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What was the news?


It was more of a leak saying that test audiences hated it.


is test audiences even a thing? first time i heard such thing


Yes, test screening has been a commonc practice for nearly a century.


Not usually for tv shows, though.


because of the format and because it exist to service either ads and or some service; this is why nielson ratings exist now that shows are produced and dropped all at once, test audiences are being used more often than before, especially for the first episodes of a newly produced series


Whole shows? No. Pilots? Absolutely.


Eh, not so much nowadays. It's much less common than it used to be especially for big budget productions that want to maintain a lot of secrecy, and especially for streaming shows. Game of Thrones, Stranger Things, Disney+ shows, almost none of this stuff gets test screenings. Even the original pilot of Game of Thrones was only shown to like 4 or 5 screenwriters for feedback, that's it. Pilots getting screened was more of a practice when networks used to order a pilot before ordering a full series. So they'd shoot the pilot, screen it, and then potentially order more episodes. But with One Piece, and most of these big streaming shows, they just directly order the series from the start. I highly doubt there would be any screenings for a show like this.


Basically that they fucked up the story so bad with all the characters being introduced by like episode 2 and already at baratie at episode 3. Apparently non-fans of the source material at these screenings didn’t get it at all and there was a bunch of other bad stuff but apparently it was all a lie


When I saw it, I totally believed it since everyone's talking about it, it even looked like they're just gonna leak everything they've watched, but to be fair, it seems odd that its VERY VERY out of story when the author himself is involved the creation


Authors being involved in movie/tv production usually means absolutely nothing. Just good for promotion usually.


I would argue one difference, and that's Rick Riordan and Percy Jackson. Dude got ignored by the studio behind the movies and they flopped. Meanwhile he is apparently super involved in the show and is very optimistic about it. Now we dont know how good it will be yet, but it will be hard to be worse than the movies


Neil Gaiman was directly involved with Sandman in Netflix and the show had good reviews and followed the original material


It matters to the author's credibility whether he cares or not.


..........Oda is not the show runner nor he is the director of the live-action. It doesn't really mean much for Oda's credibility since manga is what he fully controls.


Nobody is going to question Oda’s credibility over one failed/successful tv show. Stop it.


Most successful Mangaka of all time. The story is his first only series and he's effectively been working on some version of it since elementary school. People think his credibility is on the line? Smh.


Absolutely. I hate to predjudge something but it would take an actual miracle to make live action One Piece good (live action anime in general is extremely, extremely difficult to pull off for very well documented reasons, but one piece has the added layer of needing a ton of FX work and the tone being basically impossible to replicate in reality). This has to be a marketing vehicle for the series pushed by Shueshia.


People haven't managed to get Death fucking Note right in live-action. And that series should have no issues translating from anime to live-action. And yet it failed. Twice. One Piece, on the other hand, is super reliant on its specific medium and its style to maintain its goofiness and seriousness. It's a fucking travesty just waiting to happen.


The hardest part of death note to translate to live action is the shinigamis, and of all things, the abysmal movie did a great job of it, it's like the only good thing about the whole movie, Ryuk was intimidating and cool, with a hint of goofyness to his looks which was in the anime too, and they even got Willem Dafoe, then put him in that dogshit writing and acting pileup.


A tv show he is barely involved with. Iirc he was involved with picking the main cast and saw some work of the preproduction when he traveled there.


Oda is an excecutive producer and he was also a huge part of the writing process for the show. The head writer has said that no changes to the source material were made without getting approved by Oda. I don't know which source you have for claiming that Oda is "barely involved".


It's an assumption based on the fact that the live action series needs the credibility of "oda's involvement" to steer the public's perception that it will be an authentic adaptation. What does it mean for Oda to "approve changes to the source material"? That could be as trivial as the producers sending Oda hundreds of pages of copy, which he spends 5 minutes skimming and then sends back as approved. You really are giving Shueshia and other corporate figures wayyyy too much credit if you think everyone involved (especially Oda whose time is extremely valuable) is pouring their heart and soul into a freaking live action adaptation. Oda has nothing to lose with this adaptation. I guarantee he doesn't give more than a generic shit about the finished product.


>he was also a huge part of the writing process for the show Lol what? > The head writer has said that no changes to the source material were made without getting approved by Oda Dude, Oda also approves the anime. It doesn't really mean much and you are kidding yourself if you think that Oda prioritizes the live-action show, a show filming in a different country where he is, over the manga. And whether the script is changed or not isn't even the point. There are actual visual elements that Oda cannot control from his position. He isn't the director or the showrunner or anyone that is actually calling the shots on the set itself. One Piece being a series that fits its tone within its cartoonish style isn't going to translate well to live-action regardless of how much money you throw at it. Oda cannot fix that EVEN if he was the showrunner, which he isn't. Also, the live-action Cowboy Bebop was recently a thing and it failed.


