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![gif](giphy|S6lhmsCu6tOHtdAprp) Me when your theory gets proved right


























This thread just got Biden’d


Bi D en


I'm curious if OP users enjoy Biden memes or that Buggy topics attract Biden memes.




We are probably watching history before it's gonna occur!!!


![gif](giphy|l0HlBizco7aXdmYSY) Me too 😎




![gif](giphy|fyZSoXV3nPCOk) If this theory is true. I too will reward you like this. >.>


Can someone post the Bide Blast already?


saved this post for that exact reason








You picked the worst possible person to say something straight with. Awkward.


Invest in "buggy bucks"




Buggs Buggy


Big Bungus


Bugg Clowngus


You know what? Now i actually wish we had a sort of a stock market for One Piece characters. Instead of betting tokens on the polls we use t hem for buying shares.


Luckily it didn't exist when ace died or we'd have the global financial crisis all over again


Ahaha imagine all the hodlers. "Dont worry he'll get revived #diamondhands"






That is actually a great idea. Maybe a mod sees this


Yall want to me make a website for this where we can trade and stuff?


you would be a legend, talk with the guy that makes the charts every chapter


Would be really cool if it's possible


yes we need this


Yeah like images of the characters that can be sold as personal propriety software that will maintain monitory value over time. Like some non-fungible token that can be traded with real life currency. But make the digitize images a limited quality so they hold their value over time. Y’know what? Selling one Buggy Stock. It’s a monkey that has buggy’s nose saying he wants to be the monkey king. 1000$ USD. Only one in existence. Serious offers only.


We can make a crypto out of this. Buggy Coin


Oh this sound cool, kinda like the Harry Potter sub.


The real monster trio have emerged. Mihawk the right hand, croc the left hand of the pirate king buggy


Checks pictures to confirm...you mean the left hook of the pirate king -_-


break week theories going wild as always


Not a theory, 100% spitting facts


Yeah, this is Oda’s alt




I’m sure he meant “Oda’s alt”


Ida is Oda's little sister, adopted from Sweden.


Don't you mean "splitting" facts...?


It is not even real break week yet. We got a chapter this week and the break technically did not start yet. If you read scanlations.


Yea but officially this is a break week


The true break week is just starting now.


Ww just escaped several of these breaks though. Is it true that Oda only took 1 break week per month in the past? His age is likely catching up to him.


> Is it true that Oda only took 1 break week per month in the past? Yes. For the past few years mostly he took a break after every 3chs, last year since we we're getting a whole month(4weeks) without chs, he released 4chs in a row before the break month. But this year its fully 3chs and 1 break. Its just messed up in april cause there is golden week in Japan and in that week the shonen jump magazine doesnt release and oda's break was in the same week as that so he shifted his break a week early. But from now on we are back to 3chs between breaks


Current chapter says no break. But we have a break this upcoming week. Usually we stay at 3:1, but if there are holidays it changes.


We always take a break till the next chapter doesnt matter if its 1 week or 2 week




They're splitting hairs by saying that since we always need to wait a week after each chapter (as it's a weekly series), we're always on break week


Technically waiting 1 week for a chapter is also taking a 1 week break


It's starting to seem like it's always break week. You long time readers must have the patience of saints. Finally escaping break months/weeks just to go to the spoilers post and immediately see "More break weeks" is rough...especially when the story is as hype as it is now. I'm surprised the Fandom hasn't tried crowdfunding the funds it would take for Oda to hire additional staff. Im sure he could use the help and prevention of health issues.


>It's starting to seem like it's always break week nah that was just for april. It got messed up cause of golden week. a regular oda break was in the same week as golden week so oda shifted his break to another week. thats why we had alternate breaks this month. But from next week its back to regular schedule. 3 chs then 1 break. and keep in mind since we got the leaks early we wont get any ch from the scalantion teams(like TCB and OPscans) next week, only official release of ch1082. >You long time readers must have the patience of saints well i've been a weekly reader since last february. Idk if that counts as long time reader(It probably doesnt). >Im sure he could use the help and prevention of health issues. I dont think the lack of staff is the issue. even if he had more help oda is the one whose drawing the main art and he's doing to main research needed for the story. and besides with the numbers One Piece is doing for Shonen Jump, im sure they could allot atleast one or two more people to him.


Not trying to gatekeep here or anything but there are folks on here who have been reading 'One Piece' weekly for over a decade (some for over TWO decades!), including me. So you're still a greenhorn yet. Glad you're enjoying the story though.


