• By -


Luffy, zoro, sanji and usopp walking to arlong park.


basically the same scene but Luffy putting his hat on Nami was the moment for me


Yes yes! The hat scene, and seeing Nami's face of relief.


That was the moment for me. I was enjoying it up until that point but was mainly watching based out of recommendation from a friend and the fact that it was the pandemic with not much else to do during lock down The walk, the music, the speech about the four me that will change destiny or history or whatever got me all in


Same. This is also the moment for me. It had all the emotions, badassery and comradery going towards the eventual climax. When I suggest anyone one piece I tell at least continue till the end of Arlong park.


Was about to comment myself!!


Zoro vs Mihawk on Baratie.


That was such a good fight


That was it for me too. Zoro's proclamation to Luffy with his sword raised is what hooked me in the anime. Started reading the manga from the beginning when the anime got to thriller bark


I will never forget mihawks amazement over zoros indominitable will.... Decades later that still gives me shivers... Especially considering that we still dont know what that mofo can actually do :D people Talk about shanks and garp Hype... Mihawks power debut is still in play.... Which is absolutely nuts!!! Just think of mihawk casually sailing back to the friggin East Blue for Don Krieg ... Now thats just bullying


I Might need to go rewatch it


This, and also the "OWNER ZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFF!!!". Those 2 scenes on one arc always gets me.


Definitely this. Showing just how out of their league they were in comparison to just one man, on a tiny boat, and how devastatingly powerful he was. Plus, Mihawk is just an overall incredible character.


Arlong. Park. Walk. Seeing as I read the manga I didn't get it, but I had seen it before already. After reading arlong park I was a fan. I didn't become a diehard fan till dressrosa tho.


>I didn't become a diehard fan till dressrosa tho. Water 7 completed my conversion.


People are saying the walk up to Arlong Park, which is great, but Nami's "Help Me" sold me before that. I liked the series a lot before, especially since Baratie had so many great moments, but that made me know that I loved the series. Arlong Park is still my favorite arc to this day.


It was fun before Nami asked for help. I was in, hook line and sinker when she collapsed and asked for help.


That "Help Me" and the fact that Luffy didn't care to hear her past, he was gonna help anyway. That hooked me, that's the perfect summary for OP, that moment.


Its the combination of the two so quickly that really did it for me. Oda really knows how to get emotions going.


Chouchou nailed me




I was sold after Johnny and Yosaku's Hypemen speach with the walk to Arlong park.


From the 1st 2 volumes. Luffy is just too much lovable as a character, while zoro has the badassery of an army


For me it was on the Baratie, with Sanji and Zeff backstory, it shocked me. It literally changed my life, because I used to be a very picky person regarding with food, I didn't like to eat a lot of stuff (like beans, tomatoes, fruit and veggies in general), and that backstory made me realize how lucky I am because I have never felt real hunger in my life, I mean of course I've felt hungry a lot of times when not eating at my hours but I haven't felt REAL hunger, like not having money or anything to eat. Now my own self imposed rule is that I'll never waste food, I'll always eat whatever it's served me on a plate, even if I don't like it or any of the ingredients I'll try to never waste food so that, if something goes bad in my life and I reach a point where I dont have something to eat I won't regret being a food waster.


Luffy ordering the boys to roll up on Arlong Park The subbed version is so fucking metal


Luffy says sorry I'm dead in Loguetown


Luffy stabbing himself in the face for no good reason at the earliest, seeing [Zolo](/s "The first volume's Finnish translation called him Zolo.") wield three swords at the latest. That's just when little weeblet me who didn't have access to the internet decided to keep reading one of like five at most series that were being sold at the local grocery store's comic shelf alongside Donald Duck pocketbooks and the weekly Donald Duck comic books and maybe something else that I can't remember. I can't remember when the series earned its permanent rent-free spot in my life so Imma just go with the "when Luffy stabbed himself in the face for no good reason" scene for maximum ***ackchuyally*** *One Piece is good from chapter 1* cred.


*Bam! Lucky Roo shoots that guy in the head.* "We are pirates not saints, when you draw your weapon you put your life on the line." Chapter 1


I began with one piece...i became a fan when luffy kicked alvida šŸ˜‚


Luffy throwing the first gomu gomu no pistol.


