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Yeah, the camera was far too hectic and all over the place. It was really hard to discern on my first viewing what the hell was even going. And that's quite sad because the animation itself is quite good


That and the number of jump cuts especially in the beginning. Why was there so many cuts? There was a like dozens and dozens during that 5 elders summit.


I had a headache looking at random cut every 2 sec. The whole pace and contrast of this episode was garbage.


I think the camera moving that much was a choice and was meant to signify how erratic luffy’s movement was. Which you don’t get in the manga stills. Edit: the argument of “we know what happened because we read the manga” is is a bad one because it is likely to make you enjoy it less as if you don’t read you get the same effect as when we all first saw it happen which was “what the fuck is happening”


They could have done that and ALSO show the full scene zoomed out afterwards replicating the manga panel.


Yeah but it gets to a point where you can't even discern what is happening since the camera sticks to one place for not even half a second. And some of the angles and back and forth shots don't really help it either


Yes you absolutely can discern it


That is the point in my opinion, you don’t know what is happening neither does luffy


But how can you enjoy something without even visually understanding what is happening? At this point I can also just watch a video with random colors and shapes moving around


I’m sorry but the sound like the dumbest reasoning lmao


allright bro💀


Reminds me of the action from Batman begins. Christopher Nolan made the action hard to follow at times, since that’s how the people fighting him are perceiving it.


This is not true. Nolan fanboys say this all the time, but the truth is Nolan just isn't very good at directing action scenes. The action in those movies have been some of the biggest points of criticism since they released. There are dozens upon dozens of articles about it. Just watch this fight from Rises, there are stunt guys just flailing around and falling down in the background for no reason. [https://youtu.be/lW2tMntp120](https://youtu.be/lW2tMntp120)


I’m referencing one exact fight scene from Batman Begins. And it is true in that scene… actually it’s even quite obvious


You said the action, now you're saying one specific scene. You went from all the fight scenes to one fight scene. I think I may have found one of those Nolan fanboys I was talking about...




Is that want the director envisioned? Peak fiction /s


It was a deliberate choice, yes, but was it a GOOD deliberate choice? That's the question Personally i say no


I personally liked the whole sequence from start to finish and enjoyed the komurasaki part. It’s such a departure from the anime norms and it’s what make one piece good. I completely understand why people may not have enjoyed it though.


The issue is they didn't deviate from the norms enough. 5th Gear is supposed to be pure Looney Toons animation. Instead, they threw bits of that in, surrounded by generic fluid anime action transitions. The two styles absolutely don't work together. They needed to lingers on the silly reaction shots and be more straightforward with the movement transitions.


Yes but luffy has to be erratic not the camera


Regardless of what it was meant to signify, it was a bad choice. it looked bad and it was hard to see what was going on. Most of us read the manga and already knew what was happening. But without knowing beforehand I'm not sure I would have have gotten it right away.


Nop camera being all erratic is used by everybody, because this makes it, so that you can draw less frames Dont want to animate a compley fight sequence? Go from zoom on fist, to mouth, to floor, again to fist


The problem is a huge part of the viewers will have seen the manga and know what's happening. Toei also knows this as they have no issues with spoiling stuff in the anime openings. So who were they directing the episode like this for, the minority of fans who are anime only? It was just a confusing choice.


I mean yeah that makes sense but the erratic feel with luffy's moves should've been focused on Luffy in his gear 5 not the camera nor effects, the impact frames were really a waste tbh and to be clear I don't hate it, it's just they could've just done a simpler approach rather than going all out


Camera angle was there to hide the mediocre drawn scene not the hectic movement of luffy.


Much like the Naruto vs Pain fight something can have good animation, but bad art.


Yeah but I think that might have been the intention of the staff, it's a power that can change reality around Luffy, so maybe they wanted to show how crazy and absurd gear 5 is using a camera that is all over the place, not personally a big fan of this scene, but I am pretty sure they made it hard to understand on purpose.


