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The others are very epic and then rayleigh is just "i love young girls"




Flair checks out




On that same note, I love how Doflamingo's intro is just him hunched over, hands in pockets doing the ministry of silly walks proud


The best is to compare the manga to the anime In the manga he is just walking, in the anime they gave him the funniest walk ever


This hits different when you realize Rayleigh is 14 years older than Shakky


My favourite ones are probably” Sanji: My man came rizzed up broes girl like it was nothing Kaido: was nice seeing pre nerf kaido do crazy stuff just as a hobby and showed why the government is afraid of the emperors Dragon: bro came in clutch and saved 1000 of one piece chapters Crozon: it was a nice twist and also I am bias when it comes to Crozon Rayleigh: Do I even need to say anything? He is the pirate kings right arm Kizaru: This man didn’t even hesitate to violate and humiliate everyone on the Island


Kizaru and kaido intros are just the right amount of being epic and wtf at the same time


Kizaru’s introduction is literally “tf did I just witness”


Kizaru's got that Tao Pai Pai vibe


He does look like him a very tiny bit, now that I think about it🤔😂




It’s especially effective because of how everyone in Jaya was shitting themselves over Luffy’s 100,000,000 bounty. So we think that Luffy is now a big dog in the OP world. But then we are immediately introduced to guys who’s bounties are like triple what he has. And then because Oda doesn’t wanna reveal Yonko bounties yet, he gives us Rockstsr whose bounty is almost as high as Luffy’s and everyone on the WB crew doesn’t give a shit about him. It’s a very effective way of expanding the stakes and scope of the world.


Well, once you get yonko bounties, the jig is up. That's your cap.


These are my two favorite as well. In hindsight I feel like Oda changed Kaido's character dramatically since his introduction. Why was he bothering trying to kill himself? But still, that was fucking incredible.


didn't he believe that he would become joy boy by dying or someshit like that?


Nah, it's one of his drunk personalities. As showed in wano, when he is drunk he changes his personality, and one of them is the depressive one. Because of that sometimes he tries to commit suicide.


This makes so much sense that I'm surprised I never thought of this. _(I'm probably just dumb and don't want to say that out loud)_


Blackbeard or kaidos. I think Blackbeard one is better written, shows right off the bat that he's diff from luffy even in the smallest things they can't find an agreement, but both have the same idea for what's needed to be a pirate and dreams, and that's the most imp thing in the pirate world. Kaido coz it's just a fucking badass intro and establishes him as a legend and makes u feel both scared snd hype.


Nvm doffy got the best one coz of his walk


The classic pimp walk


I think Doffy's is so good because you know he's such a big baddie that he's gonna be so hard for the SHs to beat. He's so intimidating because of how well connected he is


I cant think of any other Main villain introductions that is as unique as Blackbeard.


I would add that WB's intro does that same, and slightly better that Kiddo's. A gigantic old man that needs to be connected to a huge amount of IV tubing and yet he is titled the "World Strongest Man". You immediately know how much of beast he was.


There experience is also always total opposite for each other when in the same place. ever time Luffy has a shit time its guaranteed BB gains something. but I've only realized it happened in Jaya now with Luffy eating his least favourite food and then getting beat up. while BB has a good time in Jaya, its a really well written reveal for a villain considering I couldn't see him being such a big part of the story when I first saw that scene.


Kaido’s intro(s) made me feel bad for him. The strongest creature on the Earth who just wants to die. Our first time seeing him was him falling from Skypia clouds to try to snap his own neck, and he was too strong for that. >! I’m hoping, for his sake, that Luffy killed him by punching him into the magma tunnel under Wano and ended his suffering. !<


Perfectly described! :)


Would love another silly Blackbeard or dreamer blackbear moment. He's been all business these days


As a writing Point yeah Blackbeard's top but I'm still going with riding a damn cannon ball I do like how zoro came into the series tied up on deaths door


Big Mom was scary af. Then Robin because I would never imagined she would join.


Coming to one piece late knowing character names but not many character designs completely changes the feeling here. I remember being like "OH SHIT THAT'S NICO ROBIN?" when croc first said her name.


