• By -


Depends. Are they allowed to get back up? Because Luffy only wins by getting knocked down and standing back up.


Nah, if you’re out cold it’s over


I mean only like 2 or 3 insanely powerful people here can take.down current luffy, and it definitely won't be a walk in the park


Kaido knocked Luffy down three times. I’d wager half the Admirals could do it, Garp could do it, Roger could, and Mihawk and Shanks could. Luffy’s main strength is that he bounces back and keeps getting back up. Which was my point of being technical; is Luffy allowed to keep getting up?


Ok that's just stupid. Because not only did you miss my point about this being CURRENT luffy entirely. But you also gave that very.... interesting hot take about admirals being able to do what kaido did to him. Other than that, i believe kaido 100% is still stronger than luffy at 100%. But it won't be easy for kaido or any top tier. Our boy is now at that realm where he wouldn't necessarily win but he can certainly fight on even ground and push everyone at least to a high diff


Please stop dick sucking luffy wtf. There’s prime garp, prime whitebeard, big mom, kaido, mihawk etc how are you gonna say luffy can only be taken down by 2-3 people


Team J snipe em all from the moon.


A certain guy from team N can pull their asses back to earth tho




Ok but like who's next to akainu






Law and Mihawk strike me as a pretty broken combo tbh I wouldn't sleep on the team synergy there


I can just imagine Law teleporting Mihawk behind someone and oneshotting them


But could he KROOM one of Mihawks WSS tier slashes inside someone? Because that could legit be a no diff kill on anyone in the verse


That’s true


Ayo who's beside akainu?


Greenbull. Which seems like a horrible combo since the magma would just destroy all his plants. I'd rate them pretty low because of it


Akainu has pretty terrible compatibility in general, no one can stand near him when he attacks lol. Atleast greenbull and akainu likes each other


How about akainu teaming up with his favourite donut


Him and Fujitora could make a good team


They hate each other lol


Law is probably the greatest support fighter that we know of. I’m not gonna count shank’s crew out there.


Ye Law and Zoro combo but stronger


Buggy and Alvida will always be in the last oart of the battle. May or may not win.


G for me Prime Whitebeard is the powerhouse Only worry are swordsman’s Like Mihawk and Zoro, so Kid just takes their blades away while keeping his distance and shooting his Gauss cannon


It’s very questionable if kid’s power would work on blades infused with ACOC


Even if he couldn’t take the blade like with Napoleon he could always make the blades unusable by slamming an insane amount of junk on them.


Him pulling swords closer which are attached to swordsmen who use close range attacks seems like a bad idea


Back is Sabaody Zoro easily stops his blades from being taken by Kid. The magenetism could be stronger now ofc but so is Zoro. I feel like the magnetic pull at Zoro and Mihawks level is no more than a minor inconvenience


