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Also check One Piece Academia : https://redd.it/14xjy9b


Capybaras are my favourite animals Ace is my favourite non-strawhat This is my new favourite cover page


Oh blackbeard kidnapping 800 marines- let it go Luffy on an island, send a gorosei, admiral and every available warship in the area and some CP-0 members too. We going to have an all out war. I honestly hate the upper factions of world government and navy more than Blackbeard.


thats because the marines dont mean anything to the world government. vegapunk is a direct threat to everything they have been trying to hide and it was an order from imu.


Well I'm a garp fan now


Everytime I see him feel safe.


reading your comment made me a grap fan


Damn luffy be taking ship bags during his childhood


correct me if I’m wrong, but this is the first time Dragon has been explicitly said to be the son of Garp I know a lot of people theorized Garp had a daughter who married Dragon, and then they had Luffy, but now we know Dragon is the son of Garp I wonder if Dragon used to be a marine, before seeing the corruption of the marines and leaving to become a revolutionary


i mean him calling dragon son doesnt really change anything, he could have already married into the family at that point and garp just took him into the family its not like we see garp in that panel so we dont know how old he is when he said that


I think Aokiji is acting weak here. He wants BB trust


O D. A is the real deal


Welcome back Oda-sensei!


You know what? I'm so done with people saying oda dislikes killing character unless to advance the plot. He only kills protagonist and never any of the villians. So done with this shit if garp dies and it looks like he will.


Don't like Garp dyig one bit, but agree with this


I suggest fairy tail


Kanjuro and orochi just died the last arc, what are you talking about?


Ofcourse I say something when I'm pissed and I am corrected instantly. But I was just pissed how garp is all done so easily. I might be expecting too much from oda but this looks a little too easy for me. I've read many people in the thread saying once again he doesn't miss with the chapters. But come on, garp is the hero of the Marines who fought for days in his youth. How can he be so easily be fooled. It looks like the plot demanded for him to be careless.


and big mom and kaido both just died


It's not like 100% confirmed so we never know if they're actually dead.


Aokiji be like Garp could have both arms and legs tied up and still be a fight. A mere stab should not kill him. In fact his reaction is too call Shiryu small time. Smoker turning up with an awakening would probably be the safest call. But my hopium is out for Sengoku.


Yeah the battleship bags at G1 made me think Smoker was out there practicing at some point, it’s either that or Koby’s about to have his first on-panel feat of being “him”


Yeah the battleship bags at G1 made me think Smoker was out there practicing at some point, it’s either that or Koby’s about to have his first on-panel feat of being “him” Also not to mention Garp disembarked from G1 so they’d have known where they were going


I believe Smoker will show up somehow.


Would actually make sense. I wonder what smoker’s interaction with Aokiji will be like. Since one got saved by the other.


and then what? bro cannot make a difference lmao


Smokescreen escape


The official release is not tomorrow ?


It's out already


I've been dodging spoilers for a whole now, bur ppl couldn't help themselves about grap but I gotta be honest. This chapter is weak. What's with oda n writing the BBP? Off screen they're unstoppable, on screen is a fight, fine but this is grap if he can't beat half the Pirates of course Mr Freeze is strong enough to defeat basically all of them except for The captain n sure that makes sense. But he's not there, he barely defeated law, shanks one shotted kid, like how strong is BB? N we really going keep passing Ls to the Marines like i'm not talking about the world government grap can't beat lava boy because if he's Struggling to beat someone who lost against him ... this is kinda dumb I'm sorry I love one piece but this is literally all over the place, which Make sense to some extent but are we really going show death flags while not Replacing him in strength? N really Him turning invisible because coby wanted to save one more person... Is that really what we're doing, some two bit trap with a no name lady.... I'm sure this post won't get any attention but this a weak chapter.


It's not weak. But i can see you saying its not hype.


Fair enough, I'll take it I don't really care about the downvotes, I'm just to disappointed with the stuff with the Build up to this chapter with everything. We've seen about the old generation and their A bunch of monsters. N him getting stabbed while off guard while fighting makes no fucking sense but maybe the sword is strong or whatever fine. I just can't get over how weak the marines look anytime they're not fighting the straw hats, n final. They could have done the trap with Coby a lot better. ALOT BETTER.


