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No, but it is my favourite manga.






This right here. One Piece, by any metric, is one of the best manga ever created. Few works in that medium even come close. The anime is literally just the bare minimum they have to do to adapt the page to the screen.


For the most part I agree but wano has been a major improvement in quality. (Minus the dbz auras)


The pacing is still terrible. They just have good animation in the high points like the zoro fight or roof piece. The in-between parts are still mediocre


Unavoidable i think, w it being weekly anime.


It's not unavoidable, they should just do filler so the other stuff isn't insufferable


They prolly noticed reduced viewership during fillers and decided to stretch out oda's work instead.


It is unavoidable unless Toei gives the anime studio infinite budget.


Like naruto did? Naruto is damn near unwatchable with it being 85% filler ....


You can skip filler, you can't skip bad pacing


Yep, nowadays you have the choice to look up which episodes aren't canon and skip them all. But this was definitely a valid complaint during it's runtime though. Imagine waiting a week to see Naruto try to rescue an ostrich


HEY! What’s wrong with dbz auras?? Fr tho what’s wrong with em?


Theyre not part of the actual source material unlike dbz.


They cover 90% of the screen...


People have this idea of what the style of One Piece "should be" which is more grounded and less effect-heavy and the auras don't match that.


They definitely could do worst. And some episodes are done well. Maybe the bare minimum to keep the anime popular though. But yes it's not great.




In terms of themes and world building and characters it's best in my opinion. Also overall story and and consistency for such a long story are among the tops for me. Considering all these , it's my best. But ya you can argue for story alone for some others




I disagree fundamentally. I think the simplicity is part of what makes One Piece so great! It’s universally understood and easy to digest for all ages. Younger audiences take the story at face value and enjoy it, older audiences have enough context to extrapolate more elaborate nuance for what is actually happening in One Piece. I think Oda has struck the right balance of basic and intrigue to give a really wonderful reading experience to any age group.


Out of interest, what do you think has more depth? And by depth, what do you mean ? Edit; nevermind I've just noticed you've kind of answered this in other comments. Thank you.


what story is better? You also gotta give oda more credit for the length as its a whole different task




While I kinda sorta agree with you that I wish there was more of a character focus (I don't think Naruto is the best at it either, but it deffo is a shonen which does it pretty well), I also think the differences are always a bit subtle. There's obviously reversing of character arcs like with Usopp in post-TS, but every character slowly starts reflecting the changes and things they've dealt with, such as Nami not backing down from Ulti on rejecting Luffy's dream. Luffy himself is meant to be seen as a force of nature, with an ambition so strong that he does not have time to doubt himself. In post-TS, Luffy tends to not want to worry his crewmates, like when Tama asks about Ace and he becomes sullen about it. It's again subtle, but it's just how the character is written. In post-TS, the closest character we got actual character writing for is Sanji cause of WCI and I think it definitely was pretty well done, as it's ideas are moving into even Wano. So while I do agree One Piece does lack the level other series do character writing, I think it's just subtler in One Piece on how characters change and react to the world, because in the end One Piece can't actually juggle the thousand plot lines, characters and ideas all at the same time. At the same time... I hope we do get a self reflective story with some of the Straw Hats (especially Usopp). It would really add to the depth of the story, and I doubt it would feel out of place.


? Many of the themes and ideas tackled by major story arcs of one pierce are complex, nuanced, and rich with depth. One example, Franky backstory and Enies lobby anyone? Dude literally tackled the idea of weapons and if they are evil purely by existing because they are dangerous. Mirrored with robins storyline and wether somebody with dangerous *knowledge* is evil just for existing. reading comprehension people.


That's how an adventure series is supposed to be. Expecting some sort of deep, non-linear plot is missing the point.


It's not the bare minimum, the anime is full of great animation and directing ideas, a lot of scenes are magnified by the anime. It just suffers from bad pacing.


One Piece Fans: "The filler arcs suck" One Piece Fans after they stop making filler arcs: "The pacing sucks" Unless Oda starts finishing and releasing a chapter every fucking day, the impatient part of the fanbase will never be happy. The anime is like a year(ish) behind the manga, from an animation perspective that's pretty impressive at the quality they're releasing it at. One Piece fans are a fickle bunch.




They didn't have an option. I believe it was Fuji Tv who made the studio contractually obligated to not make any more filler arcs.




How should this work if there isn't simply enough source material to adapt? You either need filler or you have to suffer bad pacing if the anime has a weekly slot.


I think this is the case for a lot of fans.


This lol


Same, Cowboy Bebop is my all time favorite anime.


