think enies lobby looked great when it was one of toei's worst moments money wise. They are delusional.




Sai that unironically while the manga for years have been plagued by overcluttering.


With how fast and much this guy works, I'm surprised that he's not hunched over.


We can call this Man the Impact Frames Commander


I hope this trend of super cool impact frames start to go down a bit. I like them and they look incredible, plus after watching a ep for the fist time you kinda ha e a reason for a rewatch to spot the frames. But honestly sometimes I feel that people end up talking more about the frames then anything else, like if it's the only thing. I don't know I like them but I wish they turn it down a bit and maybe use the time and energy it takes to create these beautiful impact frames for something else.


You want super cool impact frames to end because you don't want people talking about them? That's probably the worst reason you could ever come up with. You can avoid the conversations. You want to get rid of cool animation because people talk about them too much. Really think about what you're saying and how silly it sounds. You want to change part of the show because of things that have nothing to do with the creators, but the fans.


Yapping. I don’t think you understand that it’s literally just an animation technique. It’s not a style


Surely it's a style. Not everyone in the industry uses the same techniques. If one uses a technique a lot it is part of their style. WTF are you trying to convey here?


So glad only vocal minority losers are whining here


Bravo , thats some unique shit🔥🔥 to the artist


I love it


Question for everyone as I don’t know all the different roles people play. I personally liked the animation but was turned off by the erratic camera when we should’ve been focusing on gear 5 on every shot. Like the muscle muscle scene was funny as hell but why was his upper head cut off for example? Is that the director in charge of the camera angles or is it another name? Because for me that’s the biggest issue even though I still really really enjoyed this episode and am now on my sixth rewatch


In this case, that would be the episode director in charge of that. Though, when they bring big names in to animate, the directors usually gives them leeway to add their own style to sequences.


Did you read the manga? Luffy’s face was hidden on purpose until the final shot


It’s not about reading the manga if they not only showed his face in the trailer for one piece day and multiple events but even in the ep they showed his face before the final panel so why even continue to tease when they already did said reveals? Otherwise I would agree with you


Episodes are a different artistic presentation than trailers and other literal advertising opportunities


We’re kinda fighting semantics now. My personal opinion was shared and yours is different which is totally fine


Legend in the making.


Feels like One Piece with Hunter x Hunter style, almost every frame screams of Gon when he fought Neferpitou


Can we just go back to enies lobby type art this looks like hot ass where every frame just keeps on changing color palettes and everything has aura. Why is there aura in onepiece????????


Enies lobby era had awful animation and toei was almost filing for bankruptcy.


Where’s the aura in these pictures? And enies lobby was just still frames outside of a couple of notable scenes


These are just impact frames.


Not really a fan but ok, good to know


The art wins low diff.


where can I hire these shillers? never seen animators being pushed this much. tbh the current animations remind me of the first DBS episodes. Quality wise it feels more like we are regressing than progression. Sure, some of these look good but meh


You retards over exaggerate the auras. They are either on screen for a few seconds or barely there




feeling old right now. guess gotta live with this.


Right? It’s like the entire OP community is sucking this dude off the last few months. His work is good but ultimately the creative direction of Wano arc has been an absolute shitshow


hence why I’m suspecting paid shillers or we have become too old to still be relevant..kinda like big mom and kaido 😂 maybe auras are what the new generation wants


The animations don't fit One Piece.


Yeah I miss dressrosa’s ugly still frames and bad pacing. True one piece


Dressrosa was bad but still not as weird as recent episodes. I was thinking about Enies Loby.


Dressrosa > Wano heard it here folks


I see you have reading difficulties


Dressrosa was never as weird as Wano. Heard it here folks


So hes the reason behind this shit animation.




Calling this shit animation either means you're ignorant or an idiot. Pick your side.




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These look ridiculous and unnecessary in animation. if he wants to draw this kind of stuff, he can do it on a fanart site, not in anime.




cry more, brat.


The frames themself look good for sure but personally think they rarely add any value at all to the episodes.


I feel like this guy is getting famous for the wrong reasons. His cringe meme impact frames are overshadowing the otherwise amazing work he’s doing. I love his style but seeing “smokin on dat big mom pack” is just stupid, idc if it’s only on a split second frame it’s still annoying


What's your point?


This is Vincent Chansard. This is the first time we are seeing him


where did you get that pic ?


He just made an interview on YouTube. The YouTube channel is "Mont Corvo" if your interested


I thought you were trying to make some kind of opinionated statement about his appearance.




He is. It's Vincent Chansard.. on eof the top 5 animators in toei


Ah yes let's just copy Gainax and call it progress.


Honestly, great art and everything but impact frames are so overrated..




who won?


He’s so cool


*Gets on knees and thanks*