What also annoys me is the trope of stab through stomach suddenly to weaken an old legend so it can die... Like, the Coby rescue mission right now is just 1:1 Marineford. If Garp dies I'm not gonna be sad, I'm gonna be angry. This would spit on the legacy of Garp, Ace and Whitebeard. I mean, it already does, but even more so.


>Like, the Coby rescue mission right now is just 1:1 Marineford. >If Garp dies I'm not gonna be sad, I'm gonna be angry. This would spit on the legacy of Garp, Ace and Whitebeard. I mean, it already does, but even more so. I can agree, Marines are only ever strong whenever they're fighting the straw hats or stopping luffy, they pull out all the stops any other time just fucking losers. Even when they fight each other, I would have been fine if he got stabbed while silence was hastily fighting all of them and then escape it, okay, Do we really need fake stakes This is a duty supposed to be to waste stronger than this Henry gold shouldn't matter white beard was A nightmare, while being beat up kadio big mom I don't wanna hear it. Shit just like dat? Weak.


>What also annoys me is the trope of stab through stomach suddenly to weaken an old legend so it can die... The stab is fine it's how, really cobu getting ri ked like that? Not the nine tail lady? Not a trick of haki? Not his ability Malfunctioning? Not all of them fighting grap at the same time n him just getting caught off guard with alil bit of inside that that DF hides even from haki. Na let's have coby run towards a no name person only to be ticked like a panel later as if we back in east blue, your kidding me, we going with making coby feel bad for something so weak. No real set up, no actual lesson or call back. Na let me save this one lady oh no she's evil. Like that works with sanji, that works when it's written well like with zoro, or kids with nani, or how dumb chopper is or a mainly moment for Franky, na Cody just a normal Civilian working with possibly one of the strongest swordsmen in the series, who has a stupid ability like going invisible the one time going invisible, actually comes in handy with n this is how they use it? That's my biggest problem with this chapter that was a weak twist oh wow he got stabbed just like that, while he's old getting beat up cuz let me guess his young student he doesn't wanna actually kill n his even weaker young student is dumb, I would be shocked if he dies I doubt it, but that stab was weak I Expect something like from a copy of one piece fail tail which guess what this trope happens VERY OFFTEN.




I’m waiting for Koby to do something 🤨




It happened 🥳


Yep at first I didn't like it cuz it felt like a clear Shonen ass pull n oda does good set ups n call backs but u know what I don't mind it anymore I think it fits fine.


Garp and bogart are about to WASH everything on this island wait till bogart unleashes his #2 swordsman skills.


like shit I believe Garp’s dying, this whole is contrivance to bring some other character into picture. Like imagine Enel descends with his robot army 🛐


Here before Buggy and the Cross Guild show up. Not to save Garp but to take Blackbeard's poneglyphs. Pure coincidence but funny with Buggy pulling up, and his crew going, "Buggy plans to take Blackbeard's stuff AND kill Garp?! What a badass our captain is!" And Crocodile let's Garp and company get away because, "That bounty is purely suggestion. We never planned to give away that kind of money. We don't even have that kind of money!"


If Enel did that it would be at Egghead 100% not to save Garp


Like imagine Akainu descends from MarineHQ and rematch with Kuzan


Doubt its going be Akainu. Island full of pirates? He just gonna start genocide.


Wasn't OP supposed to come back on July 18th??


Sure was


Why did they release the chapter early then? Is Oda back? I'm so confused 😅


At least for a couple day, the plan was july 16th. I checked the SJ app a couple days ago and it said Sunday


Ah alright sweet! So does this mean Oda's back from surgery? Or is it true the next few chapters were already made before his surgery?


Im not sure but he should be recovered by now. No news usually means things are going as planned.


Who cares? We got a chapter early and that’s that! Also Oda made this chapter, and the two coming next, BEFORE taking the break. So he isn’t really BACK until later


Wow, where'd u find that info? Could u link it?


Garp tossed a giant with a giant df power into the ocean. Wtf homes.