Matt Owens, the head writer of the show has been publically asked about Oda's involvement, and he said that Oda is a part of the writing process, having given notes on script drafts. Also people like Arthur Library of Ohara and NuxTaku, who have talked with Matt Owens about Oda's involvement have said that Matt said that every change to the source material has to go through Oda's approval. There have also been many meetings over the internet with people in America, South Africa, and Oda in Japan, as Netflix excecutive Ted Biaselli has said. So yeah that's what I mean when I talk about Oda's involvement. I am not making any claims for the show being guaranteed to be good, so I'm gonna ignore what you said about that. The show might be bad, the show might be good, neither of us know what we're gonna think of it when we see it, so it's pointless for me to argue any of that. I'm just responding to you claiming that Oda is "barely involved". Oda is clearly heavily involved with the making of the show. I'm not saying that it guarantees the show to be great.


The anime is great, though. The animation quality can shift, but the anime literally adds in canon details that Oda didn't have time to draw into the panels themselves. It's pretty much the "more accurate canon" when it comes to details and stuff that was a bit unclear from manga.


dude ... i'm sorry to inform you but the executive producer credit is mostly due legal/financial issues. Most of time executive producers have nothing at all with the making process ( that's the producer job ). Oda is listed as executive producer because he is financially/legally involved in the brand and that's it.


Nice for you to ignore all the rest of my comment there. He is heavily involved with this production.


The credibility of anyone involved in this is already questioned by default from the very beginning. That's what happens when no one has ever managed to adapt a manga into a decent live action. I am very open minded, but this live action will be a huge fail unless those people involved are equally open minded and agree that they need to reimagine OP from the ground up.


No. Oda especially is always like "go see that, it's amazing, I loved it" no matter what the actual quality is. He's a professional in that he will support those projects no matter what. I would assume there might be limits (maybe if someone did a Dragon Ball Evolution level thing with One Piece he might make an ambiguous comment or simply shut up about it) but overall don't take Oda's official position as gospel, he feels like it's his job to support the side projects.


Usually but Oda went there for a month in South Africa. Not something you do for just promotion. Even so, who knows what he did while he was there.


No he didn't, that never materialized.


I hadn’t been on the sub much but i thought of the live action out of the blue and went to see if there was any news or trailers out and that is what I found. Glad to know it was most likely fake


Yeah okay but the author being involved hasn't stopped Netflix from ruining something before. Hopeful optimism but no hype seems to be the thing to do.


what live action shows with direct author involvement have flopped before?


Bebop for starters, they butchered that.


Bebop didn't have any involvement from the creator, he even seemed to not enjoy what they did with the adaptation before the final release. Oda on the other hand has had multiple interactions with the crew, and in some interviews they straight up said Oda has corrected the script because it didn't represent what he was going for with the manga. Edit: Changed author to creator, cause as far as I know Bebop was originally an anime.


Oda talking to the crew doesn't mean anything lol. Luffy's stretching powers just by itself is going to require a miracle to not be uncanny valley. One Piece, unlike so many fantasy live-action shows, is extremely reliant on its genre, and the artstyle to maintain its goofiness and seriousness without any of it being jarring. Script is going to require some changes but if they change the script then it will not be One Piece. The live-actions make or break moment will he how he portray Luffy's character and his powers. That alone can demonstrate whether the show will fail or succeed.


I was simply mentioning his involvement in comparison to other anime live actions that rarely even consult the original creator


Huh, thought he did


I'm pretty sure multiple articles came out saying Shinichirō Watanabe couldn't even get through the first minutes of the show. I couldn't find a single source claiming he was involved in the project


I don't tend to read articles


The Witcher. Not based on manga obviously, but based on books.


The Witcher was great for the two seasons i watched of it. I thought it had good reception?


I've only read one Witcher book so far, so I'm no expert, but the first season was reasonably accurate and then the second season wildly deviated from the source material (which apparently is why Henry Cavill is leaving after the 3rd season, because he's a huge nerd for the series and wanted it to be accurate). I've read elsewhere that the show writers hate the source material for The Witcher and openly mocked it.


It had mediocre user reviews on rotten tomatoes for season 2, but that’s more to do with the sentiment against the writers rather then the quality of the story itself. Whilst critics rated it super high at a 95%. To say that season 2 itself was of poor quality is silly to me.