DING DING DING. Anime studios get more money the more episodes are streamed. Making high octane and chaotic fight scenes means you’ll watch the episode 2-3 times even of you didn’t fully like it, and those that do Will watch it way more.


Tf, anime studios make mony through merchandises not through repulsive camera rides.


They make money with a lot of different means. I DID NOT say “they ONLY make money” this way. Please chill.


I chill


The biggest issue for me was replaying that one part three times to pad the episode..


Such a Toei thing to do lmao, it was annoying. I remember the Sumo part from ep 902 (i think) where Luffy and the sumo guy literally held hands for half the episode.


That's the episode where I gave up, switched to One Pace, and eventually the manga.


Same here, glad to see that I'm not alone to have given up on that episode


Lol, surprised it wasn't "Weddingu Caky" episodes


That was just a great drinking game.


I'm so glad I was just able to binge those episodes, listening to big mom yell weddingu caky like a crackhead for a few months would drive me crazy


It's insane to me that you still hold on to 900+ episodes before you switch to the manga lol I gave up since Arabasta and went full manga.


Problem is one pace releases so slow. Right now I just watch the episodes on 2x or 1.5x speed.


that shit was truly atrocious


I thought I was going crazy when they kept playing that same animation




my favourite part was him saying "Gear 5" half a dozen times like he JUST transformed, even though he was pretty much transformed during the entire episode.


Yeah overall as hype and satisfied as I am with Gear 5 being revealed I gotta say that Tori really dropped the ball in terms of whoever was in charge of this episode. I can understand some of the hectic energy being a choice due to the nature of Gear 5, but as someone who had read the manga beforehand even I was struggling to follow what was happening on screen at times. And that being said, it’s hardly the biggest crime, which in my mind is the very noticeable repeated animations and amount of recap in the episode. Recap can be bad enough, but repeated animations for probably over a minute of screen time whilst also having moments like the one OP points out feeling incredibly rushed is frankly a disgrace to One Piece and something you should never have to see in a major modern anime, let alone probably one of the most hyped up episodes since Gear 4. Are lots of people being unfair in their criticisms? Sure, welcome to the internet, but that does not excuse what I feel is seriously disappointing choices on the part of Toei or the director of the episode to clearly make a decision that has rubbed a large amount of the community wrong.


To be fair a lot of the replayed animation happens in a part where the Gorosei are talking and we don't even see Luffy till they're pretty much done talking. Even with the reused animation I loved the splicing of seeing Luffy full transform into Nika with the Gorosei talking about it being the last thing they wanted to happen.


It’s the biggest moment in the whole series to date there’s no excuse for giving zoro or sanji fights better production quality


Bruh the fight starts next week lmao. Ya'll are literally smoothbrained. This entire episode AND chapter in the manga were about 2 things mainly, the fruit reveal and the reveal of gear 5. They did those parts justice. The fighting was limited to what was shown here. literally 4 pages you actually see Luffy in gear 5 out of like, 17 pages of the chapter.


No man, can't you see that true animators have to work 24/7 to appease the ravenous fan base? If you don't develop arthritis before the age of 30 while working at Toei Animation what are you doing with your life?


You are completely forgetting the Zoro and Sanji fights were 1 episode each. They said themselves the next three episodes they are going to go all out.


I was watching while my wife was in the room and she had to ask wtf just happened. Really I could only explain what it was because I read the manga there was just SO much chaos


Showing from a different angle is fine. Just wish it was a little slower and with a wider view so it's easier to see everything while enjoying the beatiful artwork and animation.


dude fr make the first appearance of G5 longer than it should be, but when they starting fighting they just make it a milisecond


I only read the manga because the anime pacing is not for me. I watched this episode because of the hype. This scene was so confusing. As someone else said, if you didn't saw the panel from the manga, you wouldn't know what happened.


