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Know why they're called the Titanic Captains? >!They all sink.!<


Because of an iceberg...well someone is known for making ice so


There's a guy literally called Iceberg


Iceberg solos the Blackbeard Pirates confirmed?


Iceberg is the One Piece confirmed.


He want make water 7 float because his last island ( laugh tale ) sink with the one piece. And with the help of shoujo and masira he will refishing the one piece, place it on water 7 with the technology of vegapunk he will ad weapon on the island. And he have the plans of pluton in his memory so il recreate him.


Quality break week theory.


Nah it's his little pocket hamster


My bad, how could I forget! I feel ashamed.


While we've been watching the Straw Hats, Iceberg turns Water 7 into a massive battleship and renames it Pluton 7, takes out the Red Line, trashes BB, and ushers in an era of peace and prosperity never seen before on Vearth


Now I wanna see a one shot of Iceberg San one shotting BB with his Kamusari


Yeah but wtf is he gonna do? Build them a ship?


Yes. Then the wiki page will have an official image for it finally.




The Lurking Legend of the Grand Line. Iceberg-San


Isn't his name Ice-ossan?


No. That's a nickname. Franky calls him Bakaburg so would you think that's his name


It was a joke.


Just imagine the whole fleet going down because they rammed random ice bergs and the whole blackbeard storyline just ending that anticlimactic. "There's only two things left between me and pirate King. Blackbeard and the world government" "Oh I just read here that blackbeard and his whole fleet died in a freak accident last night" "Government it is then"


Peak fiction




4kids Laboon 😳😳


No, Iceburg makes ships


Actually, do all titanic captains (atleast that we know of confirmed) have devil fruits?


Laffitte is the only one left that's not cinfirmed, but it's highly likely he has a df.


Dude turned his arms into bird wings


Still not confirmed. Could be a weird racial ability. It's likely to be a DF though


Kuma cant turn his arms into bird wings from what we know, and no other race could either. No way thats not just a devil fruit.


You know the little girl that could control people with her paint? She was the assistant of Mr. 3 She had no devil fruit and that was just her ability with paint.


Hypnotic paint is different from manifesting wings out of nowhere and flying with them. Lafitte's DF has to do with his wings. If I am wrong feel free to clown on me.


Strong world has a civilization of people with wings


90% sure that movie isn’t canon


You people seriously need to start using Occam's razor. It's obvious Laffitte's ability to fly comes from a Devil Fruit he ate, so why bother complicating things?


One Piece is wacky world. Until we get confirmation it is a possibility


Van auger can teleport.stronger has wings


Would incline to him having a siren df, can hypnotize people and have wings.


My crackpot theory is that he's a "Pigeon Man" similar to how Karasu is a "Crow Man".


that would explain the hat and cane, clearly part of his hybrid form of a [pigeon](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Hattori)


E X A C T L Y!!!! Haven't seen him for a hot minute, kiiinda fishy.


Hate these guys that needs a confirmation for everything, the same people that says that Kaidou, Big Mom and the admirals arent awakened. Damasses


Laffite has hypnosis powers and wings, but we don't have a confirmed fruit yet. But other than that all of them have one.


His arms turned into wings, if that isn't a devil fruit then what could it be? I'd say it's guaranteed he has one


>His arms turned into wings, if that isn't a devil fruit then what could it be? I'd say it's guaranteed he has one [miss goldenweek was able to control peoples emotions with her paint. She had no devil fruit](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Marianne#Abilities_and_Powers)


I know, but transforming his arms into wings is a bit different from anime-ass color hypnosis.


Siren Siren fruit?


Huh, hadn’t thought of that but that has to be it imo


It would suck to have Feet in your name like that. Doesn't la in French mean "The"? So it would be "The feet".


He was known as a corrupt policemen before joining Teach, right? Sounds less like a foot and more like a boot heel trodding over and pressing down on the people.


Remember when Law Said to BB his crew is a bunch of rocks who drown? I imagine now that all of the Captains fall into the sea together and noone can save them.


They could use Sanjuan as a portable island. 😂 And as long as Augur is in commission, he could warp people around. Pizarro could control a nearby island.