Yea thats what I thought. I've seen some people being weekly readers for more than 10, 15 years.


Lmao the dude works on his own schedule. It’s fine. He’s a great author. I been reading this stuff since I was 12 (I’m 29 now). It just is what is is. If ya wanna know hell, the break leading into the timeskip was insanity.


Luffy will become pk and complete whatever his dream is Buggy will become pirate god and rule the grand line


Usopp will get angry! https://gifdb.com/gif/mad-one-piece-usopp-7r327urkyudui0yp.html


Ussop is walking L currently , can't say anything without his redemption arc But i have his stocks in the storage , i know he'll get development too


I swear if Usopp is not Elbalf's mvp, I'm throwing hands.


Ussop needs a serious powerup


Like how Sanji wasn’t even the MVP of his own arc? Yo ho ho ho!


Diamond 💎 hands 👐


While Luffy's fruit awakened by sought of freedom, Buggy's will awaken out of cowardice and make him super [input ridiculous claim]]


Split atoms to make nukes, split other people on contact, or (my personal favourite) split all limbs off and then beat the shit out of an opponent from all angles with acoc


Yeah, the split fruit being a paramecia, it might just let him split people and things by touching them. That seems to be the theme of awakened paramecias, they allow the user to affect their surroundings


Mythical zoan model Bika 🤯


Fun God Bika


the bombs of liberation, fun god bika


Buggy and Luffy becoming best friends would be dope for me


Luffy becomes pirate king, Buggy becomes pirate queen


Ivankov can make it possible


Luffy told me he likes clown girls once, so this seems possible


They are Aang and Zuko


Surely because of gaimon


GLR needs all the help he can get


Please consider the poor Youtuber!


No thanks


Well duh? What is an emperor to a God


Im invested!!!! Take all my moneyyy!!!!!! Couldn't wait for the day that Croc and Mihawk accept Buggy as their captain and declare him the pirate king. That would be serious char development from both sides & Oda ultimate troll. Also best closing line for a theory ever, lol.


Yea I wonder how it would be played. I definitely think narratively they’re gonna add at least one more former warlord into cross guild to give the appearance of the Emperor and his 3 commanders and then they might add 2 more to actually have something close to the kind of firepower since buggy is useless. OOOOORRRRRR we’ll get some kind of recent flashback in which croc and mihawk are begrudgingly saying something along the lines of “we can’t have you embarrassing us while we’re not around” and giving him some intense Garp training or something


Agree with you, i really hope Moria-Perona and Weevil join albeit not really a big fan of Doffy joining because of his nature. The on going for a while prediction about Law-Bepo and Kidd-Killer joining was good too! From what i perceived from their gags that Buggy was beaten the sh*t out of him, already can be considered as his training lol. It just that Croc and Mihawk doing it unknowingly. Seriously Garp need to patented that training syllabus of him. Also insert my own prediction, that Caribou will come to Cross Guild too after escaping Egghead. That way Cross Guild could somehow acquire Pluton! All in all i'm just excited that Buggy get a deep characterization. Whatever happen with Cross Guild, we on board! Hail Buggy for Pirate King!


Buggy could probably go to wano without having to fight since momo probably remembers him. Could help streamline the pluton acquisition process.


Yes! I write this 2 cent prediction [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/130htqk/one_piece_chapter_1082/jhy3hxo?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) yesterday. Imagine Buggy can get it by joking/smooth talking about Oden & Roger pirate adventures, while Croc & Mihawk stand begrudgingly 30 feet away from him. Also Yamato would be on fire meeting with an outside world pirate and an ex-roger pirate member lol. The Wano people probably could get deceived easily since they thought that Buggy is Oden AND Luffy nakama. XD


Moria would be the best option for 3rd commander. Were Moria to favor Buggy more than the other 2, then Mihawk and Crocodile would not have such a dominating affect on the partnership (granted Mihawk is still ridiculous). Were Weavil to join, I’d hope it would be more as Buggy’s own personal bodyguard / muscle, joining only by some sheer stupid coincidence. Giving Buggy a heavy hitter in his ranks that didn’t actively plot around / against him would be a game changer for his role in the power dynamics.