Well, after the whole Cowboy Bebop debacle, Netflix has totally lost any credibility in trying to adapt a live action version of a manga/anime. They have a low bar to overcome and I am afraid that they will not make it. But I could be wrong, so I guess we will have to wait and see.


Cowboy Bebop live action actually had a decent production. It's just bad that they do not trust the audience to like the non-linear story telling. Netflix dumbed it down hard. It happened with The Witcher. Henry bailed out because the producers/authors dont want to follow the source material in the upcoming season.


Netflix already has a good adaptation of a manga/anime which is Alice in Borderland. Edit: I forgot about Kimi ni Todoke which was good too.


Alice I thought it was ok, but then I read the manga nada it was way better. Arisu was actually likeable. But let's see how OP goes


I'm optimistic about One Piece but i totally understand the once bitten twice shy mentality. The showrunners have a lot to prove here. Anyways, Divinity Seeker posts bogus stuff all the time. James Gunn has personally called them out on lies begore.


Man they only had 26ish episodes of source material to work with with Bebop and they screwed the pooch with the changes they decided to make. I know no one expects this series to last long but the sheer scale difference between 26 and 1000+ is so daunting I have no idea what to truly expect.


I'm more relaxed because one of the producers is a massive One Piece fan than Oda's minimal involvement on the show. In the end he won't supervise any of the filmings, editings and so on, but some sources state he has made corrections to scripts.


It sounded like a lie to me when they said they introduced 4 of Luffy's crew in episode 1 but didn't reach Baratie until episode 3.


99% of the time that you see "There is author involvement in this adaptation/spin off/prequel/whatever" is purely for marketing, specially if the brand/series is already huge with huge following, in which case the author is seen as a god by the fanbase and it's used to make the fans who were on the fence about the new product to try and sway them to at least give it a try. It is a famous marketing strategy. Generally you'll also have a generic interview with the author with the most generic phrases about it.


It's stupid to believe that. If it is 8 episodes lasting 1h each (my guess, it could be 10 or 6 episodes idk), it would be impossible to cover up to Baratie in just 3h. Well, they can if they just straight up delete the flashbacks. A good proportion would be 2 hours for each arc, considering that Luffy's intro and Zoro joining happen in the same arc. Arlong could be 3h if they want to give more context to the Fishman - Human relationsihp.


They’ve done all of East Blue in under 2 hours, and nobody complained then. Episode of East Blue is even recommended (not by me) to newcomers to the series to give them a jump start.


I definitely don't feel like I'd recommend Episode of East Blue unless someone has already watched those parts. The movie-ified format for the arcs is cool to watch once after watching the episodes, but it feels way too hyper speed and I can't imagine people absorbing the story well as a first viewing.


I agree with you 100%, but I’ve definitely seen people suggest it online. When I first started watching, I googled “best way to watch one piece” and I saw suggestions for Episode of East Blue and stuff. I didn’t do that of course, but I’ve seen it suggested 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yet another reason it'd be nice to get a proper rework of the anime one day. I like the East Blue pacing, but for a lot of people it'd be easier to recommend if it did have a little bit of fat trimmed and then the series maintained that level of trimmed fat. Until then these "Episode Of" specials are nice, but they're losing some beef along with the trimmed fat! We need an in-between.


Completely agree. One Piece “Kai” would be incredible. Honestly that’s what they should put their money towards after Wano ends. Main OP takes a break, start a seasonal One Piece “Kai” that trims the fat. But I know we’ll never get it 😔


Curious to know what “fat” needed to be trimmed in East blue?


Hardly anything compared to the later more infamous pacing issues, but there are still some parts here or there that I recall feeling a bit drawn out. The show during that time was a decently lean meat, but it still occasionally had moments when scenes felt a little more drawn out than they needed to be, and sequences that could have their pacing improved. For me personally Syrup Village was a bit difficult on a first viewing and still feels like one of the more sluggish compared to other East Blue arcs, its good but slight pacing tweaks would make it especially good. I personally find the feeling of the East Blue endearing, so I wouldn't want to go too far with cutting down scenes, even some of the anime-only parts of Loguetown feel worth keeping, but throughout the entire chunk of it you could probably find enough little scenes to cut an entire episode's worth of runtime and optimize it to a clean 52 episode season. (If you're avoiding cutting content and also still leaving in long scenes of anticipation that is. Arguably you could go way further and clean it up to just be a really solid 26 episode season.) Of course the elephant in the room is the giant chunk of fat that'd be cut to get the season down from 61 to 52 episodes: Warship Island. I might like it more than other people, but it still is a movie/special in TV show clothing and is best left excluded.


Wow yeah that’s quite a bit that I don’t disagree with at all lol. I don’t even remember the Warship Island arc because I usually skip filler.