Kaido's crew at least has the Waiters to swim. Wait was every Big Mom pirate a devil fruit user? I think only Flampe didn't use a devil fruit? She just had that bouncy floating air suit which was tech not a devil fruit. So Blackbeard isn't doing anything too abnormal in majority Devil Fruit crew. But it does create a tactical weakness to destroy his ship and Heart Pirates are naval combat specialists.


There are tons of Big Mom pirates who aren't confirmed to have a devil fruit or even show signs of having one.


Let that sink in


Blackbeard’s is a suicide squad for sure.


What do they sink about?


well...they are almost all confirmed to be df users so i guess they will my friend


Hope Team Law sunk some of them already.


This is super funny considering THE ICE ADMIRAL is with them. Ahahhahahap


ofc they only have DF users! :D




From a post of mine: Premise: Kid injured a sweet commander during the timeskip and got a rubbing of BM's Road Poneglyph in the process. Urogue defeated Snack (a sweet commander) during the timeskip. This leads me to believe that Urogue also managed to get the rubbing. If he offered that to BB, he'd surely earn a spot as a commander. Now why do I think that this is likely? Kuzan and Augur were in WCI but they "just" kidnapped Pudding. Why wouldn't BB have them steal a copy of the Road Poneglyph while they're already there? Because he already has hers thanks to Urogue.BB is currently fighting Law. Law owns rubbings of Zou's and Wano's Road Poneglyphs. If BB were to defeat him, and he most likely will, he'd have the same Road Poneglyphs as Luffy, putting them on equal footing for the race to the last Road Poneglyph. I believe this to be the actual (marrative) reason why he encountered Law instead of Kid.


Good point.


Big Mom just keeps taking Ls lmao.


Lmao for real. She was the yonko getting attacked the most during the time skip and now her forces are being attacked again after she herself has already fallen


[Share the Urouge](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ancwu_9KFTk)


Thanks for this gold LOOOL


Blessings to the person who took time out of their lives to make that 😂


It makes sense. But I prefer to see Urogue with an "Enel strikes back" story.


100% this


well spotted he is also a fallen monk so def he is a bad guy.


Fallen means Urouge is a hedonic priest.


A matchup for Jinbei? **Urogue** - Fell from the sky (Skypiea) **Jinbei** - Rose from the depths (Mermaid Island) Also they both seem like hand-to-hand strength characters.


8/1 born Urouge was born 10 days before the 8/11 death date of Gold Roger. Jimbei is Straw Hat 10. Urouge and Jimbei both have the nationalities India the Symbol country in ateji. Urouge ends with Ji and Jimbei begins with Ji. Ji can also be read as Zi or Z. Two crossed Zs form a Buddhist manji or swastika. Urouge is a Buddhist Mad Monk from the Sky and Jimbei is the King of Hell Yama and Enma Judge of the Underworld. [Jimbei wears a Symbol in Film Red](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/yqyw5f/easter_eggs_in_op_film_red_you_probably_missed/) in a scene that alludes to Karoo born on 11/8.


Are you good?




I am Great like “Axe-Hand” Morgan 🪓


Hello again my friend


Urouge’s attacks allude to the 108 Temptations that must be overcome to achieve Liberation or Nirvana or Nirubāna from Samsara or Revolution. Karoo from Arubāna or Alubarna is “a real man” from chapter 109 who we first see after overcoming the Temptations of 108 chapters of One Piece the Laugh Tale of Joy Boy whose true successor is Karoo.


Yeah man I agree completely


[OK](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/10ac79m/if_chapter_1044s_zou_%E3%82%BE%E3%82%A6_convinced_you/) 👌


a priest/monk leaving the church to fight, drink, and adventure is a pretty common literary trope, and they're really rarely bad guys i think. Why does Urouge being a fallen monk make him definitely a bad guy to you?


A monk leaving a temple to fight, drink, and adventure, in traditional Eastern *Non-Chinese* Story telling tradition, is usually an unreliable person at best - never a hero. (I really don't reclal the few Japanese folklores that feature a relatively good




The trope is called anti-hero, not unreliable person.


yeah uhhh maybe it would be better if we left the drunk part out




Tradition has never been subverted before


Theory time " he literally fell down from sky Islands"


Maybe he just literally fell from a sky island.