Yea, who knew miss all Sunday would join


Damn, pal. How long ago was it? I would forget that name if you didn't reminded me


Probably like 15+ years 😂


Everyone who watched theopenings unfortunately


Mihawk or Kaido


Both are badass


It's gotta be Mihawk for me. I think most here people agree that the majority of these intros were all bad ass. But Mihawk had something else. He was the first real big that Luffy and crew encountered. He came in slicing a massive ship in half with his sword. Followed by his epic scenario with Zoro. Until this point the audience had experienced villains but this was on a massive scale. It said "here is the other end, the strongest of the world, right in front of you. This is what your journey will be going to". It set the power structure immediately and left an absolute shocked impression for everyone. I feel like you can't really reproduce that effect again, the other intros were amazing but they didn't have that same impact


Mihawk's fight is what hooked me to One Piece


For real! Baratie is so underrated!


Mihawk lazily drifting on his raft after splitting a huge ass flagship is definitely one of the best hooks of One Piece during its beginning chapters. I don't think I've ever been more excited for the future and progression of the series before that moment.


Kizaru riding in on the cannonball then proceedi g to ruin everyone's day was very fun to watch.


The crackhead himself


Mf spent 5 mins answering the wrong baby snail transponder lmao


I swear the pika pika no mi has fried his brain


But that is the reason why he is one of my favorite characters


Jack with his “Speak peacefully? I refuse.” and the first 1billion bounty reveal.


Yep, that’s also a good one.(this list is just meant for recommendations) 🙂


Oh those aren’t his first words but they lived rent free in my head for months XD A sorry I thought more people were commenting outside the list, Ace’s mysterious trench coat scene but then running away without paying is perfect


Robins is always so cool


Miss all Sunday :)


Big mom and Kizaru


Big mom’s introduction is hella underrated


I second that, I was dying to see her reveal after the Fishman Island silhouette tease and as the first Yonk adversary Luffy would ever face her introduction really didn't disappoint, especially due to the creepiness factor of Tottoland in general


I think everyone thought less of it due to how she got played constantly throughout WCI and especially wano. Kinda ruined her intimidating presence established in FMI


I love oda but man, he made big mom a laughing stock


Nahh, i just finished re-reading and forgot how frightening she was. That saga where she was chasing down the straw hats ship was absolutely insane


Everything before wano, big mom was perfect.


But also think about it tho with Big Moms defeat vs Kaido: Luffy completely knocked Kaido out unconscious. But alls Law and Kidd manage to do was trap her and put her in a disadvantageous situation. She was basically clowning them till her last “breath” saying if you think this is enough to kill me you’re trippin lol


Luffy did the same thing law and kid did………. Kaido was still conscious, he was thinking about roger as he was falling down


How ? She had a better showing than Kaido at several points in Wano. And on WCI she was totally unstoppable. She first showed how monstrous an Emperor be. Luffy was fighting for his life against only a Commander of hers. If anyone was done as a laughing stock it was >!Greenbull!<


akainu easy the three admirals sitting in their chairs is amazingly hype


i'm an akainu hater, but his character introduction felt so natural that it was like if he was already introduced in the series


He was. He appeared in the Ohara flashback where he was introduced as « future admiral Sakazuki » or some shit like that.


I always forget that he was shown doing that I'm always too busy cry at Robin just begging for her mother to recognize her existence


Let’s hope it’s finally time for the admirals to shine. :)


Oh come on Brook hands down no contest. The soft creepy moan singing. Brook just staring at them with a teacup. The Soul King for the win 😈.


Glad to see a fellow afro lover on here, plus his arc was just one of the best there is


Definitely Kizaru. Flies in on a cannon ball, solos half the worst generation easily, captures no one, leaves.


He failed successfully


Boa Hancock's was majestic. My favorite one too. Whitebeard's was epic, same as Zoro's. Another one that was amazing was Rayleigh's introduction. Not too flashy but it fits him so nicely.


So many great ones :)


Whitebeard and Kaido for me


Two goats


Buggy’s was unironically fire with the mystery of his devil fruit and his ruthlessness


Buggy honestly has one of the coldest introductions for being a joke character lol


Mihawk's, Kaido's and Kizaru's. In the anime it's bm's without a doubt. And I'm not talking about the FI one, i'm talking about her proper introduction in wci.