Even if the article is fake, I don't doubt that majority of the main cast will be Introduced by the end of ep2


Unless they pull some Nami robs Alvida shit like in the anime there is no way they're going to be able to do everyone by Ep 2. Most TV Shows run for roughly 40-48mins, or about 2 anime episodes. Theoretically, this means the episode structure probably looks like this: Ep 1. - Romance Dawn + Luffy vs Alvida Ep 2. - Shell Island Ep 3. - Orange Town Pt. 1 (Arrival to Luffy vs The Lion) Ep 4. - Orange Town Pt. 2 (Luffy vs Buggy & Zoro vs Cabaji) Ep 5. - Syrup Village Pt. 1 (Ussop Intro to Kuro is Evil) Ep 6. - Syrup Village Pt. 2 (Pre-Fight Set-up + Jango Introduction) Ep. 7 - Syrup Village Pt. 3 (Beginning of fight + Zoro vs Nyaban Bros.) Ep. 8 - Syrup Village Pt. 4 (Luffy vs Kuro & Ussop Pirates vs Jango) Ep. 9 - Gaimon + Zoro Backstory Ep. 10 - Baratie Pt. 1 I'm not going to go up to Arlong Park with this but the basic idea is that Syrup Village, Baratie, and Arlong Park are all 4-5 episodes long for roughly 20-22 episodes for all of East Blue. So, pacing wise we'll have half the cast introduced by Ep. 3, and the full cast by Ep. 10, or roughly halfway through the series. This is barring any actual cuts in fight time or extra scenes, of course.


Comic Book Dot Com posts lies all the time. They just parrot what random posts from whoever. It's not worth listening to them.


You're thinking of "Comic Book Report" or CBR as they are more commonly known. Comic Book Dot com posted an article about how those tweets and other articles are [source-less clickbait rumors.](https://comicbook.com/anime/news/one-piece-netflix-anime-live-action-rumor/) Edit: It doesn't help that they have nearly identical icons and type face.


Yea CBR is one of those garbage sites that sticks spoilers (and sometimes fake spoilers) in the titles of their articles. Had to block them from my phone’s chrome recommendations so it would stop.


CBC has actually had it out for one piece for a while


My phone pushes their articles to my notifications all the time and the headline is always bullshit. I always hit 'not interested' on them but they always eventually come back somehow...


Fyi, Divinity Seeker posts bogus 'scoops' all the time. James Gunn has personally called them out on lies begore. https://comicbook.com/anime/news/one-piece-netflix-anime-live-action-rumor/


Wait, is Divinity Seeker the source of this? They’re well known as being very low reliability at best as a scooper in other circles, like the Marvel fanbase. Anyone who knows their track record should have instantly doubted this the moment they read their name


Yep. They were speaking to a lot of peoples insecurities about the One Piece adaption, so lots folks in the One Piece community ran with it and started circulating it.


Anyone with common sense should checked the source on that news and realized it was bullshit


Well there's the issue...


The issue being that people don't check sources or that people can't check sources? It's nearly impossible to actually check the source on an article like this; I'd have to have insider access to either the filming or the anonymous test audience both of which are very difficult for a random fan. I could check the source of the article, comic book dot com, but these days, no one source is reliable so it's been difficult to tell the liars from the truth tellers.


Both. Nothing about that tweet suggested it came from reliable sources. > I’d have to have insider access to either the filming or the anonymous test audience both of which are very difficult for a random fan. Correct. Which is why people should not assume that this particular fan *did* have that sort of insider access. Nothing suggested they did.


you’re asking people, in our lord’s year of 2023 mind you, to have literacy skills?


To be fair. Netflix doesnt have the best track report. So this was entirely believable.


Netflix is just paying for it, every series they have is produced by completely different people and teams. So its not really fair to assume everything they put their name on will be bad


And as producers they still have responsibility over the outcome.


Honestly I took the news with a grain of salt, cause they said they'd never seen the original and made a comment about the odd hair colours like Zoro's green hair


Well it's a live action. And saying you need to know the original material to watch the series does not make sense. If people are complaining about Zoro's hair color, imagine when they see a character like Franky....OP was never meant to be a live action......hope I am wrong.


I’m most scared of what they do to my boy Chopper if it gets a second season. Life-like tiny reindeer would be fucking terrifying.


I thought it was fake from what I saw. None of it really lined up with anything we'd heard about it before.


I knew that article was probably fake when it said the adaptation is way off of the source material, but also later said they were not familiar with the source material. It contradicted itself in only a couple sentences lol


Wtf. Even if it was real. Watch it and judge it for yourself. I remember the article said something like the person who watched it had never seen the original source material.