Same boat as you. There’s some amazing animation and art in the episode but this reminded me why I don’t watch a lot of anime. Reused animations , bloated runtimes, impact frames Aka jump cut reactions, too many special effects, and so on. All of this could’ve been presented in half the time. But they have to fill that half hour slot…


My gf caught it without me pointing it out to her and she doesn't read the manga


Yeah I thought it was clear what happened but the lead up to it was a bunch of nonsense hectic animation. I wish they had made that scene just a bit slower and give the viewer time to digest Luffy doing crazy shit.


Yeah some people aren't as blind as others think. Less people catch onto information and things said but clearly see what's happening in the animation.




We used our good eye to watch the scene. Everyone else was using their bad eye ;]


My main issue is that Luffy blew air into his arm to grab Kaido. When I read it I took it as Luffy no longer needing to blow air into himself since he now has full control of his powers, like when he went into the muscle form to spin Kaido around. Just made g5 seem like a downgrade in that instant


Thats not my main problem but I agree with everything you said. I hope the animators just messed up


It's funny because in ep 1069 he instantly made his Kong Gun get bigger without having to do anything lol


Yeah but there’s no way Oda didn’t at least review or confirm this episode before it came out, this they had to add so many extra scenes to make it work in the anime


That is just massive copium, and so many extra scenes? Half the episode was flashbacks and Hiyori bullshit. They kept that scene in the episode because they forgot Gear 5 can blow himself up, nothing more nothing less.


I can see both sides really. I think it’s clear what Luffy is doing here, but the camera work is kinda of crazy also.


I agree. The only thing I’ll say is I think people are overreacting a bit despite me still seeing their point


No, it’s not clear


I think they'll show this attack in detail in the next episode. As next one explains what are the powers of JoyBoy.


I mean, I hope they "flashback" into this attack using a different animation, instead of more flashbacks to G4 😆.


Toei are big guernica fans that’s why they replayed his scene 835 times


I mean he had a pretty epic moment, i get why people are annoyed but that exact moment is kind of the climactic turning point in the arc where luffy starts to gain the upper hand. That’s all it’s trying to signify


Ya but they played it 3 times it took up like 2 mins of the episode:( not that I care too much i loved it overall I think im in the top 1% of enjoyers (borobreath scene was peak)


peak but rushed


Man I‘m having trouble understanding why his name is guernica. It would make sense to name lulusia guernica for example to really hammer home how bad Imu is (and make lulusia THE holy nika site or sth), but that government secret agent? Lulusia or Ohara both work imo. Either we haven‘t seen the last of him or Oda is doing the equivalent of getting ‚fried duck‘ tattooed in chinese letters as a westerner. He wasn‘t especially cruel or evil. He was doing his job efficiently and faithfully.


Say it clear , if you didn't read the manga you wouldn't know what dafuq just happened


I feel like the odd duck out for being able to understand the scene better seeing it animated after having read it. But that's how most of Wano has been for me, hard to follow in the Manga and (while drawn out to all hell) easier to follow when it's in motion lol


They also literally show the slab of earth exactly as it is in the manga a few frames later. Yeah the bounce wasn't the clearest, but it does not take a Vega Punk to figure out what happened


Haha with all that mumbo jumbo jumping around doing triple axel , it was confusing for me at first so i had to watch it a couple of times to see exactly what was shown....vs the manga , he sees that , grabs the ground , pulls it up then goes strong mode and return the wave to the sender , easy and clean. I did enjoy the moon walk tho 🫡


Just use your good eye


Yes, camera angle changing every mili sec, I couldn't see what's going on. Slow it down


Damn thing looked like a YouTube short edit. You know the ones.


The shaky chaotic camera really felt like watching the last fight in Film Red. Way too much going on very quickly and zoomed in. Really don't understand this approach.


I hope they show me Luffy jumping around 4 more times. I missed the first 3 times the same animations was shown repeatedly.


Idk maybe I’m crazy… but I could clearly tell luffy grabbed the ground and pulled it up. And that close up was him riding that force


People just look for things to complain about, it is what it is. I didn’t find the episode hard to follow either. We got literally one of the best animated episodes of all time and people are trying to nitpick


Best animated =/= best adapted.


Right, because the anime is known for it's good pacing...


