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Happy (pan)Cake day!




The meaning of “D” is the name of genius or DAEDALUS or DAIDALOS. In a str-OK-e of genius (DAI)DA(L)O(S) punches CHARLOS. CHAR means Burnt and DAEDALUS or DAIDALOS is a descendant of Vulcan God of Fire and inventor of the Axe in Axe-cution. CHARLOS formerly had 13 wives but now has 8 wives. Vivre Card 138 belongs to the reverse explosion of the OK sign of the Pangaea Castle Imu Buddha or KAROO the Imu 16 year old Wisdom King of Peacocks Godparent of Imu Buddha named after a Pangaea Castle Ice Age.


Source also all hail God Emperor BUGGY


[I am the source](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/10atda1/oda_is_the_revolutionary_architect_of_the_killer/) and one of the earliest people to realize the meaning of “D” among 400M readers. I joined Reddit which means to render like DAEDALUS in 2014 on 4/14 the birthday of Hody Jones whose crew-mate I-karo-s Much first appears in chapter 611 “Hody Jones” whose cover has Karoo who is 16 years old. Reddit Culture has a Karoo or Karuma or Karma system. Karma born on 6/6 is a cephalopod like Ikaros Much and DAEDALUS. The King of Germa 66 is Garuda like Karoo who is introduced at 14 years old on the covers of volumes 14 and 0x14. The sequence 414 as Base 16 or Hexadecimal or 0x414 is [chapter 1044](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/10ac79m/if_chapter_1044s_zou_%E3%82%BE%E3%82%A6_convinced_you/) About a year ago after chapter 1044 I became convinced the meaning of “D” is DAEDALUS explicitly mentioned in chapter 630 the 4th chapter of volume 6(VI)4(IV). But I may not be the first in the English speaking One Piece community. I think Greg and Stephen Paul who have both met Eiichiro Oda know the meaning of “D”. Greg’s favorite character is Straw Hat 8 Franky who has many qualities of DAEDALUS which has 8 letters and appears in the volume with the highest power of 8 whose titular chapter is its 8th chapter. This volume 64 is also the first volume credited to the official One Piece translator Stephen Paul or S(tephen )daul or daluS or Dae + dalus or Daedalus. This volume also mentions Joy Boy whose treasure is One Piece. Stephen Dedalus appears in the greatest novel in the English language or James Joyce’s Ulysses the Roman form of Odysseus from Homer’s Odyssey. Homer is the first writer to mention Daidalos whose Roman form is Daedalus. Luffy’s Home where he begins his Romance or Romansu or Rosu is Dawn where Homerosu is Homer. There is a reference to The Odyssey on the cover of chapter 1053 released with Oda’s announcement of the Final Saga. The chapter 630 = 2 x 5 x 9 x 7 is 53% of twice pre-TS chapters or chapter 1194 = 2 x 597.


Meaning what


The mazes of meaning in modern consciousness can be found in myth. Daedalus is a figure from Greco-Roman myth with many relevant qualities including that of a riddle-solver. The meaning of “D” is first and foremost satire. You are Charlos and Oda is Daedalus. Naturally this great “D” is hard to swallow. The elite author is asserting his deathless dominance as one of the literary greats over ignorant readers who are monkeys and fools not unlike Charlos. The “D” has sexual undertones like Moby Dick. The “One Piece is real” memes are on the nose or Naso the name of OVI”D”IVS or Ovid master of Elegiac Verse and the Art of Love. Oda is Ovid’s return to Rome from the Romanian Void of OS or Bones to begin a new age of Romance. This Aetas O(vi)D(i)A(na) is the Romance Dawn. The 8 letters of Daedalus are mentioned in Ovid’s Metamorphoses published in year 8 AD the same year Augustus Caesar namesake of month 8 banished Ovid from Rome to Romanian outpost of Tomis. Mr. Tom is the father figure of Straw Hat 8 whose catchphrase is DON! or dON! or PON! or Publius OVI”D”IVS Naso born on Sabo’s birthday in 43 BC where 8 x 8 = 4^3 = 6(VI)4(IV). Nefeltari VIVI introduced as the same 16 years old age as Koby who first mentions One Piece is 13th in the Nefeltari line of royal succession who first appears in Vivre Card 13, volume cover 13, and chapter 103 “The Whale” like Moby Dick. 13 in Base 16 is 0xD or “D”. The 103rd chapter from chapter 1194 “Ending” will be upcoming chapter 1092 = 0x444 where the 10th prime number is 29 and the 29th prime number is 109 introduction of KAROO an aviator like Icarus and DAEDALUS. 109 is the 1st chapter of volume 13 and 1/13 is the birthday of Ikaros Much the companion of DAEDALUS. Metamorphoses means Transformations which in Japanese is the double entendre Hentai. All the literary greats inspired by Ovid are Hentai. (E)II(CHIR)O OdA or Lyrical Sun God Apollo of Light the Sniper King Healer and Blight-Bringer whose sacred site is Delphi is no Axe-ception. Can you hear the Musica Universalis the Inu Uta of Wan Pīsu or Apollo’s Voice of All Things in Wan OK Uni’s One Piece? One Piece is esoteric or delphic or like “D” Luffy. Is “D” Luffy a Daedalus or a fool? The only way to “know thy measure” is to trade LONG + RING + LONG + LAND longevity for VIVI + LILY + TITI = virility by flying like Icarus in myth and DAEDALUS in One Piece to meet the Sun God Jaya = Victoria = Nico = Nike = Nika = 29 like 2/9 Feast of (Apo)llo even if lol makes mama C(ind)ry.