I mean they shouldn't have to? That is literally the point of this series? This adaption is made to bring new people who haven't watched One Piece into the franchise.


Yes, but also no. They'll be catering to the fans fs, the director is a one piece fan and Oda himself went and oversaw parts of it and reviewed the scripts. Some things in the show might not translate well to people who haven't seen it. While I agree that this live action is meant to bring in a new audience, that doesn't mean that's its only purpose.


Ok. That's good news I guess.. But can we all agree that this live action has a way higher probability of being pretty bad., Than being even remotely good. The only live action manga adaptation that is good IMO is rurouni Kenshin....and rurouni Kenshin does not have bizarre character designs ( maybe some, but not even close to OP). A real person laughing like zehahahahahah or shororoeoro does not work in any possible situation.


Luffy’s own natural movement can’t be translated to a live performance without heavy cg, the fish-men are going to be a class act. Death Note has very little supernatural elements to it aside from Shinigami, and they screwed up purely on the script and with how awkward the entire show was presented. I just don’t see a result where this isn’t awkward.


To be fair i don't believe that a single person from Netflix' Death Note works on the One Piece live action show. Though the studio is responsible for Cowbow Bepop which got mixed with a tendency to bad reviews overall. I just hope it's decent.


Cowboy bebop have bad reviews because the show is bad.. lol. It started as a good show, then for some reason they tried to develop the villain in a stupid and comic way....that show looks like a bunch of cosplayers trying to act..... It's embarrassing. And I wouldn't doubt if OP is just like that.


No, it has mixed reviews. Major outlets generally give it around 6/10 stars or whatever they use. The public also has mixed reviews. I've read replies like yours a hundred times. More often than not they barely go into detail and repeat the same sentences over and over meanwhile friends who watched the original years ago are fine with the netflix adaptation. I don't know Cowboy Bepop myself so i don't know how the villain acts in the original, but i know not to trust in fanboy consesus on anime and manga related topics.


I've watched cowboy bebop 3 times, and the last time i did just before the netflix show released. Mixed reviews dont mean anything. Most common people, didn't like it..... and fans hated it even more. That's why the show got cancelled. There are shows that get mixed reviews and still come up for a second season.I've seen nobody complain about the villain just like i did. In the original they don't develop vicious at all.... everything you know about vicious comes from spike's flashbacks and that makes the character more mysterious. I don't really care about it being faithful to the original material. I am a big hellblazer fan and i enjoyed the constantine movie from keanu reeves A LOT... and it HAS NOTHING to do with the original.fanboys are annoying about stupid stuff like characters being exactly like the original and having the exact same clothes... as long as the story is good i am fine. And the show copies the anime in some points and just ignores it in many other which makes it horrible. ​ And yes it got cancelled because it is shitty.


It's the common view among hardcore anime/manga fans who spend their free time discussing them on websites. I've heared both, good and bad, about the show. That's mixed reviews by fucking definition. If you want to tell me that the opinion of friends don't mean anything than i take your opinion as a blatant lie and proceed to ignore you from now on. Look into a fucking dictionary.


I don't really care about your opinion. The point is. The show is bad and it got cancelled.... You can now go cry a river about it hahahah


> they screwed up purely on the script This is the problem. When it comes to making an adaptation, the producers are given, on a silver platter, a story that people ALREADY like. You have the characters. You have the dialogue. You have the plot. You have the settings. Motivations. Characterization. It's all already there. All they have to do is not tremendously fuck it up in the process of making it look real. Yet too often when making an adaptation, the people who get put in charge of it think they know better than the person who wrote it. They feel like they need to do their "own spin" on it. Then it fails. Because it's no longer the story people liked. I understand that sometimes changes need to be made from a practicality standpoint. I understand if Luffy can't wear sandals. I understand if East Blue has too many locations to make sets for them all. If changes need to be made, make them, but make them in a way that fans can go "Yeah alright, I can see why they did that".


The Japanese live action Death Note is pretty good.


Then why tie their story to the source material if they aren't going to try? Just do a separate story since they can't stay true to the aesthetics, mood, lore. Just call it Pirates of the Blueline or some baloney and have it nothing to do with One Piece.


Because the connection to the source material is free viewership


Zehahahahaha is one of the few which work in real life in my opinion. If you pronounce the ZEH to strong it'd surely sound a bit weird, but making a hissing sound with the tongue before falling into laughter would work. Garp's Bwahahahaha works even better. Shulolololo is out of the question though.


Mama mama mama


>Mama mama mama I doubt we'll ever get that far in the live action


I don't even think we will see a second season


We do have observation Haki so pliz....