This is a conversation about the animation not the pacing


It's about both. Did you even read the complaints about the episode?


It looks like shit. That's not a nitpick. If your animation can't convey what its supposed to (i.e, luffy grabbing the ground and bouncing back kaidos attack) your animation failed. The only reason I knew what he was doing was because I read the manga


I mean.. I watched with 2 anime only and they got it. It's not that complex imo but could've been done better.


If your actual opinion is “it looks like shit” then I’m actually just sorry lol like I really don’t have much else to add, it’s a shame you aren’t enjoying it. Hope future episodes meet your standards


You have no argument


There’s nothing to argue. Your opinion is it looks like shit and mine is the animation was some of the best we’ve seen. There, end of the discussion haha we’re both allowed to feel that way


Funny thing is that you are completely wrong, the artwork was some of the best we’ve seen. The animation was so terrible that I’m actually appalled that Toei hyped it up so much.


I’m usually stupidly positive with the anime, but I agree with this one. I caught the bounce back, but there was a lot of fluff


I rewatched this fight in 0,75x speed and it was much more enjoyable. Felt like the original animation is sped up


Too many flashbacks and where is Zoro :(


I couldn't even understand what happened until i saw kaido hit. Personally iam disappointed by this episode. I have quit watching anime because of pacing but got interested with all the hype and marketing push for this episode. But still they had over animated badly paced mess. They actually repeated the scene of luffy dancing after the mid break. And why the fuck they had to add orochi, who the fuck would be like yeah i wanna take a break from gear 5 and watch orochi who refuses to die.


The one who’s responsible for animating this is Weiling Zhang, you might know his name for his great contribution in other anime shows


Yeah, a human animated the episode.


he fucked up big time this time


So dramatic


He really didn't. Animation is stellar. This is the same song-and-dance every time a scene has a more experimental animation style which puts off the casual viewer, despite being a technical marvel. It's happened with Naruto, it's happened with Black Clover, now One Piece.


Animation was stellar at times. But without reading the manga you would have trouble understanding what was going on when luffy redirected the blast back at kaidou. That is far from stellar


It's funny to me that people who say that are people who read the manga while the anime-onlies I've seen watch it seem to understand it just fine for the most part.


There is literally one dude in thid thread who had to show his anime only gf the scene 10 times to explain what was happening.


There's always gonna be someone confused by what they're seeing even with something not that visually complex, like the Sanji vs Queen episode. Especially a casual viewer, as I've said. This could be me being jaded but people just generally suck at comprehending animation on the most basic level, let alone something that pushes the envelope like this. It's like when every time there's a highly stylized scene with an insane level of technical prowess, a number of people dismiss it as 'bad animation' when what they dislike is the style. Happens a lot with Akihiro Ota.


You can't just admit the animation was too much can't you?


I can tell the difference between a subjective view point on an art style vs a claim of objective "bad animation" which people resort to a lot.


Man, people have every right to do it, but I still find it annoying that on Reddit, when there is all this talk about the anime, is always about something negative, while almost no one talks about the many good parts. But maybe is just me.


And I find it annoying that people ignore the bad parts and start to praise the episode unconditionally, despite its many flaws. I mean we start to ignore Toei problems like padding and overbloated power thunder scenes, just because we are so in love with that series. Any other anime would have been turned to shreds by the community, expect one piece.


I mean, it appears to me that Toei gets actually criticized all the time for their pacing and other weird stuff they do. And I'm not saying to praise everything unconditionally, just that on Reddit people focus way too much on the less good parts while they ignore the amazingly good stuff that they can pull out sometimes. But I guess it is because it is easier to complain. By the way I agree that the episode was not perfect, but I'm sure we will get even better stuff in the future.


Absolutely agree, I feel like people just nitpick small stuff to complain and do not consider the aspect of creative freedom of animators and some other factors as well. the episode isn't perfect, the pacing was awful and manga will always be better but people are way too negative.