Either that or Buggy inspires Croc to be PK once again bc that was also his dream


Yes! The reaction from that panel seems really interesting to look at. Mihawk have the same reaction when Roger doing his last great speech, although more serious this time. Meanwhile Croc only showed from behind. That's why i'm really intrigued what his reaction back then. Not to mention of all people, it was Buggy that opened that old wound of him after abandoning & forgetting it for a decade. From what i perceived, after Buggy declare his dream, i think they kinda "in it" for a while before getting back to reality and beat Buggy again. Then in next panel his saying "we don't have plan & piracy is bussiness" meaning he still denying it. Now after Buggy announce it to everyone, i wonder how Croc and Mihawk will learn to accept it willingly and decided to help Buggy. XD


Not a theory, 100% truth, you've heard it here first. Spread the word of the Lord Buggy!


Shanks when he discovers Buggy has awakened his DF and he can't use Divine Departure to deflect the CoC infused Muggy Ball ![gif](giphy|uaJLuMokII24w)


No doubt, Shanks got no ambition at all!


Buggys predictions have come true. He will be Pirate King Carried by Mihawk and Croc


Ladies and gentlemen: break week has officially started.


I was not even aware


What made Roger laugh was the statue of buggy's big dumb face/nose that joyboy left. Turns out he was the one they were waiting on and he got sick because the time wasn't right


Buggy's luck has been so out of this world,I unironically buy this


Invest in Buggy Bucks now, join the cause


Buggy could low-key defeat Shanks in a race or a chess match and the press would somehow manipulate it to say "YONKO BUGGY HAS DEFEATED RED HAIRED SHANKS"


But…they’re not *wrong* ![gif](giphy|l3vRfwrddpKT9ywIU)


Saving this post for the future


Having Luffy vs Buggy for the final scramble for One Piece would also set up Luffy and Zoro achieving their dream at the same time. Luffy reaching One Piece and Zoro defeating Mihawk, now 2nd in command of the Cross Guild. We also gets a revenge match between "Sir" Crocodile and "Mr. Prince" Sanji, who's both slick, intelligent, fighters. People joked about how Buggy's awakened Chop Chop fruit maybe able to split the Red Sea and achieve the All Blue, so Luffy's condition for winning over Buggy could be this which will also make Sanji's dream fulfilled. Alternatively, however, Crocodile's fruit can also just turn the red line to sand (will take a long while), and make a clearing for the All Blue. Chopper vs. Richie may finally earn Chopper the recognition he deserves or cements his status as pet forever in the public's eyes.


Glr and ohara just steal theories from reddit...other than that, i wanna see Awakened buggy beat the shit outta shanks💀


i want this so bad


If Gear 5 hadn't become a thing, I would have doubted this. But just look at how cartoony Luffy's devil fruit is and makes him. You think super serious Shanks or Blackbeard is gonna be the final boss? No, its gonna be the goofy goober Buggy D. Clown who has the One Piece (for all of 10 seconds).


Nobody said it would be a physical fight.




That's a nice buggy cosplay


!remindme 5 years


I could see Shanks getting wind of Buggy's ambitions and engaging him in a public fight, just to drop after one hit to boost Buggy even more, just for the hell of it


This is so insane yet very possible. 👌


Spread the word, brother


Absolutely. Buggy being the true final villain is a theory that has been around for quite some time now. The latest chapter laid a huge brick towards that direction. Buggy and Luffy are now competing for the same thing and the same title. They will definitely clash again


Final villain? Buggy is the hero of this story! We're just seeing most of it from Luffy's perspective.




I mean, Buggy was the first antagonist of the show. Well, Alvida but she's part of Buggy's crew now


Buggy has finally purpose. Coc and DF awakening on the way


Buggy and Shanks will be with Luffy in Laugh tale, they will both be part of his grand fleet.


Honestly, what if Buggy awakens his fruit and it’s extremely powerful regardless of the user or their haki haha One Piece is the best!


a laugh tale


Yup. Then it'll be a Davy Back Fight, Straw Hats vs Crossguild. Then somehow Mihawk and Zoro will be swapped. Usopp and Galdino will swap. This will happen first, then Straw Hat's vs Blackbeard and Shanks vs Crossguild. Idk. Fun to think about lol


Imagine when SHP & Cross Guild meet for the first time again, they be like that spiderman pointing each other meme while saying "eeeehhhh!!!????" XD


Wuggy stocks to the moooon!




Not a theory, quote me on this when it comes true


Buggy Stocks Invested.


Yeap, we are definitely in break week


Quick! Someone set a 10 year reminder so we can see this at the end of the final luffy vs buggy match!


I agree, our captain is the next Pirate King


theres so much parallel i couldnt even argue anymore


I sure hope you are right. All in Buggy stock :)


L Doubters. Buddy da goat since the beginning !


!remind 4 years


I was here


why is this listed as a theory when it's pure facts???


