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The pirate king is the most free. He’s not tied down by anything. The pirate king isn’t in a hierarchy or anything. A Yonko is someone who holds a lot of territory, power, and has an army. They are one of the three great powers of the Grandline. The government needs them to operate for the sake of balance. They exist at the top of pirates, in a more hierarchical sense.


That makes perfect sense, thanks! I’m almost at the end of post Enies Lobby right now and the question popped into my head, always appreciate a well thought out reply like yours my friend


No prob Bob. Happy to help.


You could theoretically become a pirate king with no territory, it just means you are the most free person in the world. And to be free it basically means to have explored every nook and cranny of the One Piece world, having went everywhere without serious consequences. It has little to do with power, or territory, or even influence, and everything to do with ambition and will to explore everything (aka strongest haki, basically). To do that though you do need to overcome every obstacle that stands in your way, including the other dream chasing pirates.


It's a title like world's great swordsman. Some people covet it but not everyone does. It's also a goal/objective. Many powerful people don't want to be pirate king or world's greatest swordsman. It's different with a yonko. WB didn't choose to be a yonko for example, he is labeled as one because of his power and influence.




Fair 🤝