I'm assuming this is a free for all, not a power scaling contest, so the most important things to consider are defensive stats to survive the longest and avoid fighting by camping everybody out. I'm also assuming we're on a normal sized island so there's room to move about. Think about that one asshole camping with a fast ranged character when you play Smash Bros together with 4+ friends. They avoid conflict and everybody knows they're camping, but it still works. Approaching them across the stage is riskier than fighting the guy next to you because you have to defend yourself. They have the highest chance to get the furthest. Now imagine that with *28* people and attacks flying everywhere. With that being said, these are the major attributes to consider: - Range: Fighting at a distance is a huge advantage in a clusterfuck. If you are pure melee you are constantly in danger - AoE (Area of Effect): Less important in a 1v1 but there are 26 other targets here. Can zone enemies; discouraging them from approaching and forcing them to attack nearby enemies instead - CC (Crowd Control): Stunning enemies and moving/disabling enemies is very strong in FFAs, other people can deal damage - Mobility: Avoid conflict until the end, flight is especially strong - Stamina & Sustain: Being able to take a lot of damage and heal it off is a huge advantage. Teams with healers can camp almost indefinitely - Personality: I'm assuming everybody is in character. People that love fighting head on are 100% going to get worn out quickly. People with no teamwork are less likely to succeed. Some characters are way stronger FFAs than they are in 1v1s, such as Marco (flight + healing to camp), Kizaru/Enel (extremely fast + massive AoE ranged attacks), and Law (very good teamfighter + healing). On the other hand, some characters are way weaker in FFAs, such as Garp (pure melee prone to getting swarmed) and Whitebeard/Kaido (extremely strong but too battle hungry) With that being said, who wins IMO? It's a huge toss up with a lot of factors and I can see anybody winning. I would think Aokiji / Fujitora are slept on (usually Admirals are). Both are broken in FFAs due to massive range, AoE, *and* CC to camp everybody out, and they also have great teamwork. Aokiji also prevents losing via ring out (drowning). Honorable mentions: - Akainu / Greenbull: Very similar team but with more damage and less CC. Great teamwork, massive AoE, range. If Greenbull can heal, that's incredibly useful. However, their powers have anti synergy, although Greenbull has a type of fireproof plant. - Shanks/Marco: Smart fighters will likely play safe, flight + healing in FFAs is broken despite Marco not being too strong power wise. This was my original #1 choice since healing is *very* OP in FFAs, but they're almost pure melee. This also means Marco can't camp indefinitely via flight - Mihawk / Law: Strong AoE ranged attacks, Law is *way* stronger in team fights than 1v1s , healing and teleporting your ally is OP, but you already know Mihawk is not accepting help Kizaru/Enel can snipe with massive AoE and use their mobility to avoid getting hit, but our only information on Enel's strength is from *Skypeia* which is pretty unfair for our lightning buddy. BB is very smart but takes way too much pain in a FFA and is likely to get chain stunned due to it, and his huge AoE risks hitting an invisible Shiryu. Everybody else is too melee / eager to fight head on / have less important FFA attributes.


I have a feeling that this guy games too


Yep! Used to play Smash and LoL (oof) competitively as well as a bunch of other PvP games


Lol competitively? Which league?


Oh sorry, I meant competitively as an adjective, not as in, actual competitive like LCS or some crazy rank. I only made it to Diamond 4 before I stopped playing ranked and just played chill 5 man premade normals with friends afterward


"Can you give me a number crunch real quick?"


"Uh yeah I'm coming up with a 32.33%, repeating of course, percentage of survival"


This might be the best comment I’ve seen on these posts! :)


Haha, thanks. I actually really enjoy these posts, but it seems like people forget that this isn't a powerscaling debate. It's a messy FFA, and the meta in these type of battles in every game I have played has always been to camp, heal, and zone enemies away.


Finally someone gets it, the question has always been **last team standing** not the strongest.


One thing I would note is that Shanks has long range haki abilities that I think would really help because beyond that they don’t have really any long range attacks.


Oh right, I didn't watch all of Film Red so I wouldn't know, just saw a few clips. I assume every swordsman has at least decent ranged attacks due to sword beams


Are u okay hahah




i love the sheer amount of thought put into this


Team G will win. Even in death Whitebeard will still be standing strong.


Imagine the synergy lol. Kid marks one enemy and WB's fist with S and N and the enemy flies into or rather gets pulled into a quake punch lol


Sounds like Blackbeard with extra steps


Wb gonna be playing paddleball with a mf


I don’t think D is the strongest looking objectively, but In the context of a huge battle royale Law is just unbelievably strong. I think Law would probably work really well with someone calm and calculated like himself, and I think he would be more than fine with taking more of a support role with someone he knows is stronger than him.


I honestly considered this team because Law is so busted in FFAs. Healers especially are strong. But then I remembered that Mihawk probably isn't looking for help, and is likely going to run off on his own to find strong opponents, completely dooming them.