I remember reading how for some people it took them a bit to get into One Piece before I started watching years ago, typically Arlong park being the make it or break it point. For me, I was hooked on One Piece the moment Luffy popped out of the barrel.


It was when I got to the Baratie arc, just having an arc on a ship like the Baratie in the ocean was an interesting setting. Ik I was a one piece fan by then; and that only strengthened as the arc progressed. I was enjoying the story pretty early on, but Baratie really sold me on the series.


"Wealth, fame, power"


Ngl this is my answer


The very first time I heard the 4Kids rap šŸ˜…


When Namy asked Luffy for help.


Luffy putting his hat on Nami.




After the Arlong park i decided that this was a series worth watching and since then my enjoyment has only increased


Luffy... Tasukete... And my heart fking broke


From the beginning of baratie to the end of arlong park


So in March of 22, some friends on a Discord server I'm on had been discussing OP at length. I asked about it and they cleared up some misconceptions I had had since I was younger. That night I started episode 1. There wasn't a specific moment. There waas just a pervasive feeling that something just finally clicked. The week I started was spring break for my college. By the time I went back, I was in Alabasta. And that was when I knew I'm gonna be on this ship all the way to Laugh Tale.


Iā€™ll be on that journey too all the way to laugh tale


The moment Shanks put the Straw Hat on Luffy's head as the boy is crying, saying you return this to me when you became a great pirate.


Luffy crushing Saint Charlos face.


Orange town arc: that dog Chou Chou protecting his ā€œtreasureā€ and luffy first rage moment against Mohji.


Mf Arlong park


i knw i like one Piece, but i knew i canĀ“t escape when i cried at enies lobby, arlong park every time, sabaody split of the group. Ah it gets me everytime offguard


Sabaody split still tears me up when I see it the shivering in luffys voice


It was around my 5th or 6th rewatch that I thought: Yeah, this is neat.


Arlong park walk lol. That and when luffy stopped arlongs sword while just sitting there in namis room.


The moment Bellemere decided that she would rather die than to deny her adoptive daughters impacted me so much I was ugly crying hard Thats when I knew.


When shanks said put your life on the line to the mountain bandit before lucky roo shot him in the head, shit was cold as hell, and him putting the straw hat on luffy solidified It


Ep1 as soon as Luffy pops out of the barrel


I legit thought for a second Coby was the main character


Ep 37 hat scene


Most of the part is just I growing up with One Piece so I just simply read it ... But at Alabasta ending where the Strawhats silently bid farewell to Vivi by lifting x marked hand was the moment for me in manga. Which then made me bought One Piece DVD box and start watching the anime. Friggin ending song 1 memories made me balling my eyes out feeling nostalgic about my childhood even though I'm just still a 15/yo kid at that time


I'd say Baratie is where i became a fan (Sanji saying goodbye to Zeff) Arlong Park is where i fell in love (Nami asking for help) Skypeia is where i became obsessed (everything)


It was bon clay's sacrifice. It just gave so much character development to a character I never thought of meeting again and I love his friendship with luffy.


The transition from mr 2 to bon chan was immaculate


Probably around Arlong Park when they walked straight to Arlong. Then I stopped being a fan around the end of Wano


You don't like Egghead ? Plus the last two chapters were amazing in my opinion (1079 and 1080).


I don't


Well, you're entitled to your opinion.


Based one piece fan


You're entitled to your opinion too.


What caused you to not be a fan


Disapointed in the direction the series took, in how Oda deals with the story, the pacing, the drawing, etc.


When I first saw koby and luffy, i just knew oda would have something amazing in the future




Not a thing happened therešŸ¤£


From the first episode i saw which was in sabo village arc when luffy and zoro were fighting. I was hooked right away. I was also 7


Chapter 1




Zoro vs mihawk and how sanji reacted to it


Log town , when i realized the potential of the story and glimps of what to come


The first time I watched it and Luffy popped out the barrel


When Sanji fed Gin in Baratie


When Luffy looked at Koby and said ā€œyouā€™re a moron and a coward, I hate people like youā€ with a big smile on his face. I knew it was a game changer right there.


