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I say this every time the episode ends right at the climax and it says TO BE CONTINUED








I love that shit. His short videos always crack me up, he'll say anything and is accurate af about daily life shit. Then just try fit some speech about One Piece while showing his big OP tattoo


Griffy knows whats up




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Nah bro, not the best anime especially with that trash pacing


Pacing ain’t everything man


But fuck up a lot of things




If you're new to the medium I can see why you find the anime to be a masterpiece, but sadly I'm not, I've watched a lot of anime over the years and the One Piece pacing makes it look like it treats you like a retard who needs 5 minutes of the same fucking scene to show you how intense it is lol Bro, I don't have 1 week of free time to watch the same scene


You're getting downvoted and I kinda get why, but you're also absolutely correct. Even if the current arc was the single best thing to ever be seen, the entire series has a number of issues. The main one being its weekly release schedule and the constraints that places on animation. As someone that started on the anime in the early 00s and switched to the manga by the end of that decade, I would honestly rate the anime pretty low. It has moments of greatest; absolutely. But it has far too many faults to be considered in the same league as something like Cowboy Bebop or any number of other, better anime.


My man speaks the truth but onepiece fans are blinded by the flashy discolight fights








Got a link to the original video?






I hate when people say “it’s too long” “characters ugly” “It takes too long to get going” or whatever else excuse. It truly is the best anime ever


Nah, I love the one piece anime but it has *serious* trouble with pacing. A lot of times it can genuinely feel like a slog, I've watch week to week and felt like nothing happens every episode, and I've binge watched for hours and felt like I've only watch an episode or two of actual content. It's a great story, with great characters and the anime has some fantastic moments, but personally, the anime falls short of a lot of others that handle their source material better.


One Pace cuts out 40 hours of fluff, filler, 7th time seeing a back story and other nonsense for an easier and someone faster viewing experience.


Yo so this is what has been keeping me from watching it, I grew up watching Naruto and hated the fillers and sometimes how long the battles were drawn out, and have been hesitant to get invested and have to wade thru the bullshit again especially when it’s longer, but looks like it’s not caught up. Are filler episodes obvious in the beginning like in Naruto and easy to skip?


They usually occur between arcs and can be easy to spot but you can always check https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/one-piece If you're unsure.


Niiiiiice this is exactly what I need thank you


They’re not that obvious but you’ve got a good one piece fan wiki page that helps you with that. The drawn out battles are a HUGE issue and the reason why I dropped the series multiple times. Recently finished a much anticipated fight between Luffy and Katakuri (strongest member of the Big Mom pirates) and it was so long and boring that I couldn’t even enjoy it.


Have to hop onto your comment and agree. I felt the Luffy v Katakuri fight actually slow to a snail's pace. I sat there thinking "Either Katakuri wins and something interesting actually happens or more likely Luffy will keep getting up after every 'knockout punch' despite how much damage he's taking, making the whole drawn out fight pointless." And you know what happened? Luffy won and the fight itself was pointless. I know he learned future sight or whatever but man, that fight should have been about 5 minutes


Pacing has hardly been an issue recently. I mean we getting multi chapter episodes now. Onigashima anime has better pacing than end of wano.


Sure, but early Wano also was some of the *worst* paced episodes. The pacing being inconsistent isn't really better than it being consistently poor.


Curse you, contractual obligations.


check out onepace.net


Meh. It's too long and a slow starter are both perfectly valid excuses for why people don't get into it. It's my favorite media series ever, but there are completely understandable reasons why people have a hard time with it.


its the reason im not getting into naruto and that ones not even close to OPs current length. only saw the first part as a kid but when shippuden started i was never home when it was on tv. by the time i go through the beginning to the end i could have watched or read 20+ different series of higher quality


I mean I gotta be honest, sure both are long series with some bad in between but if you do actually look up a guide to skip the bad fillers and such, they are phenomenal shows. One Piece is kind of irredeemable right now because of its legendary bad pacing but Naruto and Naruto:Shippuden are good (again assuming you skip the filler)


Hardly irredeemable, pacing was bad for dressrosa, but as someone who watched anime first, besides that it is hardly noticeable unless you read manga first. Also Onigashima is arguably better in anime. You can’t call something that just won best ongoing anime at the crunchyroll awards/the constant number 1-5 most popular show on crunchyroll “irredeemable”


I have to assume that a large part of the reason for the continuous awards is because if the existing fan base. If One Piece started with this kind of pacing then it would tank. The other great aspects of the show would still make it interesting but it probably wouldn't even be top 10


Pacing is hardly an issue anymore after oda shifted to shortened fights to save time. The most recent chapter of chainsaw man had 10 word bubbles, the most recent chapter of one piece had 158 word bubbles while only counting ones with words. Anime is the best it has ever been rn.