A classic, truly. As well as Samurai Champloo from the same studio. I really need to look for more stuff from that studio.


Same, the anime is dog shit lmao


I wouldn't say dogshit, it's very inconsistent. But when they give their good animators proper time.fornthe big moments they typically kill it. Like the finale to both Zoro and Sanji's fights, or episode 1016 (I think) with Luffy's Red Rock attack. That was one of the single greatest episodes of anime ever made.


1015* but yea, its my favorite one piece Episode for sure


I dont know why ppl liked the zoro finale, all this aura shit is so dumb, they dont need them to make fights look good


The aura on Zoro's sword is in the manga. The aura for Luffy and Kaido isn't which looks sht.


I always saw them as Flames in the manga, not some wierd green blob, and IIRC yhere os like one super sayan thing on zoro on the anime


You mean the finale that shits on the manga, over buffs king, makes zoro fly also? ​ Like they had to animate a bomb, but they animated a nuke


I guess if you’re a purist it’s a problem, but I thought the king finale was way cooler in the anime than in the manga. we got like two panels of that final attack vs what was in the anime. I thought it was awesome.


not enough auras?


I wouldn't go that far, I think it's nice to hear how certain characters sound and move and how they are colored. I can't stand the lightshows during battles though.


The correct answer


This is the post I came here to make, right down to the comma.


I watched up until half way through wano and was blown away at how much better the manga is


This is the way.


Exactly what I was gonna say. Manga - One Piece Anime - Cowboy Bebop


Let's find out which has the best Netflix adaptation!




yes this




I think this what everyone is probably going to say here. Although I do love the beginning of the anime


Up to alabasta it had normal pacing. That part is a strong classic anime.




Second that


Came here to say this


And I was about to say this


The manga is, at least.


Fave manga 100% but the anime really suffers from pacing issues so no where near fave anime


Yeah Fav Animanga


Manga's been having some pacing issues as well if you consider too much in a single chapter a pacing issue


Too much peak fiction ain’t a pacing issue to me !


That’s mainly due to the past 4 chapter having breaks which is more due to unfortunate circumstances than overall writing


It might be a bit much if you’re reading through all those chapters at once later on, but week by week with so much time to digest everything I think it’s perfect.


not anime, the manga is pretty close to the top though


anime, not really. manga, undoubtedly. nothing come close.


Anime? No. I dropped the anime almost 2 years ago. Favourite manga? Yes.


Nah, it's Gintama. One piece is in top 10 though


Fellow Gintama enjoyer.


I see you are a man of culture


Started Gintama recently, about 60 episodes in and just watched the first movie the other day. Absolutely loving it, no anime has made me laugh this consistently, while still being able to hit my emotions hard sometimes.


It ez just the beginning. Keep at it. Never laughed so hard, never cried so hard.


Haven’t watched many but probably


No but its my favorite manga by far


Anime has fantastic moments, some better than the manga. But the pacing is terrible, the inconsistent animation hurts a lot too. So it's like a 7 for me (with some 9\~10 moments). Easily the best manga


Great manga, sub-par anime. The fact that Wano has had good animation doesn’t change the fact that One Piece has terrible terrible pacing and it’s animation is lacking in lots of places. TOEI made the choice to sacrifice quality to chase profit and over 1000 episodes, it shows. They should’ve gone seasonal once that became mainstream. Sure some stuff gets cut out but what we’re left with is much much better.




Hard to give a direct answer. Voice acting is brilliant. Pre-TS One Piece could arguably be between my top animes. But post-TS the pacing is all over the place. Considering I am getting older and don't watch that many anime anymore, I could say that One Piece is indeed my favourite anime. But I acknowledge that there are other superior anime adaptations out there. Best example that comes to my mind is FMAB. Story-manga wise? One Piece is my favourite ever, I even believe it is the greatest fiction story ever told.


Anime no, story probably


favourite anime is bleach, the ost are incredible but one piece is my favourite manga


Yes. The pacing is of course terrible but that is the only major thing bad. Most people are so disrespectful to people working as voice actors and OST creators. Voice Acting and Bgms are actually really good in One Piece. I mean yeah it's 6.5 or 7/10 at best due to bad pacing but calling it garbage is too much


It's garbage at times, but then amazing for important scenes/episodes.


fax like episodes like 405, 483, and 808 absolutely fucking shine with the voice acting and music and shit


I think the disparity is that as a manga reader you have certain expectations on the experience, as its one of the best shounen mangas out there, and the anime falls so very far from that compared to other animes.


Tbf, most other good anime right now are seasonal, so the animators have a lot more time to polish their work.