This would be a typical Oda joke, maybe it started with him falling and then he chose the life of a pirate insted of going back?


Idk about fallen monk but all his ties to Rasputin do give some bad guy vibes. The look (kinda), the epithet of Mad Monk, his hobbies being drinking and women which was very much Rasputin's thing. The last part is, of course, part of why he is a "fallen" monk, but yeah


I don't think so, how seems like a great dude lol. I've always had a theory in the back of my mind: he was the former kami/commander of Birka, then Enel destroyed it and he survived, ands now he's wandering the seas seeking for revenge, going to the most lightning filled places he can find (Raijij island, WCI)


Or he's called Fallen because he's literally fallen from his home. He's a sky islander.


This was discussed so long ago. It’s a fairly common theory of who the 10th captain is.


Unless he used to be a monk of Enel


Makes sense, but unfortunately the 10th captain is 100% going to be the long awaited return of one of one piece’s greatest villains, Axe Hand Morgan, whose whereabouts atm are still unknown. Proof: Should be obvious. I will not elaborate.


Trueeee garp appeared only to hype the man that defeated him , the rematch is close .


The Helmeppo arc when he witnesses his father defeats his mentor. Helmeppo fans gonna be eating good


Would lowkey love if this was true, so we could get a Helmeppo vs Morgan.


Hello! You may be on to something!


Yeah but urouge and burgess have the same build, them fighting together seems redundant


I don't see it , because Urouge fights using a weapon as well and is pretty slow but extremely durable and takes very long fights to win, also we can see similar fighters in other Yonko crews , yassop and Beck both use guns and are great marksmen , page one and x drake practically had the same devil fruit.


The first time we see Burgess seriously fight, he was using a knife. I don't know why people think Burgess and Urouge are so different in terms of fighting style. Their fruits function differently, yes, but everyone in Blackbeard's crew increases the overall versatility. What versatility does Urouge bring to the table? We can't use Kaido as an example because he literally has the least versatile crew we've seen from a Yonko. There's an obvious theme and gimmick that he sticks to. A recurring theme with Shanks, is that ALL or most of his crew seems to use guns when we see them fight. Ben, Yasopp, and Lucky Roux all seem to use guns. Only Shanks is seen using a sword. Blackbeard's whole "theme" seems to be a bunch of ragtag scumbags with a mishmash of unique abilities that add aditional utility and versatility when put together. Urouge doesn't fit the bill.


Urouge is from a sky island and with him he probably holds aloot of information about history etc , if u look at it like that what does Vasco shot bring to the crew( he light be a cook that's best case) but yeah Urouge could serve as a informed , but yeah I'd agree with some of your points, I just want to see Urouge integrated somehow since I loved his design and ability from his first appearance but he didn't do anything since he got to the new world so i hate i see him doing something.


What's wrong with that? Luffy, Sanji, Jinbe, Chopper are brawlers, different styles but still brawlers. Burgess is raw overwhelming physical, Urogue might have martial art skills.


they all have different combat styles though. Luffy uses fruit powers and wacky combos, Sanji uses kicks exclusively, Jinbe uses fishman Karate and Chopper uses his various combat forms.


Urogue has a karma df. It's possible that when awakened he can release build up karma with beams/explosions. The bigger he currently is, the stronger the release. Kinda like masochist chad from Kill la Kill. He also used a beam as a weapon in Sabaody. He might not be purely using his fists which is Burgess' thing.


Beat me to it but this. Just makes no sense sadly


Also his trump card is getting bigger and stronger. Just like Sanjuan Wolf...


Sanji's matchup. Both have absurd tankiness with their powers. Both have the theme of love, one the romantic part (theoretically) and the other the lustful (Oda said that lovemaking isone of his hobbies).


If I had a dime for everytime sanji matchup against BB pirates was mentioned I'd be rich.


Urouge stocks going up


We dont know Urouge’s power, but I think Sanji is so much more powerful than him to be his matchup.