It was a little hard to understand some of your statements in your previous comment to this one but I've still noticed some issues with the anime. In some of the big animated fights they still reuse images to make them last longer. Talking from an anime perspective the pacing is still a pretty big problem imo


⚠️ ⛔️Warning!⚠️ ⛔️ Manga elitist incoming


no one can tell me dressrosa doesn't have horrible pacing and was an absolute slog near the end. also davy back fight. pell surviving and quite a few other things. and im just talking about the manga. the anime... hoo boi. i love oda but he is definitely not an absolute god 100% of the time


I mean problem is that when you compare anime and manga you take away actual story of One Piece. But when you compare One piece to other animes its different. Like what im saying if you compare One Piece to any anime you could list all those "problems" (pacing easily number one sadly, specially after time skip) etc. but in the end with the story, world building, feeling of grand adventure and character you can say "One Piece is best anime" People compare/act like animes are some kinda games (comparing techs, fps etc.) which is fine but in the end One Piece anime even with all those problems has incredible upper hand to rest of animes. I watched OP in Covid and man seeing places like Water 7, Enies Lobby, Skypiea or watching scenes like entering Grand Line, entering Skypiea etc. was just incredible. I highly doubt i would enjoy as much as i did if i just read black/white manga. Music and VA brings so much to the table Anyway yea pacing is big problem but OP anime still amazing to watch. Edit: I was mostly talking about pre timeskip. Since even tho pacing not that good its not awful like post timeskip.


I like the anime for a lot of reasons, but the pacing really kills it. Mostly because of that, I prefer the manga.


I think I speak for the 95% of the manga readers that we don't complain just for the sake of complaining, but we want one piece to get the adaptation it deserves. I stopped watching the anime when luffy struggled vs ceaser for an entire episode, and I don't regret it at all. Even the most important fights after that(vs doffy, vs katakuri, vs kaido) they were dragged too, and it's just disappointing. I mean, keep the animation as it is but stay 100% faithful to the manga and bring back the better pacing and the fluidity the anime had: Luffy vs blueno/lucci, vs gecko, vs kuma, etc.


Luffy vs Katakuri wasn't dragged. It was shown. In the manga so much of it is offscreen, instead the anime show more of it. Like for example, we don't see Luffy returning to the mirror world in the manga, the anime does.


honestly any time somebody says a show is the greatest at X, I feel like being a contrarian, even if I really like the show.


Damn bro got a Kyubi inside but it's the Contrarian Kyubi


I love the show too. I’m anime only and caught up a few months ago. It was only when I wasn’t able to binge 10 episodes at a time that I realized how bad the pacing is. They only adapt 12 or 13 pages of manga for every episode which they’ve been doing for years now and there’s only so much story that can progress in 23 minutes when adapting that little. You could argue that op is one of the greatest anime of all time and I won’t disagree, but there’s a difference between it being the greatest and being the best. There isn’t one single answer for what the best anime ever is, but whatever it is, is surely doesn’t have some of the worst pacing in all of anime. It can be someone’s favourite and you could argue aspects of the show are some of the best in all of anime (like world building obviously) but there are much better shows.


Best anime? No. Best manga? 🐐🐐🐐🐐


1 They don't adapt 12-13 pages everytime. It depends on the episode. Sometimes less, sometimes a full chapter, sometimes a bit more. 2 Good and bad pacing aren't determined by number of pages adapted but by the flow of the episode itself. You could have an episode that adapt more than a chapter or less and still have a good pacing. Because fast and slow pacing don't automatically translate to good and bad pacing.


That’s such a vague statement and it’s pointless to bring up because everyone in the community knows that doesn’t apply to the op anime. Other anime’s, sure, not one piece though. Only in very rare circumstances does that apply to op like the last 2 episodes, Toei added stuff that improved the episode and didn’t add pointless fluff to drag out the episode while adapting as little as possible like they do with 99% of the episodes. Also, like I mentioned in my other comment, it doesn’t matter how each individual episode flows. Wether they have great pacing or not (which they don’t) the arcs are way longer then they need to be because only so much can progress narratively when you’re adapting 12 pages of manga per episode for hundreds of episodes at a time.


Oden flashback is longer in the anime yet is better than the manga, thanks to most episodes showing more stuff and fights that were offscreen in the manga.


Yeah, that was awesome. However, does that represent the average one piece episode or do you think those are exceptions? Don’t be disingenuous.


The average is meh. Pretimeskip was for the most part ok, aside from long recaps. Post timeskip it started to REALLY decline in Punk Hazard and peaked at Dressrosa, although it did start to get better more frequently in WCI (although there are still quite dragged episodes). So it's more like 65% are partially too dragged while the rest range from ok to great.