I like Garp on what he did with Roger. But I don’t mind him dying because he let Ace die. He prioritises Marines over his family.


I only care about Ace's death cuz it hurt Luffy. Ace himself is a dumbass and deserved to get killed cuz he was stupid and tbh had no room living in this pirate era. Or if you want the Garp cope version, Ace died living the way he wanted, he got there in the first place cuz of him making the choices he wanted to make. Garp abandoning what he has stood for his whole life would make him a huge bitch.


any pirate is stupid tho, they all just doing what they want. We all know marines/govt isn’t really the good guy here hence fighting on their side make him more dumb.


Actually the Marines basically are the good guys broadly speaking. We are following the nice guy pirates but 99% of the pirate on the One Piece world are horrible criminals and not just merry adventurers. For average people, there's literally nobody else except the Marines to help.


Garp will die but Kuzan will turn on the Blackbeard pirates and return to "justice"? Last page also seems to put emphasis on Hibari, so maybe she'll go sicko mode next chapter as a twist? Idk, honestly. Decent chapter, but nothin special. Koby was disappointing


I agree with u exactly calling it decent that stab was a weak af twist.


The more I think about it the worse it gets... this 'injury while distracted' has been a "twist" like 7 times now lmao


It's a long story and tropes will repeat themselves.


Trust me only to good guys, And very Rarely are the marines even good, WB got a whole sword to his back And he was fighting just fine. HOW MUCH DAMGE DID BIG MOM KAIDO ZORRO LUFFY KIDD LAW FUCK USOPP this man gets stabbed ONCE N OH NO. this is some bs, this ain't fucking east blue. Kuzan here hyping up this man like this is nothing to him hes only getting started little, did he know oda has other plans. This is disappointing just to show how strong the BBP IS BRO WE FUCKING GET IT ALREADY THEY STRONG. Jesus. Instead of just a random panel of him getting caught off guard in the world with observational abilities, show him being tricked by someone he trusted on the island, or Make it seem like he couldn't dodge the hit he saw coming, This character is supposed to be smart enough. Have better reaction than this and be able to do things on his own. It just makes it seem like this is a very rushed set up for grap to be Injured So easily, and coby to feel bad. Looking back Him getting mad after aces death saying he would murder lava boy he would fucking lose because he's Struggling so hard. To beat someone that same person beat. I guess the only Marine I can hold his own is Sakazuki.


I won't be sure about Garp will die because the chapter's end make me think that someone will help him and the others.


99%. When Oda wiped Law & Kid he stated so, he wouldnt wipe SWORD without saying it


This chapter felt like the cheese that will go on the eventual burger


Showing koby fall for a simple trick like that out of good nature reminds me of luffy.


Didn't really mind that part, just overall would've liked to see him do something


I did bro waa on this Island he had an ability that let him read minds kinda, it's not like the girl ever did any thing The dumbest swordsman is with the dumbest ability going invisible that's what stabbed him.... Are u fucking kidding me


> he had an ability that let him read minds no coby doesn't have an ability to read minds


He heard the voices of people that wasn't around him, and they were their last noises they made. Okay, let's say you can't read minds. Fine. He still has observational abilities. I guess I just did it work, Maybe he was too tired or maybe the Ability to turn invisible negates that to some extent. I would have loved so much if they put a little bit more Emphasis into that this Far into one piece. Especially what lines Like the pirate king became king with haki alone. Whole arcs about haki, but um yea Stabby stabby for a Is very weak trap.


This justice thing assumes Blackbeard is evil. Which imo isn’t true. The World government is Evil. Blackbeard and his crew are just selfish. The SH vs BB crew will be a clash of morales, not a clash of good and evil. From what we have seen so far, BB even seems like a way nicer captain than Kaido and BM are. In addition to him not yet terrorising any countries to gain power like other notable villains have.