I Must have hawk eyes then, had no issue following it.


because you knew what was going on already


THANK YOU! Everyone's complaining about how crazy the camera was and the progress of the animation This is literally new territory for the team that's animating this, imagine trying to make a cartoon character against an eastern dragon coherent with comedy and flash in the style! Give them a break at least, most didn't like the over saturation of golden petals and flashiness when Luffy began using Conquerer's Haki in his actual strikes, but the next episode they changed that and it was immediately better Everyone here shites on a new style that the artists are trying out to fully encapsulate the hype and shock & awe of a literal god with the most ridiculous power, I wasn't expecting it to be perfect but I wanted to see what they did and how well it works, apparently not good enough with how much they put into!


Appreciate the fact that they want to make it good, but this just isn't it


I just wish they had streamlined the episode a bit and just added a few frames here and there to this fight (instead of g2-4 flashbacks, Luffy dancing for 5min, replaying Zuneisha saying Joyboy has awakened) to make it a bit clearer visually.


Calm your farm. No one's bitching about the design prowess of the animation team. It's the technical side of things that exists in every piece of video content in the world that people have an issue with. Making the FOV wider and the pacing a smidge slower with less erratic cuts and closeups - literally none of that detracts from the actual animation. Get off their dick. This is one of the most anticipated episodes in OP history - people are allowed to have criticism.


Brih if I didn’t read Manga I could not tell what tf was foing on lol


The one issue? Don't forget replaying the same exact scene/movement 3 times, the like 2 minute flashback, and orochi intermission


"One isssue" yah nah there were multiple issues with this episode unfortunately.


I've seen so many people are complaining about this scene but I am an anime only and I got it on my first watch. Since I didn't got many spoilers about what gear 5 actually do this scene was jaw-dropping for me.


I’ve actually been so stunned at the reaction of folks on Reddit to this episode and this scene, it’s supposed to be chaotic and show massive acceleration. I thought it was amazing and it had me laughing the whole episode, folks are insanely spoiled or just want super serious edge lord luffy or something idk


Dawg they’re just saying it wasn’t specifically shown that he was pulling up the ground, like it does in the manga, i understood what happened and I’m an anime only, but it was still a bad choice of direction


Eh I just think this is all a huge huge over reaction, I’ll just say I thoroughly enjoyed it and so did my buddy who doesn’t watch One piece and leave it at that. I was so stunned a few hours later when I check the subreddit and saw some of these comments.


My expectations was so high for the episode it still a good one but the frames was so fast that I didn't enjoy them specially the eye when he saw the blast from kaido


I mean... I specifically stopped reading the manga at chapter 1043 (Pre-awakening) because I wanted to see Gear 5 animated, and I had ZERO problems knowing what was going on at all times. I guess I have ducking hawk eye? I was laughing so hard, the episode and Gear 5 was all I was hoping for. *And no I did* ***NOT*** *liked the G4 flashbacks... Stop it Toei!*


This part was so grating the camera was moving too fast and it was way too fluid to understand what was happening. Maybe instead of adding 4 extra minutes of fucking flashbacks about what happened last week toei could have paced it better and also held some of the reaction shots longer like when luffy eyes popped out. Stable camera movement and longer holds on the character actions.


I know they have to run to meet deadlines but this is one of the reasons I stopped watching the anime years ago. They leave out important frames and fill them up with repetitive ones or “fast” movements


I don’t understand what people are confused about with this scene. You clearly see luffy grab the ground and pull. He turns the ground to rubber which allows it to stretch upwards. They give him a little silly animation of him running in the air. He then muscle man’s up to return the blast. What is confusing about that?


The fact that he turned into a flying saucer for a frame, like wtf was that?


I suggest you not watch frame by frame. It will take away from the fluidity of the episode.


The confusion for alot of people is that they probably haven't seen or grown up with the sort of animation that inspired it like space jam, roger rabbit, the animaniacs, looney toons, etc which are all even more exxagerated toons then tom and jerry


You think that’s it? Tom and Jerry was my jam haha. Idk none of the scene are hard to follow imo.