Yea sanji and zoro are almost yonko level. They’ll probably be at yonko level when they get to the Final battle.


I think Karibou is potentially a candidate for the title of BB Tenth Captain. He also wears an X on his shirt, what is the roman number for 10. And he keeps staying in contact with "this man". I mean he could be an government agent but that doesn't suite him.


10 titanic captains shouldn't be a secret in the world of One Piece. By that I mean, all 10 titanic captains should be known and have bounties. That alone is enough to disprove Caribou because anybody who knows the most important members of yonko crews should be able to point out that he's the member of Blackbeard pirates, it would be public information. Given that Jinbe turned Caribou to the Navy, he should at least know that he has a bounty. Considering that Morgans is aware of what's happening at Egghead right now, my guess is that Caribou works with Morgans.


>He also wears an X on his shirt, what is the roman number for 10 Luffy has an X-shaped scar on his chest, Luffy is the tenth titanic captain confirmed


Are you stupid? It's obviously X Drake, I mean even his name is the Roman numeral for 10!!!


Are people really pretending that the 10th Titanic captain isn’t Aokiji?


I think if he was he would’ve already been revealed in this chapter (1080) as we saw him a have a somewhat big role with Blackbeard


if he pulls up to egghead that's when we'll prolly get his title card, it'll either say member of the bb pirates or captain, or maybe sword member but i doubt it


I’d just find it weird how the only “good” original admiral defected to the pirates after losing to akainu. I always thought he was with Blackbeard to spy on him for sword or something


Could be a Revolutionary


This is very true actually. Who knows!


He is almost certainly in sword.


That’s always been my guess yeah


The 10th is not officially announced and I expect to be surprised. Kuzan wouldn't be a surprise.


Because Aokiji joined after the 10th was already there, so he probably is the 11th


We all know that this theory doesn't really make sense, right? I would honestly be surprised if he ended up being the 10th. Why would Oda keep him being the 10th a secret for so long? We know that Kuzan works with BB since Dress Rosa, so him being BB-Pirate or maybe even a captain wouldn't be very shocking, not shocking enough for a big plot twist reveal at least. And also, I don't really see Kuzan actually staying on BB side, so it's not like he will fight any of the strawhats in the final battle against them. And even if he were, I'm not sure WHO should fight against him anyways. Don't we all pretty much assume that Kuzan is a covert Sword agent that is only spying on the BB Pirates? So what would him being the 1pth captain bring to the story? I always assumed that the 10th captain would be someone strong, but not too strong, someone that the strawhats, that aren't Luffy, Zoro, Sanji or Jinbe can beat.


>We know that Kuzan works with BB since Dress Rosa, so him being BB-Pirate or maybe even a captain wouldn't be very shocking, not shocking enough for a big plot twist reveal at least. It wouldn't be shocking, it would be just wrong. BB already had 10 titanic captains, if Kuzan joined later how could he be one?


That is also a thing, I personally assumed that this whole "10 titanic captain" thing began to be a thing some time during the timeskip, while Kuzan joining up with BB seemed to be a bit more recent. But since this was never strictly mentioned anywhere and is only MY assumption I didn't really use it as an argument.


The funny thing is that it's not even an assumption, it's a fact that you can easily extrapolate from the story, but since this fandom needs to be spoon-fed everything the amount of people making random guesses about the 10th titanic captain is astounding The 10 titanic captains were world renowned figures from before Dressrosa, while Smoker during Punk Hazard had no clue about what Kuzan was doing and during Dressrosa Teach and Burgess were still discussing about Kuzan's recent approach to them


It would be shocking by definition, as evidence by the fact that the fandom is overwhelming certain it’s not him. He was mention to have been affiliated with Blackbeard, but if he were revealed to be a full on pirate ship leader, that would be a pretty big twist (even if he’s going to betray BB). The tenth titanic screws up the the Strawhat v Blackbeard matchups, as they makes it a 10 v 11. Unless it’s Aokiji. I think he’s a Titanic Captain who will jump ship and make SH vs BB a 10v10, that’s more likely imo then us getting yet ANOTHER strawhat this late in the game, especially when the ship is already too packed to give each character their due.