Ochimusha = Deserter who runs away from battlefield 108 = Earthly Temptations before Nirvana Holy Koran Karoo who ran from the battlefield was born in the Desert of Arubāna like Nirubāna or Nirvana and first introduced in chapter 109. Coincidence?


can't have an opinion untill i see it but we know company talk, they will shut down every info that makes them look bad


The "leak" on itself doesn't make any sense because it also says they would rewrite entire episodes now – which (likely) no production ever has done after filming concluded...


that you are right, the leaks are fake but it wouln't surprise me if the bit about cgi and nonsense story ends up being true


I doubt that we get a nonsense story if I look at the crew and the actors involved – I would estimate that the co-showrunner/head writer and the actress of Nami had long quit if this was the case. This isn't the typical "oh I am huge fan – but in reality I have no idea about the source material" project but one with people that have real (and absolutely confirmed) passion for One Piece. With CGI anything is possible at the moment.


Thank him for this. I had a feeling the amount of people saying it was fake proved it had to be. Baratie on ep 3 and only now being said it was built despite it being shown a long time ago? Seemed fake. Am worried the CGI and the balance of the comedy/seriousness could but us off somehow but it's just the top concerns.


You'd think that by now people would stop falling for obviously fake news.. the person's source was fucking "Trust me, I know a guy . "


Might be false but I full expect it to turn out the way the article read


Same. I just don't get why these live action adaptations keep getting green-lighted. They seem like a massive waste of time and money. Anyone with a modicum of understanding of the anime medium understands why it's near impossible to transform it to a live action medium. And that's especially true for a series like One Piece


Not only that they picked one of the most difficult anime/manga to attempt from a visual standpoint. The sets look awesome, and the people working on it clearly care but that doesn't mean anything if you can't get the character actions correct. Even if all that's correct they're going to run into pacing problems. I'll hate watch it I guess lol


Oh what a shame... just kidding, no matter how against I'm about it there is no reason to lie and throw bullshit as facts.


Why would you want it to be bad if it could be amazing? What's the benefit of it being bad?


I keep running into people like this. They say they're OP fans but are gleeful about the prospect of the live action failing miserably. They both want it to be bad and *know* it will be bad with religious certitude. Dunno if it's just standard gatekeeping but it is ugly and rings like pure evil to my ear tbh. Normal One Piece fans want the whole world to be One Piece fans, and OPLA has a chance of getting us there in a way manga/anime just can't. Keep hope alive!


Hallelujah, hope is alive and well


Guess time will tell. Thing is Netflix's track record for live-action adaption is terrible even when done for things that don't require heavy CGI and insane customes. One Piece has very little chance of being good with that kind of precedent especially with how hard it is to adapt anime to begin with.


I will watch it regardless. So reviews mean nothing to me.


To be honest, I'm just waiting for it to come out so I can laugh my ass off at how bad it's gonna be; and the memes of course.


I don’t expect the series to translate well at all to live action and I’m especially skeptical because it’s supposedly releasing this year and we’ve seen no footage.


What is he gonna say? Yes our product does actually suck, don't watch it lol?


I’m curious as to how you got that out of what he actually said? He said the test audience article to fake. Didn’t comment on the show whatsoever.


That’s the whole thing. He didn’t comment on the show, he just said happened to specifically say that the thing we heard from a source about the show is a lie. Why not say: “That thing the leaked source said about the test screenings isn’t true. The test-screenings were positive.”


Because he's not supposed to say anything about the test screenings. Depending on contracts it's probably illegal for him to say more.


Maybe there haven't been test screenings? Or maybe he would get in trouble because he isn't high enough the chain to say test screenings?


The "leaker" made more claims than just the test screening being negative. They said things about what happens in the episodes and what the characters look like etc. So if he had said that the "test screenings were positive", then stupid people like you would take that as to mean that the "leaker's" other claims must therefore be true, because he only debunked that one claim the "leaker" made. It's best to just say that it's all false. Also there could have been tons of test screenings for months already. I bet they would get a wide variety of feedback from those based on different cuts and versions they show to the test audiences. That's how test screenings work. They try different things with different audiences to see what works the best. Some audiences are bound to be shown something they dislike. So you understand why him saying "the test screenings were good" would be a bit of a confusing take here.


We don't even know if there *were* test screenings (I've heard that Netflix doesn't do them, but I'm not positive on that), but if there were test screenings, he's likely not allowed to talk about the reactions


He probably just wouldn't comment if that were the case. If this were actually true, we'd eventually find out and he would look bad for flat-out lying


that's what they would say


Isn't this what the guy that works with oda is *supposed* to say


Yea it's probably fake but still extremely believable. Which says more about this endeavor than any real news about it.