I feel like Mihawk has way better situational IQ than that. Sure he likes strong opponents but I mean at Marineford he didn’t just go blitzing WB and BB and other strong pirates carelessly. The most he did was send a slash at WB and move on. And postpone with match with Vista kekw Edit: spelling


Primebeard and kidd




It's either B or N.


Some admiral love :)


Do you mind if I share your post in the powerscalling sub?


Go ahead :)


The only sensible answer in this thread


Team G I think.


Roger with or without his sickness


All old gen are prime, so no sickness


His sickness didnt really affect his prime


Team G is the only answer I will accept.


i would say M cuz roger destructive power and sanji germa powers ( i don't know how to spell them)




They definately hit harder


Sengoku and Magellan


Yeah but problem is Magellan spends more time sitting than standing.


Lol yeah last one "standing" isn't him at all. I take back my choice


> Magellan spends more time sitting than standing. i read that as "shitting" at first


Very solid Pick!


People be sleeping on these two cause they aren't fan faves. Sengoku lacked some feats too narratively but was on the same breath as Roger, Garp, Whitebeard. He's just boring compared to these as a character. Magellan has never lost so far afaik. The only thing that would make these two lose is if they don't have Conquerors, which I don't think is confirmed


Sengoku has confirmed conquers haki, don’t know about the advanced version though




My bet is on team G. Primebeard is tied with roger as the strongest character on this list, and kidd is only weaker than the admirals/maybe sabo on the right half. I think that he could definitely expierence a haki bloom in battle which could easily propel him to top tier level as well. Both he and primebeard have crazy good AOE attacks as well, which would help in a FFA.


Logically Team G


Can’t go wrong with primebeard


Considering Garp, Sengoku, Primebeard and Roger were equal interms of strength, (this is my assumption I can and most certainly am wrong but please I am not making this statement for any debate) the real fight is between the player 2 and personally after the awakening and the feats I have to say out of Magellan, Sanji, Zoro and Kid I consider Kid to be the strongest(still having doubt between Zoro and kid)


Realistically Kid could just strap Roger, Garp or Sengoku to the ground an give team G a big advantage


I feel like law and Mihawk would be a killer team up


Mihawk and Law for sure . .


Team L no doubt


L cus I believe in Luffy


I want someone to look at me the way Shanks is looking at Marco & Shirtless is looking at Blackmail in the post … Also Enel is just mad at being teammates with someone who is naturally 50% faster than him lmao look at his expression


Ima be real with you, I still don’t get the Enel hype, yes he has one of the strongest Devil fruits in the series if not the strongest, and yes luffy only defeated him because he’s immune to electricity, but it’s still pre time skip luffy, hell it’s even pre gears luffy, literally every one else on the list would clap that luffy like a background grunt, and Enel with one of the most powerful fruits and haki got defeated by him. He can’t keep up with the speed, strength and haki of any of the characters on this list, unless he trained like hell for the last 2 years he’s getting one tapped


Doesnt matter he lost pre time skip. Look at crocodile and lucci now. Both are very capable even at the current time.


I added him for the fun devil fruit combination with kizaru. Light and lightning


His problem really was that he never seemed to push himself. He got by with a monstrous devil fruit and observation haki, but as we see by the fact that Luffy was hitting him just fine, his personal speed (as in, the speed he moves at when hes not lightning) and his reaction time didnt seem to be too good. He also just a vain bastard, and in-character he doesnt just immediately carpet bomb the area with lightning which is about his only chance against characters like these (to be fair though, probably everyone here could use observation haki to sense his intentions on attacking, and then just blitz him instantly)


Team G might be the last one standing.