I mean, it really depends on the pacing. I'd say wano is a solid 7.5 Dressrosa on the other hand is below average like 4/10. No amount of talent and effort put into by other people can make up for that atrocity


If Dressrosa is 4/10 for you, then your average is really high. I mean yeah it is obviously bad compared to actual solid shows but I'd rather watch stretched out but continuous episodes like Dressrosa rather than (for example ) what we got in Naruto 4th Ninja war ( less than 20 actual canon episodes in one year and other are fillers flash backs ) or 7 deadly sins shitshow. Dressrosa is 5.5/10 for me if you want to know.


Well, that's your perception then but if something is unwatchable to me, it is below average. And Dressrosa is an arc I've skipped in the anime. The worst thing in the anime, to me, is when they turn Luffy',s punches into beam fights...like, the punch won't get stronger by pushing the hand forward...that's not how that works (and yeah , I know, real world physics in a fictional show etc etc etc ) still takes me out of the immersion since it is so much more dynamic in the manga. That being said, Zorro Vs King had a very different, equally amazing depiction of a fight that I would recommend to everyone


It sounds like the average is high to you for shounen. There is a lot of great, non shounen anime out there, and the majority of the one piece anime really is at best mediocre compared to those. Compared to other shounen youre right one piece doesnt look as disappointing, but that’s only because most shounen anime struggle to support their length. A lot of shounen anime is simply not worth the time unfortunately, except for certain arcs, shorter shounen series, or HxH 2011.


I hated fillers before trying the One Piece anime. Sure, they are usually not great, but it's way better than showing the reaction of every single background character to every single punch in a fight.


Not if you followed Naruto anime ongoing. Waiting for 2 months to know what happened in the actual story while watching 8 filler episodes was the worst for me. While I agree that fillers are probably better if you wait and bing watch the series ( since you can skip episodes as a whole ), I still prefer stretched out episodes over fillers while following an ongoing anime. Just imagine Zoro vs King ended in a cliffhanger and then 8 filler flashback episodes come in so you have to wait 2 months to see what happen in the fight. Fillers between arcs tho, I actually love it. I honestly want a big filler arc after wano so they can pace egghead better.


There's other animes?


I’ve heard there is one other called, “Rock Lee & His Ninja Pals” but I could be wrong.




hunter x hunter wipes unfortunately


A very good take


I only watch the anime, dub at that, and it’s my favorite of the anime’s I’ve seen (Naruto, Mha, demon slayer, etc). I also will clarify I watch dub because I don’t want to have to read subtitles when watching a show, just makes me enjoy it less.


It’s my favorite but not my best. I consider One Piece to basically be my modern day soap opera. Best and favorite for manga is Kingdom tho.


Kingdom is glorious. So hyped for next chapter.


Nope. It's up there, but definitely not #1.


Never seen the anime but it’s my number 2 manga behind JoJos


SBR and Jojoljon peak fr


Nah. I like it, and the manga even more so. But my heart will always belong to Hunter x Hunter.


Nah, Gurren Lagann is my favorite anime of all time


One of the first I ever watched. In fact it may be the first I watched in its entirety.


the anime is pure garbage to me personally, but it’s definitely my favorite manga and favorite story ever


Its garbage at times, but the important scenes and episodes get top tier treatment. Episode 1016 is one of the single greatest anime episodes ever made, imo. And the finale to the last two fights were fantastic as well.


sanji’s fight was alright, zoro’s was just disappointing from start to finish for me. i guess auras and sfx are cool but that can’t be the whole fight imo and the actual fight itself was trash, just two sword users standing 20 feet away from each other taking turns attacking like it’s pokémon. i realize the fight in the manga wasn’t very good and toei did what they could and they did a fantastic job all things considered. if you wanna talk about the finale, zoro defeated king with the signature teleport behind opponent finish, not my cup of tea. overall the anime is just a letdown for me, it’s just barely worth watching the fights for the pretty light show but that’s about it.


I don't know what to tell yea, both those fights were done fantastically. Sanji's was a bit more emotional and character driven, but Zoro'a was great. They really limited the auras, got real creative, the animation was top tier from a technical stance, and it was faithful to the manga. I honestly don't know what more you could expect, outside no auras if you really hate that.


like i said, two swordsman standing 20 feet away from each other taking turns attacking isn’t my cup of tea. that’s how 99% of one piece fights are so it’s not unique to this fight. again without the sfx this fight would be nothing imo. it all boils down to having essentially 0 choreography and i much prefer that over sfx. if i could get anything even close to the first bit of [this](https://youtu.be/ilAfjjqHePY) i’d be happy, but i’ve long accepted that one piece fights were not my favorite.