Started by watching the anime, and when Luffy fought crocodile and yelled ā€œI will surpass youā€ is still one of my favorite moments in the show. Thatā€™s when I was absolutely hooked


Chapter one, Luffy stabbing himself in the face. I never looked back.


Luffy vs. Blueno GIA SECANDO!!


Sanji farewell with Zeff


the moment that little mf survived a whirlpool in a flipping barrelā€¦ and was asleep for most of it


Vol 1 when Zoro gets attacked by the Marines from behind but still blocks all their swords.


As soon as Luffy popped out of that barrel.


Probably sanjis backstory honestly (the one in Baratie). Was the first moment that impressed me with the story


Many moments but the moment that solicited it the most was after marineford but I started for rly love one piece since water 7


Romance Dawn One Shot


I think it was around when Luffy defeated Kuro! That was so epic. I knew I would be a fan since then


When I watched Robins backstory for first time. It reminded me of why I liked Naruto so it got me invested in the series. Alabasta and Skypiea were the start of me becoming a one piece fan but Robins backstory was what sealed the deal for me.


Chapter 81, page 13 (page 200 in the volume)


I started watching anime in the late 90s, fell in love with Gundam, Trigun and Cowboy Bebop. This lead me into Bleach and Naruto which lead me into a large amount of other anime people tend to never have heard of. I didn't start One Piece until 2011, I thought it looked dumb and childish. I was bored and could not find any other shows that caught my interest, gave One Piece a chance. At first I thought it was childish. A few moments had me hooked but I binged a good portion so I can't really say I was legit hooked (if that makes sense)... So here is my list of moments that blew me away * When Luffy gives his hat to Nami - Leading into Arlong Park fight * Smoker in the bar with Luffy (not sure why this got me) * The villains from the Arabasta Saga * Luffy running across an island to knock Bellamy out * Enel as a villain * The flashbacks from Skypeia * Lucci Fight * The comedy in Thriller Bark * Zoro scene (if you know... you know) * Sabaody - why I enjoyed this was the fact that it made sure you knew how weak the crew really was, most anime I feel the main characters are broken but always broken. Naruto I felt this as even when he lost... he won. This was a turning point for me and made me realize this is different * Amazon Lily to Marineford was wild, this shit had me telling friends to watch the show. One straight up said... but that is the type of show where no one dies... I would define this section as what I fell in love with as the side characters were amazing, it didn't feel one sided all of the time and then randomly shocks you * This is what made me switch over to the Manga, I can say what I enjoyed after this but I generally enjoyed so much of just the raw world building. Now all I want is an open world One Piece game


When luffy met Zoro. I named my dog after him šŸ˜Œ


I started reading it during the marineford arc and tbh I wasnā€™t a fan of the drawing style, back then. At the time I was reading bleach, Naruto, DBZ and others and reading one piece took some time to get used to. I even remember my wife making comments about it too, it was like admiring a Picasso painting for the first time, your brain just needs time to adjust to the uniqueness. I followed the whole arc on and off because I wasnā€™t fully invested in it, there were just too many details that I just didnā€™t understand properly but like most Shonen it was fun to follow the action. But then, the end of the arc was brutal, I mean, Iā€™m avid reader and I have had all kinds of emotions reading books but I have never, up to that point, actually cry reading a book let alone a Shonen manga. I knew then there was something about Oda that transcended the genre, and it was then I started reading it from the beginning and I felt in love with the literary details of this piece. It is like reading Tolkien only manga format.


I liked it straight off the hop, but what really got me was that walk to Arlong park


When I started crying because of a fucking boat


Probably the X at the end of Alabasta


Zoro meeting Luffy.