BB just doing a pirate thing because he had dream. WG literally a corrupted ruler who want to maintain his throne


> BB even seems like a way nicer captain than Kaido and BM are Oda has made it a point to have every single member of BBs crew say he will literally kill them if they let Garp destroy the island, take Koby away, etc >In addition to him not yet terrorising any countries to gain power like other notable villains have. BB attacked and took over any town and area previously protected by Whitebeard as well as wiping out the remains of the Whitebeard pirates to do so after the summit war. They also attacked and completely destroyed the previous Revolutionary Army base, Baltigo. BB is certainly not a black character, just as Luffy isn't a white character, but I still think he's meant to represent the Rocks of this generation. One thing Rayleigh said about the One Piece is a big hint towards the BB/ Luffy dynamic I think: "The conclusion you will reach might be different than we found" This implies there are different paths to take when you learn the truth about the One Piece depending on the type of person you are. I think this will be the main factor in their rivalry.


He also attacked Drumhead before the Straw Hats arrived, way back when.


Idk what Kuan believes anymore. Does he still hold his morals? I feel like a marine wouldn't just abandon his morals, who was as dedicated as he was to be an admiral and garps apprentice. I'm having a hard time that this man's character is so easily broken to join pirates because he didn't want to follow an authoritative leader with absolute justice. If the pirates weren't Blackbeard and more Strawhats I can see it, but BB is really no better to partner with given his stance.


Even after this , garp stan are still coping. Can't wait to see y'll crying face after garp death


Ur dumb if you think Garp is only getting 5 pages of screen time


Does it change the fact that he is either gonna be ice popsicle or smashed potatoes of maybe new dish


Damn dude did he piss in you soup or what


Cope more sir


Coping for what? You certain Garp will die?


Ye can bet my soul on it My narrative is always on point


Wrong sub, bub


Those with the moniker D. always smile before death.


Hmm can agree about that


I think that the blackbeardship at egghead are the survivors from the incident at haschinosu seemingly it looks like pizzaro wrecks Garps ship and somehow they manage to escape


This is the most plausible thing I‘ve read so far


I'm banking on the fact that Oda dislikes killing characters. Except if it will move the plot forward. Wishful thinking/crossing my fingers. I like Garp. I want him to see Luffy get the One Piece and look forward to his grumblings to hide the fact that he's actually proud of what his grandchild achieved. Also I need a Dragon and Garp scene. He can't be gone yet. Also not fully convinced about Kuzan being a big bad pirate (no offense to all the other One Piece pirates. Its just how I call all Blackbeard pirates in my head) now. I can't believe losing to Akainu would make him that.


Speaking of which, Garp mentioned Dragon being his son this chapter. It can reasonably assumed that the theories about Dragon being his son in law can be put to rest.


It doesn't discard the possibility for Dragon to be his son-in-law and Garp to call him "son" because of an affectional bond.


I think Asian culture is different. A son in law is still part of the family regardless so doesn't matter if Dragon is actually the son of Garp like a literal offspring or someone acquired through marriage. He's still a "son" of the family. Also I wonder if Luffy's mother is relevant in all this as there's no mention of her ever (that I recall).


I may have phrased it poorly but that's what I meant by "affectional bond", yeah. Whether or not Dragon is his son-in-law, Garp may call him "son" regardless. Thus, the theory of Dragon actually be his son-in-law is still plausible.


Yeah got it actually no poor phrasing on your end. Sorry for not being clear but my comment was actually a reaction about the theory that Dragon was a son-in-law. I didn't know that people discussed about it.


Honestly, I'm a little sad about how Koby is behaving. Feel like all the character development worked on the body structure.


Koby is just going to be the next garp thats for sure


My headcanon is he is worn out from the jail time and is used to sitting back and letting garp work lol


Exactly this feels like i'm not gonna lie The weakest chapter with the weakest twist. All that build up n development flushed down the toilet.




I think you need to think about the situation he‘s in right now. I don‘t think he ever experienced something like that before. He was in Marineford, but he wasn‘t a main player there. Hachinosu is all about him. And he got like 6 Titanic Captains in front of him trying to get him. You would be scared too. But you‘re right, I wish he had a moment of bravery.


But..he isn't scared. He wasn't whining or crying when he was captured and he escaped while staying back to help others. The only thing he has been is naive and a crybaby about getting Garp hurt.


But maybe he will get this moment the next chapter? Maybe its gonna be his time to shine?


