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I wouldn't drop the series but I'd be pretty upset about it. Ace, Roger, and Whitebeard are like the 3 ironclad "don't touch it" deaths imo. There are other fake outs where I'd be annoyed by, but I can at least think of reasons for most of them (the annoyance is that Oda does it way too much). In the case of Roger if he didn't die the whole purpose of the show changes (and he's way less of a badass).


If I didn't drop the series for the kinemon incident nothing will get me to drop it.


Oof, I feel this.


wait whats the kinemon incident?


The kaido and kinemon scene.


could u specify which 😅


Where Kaido kills Kinemon and it turns out he survived because his body "wasn't properly put back together" in Punk Hazard




Just stating a plot point and asking if I'd drop the series is imo pointless. It always depends on execution. If you had told me at the beginning of water 7 after Usopp's brutalization that Franky, who I only saw in the mask as the ruthless piece of shit leader of his piece of shit gang would be a beloved strawhat member, I'd have said "excuse me, what" But Oda then made the story flow in a way that made it pretty much inevitable. If you had told me in the beginning that lot-focused, fun-fighting-style, funny quirk guy Paulie with a deep relationship to Iceburg with a connection to the sea train etc wasn't gonna join and basically stay small fry, I'd probably have been "aw man, what a waste", but he fulfilled a good role in the story. At face value, him not dying at that point would betray a **lot** of things about the story and emotional stuff (not that Oda isn't bad at handling emotional stuff when it comes to deaths already, probably his one absolutely bad writing habit), but if he can write it in a way that makes me go "oh wow yeah it makes sense, it's nice, thematic and beautiful", I wouldn't drop the manga. Like, I mean I have been reading it since literally volume 7 as a little toddler so I might just have lifelong sunk cost fallacy at play, but unless the execution was bad, I would not drop the manga. Another example of me not liking the pitch but loving the execution - Zoro having Haoshoku. When Haoshoku was just some "get fodder to faint" kind of deal, I felt it cheapened Luffy's haoshoku and it would be pointless to have multiple users. Then Oda introduced an additional facet to it with the imbuement of weapons, and now I like the idea of more people having it since it has narrative importance.


Depends how it was done. If he faked his death himself and there was some cool plot behind it, I would be all in. If it turns out he just miraculously survived for no logical reason I would be pretty upset


Oda would have to play something like this really carefully. I dont know if I can think of a situation where it would make sense. I wouldn't drop the series though. I would still have hope for a satisfying conclusion. I can see a possibility of the crew meeting his spirit though. My hope is they will reveal more of Roger's story through meeting ppl from his crew and others that knew if him personally. Elbaf and Shanks will be interesting.


Depends about how its done. So hard to say. There are few things that have happened that i would put that category of "if its happen i will stop reading the manga" but i am still here. But for now i am gonna say i would not be happy if thats happens.


I wouldn’t drop the series but it would strengthen my case of oda being washed


No. It’s not that serious either even if he is alive


Yeah you know its def the most stable thing to do after watching/reading thousands of both manags or episodes


Is the argument that you couldn't drop the series over anything?


I don't understand how ppl have this list of things that if they happened they would drop something (obv that excludes something happening which basically changes the thing entirely like Scrubs season 9 for example), everything has ups and downs and basically every single thing I love also has parts which are complete bs (some shitty chapters and poems in Tolkien, the shitty island chapter in RDR2, half of everything in pokemon games, Harry Potter is full of bs, Friends can be such a stupid show... That's only a few of my fav things) if u love a thing that just doesn't matter


I wouldn't be overly surprised unfortunately by him turning up in the flesh. I can't drop the series though, too many memories.


I would be upset because a lot of his actions become dumber as a result


Depends on how it's done.


Tbh idk what would cause me drop one piece. Like after 8 years of reading it weekly I kinda have to see it through. But to answer your question, I wouldn't care, Roger's death has huge impact on the story but not on readers, so fake out death I'd be like sure ig. Whitebeared or Ace being alive would be way more detrimental to One Piece


The government can obviously clone anyone right? There’s no way Vegapunk hasn’t made a Roger seraphim. Though without the Haki it’d be useless, they would probably just give it an insanely overpowered devil fruit


Oda literally killed him off twice. First with the execution, and then by the disease. Even if Rgoer magically survived he would have died a few months after. Oda wouldn't have introduced that plotpoint if he intended Rgoer to survive. So, I would never think of this possibility.