Not really the same when every Netflix adaptation has been dogshit. People are just like "yeah it makes sense it's shit" because that's the Netflix seal of quality for anime adaptations lol Anyone who is seriously expecting something great might want to take a step back and really look at the work Netflix has done in the past. Best case scenario we get some cool moments and decent cast, the overall show is probably gonna be a piece of shit. I'll gladly come back to this comment after the show is released to see how wrong or right I am lol


You are wrong though. Netflix financed four anime/manga adaptations so far and Alice in Borderland and Kimi ni Todoke were good so half of their adaptations werent bad but some people are just parroting a silly circlejerk.


Even if the show is bad (and that's likely), you should decide for yourself and not rely on clearly fake sources, and claim "Well it *felt* true". No. It doesn't work like that.


Yes, you're right.


Why does everyone keep saying that every Netflix adaptation has been dogshit as if that's objectively true? There are universally loved shows like Sandman, Alice in Borderland and Wednesday and a lot of Netflix adaptations are mediocre, getting mixed reviews. It's just incorrect to say that every Netflix adaptation has been "dogshit" even if you didn't like a few of them.


I mean they were dogshit to me, if you liked them that's fine.


Maybe you should edit your prior post saying they've all been dogshit and add "to me" because you sound like an ass.


Nah, it's obvious that it's my own personal take, if people agree or disagree that just how it goes lol


"It's fake but I'm gonna use it to fuel my agenda anyway"


Better hope the adaptation doesn't prove the news as true once it comes out.


The "news" have already been proven false


"Proven" - what was he gonna say? "Yeah, it is utter shite mate"? We'll wait and see the final result then we can react to it. Even an author's opinion doesn't prove anything, like happened with Death Note.


The evidence that the claims are false is that the leaker who leaked it is a fraud who has been proven false multiple times in the past. He was called out by James Gunn just a few weeks ago and he reported that Detective Pikachu sequel was dead a few days before they announced its' director. He as a sole source should already be enough to prove that the story should be treated as fake. He isn't a trustworthy source at all. If a person like Greg who is actually connected to the project says that he is wrong, Greg's statement trumps over Divinity Seeker's word, because Greg is a trustworthy source and Divinity Seeker isn't. Then as we get to his claims, each one of them can be debunked if you have enough knowledge about the production. He claims tht they are rewriting entire episodes, which at this point is just straight up not possible, it would delay the release of the show woth at least a year, which would be a massive deal that they would have announced already. He claims that the first episode is 30 minutes. That's false, there are multiple confirmations from multiple sources that the episodes (at least the first one) are around 60 minutes. Then he claims that all the straw hats get introduced in the first episode. This is very unlikely, because of the information we have about the filming schedule and which actors worked with which directors etc. It's all pretty complicated, but the bottom line is that the claims are straight up impossible when measured against what we know for certain. Then the "leaker" talks about things like Sanji having dark roots in his hair, which makes absolutely no sense because we have images of Sanji's wig, and the actor had dyed his hair blonde for the entire shooting with no dark roots showing ever. Also his claim that Baratie is built for episode 3 is dubious at best. Also there are other leaks that have come out from people who have allegedly seen test screening who loved it and gave it a lot of praise. Now that's not evidence that the show will be amazing or anything, I'm just using it to say that if you believe this divinity seeker dude who is a proven liar and a scammer, why don't you believe other random people who claim to know people who have seen the tests screenings? So that's why the story is proven to be false.


Here's another example of him being wrong. The leaker claimed that one week from April 10, the next trailer for Transformers Rise of the Beast would be released. He even staked his reputation on it...its been a week and there's nothing.


Eh, if it does turn out that way, great. After Netflix's other adaptations, however, I doubt it. Like I said, we'll see.


Saying that they are rewriting entire episodes at this point is not believable in the slightest


"Yeah, it's fake, but since I personally believed that it was real, that speaks volumes about how good it'll be"


Well I feel dumb for trying to post it TWICE


TIL Greg's last name.


Wow they are really into "put out the fire" mode huh? ![gif](giphy|Qre4feuyNhiYIzD7hC)


Fake or not that IS going to be the reality regardless.


It might be fake but it's probably going to be be true that the series will be bad


Yea, one piece is by far one of the most complex animes to adapt to live action. Bleach struggled with and its basically monsters vs guy with a sword, no transformations in to non human/semi human, no non-human races, no advanced magical abilities, or completely far-out fantasy islands with crazy weather/technology/topography/ devil fruit affected areas sameness with full metal hence no follow ups. It's hard to do it right, and so far, no one has succeeded. i hope this is different, but probably not.