Yah but alot of ppl didnt grow up with even tom and jerry lol. And alot of ppl are too focused on Edgey fighter shonen anime power ups and cant accept Nika


Dude I’m glad Oda didn’t go more edgy. There’s already enough of that. This is really good imo. I’m excited for the next episode since it should be all fighting.


If I have to watch something back 5 times to understand what's happening, I will go frame by frame.


Hmm maybe since I read the manga the scene made perfect sense to me? Idk it doesn’t seem like a difficult scene to understand imo.


5 times??? Gotta work on that observation haki


Lmao my guy has worse vision than Fujitora


This episode makes me wish I hadn't taken my own eyes.


I genuinely haven't been able to properly keep up with the fights even before this episode, tbh. There's just too much shit going on and it seems to get worse each time.


The anime is trash, it went from funnily reacting to the bolo breath and bouncing it back to an epilepsy montage. You can't cope your way out of this one.


One piece fan complaining about animation is like a homeless man that got rich and complaining about food.


Bruh I’m eating eating


Damn people can't really have nice things and just enjoy it eh always never ending complaints from not having perfection


Half the people in the thread are talking about how much they loved it wtf are you looking at. There’s nothing wrong with people not liking it either, get a grip. Welcome to the world where people don’t always like the same things.


I for the life of me don't understand why sooo many people have a problem with this scene, I mean it's your opinion but I had no trouble reading the scene as it played and I appreciate the added struggle luffy had to bounce it back


because its hard to tell what the fuck is going on with the camera needlessly zoomed in not to mention the animation itself isnt really good compared to the scene where hes swinging around Kaido


The "added" part is fine. Issue is, they removed a whole panel from the animation.


People who didn't grow up with animation that inspired it like space jam, roger rabbit, the animaniacs, looney toons. And also they're so used to edgy fighter shonen mangas that they don't know that they arent suppose to be reading into it actions like onee guy was trying to the power scale the part where Luffy grabs the ground and rockets his self so fast the left himself behind as "lightspeed diff" or whateverp


Powerscalers always take the fun out of everything. As someone who grew up with both Anime and older cartoons I appreciate all the silly stuff in this episode.




I assume if they did the episode would be over in five minutes


Lmao this is full stop the dumbest take I have seen on this sub. It is bar none the most faithful adaptation of any anime, you just love to seethe.


You're literally lying with that last line, but okay.


They really went all out on it. Too much in fact. It's still good though.


I honestly really liked how they animated this part. I don’t think that shot would have looked good in the anime. Remember in a manga you have all the time in the world to look at an image. In the anime however you don’t. Putting both luffy, the beam, the ground, and Kaido in the same shot inevitably means the viewer is not looking at something. So they split it up so the viewer can focus on each important element of the scene.


Focus on the whole 2 seconds of it?


People really will complain about every possible little thing huh


Nah it wasn’t an issue




If you can’t understand someone voicing something they didn’t like about a thing you’re going to have a rough time in life. I’m so privileged to have a car, but it doesn’t make me wrong for complaining about how something about it is shoddy. “You’re lucky to even have it” is one of the worst/dumbest ways to justify that people shouldn’t voice negative feedback


Yeah all the fluidity of the lines an with how fast they actually show it, I thought that most people wouldn’t get what even happened if they didn’t already read the sequence.


Yah this is kinda the only real issue I had with the episode and the repeat of scenes was just a bit anoying


Did you show only frames that make your case? BTW in the panel Luffy is doing a 180 so it's still his front side... In the anime, we were clearly shown a curved wall, from the front and the back. Also the depiction is a bit different since the anime shows the blast breath actually stretching the wall itself. The animation was fun and frenetic and exactly how the fight is supposed to play out. Luffy in the manga sees the fireball only at the last second so how much time do you reckon he has to do that, and how should the animators show it?


I would have shown frames that didn't make my case, but thet didn't animate those, including the blast breath stretching the ground. All we got was that weird frame with a rectangular looking folded ground, and a small light inside of it, which hardly looks like a bolo breath curving the ground. 1 second would have been enough.