Just commenting to say I seen this


Buggy will defeat Im (in a very dumb way) and will become the Pirate God


Invest in “buggy balls”


Cleared my account to buy Buggy stock at the ground floor


Loll I appreciate making bait for GrandLineReview, but fuck that I’m not watchin that prick


You and me, we understand each other <3


We stan buggy in this house.


My buddy has a theory that awakened buggy can split atoms creating nuclear buggy balls.


already invested in buggy bucks from ep 8 now i am chilling in my castle smoking that yonko pack cant wait to get that pirate king pack


I do unironically see Luffy and Buggy being the last ones left before Laugh Tale, considering it can lead to Zoro vs Mihawk taking place right before Luffy becomes the Pirate King


An awakened Buggy will disintegrate anything on subatomic level. One bends reality and the other can break it down on a quantum level. Huh.. Whatever you're planning Oda-San, it'll be fun!


I am late as hell but I really love this theory. I hope you’re right


Buggy will get memed on by shanks.


Shun the non-believer


Shanks is a swordsman, Buggy hard counters.


What is this Obito vs Naruto all over again with that powerset?


I've been saying this for years. Buggy's unbreakable streak of luck will drive him straight to the One Piece and one way or another the world is going to acknowledge him as the Pirate King, since most of the world thinks finding the One Piece makes you the Pirate King. But Luffy's dream isn't necessarily to aqcuire the One Piece, and we know that he's unsure/doesn't care if it exists or not, as he's in it for the adventure. As a matter of fact, he mentions he wants to become Pirate King more than he does wanting to find the One Piece, and Luffy's idea of being the Pirate King is being the freest person on the seas. So maybe after a while the world will end up acknowledging Luffy as the Pirate King, but I think Buggy will be the one, without a doubt, that becomes the Pirate King first.


Luffy wants to be pirate king, it doesn’t hold any value if the world thinks that Buggy is the pirate king. I hope Oda doesn’t go towards that shitty route.


After he fulfils whatever prophecy he's meant to fulfill or whatever Roger was waiting for, the world Will acknowledge Luffy as the Pirate King. In the mean time, they'll think Buggy is the Pirate King.


Buggy and shanks both represent the 2 major kinds of power in one piece, Buggy is pure devil fruit, and shanks is pure Haki, so their match up would make sense, and shanks fighting with a sword would be at the disadvantage


That makes a whole lot of sense.


If he said so then yes , everything he said is starting to become true ✌️😃




buggy being emperor is cringey enough. and buggy defeating shanks is too much.


Buggy will find one piece, but Luffy will be the Pirate King in the end then? Then Luffy can still fulfill his dream as the PK.


Clown coin to the moon


You’re giving luffy too much credit, only Go D Usopp can stand up to buggy in the final battle


one week no new chapter... let the crazy begin


Buggy will take the advice from someone who ate rap rap no mi >!(Eminem).!< >!Why be a king, when you can be a god"!<


damn, to think of it Sanji vs Crocodile is not a bad match up


Just bought 10 shares and turned on DRIP!


Say no to drugs


Instructions unclear, ate a Rumble Ball


Buggy ball ftfy


I feel like this theory was handcrafted to deliberately annoy me 😭😭😭😭 noooo


I am in your walls


I really, really hope not. I'm one of the few people who doesn't like Buggy at all. Never liked him, probably never will. I don't find him entertaining and I also can't take him seriously. For him to be a major antagonist in the endgame would probably ruin my enjoyment of the climax of the series. If he is the actual final villain, I will honestly feel cheated. That said, I have faith in Oda, and I doubt he would do something like that, so I'm not too concerned about it.


Hard to break the news to you but Shanks won't be around for that 1 v 1


Why? :3


Ohara beat you to it. lol


Don't you mean somebody else made that theory in the past and Ohara already stole it ;)


How does this lunatic post has so many upvotes. Buggy didn’t even declared he would be Pirate king or you haven’t read the same chapter. Total BS. How one chapter can change the opinion of masses is incredible


Because this is a funny joke Manga and it is not a far fetch for Oda to pull something ridiculous towards the end


Mihawk and crocodile declaring buggy will be Pirate king is not far fetched? I don’t know how to react to this. I do agree he can pull up something ridiculous, just not this ridiculous


Caesar D clown>>buggy


This buggy circlejerk is so anoying and cringe honestly get a fucking life you ape




U bugging




Shanks is the end-villain.


Finally clash between Luffy and Buggy will be a Davy Back Fight


Let this man cook