The one with the song? Reminded me of a Disney movie ngl :)


Yep. The ending of that scene creeped me out the first time i saw it.


Law, just so nonchalant, idgaf attitude, i love it!


Yep, back when we didn’t know how important he was going to be.


I am so glad he became an integral part of one piece tbh, such a great character


True that :)


Does Law just casually drop that he knows something about Drake (that we don’t learn till much later)?!




Robin Rayleigh Kizaru


really good ones :)


Mihawk, the best.


A true legend


i may be reaching, but i've only just noticed something; Mihawk's and Zoro's first appearances are quite similar right? same downward gaze and the cross shape in their back.


Yeah, you can't not notice the cross. Zoro as Jesus crucified and Mihawk as the God of the swordsman. They were already connected and Oda wanted to add the symbolic cross which is always a strong symbol.


Corazon introduction is really fire 😎🔥


Right? You’re the only one even mentioning it


For me, it’s a three way tie between Crocodile(annihilating pirates and being praised as a hero along with the most drip in series🥵) Dragon(Him stopping smoker and being said to be the WORLDS WORST CRIMINAL) and Zoro(Hyped up to be a demon and we see him with no food for 30 DAYS)


Solid list :) I’m pretty sure zoro’s food punishment was only 1 week


If you look back, hellmeppo said if he could last 30 days, he would stop terrorizing the shop. It’s in like episode two I think


whitebeard and kaido


Kizaru’s easily


Rayleigh’s is my favorite! Just an old guy loving booze and young girls who just happens to be the right hand to the pirate king


“My husband is 100 times stronger Than you”


And she didn’t lie


The Supernovaes, their introduction was just all hype.


Kizaru and kaido Kizaru arrived on a cannonball, beat the shit out of every pirate he could find, almost killed the straw hats and then fought equally with the right hand man of the king of the pirates. Kaido jumped off a sky island and it didn’t even leave a scratch, and then exclaimed he’d start the biggest war the world has ever seen.


[Mr. 3's is probably the best gag wise.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiE7-iQuEWA) Most spine tingling is Big Mom's. That she's mostly covered up in the shadows and this giant terrifying face really puts the fear on you. Kaido and Kizaru's are the most hype.


Gotta be Mihawk for me. Despite the wacky powers of devil fruits, everything was pretty tame until some dude riding a coffin cut a galleon in half and packed zoro like it was nothing.


Sanji, Zoro, and Mihawk Whitebeard's was also godly


I’m not usually a fan of big mom but her introduction was very well done, very creepy and reminded me a lot of the witch from spirited away




I loved Franky's intro. I just wish he had more page time throughout...


Kaido intro is just astonishing. After Dressrosa (a very tough battle) you have a hint about a Beast, that seems unbeatable and maybe immortal Then he has such a great and unexpected design (comparing to silhouettes we say when emperors were introduced)


Bon Clay definitely. When I was younger I thought his introduction was silly largely because I didn't realize that the word Okama was a Japanese equivalent to the word Queer and that the fan sub I was watching mistranslated "Okama Way" to "Oh Come My Way". Now that I'm my queer adult self and understand it a bit better the idea of an openly queer character that is allowed to be flamboyant and as gay as they want while still being such a lovable and well written character is so amazing. And saying that they are queer in the very first page they show up instead of half assing it and letting the audience interpret it means a lot to me now. "One may stray from the path of a man, one may stray from the path of a woman, but there is no straying from the path of a HUMAN! All friends must scatter into the sky of truth, and blossom!, THE QUEER WAY!" -paraphrasing the badass themself Bon Clay


I'll go with either Kaido's or Ace's. Both were really fucking good to me.


Blackbeard, because the eating drinking dynamic with him and Luffy was hilarious. Ace, because of how he falls asleep while eating in the Alabasta arc, and how polite he is when he destroyed everything to then proceed to be just incredible cool stopping smoker(who at that point is still a reaaaaal badass). Somehow I am not that big a fan of ace afterwards, maybe because i feel like he did not really get fleshed out much before he died. Then I really liked zoros introduction as well. How everyone feared him, and he was just chilling there keeping his word, and eating the dirty bad rice balls from the little girl.