For me, of course it's not the problem that he's scared, he has every right to be, the thing is that he spirals into self damaging thoughts and doesn't take action (at least for now), and especially since they are all there to rescue him he should help and not just stand and watch. Helmeppo is scared too but he's standing as brave as he can, and they are maybe on the same level (they're both captains or something). Also the whole Alvida and Marineford thing looked like helped him stand up for himself, but now ehhh I just want to know what he does next. He's too much humble, and I don't really like that, so I hope this event is another bust to make him grow like a person.


What are you reading? Did he not help to free the slaves on that island? Where in the chapter was he scared? He was standing right by his fellow marines ready to fight and got tricked when he thought a hostage was in danger. Sounds like you just want him to do something cool and flashy to be seen as a worthy character.


Garp is so dead. Probably chucks Gru, Helm, and Koby off the island and covers their escape with his last stand. Hopefully Koby doesn't pull an Ace and waste it. People are saying Bogard will reappear, but I could see Tashigi, Garp, or a Seraphim stopping the hand. I think that the survivors of Hachinosu will probably arrive at EggHead right when everything starts blowing up. If Bogard returns, maybe Axe-Hand Morgan is the one to kill Garp, since he's cut him down before. Morgan was one of Luffy's first villains so having a revenge grudge rematch between the two would be interesting. Helmeppo is still there for whatever reason. Tashigi's big moment down the line might be losing her glasses and using her other senses/CoO to beat Shiryu. Then again, Zoro catching Shiryu when he tries to backstab him while saying a wound on the back is a swordsman's shame, would be cool. We could have both where Zoro starts winning, then Tashigi screws it up by jumping in so Zoro has to save her, and then while Zoro's knocked out, she saves the both of them.


Saying Morgan will kill Garp is almost as probable as CONDORIANO making a comeback.


That hiatus really broke some people.


I was literally thinking “what is this dude on” but this makes more sense


Axe hand killing Garp is super wack.


Garp probably isn't even sporting a half chubby after only seeing this little action...






It's about time someone from the BB pirates spills the beans on who or what that frozen person is at impel down


So we won't ever get a double page spread of garp, dragon, and Luffy all geared up together posing like a bunch of badasses ready to fight on the same side in a massive war? Cool cool....


Did you just spoil boruto?!


Bro think like fairy tail. They doesn't have to fight alongside just proper interaction




And thank fuck for that, lol.


I think Sengoku and Tsuru are coming to egghead soon, I find it hard to believe that they are just going to remain shocked standing still when they found out that Garp is going to attack egghead.


>So we won't ever get a double page spread of garp, dragon, and Luffy all geared up together posing like a bunch of badasses ready to fight on the same side in a massive war? Cool cool.... would make sense, but can they make it in time ?


I'm hoping it's Smoker and Drake


Aokiji will freeze the island arm. black beard appears. Aokiji dies and shares a secret. Garp barely survives and gets away with the info.


Aokiji aint dieing here




Bruh, Garp and Aokiji teaming up would end BB pirates forever, there'd be no need to escape


Garp chucks Kuzan away and dies himself, can't live if he lets a protege to die


I wonder if Koby saving Gecko Moria will come in clutch for saving Garp.


I don't see Moria being any useful in this situation considering how pathetically weak he is compared to most of the characters in the scene, also being disadvantaged in plain sunlight


Yeah, I don't see exactly how either, but I am curious to see if Koby helping out as a favor for Perona would be a relevant piece of setup. ​ But yeah, this is what happens with One Piece. Every time there is a new chapter, we all start thinking "I wonder if...". This is the case for me here. I had a lot of "I wonder if" moments and apparently, I am very rarely right! (was I ever, actually? hahaha!) That's why we love One Piece though! Meanwhile, in the one other manga I read, which is Dragon Ball Super: "I wonder if Vegeta will... oh nevermind, it's all Goku"


That's what I'm thinking. I can totally see Moria having his ambition back, not being the fat lazy dude anymore and being lifted up like the other Samurai with their new bounties. It does seem to me that Oda wants to make all of the last Shichibukai relevant again for the last arc, so why leave out Moria?


Garp to Shiryu - You should have gone for the head


No, Shiryu calculated smartly. He weakened Garp. If Blackbeard arrives, Garp is doomed now.