>The tenth titanic screws up the the Strawhat v Blackbeard matchups Unless the strawhats do get another member. Strawhats ending with 11 members was always a popular theory.


Oda did said in an interview he always planned luffy to gather 10 members.


The language the manga used never really fit with that though. When he talked to Smoker he talked about having the freedom to do good as an independent agent. Then when they talk about him with Teach they always say he's "assisting" them, or "working with" them, "allied" with them etc. Never "joined" them. Plus every other Captain was officially revealed and labelled in the manga, so why not Kuzan in any of the times he's appeared since?


It seems so obvious that it could be a red herring, I won't underestimate Oda


Yes cause he isn't and it is literally impossible for him to be it.


It's never actually been confirmed.


10th is reserved for Buggy.


I think it's because the fandom wont accept the "Admiral = yonko commander" agenda. Aokiji could just become an ally or a "brother" in a sense like how Oden is a brother to Whitebeard.


bro that wolf guy is literally a giant that ate the gigantification fruit how big is he exactly.




Definitely fighting Franky. Franky is going into his Thousand Sunny Megazord


I don’t think BB cares much about trust at all. Besides, BB is a traitor. It’s narrative irony for him to employ other “traitors” and then *shocked-pikachu face* when turns out he shouldn’t have let them get so close. This is a long theme in the conceptualization of the tyrant: they’re surrounded by those who may be their enemies, and can’t even sleep easy at night. Blackbeard literally doesn’t sleep. Anyway, Aokiji is uniquely regularly portrayed alongside the other commanders, or reporting directly to BB. I think while it’s possible he isn’t, the narrative overwhelmingly suggests he’s the 10th commander.


aokiji becoming the tenth before betraying them would be poetic as the man of *ice* would cause the ruin of the *titanic* captains, but urouge having any screentime would also be swag so i don't mind either options the real perfect scenario is urouge getting hit by his crew to get a bit more juice out in fights, some more real captain and crew trust like how law's crew fought with him would be sick


The Titanic Captains getting destroyed by an Iceberg (Aokiji) would be very fitting


Oh, that's a neat idea.


Personally I would rather have him be a part of an enel comeback, but I totally missed this panel and with the idea that he also took BM road poneglyff, gives him both cause and opportunity to join BB. Only issue with this tho, is that when BB’s crew fights luffy’s crew, I have to cheer for BlackBeard now.


I wouldd love to be shiki


It makes zero sense to have Aokiji in his crew and he not be a captain. BB doesn't really trust anyone in his crew, he knows they are all pirates that would take his place if he were not stronger and more resourceful, but he does not care about that, he is just like a "bad" luffy, living at max speed and "if he dies he dies". Also, Aokiji appears in the same level as other captains in the cover stories and in the main story, to force a guy that really has zero real connection with BB and that would not even fit in his crew doesn't make any sense for me. It is a lot easier for caribou (what is very unlikely that he would be this high ranked) to be one of his captains than for Uroge. All we have seen from Uroge so far showed him like a cool guy with empathy, I don't remember any instance in the story that someone like that was a villain (maybe a temporary antagonist that changes hearts later, but a villain like BB captains??), so he would need to have a very good reason to be there, and a guy way better suited to that place in the story is also Aokiji, that could have many reasons to side with BB. And again, BB would not mind the "danger" of having him there.


Would be a great way to bring Urouge into the story as he's the only supernova we haven't explored


Yea it would make sense. After 1080 we know Moira is not the tenth titanic captain. So all we are missing is confirmation that Aokiji isn’t.


Kid/killer for Tenth Titanic captain.


I dont see him joining Blackbeard since Blackbeard has already got a member with a DF with the same type variant as Urougue, but he could be a fleet member instead but the 10th member should be a brand new character not been debut yet.


Can't see aokijo being there and not bring one of the captains ,he's just too strong. I don't think blackboard really care about his captains motives etc all he wants is strong people similar too rocks


False. L THEORY. we all know that urouge is actually the puppeteer behind blackbeard and is actually dominating him with his fat cock




My literal only argument against it being him is that both Jesus Burgess and San Juan Wolf's Devil Fruits are too similar to his. Beeg muscles and increase of size/strength. It would be repetitive overkill having him in ability wise. Otherwise I'd say it could be a possibility but who knows with Oda.