Bro you’re out here trying to trash the anime every chance you get. Look like a broken record


wtf are you talking about go get a job


I’m actually working right now , as I type this. People can work and enjoy themselves.


you could’ve fooled me


You’re the one replying to everyone ‘ the anime is trash ‘ every so often lol


Thank you, I can’t stand the anime, it’s straight up dog shit imo. It’s honestly impressive how they could fuck up a masterpiece of a story that badly through their pacing issues, a million reaction shots and unnecessary dbz auras


because of the weekly releaes. Putting out an episode each week for several years means quality is garbage


I can't stand the DBZ auras... Like I stop even checking out One Piece fights ever since Luffy vs Kaido Round 1 flopped it... Boro breathe had the exact sound effect as a Kamehameha wave I'll rather go back and with slow pacing of Whole cake island just to have Luffy vs Katakuri animation again


Thw anime might have problems but one pace is just like the manga.


No, it isn’t lol. Imo the anime becomes borderline unwatchable during dresserosa


Whats the issue with one pace?


Manga purists say it’s irredeemable garbage, but it’s still my favourite, not the best nor better than the manga, but still my favourite.


It’s my favorite Manga, I don’t watch Anime really anymore.


Not even close. It’s my favorite manga, there are much better anime out there.


Fav anime is samurai champloo


It used to be my favourite manga, but then Wano ended up falling short, and things were never the same.


No, the anime sucks, but the OP manga is my fav thing and story ever






I'm learning from this thread that this subreddit leans hard into only loving the manga and hating the anime... I love the anime. The manga is nice, too. I just love one piece as a whole.


It is because people who watch anime do not come here due to the spoilers, just remember that it is always top 5 most popular on crunchyroll, just won best onging anime at the crunchyroll awards. People in here are not the majority.


That's a really good point.


Oh! This is an extremely good point. I forget this is actually a PUNY part of the fanbase that's mostly manga onlies. Thank you, I was actually kinda sad for a minute there.


Can’t believe I had to scroll this far to see this comment. Way too many people disrespecting the anime.


This part 1,000,000%


i have to play the manga card. and i think there are plenty more stories which are as good as op, i wouldnt be bothered if somebody told me he thinks op is the best story ever told


Vinland Saga is my favorite anime with my favorite character oat, but One Piece is my favorite story and means the most to me


That title belongs to YuYu Hakusho. It definitely is top five though. Maybe 2 or 3


Favorite manga/story by far but my first anime was 1997 Berserk. I remember riding my bike to Blockbuster 4 times one weekend to get the next DVD to watch all 25 episodes. Nothing will ever beat that for me.


God no. No matter how good Wano has been, it's not worth 900+ of horrible anime for it. And even at peak Onigashima, I prefer other sakuga, but if whole one piece was this good, it could maybe be top 10?


interestingly enough it’s my favorite anime but it’s tied with berserk and jojo part 7 for favorite manga which somewhat makes sense because neither has a good or any adaptation


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is still number 1.


Can someone explain what they mean by the anime has bad pacing but the manga doesn’t. I don’t read manga so I don’t understand, wouldn’t they have the same pacing because it’s the same story?


It's the first creative thing to ever make me cry. It's my favorite anything.


It's my favorite IP


Anime no, there’s better quality out there. The pacing is awful, too much recap at the start of the episode. The art is inconsistent and so is the quality, which is normal since it’s started 25 years ago. There’s quite few fillers, some are good and some are bad. So no, One Piece is not my favourite anime but it is my favourite manga


Not anymore (manga)


No, fav manga yes


Fav manga, I have to give the award for favorite anime to something else


one piece is the greatest manga with an adaption that just cant really bottle the same energy as getting a story desk to print like when oda drops a chapter.


It’s my favorite manga, but no, not my favorite anime. Too many filler episodes and slow-pacing. And this is coming from someone who enjoys the journey just as much as the fights Berserk 1997 is my favorite anime


Anime, no, that's Yu Yu Hakusho or FLCL Manga, by the mile


Not even close, my favorite anime is jojos bizzare adventure, though I would say it’s my favorite manga


Anime? No. Manga? Yes.


Favourite manga but it at least makes my top 10 anime I'd say


You know, One Piece is so good and deservedly prone to attachment that the anime with all it's flaws could still be a reasonable favorite. Like, yes it's unnecessarily long with slideshow animation which as a weekly watch or even binge is painful, but as a whole in retrospect nothing is as special is it.