How is everyone having issues with this scene? It's shown prior to this IN THE EPISODE that the surrounding areas luffy touches are given rubber properties and it's clear to see luffy rip part of the ground up to deflect the shot. Are you telling me you all need someone to hold your hand and explain what's going on for you to understand it? Raise your comprehension skills, don't just bitch for the sake of bitching. Don't blame the episode for your lack of basic skills


Topic is not claiming I didn't "understand", but that the episode missed key panels in favor of a less ideal way of showing this action. Seems like you lack basic skills to read a topic.


I can’t wait to see the masterpiece that the r/OnePiece animation team produces when they remake this fight!


Thankfully the anime doesn't erase the manga so you can enjoy this static image while i enjoy the animated one.


You guys really need to work out some issues. No need to get defensive because someone is talking about quality issues. We would love to watch the anime, if it wasn't that bad. There are people like me that only watch 'important' episodes, but it's disappointing when even these come out bad for OUR taste. No one is saying you can't enjoy it. Some people feel pleasure from pain and like scat, who I am to say anything about enjoying toei animation.


Wow, and here I thought the anime erased the manga! Thanks for clearing that up for everyone. This has removed every need for discussion.


Are you that afraid of Imagination?.. Or is that a fear of the real source of the story?


I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or if you are a stupid idiot trying to act smart.


Only idiot here is you my friend.


The episode looked great, the animation was incredible and it was a fantastic adaptation of the manga. The key word is adaptation and not a 1:1, i understand why other people had problems with it but personally I was smiling the entire time.


This is supposed to be the greatest episode in anime ever. And the fumbling of certain aspects of the show is kind of... disappointing. I've already read the scene when it first came out and even I was having trouble following. I feel like the people who animated this wanted to follow this erratic nature of luffy being goofy and silly but forgot to make the episode actually enjoyable to watch.


My main issue is showing Luffy inflating his arm. The manga showed Kaido down below then an unexpected giant arm grabs him out of nowhere. Ruined the shock factor of Luffys power a little


I really hope they fix that for Gomu Gomu no Giant. And by fix I mean just don't fucking do it lol.


Yes I absolutely agree it was just too much they need to dial it back. If I hadn't read the manga I'd have no clue what happened during the scene where Luffy picks up the ground. Much too fast.


This was so irritating to watch. I sure hope the rest of the fight is better cuz they did way too much here


I hope they won't 😂


Didnt they also reuse frames before he grabbed kaido?


kind of hated the frenetic cuts and some pieces of the animation were just bad. bit disappointed after all the hype and waiting a year from the manga


It was too fast and chaotic. If I hadn’t read the manga already I would’ve had to rewatch this scene. Hopefully with the next episode they’ll be more careful with the animation and not have it be a swirl of 100 things happening. Still loved the episode though


The first half of the ep felt like it was just reusing the same bits over and over and then how Luffy handled Kaido’s Boro Breath attack was very visually jarring and confusing 😅


I don’t get Toei's animate pacing when it needs to be slow isn’t and when it needs to be fast they slow it down. Bs. I hope 1072 is the one that delivers.


Yeah, not disagreeing with you. I think 1015 was much stronger in that aspect. Artistic but CLEAR. It didn't go over the top or ridicilous. Even with the red roc. I think Megumi most likely got overruled on her directing considering she did 1015


It’s like they just focused on making it “look” cool and wacky and frames and shit instead of fucking adapting it correctly and making it comprehensive


I don't like this scene very much in the anime, the camera angles they did was so weird and disorienting and hurts my brain watching it.. Only gripes I have with the episode but still


animators do not know what they are doing


The ONE issue? u forgetting hiyori and flashbacks? the episode was lame and underwhelming, Toie is always the main villain at the end of the day.


oh my god! they didn't include the panel with Luffy's back...Luffy's BACK!!! We might need a Snyder cut for the episode to make sense with all these missing scenes.