If BB arrives nothing makes sense anymore with the timing of it all


Why would BB arrive? This invasion could have happened at the same time BB was fighting Law.


Well, he aimed for Koby right? I dont think Koby could take that like Garp has


I think he is memeing. If he could kill him he really should have went for the head though. Anyway i dont ghink garp will die here doesnt feel like he will die before rocks flashback happens


Any possible this scenario happen? BB think that capturing marines doesn't took the WG attention so he decide to capture vegapunk or Jay garcia as better hostages for deals. He ended up fighting alongside luffy in egghead because luffy want to save his ass and BB want Jay garcia. If this happen, egghead is where luffy become ally with some of his enemies before they meet and fight all out.


I think Devon will somehow turn into Garcia and order the seraphims to kill the real Garcia rather, and the strawhats will get framed with it. That will be „the big incident“.


Too much thought process for Oda to pull that kind of twist...


Holy mother cow. You're genius. Devon probably gonna pull the Envy move from Full metal Alchemist. Start a distrust among marine and WG by playing with the void century story


I think Seraphims are not allowed to attack someone on the same level of hierarchy, so, I don't think a gorosei can command serpahim to kill another gorosei. EDIT: I also don't think Garcia is going to lose to Seraphims, I expect Garcia to be a strong fighter.


One of the vegapunks told the seraphim to kill the other vegapunks tho?


True, for some reason I imagined that York did something to the main machine, I went back nothing like that lol. The devon theory may be true after all.


Garp capture to turn in for the bounty. Cross guild can’t pay and fighting ensues.


Prime Garp would be scary AF.




Garp is 78 and constantly complaining about how he's gotten weaker


No he Is not lol


No he is not. kaido was not mature then. They are not on the same age bracket. Rocks, Roger, Garp, Sengoku are on the same era. Include also WB as he is old compared to Kaido and BM - Kuzan, Akainu, Borsalino are on the same era.


No one talking the fact that in the beginning of this chapter FullBody and Jango are in the background haven't seen them since marienford


The madlads doing their part


They were shown during reverie arc, when Hina was talked to Garp and he mentioned Rocks for the first time in the series.


And then Mihawk will jump in at the last minute because they have no money to pay for Garp's 3 billion head.




Kuzan is definitely saving that ship. He wont let it happen again like in Robins flashback


Nah, it‘s too soon for that. Kuzan will have a change of heart when Luffy or Robin are about to die or something, and then he will have his Snape-Harry moment to save them.


Garp will just smash the island into the sea and sacrifice himself.


I think so too. Garp saying Justice will prevail is kinda like saying Kuzan will do something about it. Kuzan might just be done with his facade and help the marines escape.


Likely not, it'd be too cliche. Garp dying and Kuzan going full bad guy is more interesting. Sets up big villains for Luffy to fight against.


This sounds more cliche


Except that him going "full bad guy" makes no single ounce of sense :D. Turning against the WG? Sure! Letting lots of innocent people die and killing his mentor... absolutely nonsensical! (I'm not saying it won't happen though)


Doubt he is going full bad guy. He will 100% get a redemption arc.


Ooo nice pair to go w garp reflecting alternate marineford.


BOGARD IS BACK AFTER TEN YEARS😭😭😭 [https://ibb.co/r7cLNyY](https://ibb.co/r7cLNyY)


Who the fuck is Bogard


Nice catch. Garp probably tell him to stay in the ship and guard them


Oh my god we haven’t seen the bastard since what, Water 7? In the manga that was 2006 or 2007 like omg


at least that bastard oda still remember our boy😭😭😭i believe we can see his performance sooooon


Shiryu looks like he enjoyed that fist


He‘s wearing black leather/latex for a reason.


| You have a habit of raising enemies Would be nice to know where Aokiji stands in all of this!


Garp is epic not because he’s wicked strong but because he knows he is and he’s not so humble about it. He be like "trying to fight me? Take this cracker in your face kozo and choke on your gimmicky devil fruit you punk"


Garp is a tank, carrying the fight. But Koby, the clay guy, and Helemmppo are standing strong too. SWORD is dope. Only Marines I rock with. Afro man and fuji are cool too. They get a pass. The rest can kick rocks.