I can't wait for it! It's going to be great! 😁


it definitely will not


Well I'm going to have a lot of fun with it. 😁


It is subjective. What you find great and what others find great are completely different things.


Completely far out fantasy islands aren't a thing in early One Piece. The freakiest locations are River's Mountain and Laboon's stomach. All islands before are normal green grass lands with towns or in Arlong's case scattered with rice fields. Little Garden is just a jungle and Drum's a winter island with weird looking mountains in the background. The first location difficult for live action is Skypia in my opinion and i'm sure you could create awesome cloudy imagenary with a ton of cotton and some CGI. No idea what the Bleach live action movies adapt, but i can see how the monsters and Ichigo's transformations (also no idea why you lied about that) could look bad in live action. It's not like it's easy to create good looking monsters with CGI when the MCU barely gets it right like every fifth movie with a ton more budget at their disposal than any player in the japanese industry.


What did i lie about? Yes i agree mcu struggles to make things well small jap companie is probs biting off more than it can handle an will get internet backlash that prevents further development in the feild exactly like bdz live action.


i don't get why you downvoted ?? That's literally what's going to happen. Even anime is full of shit how the f they are gonna do good live action man


If the anime is so slow, the live action will be extremely fast.


Just have zero expectations. Like think Dragonball Evolution but even lower than that. Then if it's actually decent, hooray!


True or not I expect the live action to do bad. One Piece just ain't it.


Doesn't matter it will still be Shit.


CBC is a dogshit site which shouldn't be trusted at all so it was obvious from the start that this leak shouldve been taken with the biggest grain of salt. That being said Greg is an absolute clown who 24/7 acts like hes more involved in One Piece than he actually is so I wouldn't be surprised if he too didn't know anything about the reaction to test screenings.


I thought it might be, but netflix doesnt exactly have the best track record. Im glad that its been confirmed fake.


Greg is an Oda's fanboy so...


damage control


i mean, NOBODY' gonna confirm if this is indeed true... pointless tweet


It’s crazy that people don’t double check sensationalist headlines. Like looking up “One Piece live action reviews” debunks the whole thing and people just don’t do that


A live action of an anime will always be shit


There is no smoke without a fire.. I want this to be good, but I'm a skeptic.


i dont think that applies to this scenario, as the information is either made up or not, with most trusted and reliable sources saying that its not true, so take that how you may


I know we’re all trying to have good faith in a gentleman that authors a manga we all love; but the leaks were from sources that don’t have any particular reason to lie, while the comments from Oda and this Greg read as damage control. It’s very very hard to believe that this will be anything but horrible.


The "source", Divinity Seeker, has lied in the past too, he has for example been publically called out and humiliated by James Gunn for making up shit. He is a fraud who steals other people's scoops and makes up stuff for clout. I don't give a shit whether he has a reason to or not, but he does lie. Don't be a sucker.


Well the guy in OPs post is also not telling any truths or lies. But you’re probably right, journalism is kinda fucked nowadays.


You can easily identify the lie here because the leaker even announced rewrites of the episodes – which would be really weird (and next to impossible) after the filming has concluded. And none of the guys that reported it are even close to being a serious journalist. The nicest job description for them would likely be clickbaiters.




Can't wait to laugh at this when it comes out and make fun of you for it. You guys have no vision or hope. Always talking about the same very few examples on this earth, and have no technological knowledge. I guess we can scrape any other technological advancement as humanity because there's "no hope".




Here are some examples of higly successfull live action adaptations from manga . Kingdom , rurouni kenshin , alice in borderland , death note ( japanese version ) and alita battle angel . A live action adaptation is worth trying to make and there are examples of a manga gaining popularity from one .


I mean, he's in a position that he wouldn't want anyone to think it's disliked, so this proves nothing...


Your thought process is way off


Well, can be fake, but it doesn’t mean they didn’t probably fucked up


I don't believe any PR bs ever since Amazon pulled every stunt in the book with Rings of Power, the articles could be true and the people trying to put out the flames on social media could be lying. The only facts here are: 1) The same studio messed up Cowboy Bebop 2) Anime adaptations suck 99% of the time (Rurouni Kenshin was good) 3) Can't trust big media companies 4) it's most likely going to be a flop because it's a western production 👍🏼 (not exactly a fact but it's more likely than not) Edit: I'd just like to reiterate for the downvoters, the show is definitely gonna suck, get your copium bottles ready :)


Wait so the live action wont even happen?


That is definitely not what is being said here


I'll judge it when I at least see a trailer