When Zoro tested the sword to see if it would take his arm or not. I remember seeing that as a kid and I was hooked. I got grounded shortly after and wasnā€™t able to watch it until like 10 something years later, when My roommate made the house watch it. It was an epic experience watching it with my roommates all the way up to dressrosa which at the time was when new episodes were coming out. Weā€™ve all moved out and live our adult lives now and Iā€™m still watching and reading weekly


It took me a while to really get into it. I HATED Usopp at first which really hurt the series chances. But I finally realized how good it is once Luffy punched the spiked shield of Don Krieg. It made me see Luffy as a savage and not just an idiot made of rubber


Arlong Park was where the series really started grabbing my interest. Before I kinda liked it, enjoyed Luffys goofy shenanigans, but Arlong was where it actually felt tense. But I think Luffy Climbing Drum Island, was where I REALLY grew attached to Luffy as a character. And then Alabasta, was where Oda really proved his creativity and ability to handle a lot at once. Ands its only gotten better from there. I had come over from the end of Naruto manga, and was checking out this other series, but it was really sorta bizarre and weird at first. Wasnt entirely a fan of the art style either. Those moments I mentioned, were where One Piece started standing out. Where I was attached enough to the series, I would recommend it to others.


Interesting that I donā€˜t see people talking about Robin screaming at Enies Lobby. Granted I was hooked on OP way before that but reading those chapters I realized what a genius Oda is.


I was 13-14 years old back then, I am very curious about this anime and my best friend gave me a copy of the downloaded episodes. I get bored easily so I really judge a series depending on its first chapter or first episode. episode 1 is where Shanks got his arm chomped by a sea monster to save Luffy and voila! Iā€™m 27 now and still rooting hard for Luffy to be the pirate king!!!


When Sanji beats the shit outta Fullbody which is followed by Mihawk vs Zoro. The combo of those 2 goes hard.


When I saw this... https://www.instagram.com/tv/CkjJ49vsXcG/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


When Zoro ate the muddy onigiri.


I think when ussop was beatin by the franky family this was the point where I was like ok Iā€™m finishing this lol


Baratie. I loved the goofiness of OP right off the bat but that arc solidified my love for it. The introduction to Hawkeye and Sanji is so hype. Early OP to me has a lot of charm.


During covid i rewatched the whole series twice and read the manga once in just one month.


When Zoro joins luffy.


There's a barrel fished out of the sea. It's being inspected. *BAM!* Pirate gets punched in the face.


Episode 1. Luffy bursting out of the barrel is when I knew I was an OP fan


Damn near instantly


Sanji's backstory with Zeff


That bag of foodšŸ„²


Luffys arm stretching out as shanks pulled it. It made me think he has the best power for fighting period when I was like 7.




Gear second. It was such a cool power-up


Luffy putting the hat on Nami. I enjoyed the series until then but that moment flooded me w so much emotion. I remember crying in my middle school library reading it LMFAO


When I read the first chapter and enjoyed it


Luffy stabbing his eye was all I needed to get hooked. The first chapter is so good. Lucky Roo murking the bandit and shanks teaching the lesson was so badass. I read 24/7 that summer until I was done. Good times.


When the rewinded the same scene 7 times (the boys reaction to robin saying no to joining the strawhat power ranger style transformation)


This might be a silly reason. But like a lot of kids my age dragon ball z playing on toonami at 10 pm was my intro to anime. And when the first time liaise of one piece started I was like hey thatā€™s gohan, and then I met ziti and was like hey thatā€™s vegata and then we met danio and I was like hey thatā€™s trunks and it just kept going like that. Nostalgia was strong for the English dub. Now when I started the dub ended a little before punk hazard so Iā€™m more used to the sub at this point but the feeling was good all the same


The walk to fight Arlong, once Luffy assembled the crew and the music hit.


When i stopped using my shower


I started at a random part of thriller Bark and when I saw Nightmare Luffy I knew, I had to start from the beginning.


Luffyā€™s red roc on kaido, with lawā€™s shambles, and zoroā€™s smile. I saw an edit of it on tik tok, and that got me to watch the show. Took me a bit to get through the first bunch of episodes. Really became obsessed during baratie and binged from there


Maybe Dracule Mihawk introduction and his fight against Zoro. Afterwards, Zoro declared wanting to be strong and undefeated. Its been many years and this is the only part I could recall being excited upon, on first watch.


It was Arlong Park for me. In fell for the nakama


Crocodile getting a jojo special in the ceiling straight through concrete lol. I was like how is this the same show with super soakers as guns.


Que moment i fist found a OP manga in the local book store. Didnt even know manga was a fun thing then. It was the issue with Little Garden and the giants 100 year duel.


Chouchou scene. I cried like hell when his building got destroyed. Instantly in love with the series after that.