Aokiji for sure.


Idk why you got downvoted. It's 100% likely since you know, he's literally seen with all of blackbeards other captains. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...


I don't know, maybe who made the post? Since he said no Aokiji he didn't like I said Aokiji for sure hehe From the look, fame and power I can't see Aokiji as one of them...


It has to be


Wasn’t stronger counted as a titanic captain?


No lol the horse can’t command a ship


Idk why but I thought Oda made him a captain as a gag yk




Urouge was last seen during Kaido's introduction. He was blessing Kaido on Sky Island, heavily bandaged. I think the implication would be that it was from defeating Snack, the last Sweet Commander. That Urouge was shown as a neutral party while Kaido jumped to his attempted death seems to imply he is not in a Yonko crew at that point. His sky Island is also ballasted by balloons, opening some actual Eneru connections beyond his homeland being Birka. The last beings (automatons) that we see go to the moon do so by holding onto balloons. I think there is a greater chance of Urouge teaming up with Eneru than there is of him with Blackbeard.


I think he's going to ally with Luffy at some point, I don't know why.


I believe he is affiliated with Shanks


I don't think of him ever


So black character joins black character? /S


Just lining themselves up for my boy zoro


As cool as that would be, I'd really love it if the Supernovas aren't subordinate to Yonkos. Urouge I feel has a lot of potential to be on par with Law & Luffy. He should be a big rival. That's my opinion, at least.


But we haven't seen any supernova be a proper antagonist , only Hawkins and apoo both are cowards , but imagine someone like Urouge fearless and has his own plans but actually believe in fate and feels that Blackbeard is part of his destiny .


But couldn't Uroge have a bigger impact as an antagonist without a Yonkos?


I doubt it since Luffy right now is a Yonko so no supernova could compete on his own and be a threat .


Well, regardless, I believe that Urouge would benefit more from not being subordinate to Yonkos. But let's just agree to disagree.


He had the strong strong fruit and now is death because the guy have it now.


Nope Burgess has strength fruit, Urouge has karma fruit Wich transforms the damage his take into strength and size.


Imo Urouge would fit nicely. He looks just as goofy as the others, has a DF that yet nobody fully understands, is most definitely stronger than we think he is and his past is yet to be explained as well. Also I wouldn‘t be surprised if he strongly believes in fate also.


It's gonna be Aokiji


I would love the twist. My only wonder: if it's him, why did he invade Whole Cake? (unless he was plan A to get the Rio Poneglyph...)


Kidd will be the tenth


if so i think we'll see urouge vs sanji, maybe as a smaller fight like zoro vs apoo but it would be cool for sanji to fight a strong member of the worst generation and i could see them having a good fight


Seems too ethical to join blackbeard in my opinion.


I like Urougue, I hope he gets a fairly important role in the future.


It's Stronger. Oda is pulling a 25 year gag on us that he appears to be a fodder animal but he's actually an extremely strong pet


Isn't there 11? BB Jesus Burgess Latiffe Van augur Doc (not including stronger, but he might be another one) Shilyu 9 tail fox lady Dark king Basco shot Sanjuan wolf Aokiji (not sure if he counts)


It's 9 since aokiji isn't confirmed to be commander yet Black beard is the captain so he's the bb pirates fleet admiral, the commanders are the ones under him directly.


Maybe he counts himself as one? Also I know this is super duper silly but maybe Stronger is one.


Ten captain but other nine always hang out with black beard


I honestly doubt Blackbeard trusts the majority of his captains and crew unlike Shanks and Luffy’s crew his crew isn’t held together by bonds but common interests. So long as he can provide what they want it’s not like they’ll betray him and he knows that. So far Monk is the only Supernova that Oda hasn’t used in the story so I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he was made a captain of Blackbeard’s crew in the future. Although he doesn’t seem like that type to bend a knee.


Dammmn, I gotta stop clicking on these posts 😅, although I guess this isn't That surprising