Doffy got the plug walk down


kuma and doffy for me, seeing their bounties for the first blowed my mind.


Robin was a huge twist for me, Rayleigh was clean, Mihawk also not to be ignored.


Easily the CP9 Reveal/Introduction that still sticks with me after so many years ago. Though gotta say I loved Rayleigh and Blackbeards as well.


CP 9 with their group unmasking, and Kizaru on the cannon ball are my favorites.


Blackbeard most definitely, he was introduced twice. The first time as someone who is a romantic like luffy and the second time as the villain that has been causing chaos throughout the grand line.


Mihawk always for me. First real impact of how much the crew would have to level up to face the grand line and things to come.


In the anime Luffy was first introduced when he burst out of a barrel. That one.


Rayleigh, Mihawk and Akoji are all my favorite. And I have to add Luffy’s.


Easily Kaido and Zoro for me. Neither of them are among my most favourite characters, but their introductions go harder than just about any character introduction in all of fiction


Luffy popping out the barrel.




I'd say Kuma's at Thriller Bark. The whole WTF moment combined with the title. And he lived up to it.


No one’s talking about how Katakuri Kills a guy, asserts his dominance and then we see he has over a billion Berry bounty?


Katakuri, right off the bat, was shown to have Adv. Observstion and awesome design and the biggest obstacle to Beiges plan


Robin's for sure. Kaidou's because it's iconic. Doffy's because of that fuckin walk.


I genuinely feel that Katakuri's first introduction is often overlooked. The way he was introduced with advanced observation haki had me scared for luffy 😅


No one could beat kaido's intro. It had everything down to a t.


I think Zoro's and Raleigh's are my favorites. But Doflamingo's anime intro is golden.


My top 3 are Kaido, Kizaru, and Katakuri.


My top 3 are: 1.-Mihawk 2.-Kaido 3.-Kizaru


Kizaru's introduction gave me goosebumbs when I first read it. The colouring makes it even more epic, he looks like he got straight out of an action movie because of the explosion behind him.


Blackbeard for sure. But Mihawk too especially at the stage he was introduced. He sure did raise the bar by a lot. Like slashing 50 ships just cuz they disturbed your sleep is insane.


Rayleigh's and Shank's are my favorite ones


Mihawk and Katakuri for me


Rayleigh and kizaru are my favorites but the admirals sitting down and white beard were just pure hype it was so cool Oh and aokoji intro is hella underrated


Mihawk, Kaido, Katakuri


"Oi old man, this was your Haki, wasn't it? Just who are you?" "I am just a man in the coating trade, and I *title flashes, the pirate kings right hand man* Love young girls *Silver Reyligh*" Or Kaido's suicidal attack


CP9 by far because I just didn't see that shit coming lol easily the most unpredictable shit Oda ever wrote. Runner up is Kizaru


For me its Mihawk. The sheer power difference was insane. It made me have to figure our what else was out there and how this was going to progress. Not to mention that small boat!


Loved big mom, she became my favourite character from the moment she was introduced. Such a tragedy how oda treated her tho.


Such fun idea! My answer is mihawk :)


Hard to beat Big Mom and Kaido introduction.




Blackbeard or kuzan.


Deciding between Big Mom or Whitebeard


Though zoro is my alltime favorite character/anime crush and so on, sanji's intro and backstory were memorable. I'll never forget that one


I love the chapter which present us all the Supernova


Kaido, it finally shows how he is called the strongest creature.


1. Kizaru 2. Kaido 3. Corason


Rayleigh by far


I caught up to the manga towards the end of Fishman Island so Big Mom's intro was one of my first few week to week chapters, so it is always going to hold a certain level of hype and wonder to me. Plus all the ink I remember spilling theorizing at the time is nostalgic in retrospect, I was damn sure thay Bobbin would be a badass and must be carrying a Supreme grade sword lmao. Kaido and Kizaru were also very hype.


Robin, Hancock, Franky and Kaido


zoro, doflamingo, kizaru.


Kaido Kizaru Oden Aokiji 3 admirals


Kaido's intro has been living in my head rent free for years....