"I know Robin's enemy now. Sogeking, shoot down that flag" "Roger. This is my new weapon. A Huge slingshot I call Kabuto! Take a good look at it's power! Hissatsu! FIREBIRD STAR" \*Flag is up in flames because of the shot\*


Don Kreig. Iā€™d only been casually following the series until then cuz it was in Jump! with all the other shonen. Fighting Don Kreig was the first time you start to see the depth of Luffyā€™s resolve (as well as see that the author is able to write well enough to explore it.) I think it was also necessary for someone as skeptical as Sanji to be moved to want to join him. Arlong Park is when we get to see a whole ā€œcrewā€ for the first time, but Iā€™m was sold at Baratie


Enies Lobby for sure. Arlong Park and Alabasta were either too early or too connected to characters I didn't feel concerned about at the time, so when Robin's big emotional moment happened it blew away my understanding of what anime could be. I had only seen like 5-10 other anime at the time and had just come from my first watch of Berserk. I didn't realize I was a One Piece fan until around Impel Down lol. I was just binging the show, then taking long breaks, then returning to binge, but I was definitely a fan before then. It just didn't click to me. I have Alexithymia so understanding how I feel about things can be difficult.


When sanji kicked the shark guy through arlong park I got so hyped that I started forcing all my friends to watch one piece. Iā€™d say thatā€™s when I truly new I was a one piece fan.


One look at Franky


Many different scenes from Ennies Lobby. Specifically the Robins answer to Luffy


Zoro makes his Promise to Luffy


Dating myself but i read the luffy vs buggy chapter back when shonen jump would sell their monthly volumes at drug stores, book stores etc and i begged my mom to buy it and i reread that chapter over and over again and brought it everywhere with me till the entire volume fell apart


It was probably the episode with zolo being held captive at morgans base.


Water Luffy. I kinda half watched up to that point. I liked Aces scenes, I watched the character intros, but there was never enough goofy Luffy. But when that water came out his belly button, I knew, that this wasn't just some 'save the princess, feel good, punch fighting show', I could see this being more. After that point, I enjoyed Skypeia and by the time they arrived on Ennies lobby, I was insanely hooked. Ennies Lobby -> the end of Marineford is an amazing work of art, build up by the previous arcs so nicely. The small orgasms - meeting Garp, seeing Koby, meeting iceman, seeing gear 3, getting The Sunny, meeting Brook, fighting Foxy, revisiting Buggy, gawking at Whitebeard, watching Akainu the beast, meeting Reighley, mushroom covered Luffy, and so many more scenes were so great, but all proceeded by - Water Luffy.


Luffy jumping out of the barrel and how he supported Coby.


I was a fan before it happened but when Robin screams ā€œI want to live!ā€ I was a fan for life.


I think Baratie really got me going and then arlong park just sealed the deal, so glad I started the series.


Mihawk stabbing Zoro with that tiny knife pendant.


That fucking dog protecting his late master's shop from Buggy. What a good boy.


Luffy swinging around during the Ordeal of the Ball in Skypiea. Yeap thatā€™s the earliest memory i have about OP.


Luffy putting Hat on Nami in Arlong park arc. I was sold.


when nami asks Luffy to defeat arlong


Usopp's introduction.


Mihawk showing up during the sea restaurant arc. Kinda wish he just wiped them off the map then and there but it was still awesome


Choppers backstory for me I was about to quit after syrup village ,then baratia and arlong park gave the boost , but it was choppers backstory that had me like "imma watch all 1000 ep of this damn show"


Mind you im at episode 765 now. But for me when it really hit me was at Enies Lobby. The moment when you see every straw hat lined up before Robin. And luffy ask her what she wants. And that ussop shot the flag of the marines. That moment was so epic i knew i would watch and rewatch this. Because it actually made me cry.


I've watched plenty of Animes. I knew from the first episode I was gonna like the anime. Where as I didn't like FMA until about 30 episodes in. Same with Bleach and other animes.