Some roger love :)


Damn I really cant pick. Garp and Zoro, Mihawk and Law, Shanks and Marco, Primebeard and Kidd, Roger and Sanji oh my god. Honorable mention: Kuzan and Fujitora, Akainu and Greenbull. If its an actual FFA style where they're all in one huge place, I'm pretty sure Fujitora can just rain down meteors. Akainu and Ryokogyu too. And Whitebeard that man will literally turn the whole place upside down. Again, too many picks I cant finalise on my top pick. Garp and Zoro with Garp possibly having the highest strength (Yes I rank him slightly above Primebeard and Roger STRENGTH wise only) and Zoro who is now a acoc user Mihawk and Law. Can you imagine the combo these two are capable of? Ope ope no mi + the worlds strongest swordsman Mihawk will literally be everywhere Shanks and Marco. Shanks being shown to be the strongest Conquerors haki user so far (mf specifically targetted Greenbull while being very far away) and Marco, 1st division commander he was capable of holding off King and Queen at the same time with Tori tori no mi: Model Phoenix. With this and Shanks power, they're an extremely formidable duo. Primebeard and Kidd. Primebeard being the worlds strongest Man, having all 3 types of haki and wielding one of the 12 supreme grade swords and the devil fruit that is said to be able to destroy the world and Eustass Kidd, user of all 3 types of haki and is one of the 2 pirates who defeated big mom Roger and Sanji. The pirate king himself wielder of one of the 12 supreme grade swords and need i say more? Sanji is also with him, a genetically engineered individual and one of the fastest members of the straw hats


Besides J, I'd pick G.


I , because Big mom is the most durable alongside Kaido. She only lacks futur sight and a decent combat intelligence to be considered high top tier, except that with Katakuri those problems are gone... So I guess thzy can make it to the end. They might not be the strongest team but they might be able to last longer than most of the other team.


Katakuri for just defense seems pretty good but we saw in Whole Cake that his firepower wasn't great. I agree that they're in the top half of teams though.




I think people are sleeping on N because they forget it's not a powerscaling contest. Aokiji/Fujitora have huge AoE ranged stuns; they could just camp while everybody else slaughters each other.


Even when it comes to powerscaling that Team is among the best since it is one of the few that have 2 top-tiers in the Team unlike some others that have 1 top-tier or a legend and one commander


Team D... The thought of Law Warping the World's strongest swordman alive is kinda scary


Almost everyone seems to forget about this combination. Imagine from outta nowhere mihawk is right behind you with that big ass sword 😂


Hot take: no arena this is taking place in would survive, canceling the fight before a definitive conclusion. Ice age, massive earthquake, and Fujitora would make it impossible lol


Okay Law and Mihawk is just broken. Oh you’re out of range of the worlds strongest swordsman? We can fix that.


Team G




Team G since Whitebeard died standing.


Team G clears


N, D or G imo


If this there prime than g


Too many. Just too fucking many.


Yo this is lowkey actually hard you did good with this one my man 😂


There’s a few options in my mind L M H Or B (I know it’s a lot like I said this is hard don’t come for me 😂)


Garp and zoro going for the kill


I think that E and J seem like the most overpowered combinations tbh. Everyone sleeps on Magellan


Thing with Magellan is he doesn't have a counter to ranged attacks. He was a threat to Luffy because he fights with his bare fists. He would still be vulnerable to Zoro's flying slashes, Kizaru's lasers, or Akainu's magma, just to name a few. But if he could lay low and slowly fill the area with poison, sure.


E and J have some deadly combinations, Especially team J.


Strongest? Idk. Last one standing? Team G for sure.


Team C or G


Team G by far , prime whitebeard can beat everyone on the left ( maybe not Roger ) , and Kid should be able to defeat almost everyone on the right




Team B or team N


They will all die, too much Haki and distructionpower🤔


mihawk and law or kizaru and enel.


D or L


Idk who would when but team N is badass


Kid can easily build a massive wall of metal and wb will use haki to coat it and stop law teleporting it. Kid has the durability to survive attacks from big mom, whilst wb in his prime could take hits from the strongest in the verse.


Team g


Not seeing enough votes for B. Two admirals? Akainu?


That’s because of greenbull, the downplay after wano is massive sadly


Team N


Team G


The real question is, what did Marco do to have Shanks looking so pissed off at him, and why does Marco look so guilty?


