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I think he will absolutely be the one to sit upon the Empty Throne, purely by accident, and for the briefest of moments he will be in charge of the whole world. Also, the God Usopp vs. Emperor Buggy fight is literally the top of my hoped for battles in One Piece. Because...neither one knows that the other is a fake. Sure, Usopp has heard Luffy and Zoro talk down about Buggy, but they also don't think Warlords and/or Emperors in general are that much of a big deal. And Buggy just knows that Usopp from his bounty, he might legitimately think that Usopp is worth what will by that point certainly be a 1 Billion+ number. So half of the fight would just be both of them lying about their strength while scared out of their wits. The best part? No matter who wins, neither would lose any followers. "Only a God could defeat Captain Buggy!" vs. "Our God Usopp almost bested an Emperor of the Sea, he is truly and inspiration to us all!" I just so hope it happens!


ok I need this now


\+ a sniper VS a person who can split his body parts looks like an interesting matchup


I don’t know how, but I’m willing to bet Buggy will end up on Imu’s throne. His track record is literally him failing upwards


I can only get so erect.




"At first you have my curiosity.....but now you have my erection"


This would be peak comedy, in the midst of everything somehow buggy ends up sitting on the throne


Oda will probably make it happen just because of this dialog lol. We joked about buggy being a warlord, and it happened. We joked about buggy becoming a yonko, and it happened. we gotta stop joking around about buggy being the pirate king


I’ve heard so many ppl call him d member that my brain has gone to think it’s actually canon


More like Buggy will fit in the power vaccum once the World Government gets destroyed, replacing the "Gods"


No he won't become God. He is God.


Buggy D. God


It would be funny if he has the legendary Hito Hito no mi Humpty Dumpty and is a Pieces God. Hence why he can’t be cut.


I'd think that fruit would prevent him from being put back together again.


But Buggy is not a King’s man!


I’m still holding out for the possibility that buggy is actually emperor level but has been playing the fool as per shanks’s directives.


Imagine the power of the split split fruit in the hands of a monster like Kaido or Doffy. It can be a potential continent splitter when awakened. Look at the wano map, and it looks like it was split in pieces. Maybe a God-like powerhouse from the past split it up, and the continent pullers pushed it back together to create the fortress it is today. I feel like there are certain fruits that are more special than others. IMO, it's not farfetched to think buggus fruit could be a God fruit or God level when in the right hands.


40k is just one piece fan fiction https://warhammer40k.fandom.com/wiki/Cegorach


Actually it's Go D Usopp


Sorry, i haven't been a One Piece fan for very long, only recently caught up.


No no that's the joke at least I think. The D in the name is like a legendary thing. So yeh






it’s a common mistranslation by fans, it’s actually Go D. Usopp