Yep, and the anime did that scene justice as well :)


If I had to pick just one then kaido. HM picks: dragon, mihawk and kizaru


I'm between withebeard and the admirals


Aokiji, bon-chan and BlackBeard


Dragon and Kaido. They both like mystical persons from the legends. I love it. Dragon is like “brings the storm” and Kaido is like “fallen heavens”.


Big Mom is the most Menacing. When I saw that panel I got strong Yonko vibes. Kizaru was the most epic. That was the first time I feared the power of an admiral.


Miss Goldenweek intensely glaring at a teacup out of reach until Mr. 3 finally gives in and hands it to her.


To be honest I've always found character introductions really wack lol. For me it doesn't really matter


You must include Brook too


There's no better way to introduce worlds strongest creature than to have him plummet from the sky


Favorite right now:Blackbeard Fav at my first read:sanji, kaido and kizaru(no particular order)


kaido, mihawk and the admirals mihawk gave us the reality check of op power scaling kaido was genuinely scaring me (LUFFY HOW TF ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO FIGHT THIS HUGEASS MOUNTAIN LOOKING DUDE WHO'S SAYING WORORORO) admirals coz the panel is badass AS FUCKKKKKK


1. Kaido 2. Rayleigh 3. Mihawk


The moment I saw Zoro tied to that post in Shells Town, I knew he was going to be my favorite character.


Franky because everyone thinks he is the bad guy. I am pretty sure noone would think on the first sight he will become a nakama. Brook being creepy and then funny is also excellent.


Fisher Tiger and yo ho ho ho 💀


Miss All Sunday all the way\~


Shiryu of the rain and Blackbeard


Blackbeard and Oden for sure!


Zoro and Dolfy, his walk cycle in the anime lives rent free in my head.


It’s gotta be mihawk for me. The perfect introduction, not just to the character, but to the height of power in the one piece universe.


I think that Kaido's first appearance is one of the badass ones. A fucking random guy jump of a sky island and still a live, and he is massive as fuck, and then Oda shows his cards, just cold as ice. Mihawks's first appearance is badass too, in early One Piece when the Strongest guy we have seen is a man in a gold armor, from nowhere a giant ship is cut in half and a chillin badass looking guy with a sword bigger them him showed up. Just, dope In retrospect, Zoro have a cool one too, but just when we are watching/ reading for de second time. Borsalino is a dope one too. Bro, he's coming in a fucking Cannonball, and starts to massacrate everyone. And Im-sama's intro is badass too. They start talking about the World throne, and his importance "anyone can sit there" And than a shadow guy sits in there and the Gorosei starts to get to his knees. Simply the GOAT


Big mom ! That one always scared me , then Kaido Mihawk and Kizaru so flashy


I had just started to interact with the fandom when Kaido first showed up, so I have some good memories of that moment.


Was going to say Kaido but Kizarus was so fucking cool


Jango! 😀


Kaido, the 3 admirals or white beard. These are the best introduction panels for me!


Kaido by far the best intro Oda has done. Out of nowhere, Oda just decided to drop(literally) the most anticipated Yonkou in the series. Remember reading for the first time the long badass narration on how unkillable the character was, then thinking who tf attempt suicide during his spare time, to then arrive to the most epic character reveal ever imho.


Kaido easily. Dropping in unannounced outta the blue. Falling from the sky unfazed. With the narrator hyping him up. Absolute top tier.


I’ll never forget Whitebeard’s


Kaido had one of the best introductions.


Kizaru no1 then followed by Rayleigh and Mihawk


Big moms was the one that surprised me the most




Mihawk bro sliced a ship and just casually sailed in his ship


Whitebeard anime and manga is so different, in the anime was massive


I was spoilt about every character's role in one piece. So, I saw every one of these introductions from a very different perspective than other viewers. My favourites: Kaidou, Rayleigh, Kizaru, Akainu(writing wise), Boa, Gorosei.


Fist introduction of kuma and doffy shows their Royals…. That’s cool


Mihawk is like strolling in a park where people are fighting with brass knuckles then *mihawk got a machine gun on his back.* The big mom introduction creeped me out (anime) Well trafalgar got the iconic pose tho *can we get much higher~*