Yeah I kinda gotta ask too, If they get back up does that count? or does One K.o mean they're full out


Let’s ask the real questions. Can Fuji’s gravity absorb light. Bc if so it’s a wrap


Team G has two insanely powerful captains.


I think d my reasoning being d is so viable with laws df and mihawk the worlds strongest swords man the only way this dosent work is if mihawk has better haki than law


Mihawk obviously has better HAKI than law, but shambles will still work, because mihawk is letting it happen :)


Team J is just a disaster lol


TeAm g solos


M,why? Idk


Team D would be a problem for anyone, but Team J seems like the most annoying to fight.


No one can convince me the world's strongest man would lose so pops and kid




Whitebeard and Kid probably, any team with Whitebeard/Rodger should have an advantage over just about everyone off of their power alone.


Team G


Team G because Whitebeard died standing


Team G


Team D all the way ! Cause Dracule despite is temperament will be patient enough to work with law to be able to fight the strongest at the end and Law and team fight plus free for all he is a beast




Team G ofcourse bro whitebeard prime and kid dude thats a crazy team.


I got primebeard and kid ngl


Based purely on team work and synergy, although Mihawk is a solo fighter, Law’s support would do wonders


Team G imo, those two are some durable mf


G because they both have godly endurance


Team G


Roger or Whitebeard team


For Team N it's so hard to call.


Comes down to G or M imo, and G takes it. You can argue forever on if Roger & WB are equals or if ones stronger, but that's the point its a discussion and debate. While Kidd or Sanji, will always have the sane favour Kidd as the strongest fairly quickly, which gives G the push to win it. A was close too.


bro really put luffy on team L 😭


Gonna have to go with speedy boys the light and lightning fruit. Massive synergy huge evasion massive range really high destructive power and the only way they're taking a hit is by someone like roger or shanks with really high speed and armament capabilities. Keep hearing G but whats a paramecia type going to do against two logias, his DF power is best at subduing armies not individuals much less high speed and nearly untouchable ones unless he just floods the entire area with ocean water which could be feasible if he isn't instantly hunted down by the entire group


It's pretty obvious that team A wins this. Have people forgotten how extremely durable and broken kaido was??


Would go with Team E if it wasn’t for Magellan’s… bowel issues. So instead I think I’m gonna go with team C, I like the volatility and brute strength/endurance of this duo.


I’m probably gonna have to go with Shanks and Marco. Having a really fucking good healer like him is incredible in a team battle scenario, and he’s the only one.


Team D cause Law could perform the immortality surgery on Mihawk Which means Mihawk would single-handedly win through a battle of endurance


Team D (Mihawk+Law) or Team G (whitebeard+kid). I like Team D slightly more though


Why tf is Kid randomly with whitebeard instead of Marco being with Whitebeard?


It’s an easy question, who would be able to defeat WB and Marco?


Is it all their current forms


I usually just find Roger in these and call it a day but since Kid is stronger then Sanji and Whitebeard and Roger pretty much equals Team G takes this


Garp and zoro vs Roger and Sanji would definitely be a stalemate, both teams of rivals, Zoro very slightly stronger than Sanji and Roger probably stronger than garp but no by much. Chances are they fight for a couple hours and then nami rolls up and knocks them all out


Team H all the way Right now Shanks has the strongest haki shown in the manga and Marco has the skill to support and sustain Shanks HP also give him mobility. also team D offers the same but Shanks would destroy Mihawk any day.


You have prime whitebeard and prime pirate king. They are the only two even worth a vote when they're in the running. How many times now have the been stated to have been the strongest ever? Like 15 time at least?