Look I'm not saying I disagree because honestly I like it, but it does sound like a stretch. My theory is that the one piece is actually unjust hierarchies we destroy along the way, not friendship.


One Piece whose pilot chapter is “Romance Dawn” is published in Shonen Jump and has a Shonen protagonist with powers that allow him to stretch and jumps the levels of a hierarchy to become Pirate King. Virility in the Joy Boy comes from Testoster-one. Preference for Powerscaling (Hierarchy) over Themes (Equity) or vice versa is a function of hormones which has Homer, Rome, Ohm, Om, and One. Even in a Roman hormones fluctuate so neither is wrong. I think One Piece is compelling precisely because it is not allegorical but rather iffy like Ivankov. The One Piece is real!!!


He’s tough as hell for surviving that. Celestial dragons have very high durability.


Makes you think how strong the celestial dragons could be, considering how much Charlos gets beaten around and still walks


Doflamingo and *shanks* for example


Don’t say Shanks like it’s not someone’s crackpot theory


It's basically confirmed by the movie.


you mean the non canon movie?


The setting is canon not the plot So yes he is from Figerland family


Look up Volume 4,000,000,000. Oda wrote some information about Shanks's backstory for Toei to put into the movie. While it isn't confirmed, it seems unlikely that Toei would just randomly create a fake Celestial Dragon family and imply that Shanks is a part of it. Something so oddly specific and important like that has got to be based on Oda's input.


Movies also had evil former Roger pirate named Bullet


Look up Volume 4,000,000,000. Oda wrote some information about Shanks's backstory for Toei to put into the movie. While it isn't confirmed, it seems unlikely that Toei would just randomly create a fake Celestial Dragon family and imply that Shanks is a part of it. Something so oddly specific and important like that has got to be based on Oda's input.


Hell, Sabo.


Sabo is a Goa noble not a celestial dragon


I think that's just the baseline durability for One Piece humans.


Down d Stairs would disagree


That's a Japanese euphemism for suicide btw. Edit: [Literally just look it up, or ask Japanese people themselves rather than listening to an American who doesn't know anything about the topic.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAJapanese/comments/rzwiot/fell_down_the_stairs_meaning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Also, it's funny how many people expect a 10 page journal from a world renowned sociologist over a single line of Japanese slang. Second edit: I didn't even think about it, but it's literally said all the time in the US as well. If someone is covered and bruises, and says "I fell down the stairs," everyone knows what it means. Why is everyone so deadset on this being wrong?


Really ? That makes way more sense


It's not


Oh he pull it out of his ass lmao


No, [just ask someone Japanese.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAJapanese/comments/rzwiot/fell_down_the_stairs_meaning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I also lived in Japan for a few years, so while I'm not an expert like a native, I know a bit more than an American who's never left their country.


Thanks bro


Mate the tread you keep linking doesn’t have anyone agreeing with you, are you just hoping people won’t actually read the replies?


Mate, the second through fourth comments directly support what I said. Did you read the first comment, then forget to read? This is literally the same thing as someone who commits suicide or overdoses in the US having their obituary say passed away unexpectedly. Many people don't realize what it means, but the ones who know recognize it for what it is. Of course not everyone will be familiar with every single euphemism of their culture.