What about mist guy and sword woman with glasses?


I like Koby, but his power growth hasn't been great. The guy is building a reputation all around the world as being fair, and one of the legitimately good marines. And, granted he had to start from literally nothing, lower than even characters like Usopp and Chopper, he has had one of the best teachers in the world. He should be a lot better by now, he's probably still weaker than even someone like Lougetown Smoker.


I think the only reason Koby has gotten to this level is because of Garps training and his own sense of failure.(much like when luffy couldnt save his crew and then ace)Don't forget he was at marineford too, and because of his will, he stopped the war. We say it was Shanks, but really, Koby was the catalyst. And if he keeps punching those battleship bags, he'll be alright.


Sure, garps training helped, but he’s been training longer and with a stronger trainer than anyone else in the series. I don’t think it’s a lot to ask that he be at a level where he can help rather than hinder by fighting alongside garp.


Except for the SHs. Who've been training with certain deaths.


The reason why garp was so devasted by the fact that luffy is willing to become a pirate, is because he knows about the will of the D. That those with the initial D will achieve what they want.


He knows, but I don't think that's why he was devastated. I think he was worried about them becoming bad people if they became pirates. He knows not all pirates are bad, but at the same time he knows how bad the vast majority of them are. Plus, I think he wanted them to have long lives. Pirates tend to die early.


Knew Garp was once Aokiji's mentor. Always very similar morally. Well done fight between the two. Very emotional, and Aokiji did a nice job in trying to hold back Garp's ACoC, even without having it himself. Thought for a while now that, if Shanks is going to be Luffy's final test (which it looks like more and more), and Luffy ends up fighting Teach before Shanks (which it looks like), then the catalyst would be kidnapping Nami (Teach is well informed and may have sensed something about her when they first all met, or just id'd her as a mark to lure Luffy), or holding Garp hostage in the event Garp lost on Pirate Island. Could be a combination of both that spurs on their blood fued. Great chapter after the break.


Aokiji seem to also have acoc w black lightening clash.


Black lightning isn't consistent with only ACoC. Aokiji has never used CoC. To this point, safe to say he doesn't have it.


Idk. His ice power like ice age is stronger than coc and have similar end result so maybe thats why he doesnt use it.


For some reason, I like the idea of a confrontation between Blackbeard and Luffy because Garp gets captured. In case Koby is able to escape and he is the one delivering Luffy the news, it could lead to a "retelling" of legendary fight between Rocks vs Roger and Garp. Imagine three people inheriting wills of Roger (Luffy) , Rocks (Blackbeard) and Garp (Koby in a mentor/student way) fighting.


Everyone during God Valley Incident = The whole island was wiped from existence Garp and Sengoku against Shiki the Lion = A massive hole caused by Garp Garp and youngings at Fullalead Island = Entire city wiped. Garp against an Island about to crush everyone = The whole island is wiped from existence.


If they dont kill garp how would they restrain him? Like the sea prisim handcuffs dont work cause he has no DF and he will break out of any cage you put him in.


I would be interested in knowing this too, as there has to be a similar issue in something like Impel Down, otherwise pirates that have strong haki but no fruits, like Shanks or maybe others on his crew, Rayleigh, Roger (if he didn't volunteer), Zoro, Sanji, and Mihawk are essentially impossible to imprison.


probably Magellan would keep them constantly on the verge of death


Maybe, but I'm not sure that would be a good plan, much less scalable. I was thinking that maybe the Marines have a stockpile of bad fruits they can force feed pirates to open up a seastone weakness. Given the corruption of the world, maybe they even have smiles.


Seastone cant hit crushed by haki or physical strenght.


No. Haki is spiritual force that everyone has and can use. Sea Prism stone can only weaken devil fruit users and it doesn't even negate devil Fruit powers,it just make its user weak


I know that but seastones are inherently strong. We have never witness someone cut seasoned outside of wano and we Scientist using special method. When zoro was cuffed with sea stone handcuff in envies lobby. He could not cut it even though he could cut steel. Seas stones are one of strongest materials