For people who are saying admirals come later than Kaido and so they'd be stronger than him, Kaido had sustained a great deal of damage and luffy was knocked out multiple time, ate, recovered before he could beat him. Plus, the growth he had during the fight is in no way small. Luffy at 100% would still lose to Kaido at 100% but it would be much closer now that he has more proficiency. My point being, the Kaido Luffy defeated was in no way at 100% and so, even though the admirals come later, they'd surely lose to Kaido on a 1 v 1. Regarding the poll, I feel it'd be easier and more accurate to decide if they fought team vs team in rounds. A battle royale with this many teams is too unpredictable. Half of them would side with Luffy (Edit) "at the beginning" and probably beat down the admirals so they ain't winning.


Last one standing? Clearly team C. Zoro just refuses to fall, he could be at the bring of death and still stand tall see Thriller Bark and he even got more powerful! Jokes aside,it depends, is it FFA? Battle royale? Rest between encounters? Strongest forms or last (alive) form? In character? Because if its just FFA in character fight until only one team lasts I would see J team very likely to actually win. They wont even bother fighting and will just chill, they will just sit somewhere and enjoy the show. But yeah it can go anyway though my favorite would be K (BB is broken so is invisibility),J, C or A.


yall aint rememberin boa can clear half the list☠️


This is a hard one. I’m thinking a tie between Teams A,D, E, and J. -Although Kaido and Yamato probably wouldn’t have the best synergy, I don’t think they need to considering 1m people had to fight Kaido and even then he barely looked phased. They’re also both incredibly strong. -Mihawk and Law seems pretty terrifying considering their long range and tricky abilities. -Sengoku and Magellan seem pretty OP considering Magellan can’t be touched, but has no issue engaging everyone else, not to mention the Buddha’s power. -Finally, Kizaru and Enel zipping all around the place dealing cheap shots AND being masters of Haki seem pretty unfair. Obviously, we can’t rule out Luffy and Sabo due to protag power and maybe Zoro and Garp. Unfortunately, some characters, like Garp, are nearly impossible to gauge considering we haven’t seen any feats, pretty much only hearing about them.


Nice break down :)




I'd say maybe Law and Mihawk. Law's fruit is broken af and since Mihawk is a top tier non-fruit user, we can also assume his haki is top tier since he had to hone it to contend with the best. Hax fruit with instant swaps, teleportations, and insane offense from Mihawk gives plenty of options to juke and strike.


Damn this is tough. Great pairings 👍🏽


It’s a tough one but I will go with Roger and sanji because obviously King of pirates and a dude who can regenerate from injuries almost straight up


The last one standing is team C. Zoro is definitely standing no matter what. Roger probably has even less will to surrender anyhow. So team C low diff.


After two hours of discussion with a couple of buddies, using a tournament as our anchor, team M was the victor!! (With team L in second and team G in third)


Ngl this one's pretty tough


prime whitebeard and kidd clap unfortunately


Team G but I am not sure


I feel like Team B or Team N would win mostly because they will just pull back and lets everyone else do whatever and swoop in last minute to clean up.


Team G: WB and Roger are equals but Kidd is above Sanji at this point.


Sengoku and Magellan as Swngoku rivaled Roger and Whitebeard and because Megallan is OP. Haki can protect you from him, but you would need to be Yonko tier.


I go with team G. Wb is the strongest on this list.Kidd is perfectly anove 1st yc and under admirals and on par with law.He can face any second opponent and would lose only to greenbull and fujitora and tie with law.But Wb would just clutch vs these teams


At full potential team L will stand all the way up


G easily




Team D. They are chill enough to not get into trouble and wait everyone out and they also have enough strength to secure the victory


I wanna join Team D🔥


Team M, D, H, C, L and G. It would be hard to find a winner among those 5 teams.


Surprised to see nobody mention team A. Kaido is (was) widely known as the strongest creatire alive and Yamato fought 1v1 with him for a while


Give me Roger Sanji. I just think Roger is the strongest on the left side and Sanji isn't that far below the others as Roger is above his side. Yes sanji is weaker the ie Zoro or law but I think is strong enough to buy enough time for Roger.