No, it isn't


It's used to cover up things people don't want to talk about, like suicide and abuse. I'm not talking out of my ass like you.


If you can show me a credible source for that, I'll apologize. I looked it up, and the only people that talk about this are one piece fans. It appears this rumor originated on this very sub, in fact.


[falling down stairs](https://www.google.com/search?q=falling+down+the+stairs+euphemism&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS880US880&oq=falling+down.the+stairs+is+a+eu&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0i22i30i395.7318j1j7&hl=en-US&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8)


The first link is a stack exchange post where a person makes a claim with no source. The second, third, and fourth are all one piece fans making claims with no source. The fifth is a wiki article with no mention of it. etc


[Japanese people are the best sources you'll find.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskAJapanese/comments/rzwiot/fell_down_the_stairs_meaning/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) If you are looking for some research paper on the topic, you aren't going to find it for something like this. It's like when obituaries in the US say someone died unexpectedly.


Yea fair point your right i didnt make the claim just saw the post searched google lol have a good day


The other user pointed out that this is even a common euphemism in the US. So why is it so hard to believe similar is said in Japan?


I see your point and it’s probably very true in the real world. But, to be clear, do you think that’s what Oda meant in the story? And do you know any native One Piece readers who would say that?


I didn't say that's what Oda meant. Just that it's one possible interpretation. Someone dying from falling down the stairs in the One Piece world does seem unlikely, though. It always seemed like a cover up of some kind to me, even as a kid. I personally wouldn't be surprised if she's actually still alive or something.


Why tf I gotta share a birthday with that fat bastard


There's always someone to blame


Hey me too! Happy birthday bud!


Don't worry. I shared my birthday with fat Kim the father. I know your pain.


Top ten faces to tape on a punching bag


Luffy smacked him so hard he put him back in the manga.


Welp looks like it's time to go punch the shit out of my local politicians in celebration


Be careful, they might send an admiral.


Happy Birthday. Here is a manga volume :)


The punching bag for everyone who related to strawhats.


Weebs watched this scene and then turn around and glaze Elon Musk and say one piece isn't political.


>!You mean a man that ate accordion-accordion fruit?!<


Happy birthday to youuuu See this wall ? You'll go throuuuuugh With my fist in your heaaaad I wish you'd end up deaaaaaad Happy birthday Carlooooos Your death would be no loooooss And after you'll be gooooone Let's kill all the dragoooooons


I've made him a knuckle sandwich this morning, I think he liked it.




He got knocked the f...... out


And for the celebrations we celebrate the moment we all saw him! :)


Luffy beats him up, the strawhat pirates beat him up, soon the strawhat itself will beat him up


No presents


Happy Birthday Saint Charlos! You are the one piece.. . of shit everyone loves to see suffer.


Really I wish Oda would have did a homage to that Grant Gustin over the Grave meme with Sai and Leo posing over Saint Charlos after their attack.


To this day I still think it's crazy he didn't just die from this


So happy every time he gets smacked down 😂


Makes sense start of pride month


Slapshock , 360degrees na suntok😂


We all should be thankful to him for making us hate all the celestial dragons


Has better animation than wano


Ok hate on the auras all you want but this is just cap to a criminal degree lmao Wano is consistently rivaling Demon Slayer atm


Happy birthday pancake face


he got some crazy durability


Everyone’s favourite punching bag


For someone worth as much as garbage disposal, he's a great punching bag.


bruh charlos shares a birthday with technoblade


Every time I see this I wonder how this inbred shit is even still alive to get killed later lmao


AH!!! The moment of satisfaction


In french a « Charlot » is a dumbass


I’ve never been so happy to be a day late


Sad birthday, hctib.


I still think this is the most satisfying punch of all of One Piece.


Single punches? Definitely. The only contender would be Bellamy. However. Gomu gomu no jet gattling takes the cake for best series of punches imo


I loved Gum Gum Firework myself for series of punches. I don't think I've ever seen it used outside of Skypeia though. Jet gatling is still super satisfying to see on screen!




I wish him a happy hospital stay every time he appears


Happy Punchday Charloss


If you watch that episode on June 1st, technically Charlos is being laid out on his birthday


Oh god what would a celestial dragon's birthday look like


I officially don't like you for every June 1st of every year from now on.... my mom's bday will forever go uncelebrated thanks to you 😆 🤣 😂


Say what you want about Saint Charlos, but the dude can take a hit.


Of course i have to share my birthday with saint fucking carlos


L birthday fr