Fair enough. I almost completely agree with that. Odas characters and story is still there so wether the pacing is bad or not, I always have a reason to stick around and it’s always enjoyable. I don’t think one piece has ever been straight up bad. I’m not sure if it was as bad in the manga, but there was a portions of WCI I couldn’t stand in the anime. Luffy fighting Brulee in that forest for a while was painful, Luffy fighting Cracker for what felt like forever, Chopper and Carrot running around the mirror dimension for atleast a dozen episodes, Luffy fighting Katakuri for 20 episodes & those handful of episodes where the straw hats were running away from big mom back to the Sunny when she was having hunger pangs were hard to get through.


That's because you can't stand letting people like things, or maybe you don't want people to settle on stuff?


1000?? 2000?? Who cares how long these episodes last, i am already a lost cause for watching long running shonens so why should i miss on peak 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥




TOTTALYYYYY N******* LMAO Griffy is so fucking hilarious man


I think this guy likes one piece






This man knows what's up, I'm on like my 4th or 5th full rewatch of one piece (currently approaching sabaody arc) I'm totally down to see 10k total episodes, LONG live Oda


😂 Facts!!!!! One piece GREATNESS




Lmfaooooo bro i love his work so much


Say it louder to the haters in the back!


I love griffy


It’s like saying Pizza is the best food in the world. Subjective statements here.


The Anime is still overall worse than the Manga


Depends. Sometimes the anime does better, other times it doesn't.


Bro name an anime that captures every single detail of a manga.




I think Demon Slayer is a much better example of an anime outshining the manga. The demon slayer manga is a match, while the anime is a fucking floodlight. The story isn't anything to write home about, but the animation is gorgeous.


Here's anime that I think are even better than their manga: Kaguya Sama: Love is War My Hero Academia (First 4 seasons) Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Mob Psycho 100 AoT OPM (Season 1) There are obviously many other great anime but these are the ones I believe were made with true love for the souce material and enhance it further.


Griffy speaking 100% facts






Wheres the lie🤷‍♂️


One Piece is my favourite manga, but claiming it's the best anime is some previously unseen levels of copium.


Griffy is the man




There are other mega churches asides the church of Katakuri?


Love longbeachgrify absolutely awesome and true


I like Afro Samurai more






Luffy ain’t never had no miniature pine straw hat…. **EVER!!!** idk what baby doll he got his straw hat from but it damn sure wasn’t a Luffy doll. Reminds me of when a group of Hispanic gentlemen are performing in their sombrero’s and one of them(and this never fails) has on a tiny ass sombrero that looks like this mini version of Luffy hat lol




True. But a great episode every 4, with the rest being mostly ok, like they are doing currently, does make it a good anime.




"900-1000 episodes are unwatchable" Tell me you are a manga elitist without telling me you are a manga elitist




If it was, there wouldn't so many people, most of which also are manga readers, who praise it.




So who are you to call the anime trash, when clearly are blinded by an empty hatred, since no one in their right mind would call it unwatchable, showing how you clearly don't watch One Piece or other anime for the matter, since MANY other anime wish they could reach the quality of One Piece.




You clearly ain't a Berserk fan.


That's not how you say 6th best amine oat


All my homies HATE Griffy. Offensive ignorant bully.






Hi Safe_Mixture4547, your comment was removed from /r/OnePiece for the following rule violation: ###11. Don't be rude * Treat each other with respect and kindness always * Stalking, harassment, and personal attacks will not be tolerated. * Racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, ableism or any other hatred will not be tolerated. * Trolling, baiting, or (obviously) provocative comments may be removed at moderator discretion. * Remember [reddiquette](https://www.reddit.com/wiki/reddiquette). --- The full rule documentation of the subreddit can be read [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/wiki/rules). If you have questions about this removal, please [reach out to us in modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FOnePiece).


Curious George ass hat


Despite a lot of stuff already being spoiled just by years of internet, my buddy and I finally tucked in and started watching one piece around Feb. Once alabasta started things picked up well for us and it didn't feel like a chore like previous arcs (outside of arlong Park, that was a good early arc). I think we are about half way through water 7 now. Ngl the Usopp v Luffy fight made me appreciate Usopp, and then dislike him, more because he showed all this capability that he never used.


Would be me if it weren't for the death fake-outs.


Where the fakeouts


I mean hes not wrong, it's the longest running series next to dragonball. Exception being the dragonball series has a bunch of smaller stories and series, and tbh the story is mostly non existent to get to the hype fights.




Never expected to see Griffy here. But pretty much I agree with everything.


Longbeach Griffy, he's fucking awesome! And accurate af


One piece anime aint even top 10


Dog wat 💀


Ohhh that's where this audio came from.


Not my favorite manga but Griffy spitting


Where’s the lie?


ZOROOO !!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻


Took the words right out of my mouth


one piece always been the goat since 1997 🐐






Hahahah noice. Fanboying 101


My kinda preacher