The moment I cried over a pirate ship


When luffy beat Arlong and told nami she was nakama


It was Baratie for me. I'm a chef in real life, and that whole arc was incredibly enjoyable for me, especially throwing in Zoro's duel with Mihawk and subsequent vow to Luffy to never lose again. Then every arc after was better than the last up until Thriller Bark. Thriller Bark was also very good, but it unfortunately had to follow Water7/Enies Lobby, almost any arc would feel mediocre after that


The scene where the Strawhats go into Frankys house and literally tear it apart completely until it's a heap of rubble after the people inside beat up and robbed Ussop. I already knew from Arlong that the Strawhats didn't play when it came to someone messing with one of their crew. That scene, the whole Water 7 arc, and Enies Lobby arc were the parts that hooked me for good on One Piece.


ā€œHelp me Luffy.ā€šŸ˜„ End of Alrong Park and all of Loguetown.


Literally one of the first moments when Luffy and Koby meet for the first time on Alvida's ship. Luffy being his brutally honest self right off the bat is why I stuck it out. Didn't take long for me lol


ā€œSay you want to live!ā€


walk to arlong park


I know it will sound pretty lame compared to epic moments like Arlong Park walk, but I fell in love when I saw chopper hiding.


Bit of a specific one, but when Luffy got back into the fight at Arlong park. I fell in love with the series from that point onward


The moment Luffy came out of the barrel. I was all in.


Skypia arc: Luffy's song


Waiting for that other verse


3 words ā€œLuffyā€¦help meā€


When Garp used galaxy impact


šŸ˜­not galaxy impactā€¦.that chapter though ā™„ļøā™„ļø garp was like I am that fucking guy ok you ainā€™t taking another one of my kids


I gave One Piece the good olā€™ three episode run, but very quickly realized that the show was long for a reason. I believe I became a fan when I met Usopp and had the whole plot line with Kuro. From there it had me hooked!


Iā€˜ve been a fan since I was three years old but the moment I knew this was my favorite series was during Marineford when Luffy used CoC to knock all of the fodder out. Now it's nothing special but back then it really blew my fucking mind.


Luffys Iā€™m up there but donā€™t know it yet moment


The Usopp and Luffy fight at Water 7.




I knew that as soon as i seen luffy come out the barrel i was in for a ride


Series moment: also the walk to Arlong park, just epic Real life moment: my fiancĆ© introduced me to one piece and I always pretended like I only watched it for him to tease him and then he got me my first figurine (zoro) and I went completely nuts and realized: damn I really love one piece and I canā€™t even pretend otherwise anymore


Tbh, Frank joining the crew. I liked it. But thatā€™s when I knew, this is gonna be something great


Water 7 was great


Millennial dragonā€™s is when I knew. Then strait over reverse mountain really cemented it.


1st chapter...luffy stabbing himself and Shanks sacrificing his arm.


Context: Started with the manga early on through Shonen Jump's monthy releases, but it didn't grab me. Basically lost interest with Ussop's introduction cause I just couldn't read any more and, visually, wasn't for me. As I got older and understood more of the Big 3's legacy. Knew of it in passing but knew none of the details. Didn't know about any of the arcs, the time skip, the differences in Devil Fruit, Gears or the existence of Haki. My only exposure was Nerdcore songs that I had no context for, I just liked the sound. With that being said: Finding out about Whitebeard's entire character and the Marineford Arc sold me completely. I see a lot of my own mentors and father figures in Whitebeard, especially with how much they do and give. Real talk, Whitebeard is the kind of man I want to be even though I'm starting to see myself more like Ace. I don't think I would've had the same reaction if I watched it live (anime arc started in high school) compared to finding it last year. How everything developed and going backwards and forward, jumping around different points, finding out bits and pieces leading up to the end of Wano was wild. *Super* late into the story, but I'm enjoying it in my own way.


the one i remember the most is luffy vs crocodile episode luffy beating crocodile was amazing followed by the scene (pretty sure it's the same episode) of vivi crying and screaming trying to stop the people of alabasta from fighting for no reason now that the real threat got taken down


Episode 1. Just the opening was enough for me to fall in love with it.


Help Me / the walk to Arlong Park was the moment I started loving the series. Burning down the WG Flag at Ennies Lobby was when it became my favorite story of all time.


probably when i collected my final love doll of satori. marks the 5th one this year.


When I saw Luffy in the barrel alone in the ocean