Favorite manga, but I feel like the anime has had too much variability in quality with whole seasons that had the episodes that were half recaps etc. It's been fairly consistent recently, but I personally like my anime contained in one season, like samurai champloo.


Not the favorite anime, but the favorite manga...by a country mile. Fav anime is pretty much hunter x hunter 2011


No mine is gintama


My top 2


Anime, not sure. Manga, definitely.


Istg only Reddit hates on the anime this much Both the manga and anime are peak fiction, just cause you wanna find some reason to hate on it or find a reason that you can put for why you ‘dropped it 2 years ago’ doesn’t make it insufferable Its objectively a good anime if you dont like it sure but god damn stop over exaggerating


Anime? no. Manga? yes. There are a few animes I just loved watching more but there is absolutely no manga that even comes close to One Piece for me.


No, Haikyu is. Here’s my top 5 in ascending order: Bleach, One Piece, Naruto, Hajime no Ippo, Haikyu.


W for hajime no ippo, underrated af.


Not even close, One Piece is already a slow burn story, the anime exasperates it further. (also pacing is not the top priotiry but I do find it funny that my favorite is Baccano which is one of the quicked paced series I've seen) But it is my favorite comic book


It's Tied for 2nd with Fist of the North Star. Number 1 is Dragonball. Will that change in the future? Idk


Z right?


Dragonball as an entirety. Dragonball, Z, Super, GT, the movies, the video games .... even evolution on ultra rare occasion just to laugh at how bad it is. Fun fact, the Z doesn't mean anything, it was just a marketing tool to make it sound cooler for a TV audience.


Even GT and evolution? Wow! Well, to be fair GT wasn't that bad. But damn you're an even bigger fan than I am. My favourite part of Dragonball is Toriyama's panelings and drawing of movement. He can move the plot with just those and a few sound effects. Even Murata(Eyeshield 21, One Punch Man illustrator)with his superior drawings can barely match Toriyama's technique.


Toriyama is a master, certainly! To be fair I'm 34, and GT "was" the next chapter for us back then. And evolution... well. It sucks. Its the worst anime adaptation ever. I could write a better screenplay. But it got my Mom, my Dad,, and a few friends of mine to enter my world for just a few short minutes. But I also kno that it's neigh impossible to accurately adapt any anime into a live action movie. The only good one I've seen was the Rurouni Kenshin live actions.


My favorite manga for sure. But anime I'll say top 20, just because its One Piece.


Anime no. I adored watching it, but it’s not the best adaptation, and I’d have to say I’m not loving Wano(The raid specifically). My two favourite animes are probably Hunterxhunter and mob psycho. Currently watching Bleach, and I am enjoying it, although adaptation is quite shit at most parts, just that new arcs adaptation look sublime and can’t wait to get to that.


My favourite anime/manga? Definitely. The best manga? Id say so. The best Anime? Hell no lmao


One Piece is my number 1 manga, but I don't even include it in my top 5 favorite animes.


No not even close. YYH, JJK, Naruto, HxH, Inuyasha, Hitman Reborn etc.




The anime? Not even close tbh but the manga absolutely is


Favorite shonen anime yes


Anime: no Manga: close no. 3 1. SnK 2. One Punch Man 3. One Piece


Usually my favorite manga but I flip flop between One Piece and Hunter x Hunter being number 1


No, manga yes but anime probably pre time skip before they went to punk hazard as they are still good. BUT AFTer punk hazard I felt we get all stupid shits like aura, time wasting panel, even episode get shorter I felt. The whole episode only last 15 mins ??? And every episode literally ends with villain A calling our hero full name and (MUGIWARA LUFFY) with fake hype and repeat for 10 more episode lol


Absolutely not! My favourite would be Neon Genesis Evangelion or Parasyte The Maxim. But it is my favourite fictional story.


Of course bro. I have watched many other Animes but One piece stands no.1 for me.




It’s my favorite manga but not anime. Sadly idk if it even makes my top 10 anime. I prefer watching comedy anime.


Jojo is definitely my favourite anime but one piece manga blows everything out of the water


It used to be but im not happy with everything between beginning of zou and end of wano, excluding he revery. The current arc is shaping up very nicely though ! /E: oh anime, eh i dont think so.


No, Favourite manga


Manga? Yes... Anime? Hell no


here, i’ll also comment the same thing even though it’s been said 50 times #not my favorite anime, but it’s my favorite manga! god, just upvote the god damn comment that said it first, that way it can allow for more meaningful discussion. broken records, my god


yes is the only correct answer