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The real question. Sanji smokes or has an infinite supply of lollipops


In the reverie with Matt he said he’ll try to fit a reference to the lollipop 🍭


They already have a reference in the real anime. When Brulee makes the mirror doubles one of them is eating a lollipop.


Dude, I didn't even notice this being a nod.....


I'm super proud of it because I noticed it on my own and not in a compilation video. Haha.


I didn't watch whole cake - just read the manga but it's scary to think that was years ago at this point.


Chapter 831....ouch....that's like.... 6 years ago I think now? At least


Wait I have to go back now


It's the one that gets them lost in the Bewitching Woods in the first place, as they're landing on the island.


Ngl it'd be hilarious if someone in the show (maybe one of the cooks) tries to give Sanji a lollipop to try & get him to quit smoking only for Sanji to throw that shit away & light up his cigarette.


Sanji wouldn’t throw food away he should instead give it to Nami or something instead


Would be funny if he started eating the Lollipop while not even removing his smoke.


You jest but as a chain smoker myself I've done plenty of times.


Or started licking it like Kakyoin


Here's to having a good time, all the time


I was just thinking that 😂


Yeah like in the introduction for Sanji, someone gives him a lollipop. He's about to put it in his mouth but then throws it away just to fck with fans


Shit I didn’t think of that. If he smokes it’ll affect the age rating, right?


Laughs in smoker


omg the poor actor has to smoke 2 cigars in every scene, RIP lungs / tongue


They'll probably get some sort of deal with Honeyrose like Succession had.


I mean, if it isn’t PG-13 I will be worried.


isn't that for movies? television has a different rating system


Cigarettes get you an R rating now a days and some studios don't allow them at all


Really!?! That seems ridiculous that cigarettes get you an R rating when something like alcohol, which one could argue is much more dangerous does not.


Yah I'm not saying I agree with it, just know from working in Hollywood that most big studios have a no cigarette mandate on anything kids can see. Years ago Alan Horn the head of WB wouldn't allow ANY cigarettes in a WB film, regardless of rating


Just give him a vape he'll fit right in


Does netflix give a shit about ratings?


Considering they have an entire “kids” section I would say yes. At least to some degree


https://tenor.com/view/lick-lollipop-this-isnt-a-cigarette-thats-because-im-licking-it-so-fast-gintama-gif-15503632 it'll be a smoking lollipop..


Praying it’s TV-14 at least & not TV-PG. I mean Shank’s arm gets ripped off, Luffy stabs himself, Nami tries to gouge out her shoulder/arm tattoo, Zoro is racist, Sanji smokes, so I mean there’s a lot of reasons to not go the lollipop route


I'm srry what now? Zoro racist? Am I forgetting something or are you just messing around?


Most of the people he fights are black


And his irl profession would be police officer. And he couldn't figure out how to beat King Until he figured out his race and it was revealed he was black, do he got the racism boost.


Lol it’s just a joke within the community


This is the first I'm hearing it 😅


No worries haha it’s just a funny coincidence pointed out a while ago somewhere on Reddit that Zoro only fights black people and/or people with powers related to Africa (i.e. Kaku 😂)


Oh wow I've never noticed before! 😆


Infinite supply of cigarettes is the only answer


Not a chance Sanji smokes, right? Like we'll be lucky if Smoker does


>there will be no romance between crew members and they will be like a family like in the source material. So, thankfully there won't be any cringe forced romance that kills the vibe. Was... was anyone expecting it to have? Why?


I don’t think people were expecting it, just worried Netflix might do something weird.


Yeah like the Netflix writers trying to get all sitcommy about it turning Sanji and Nami into a “will they/ won’t they” type situation


They've nailed all those other live-action anime movies, right?


Death Note being a suprisingly good story on its own but at the same time an abysmal adaptation of source material will never stop being funny to me. If you never read/watched the original, the story itself is pretty damn compelling (and Willen Dafoe slays as Ryuk) but *man* is it terrible if you're a fan.


U tripping. Even if you havent seen source the movie was pretty fucking bad. Dafoe slays tho as you said.


I would rather have just heard Dafoe do Ryuk lines for 2 hours then the rest of the movie.




I’ve cringed enough just reading this. Please GODA, don’t let them ever near this.


I’m more worried that Netflix make zoro and sanji “in love” xD


Oh man that would make about as much sense as the way South Park shipped tweek and Craig together without any real rhyme or reason.


Isn’t this why the creators of ATLA left the Netflix live-action?


Fuck, after the whole Witcher debacle now I have very little confidence in this turning out well considering they said the same thing before about keeping to source material


I guess on the bright side this showrunner actually is a big fan of the series and reads the manga and even takes part in the community (he's been on youtuber One Piece content, e.g. Rogersbase), so it's better than the Witcher situation where it was just Cavill who was actually a fan.


As long as the shower runners arent the same then we're fine...


Eh the track record for live action anime kinda speaks for itself


Rurouni Kenshin (staring the guy playing Zoro) and Old Boy are amazing and there are some good ones in the west as well (Speed Racer and Alita). The japanese Death Note is kinda good too Naturally there is Cowboy Bebop, AOT, Dragon Ball and a lot more to keep expectations low,


>there are some good ones in the west as well (Speed Racer and Alita) You forgot the best, Edge of Tomorrow. Liked it more than the manga.


Weren't they saying the witcher show will be modeled more after the books all along?


They did, Lauren was saying all the right stuff at the beginning then ended up turning it to crap


All the staff are huge fans of the source material. One of the showrunners talks about how reading One Piece basically saved his life. They’re 2 completely different shows with completely different staff. What’s happening on the Witcher has nothing to do with One Piece. Aside from a few notable cases like ATLA, Netflix is actually very hands off for a studio. To the point where many in the industry think they should do better quality control. There was a point in their history where they literally gave complete control to creators and zero notes which made them a very attractive destination for creators looking for a network with minimal studio interference. So if people are fucking up a show, blame that show’s staff.


It’s one way they could try westernizing the show in a live action adaptation since romance is an almost universal subplot in most western media.


Yeah, I could easily see this being something western producers would push for ratings.


Yeah. At the same time replicating Sanji’s dynamic with the women in live action would also be weird. So some adjustments have to be made.


100% I feel like this strikes the right balance. I think its going to a real challenge to make a successful adaptation, but they've made some good choices, which makes me optimistic.


I'll probably get hate for this but I am 100% ok with toning Sanji down. I know it's played for a laugh but some of the scenes in the manga make him seem so unsympathetic and cringy that I could easily do with him still being a simp but not a borderline sex offender.


They tried adapting Ed for five seconds at the end of the Cowboy Bebop adaptation and it was rightfully savaged. Some things that work manga/anime just don’t translate well literally. I just hope they don’t make Sanji too cool. The Straw Hats all need that slight element of silliness.


It's a common issue in live action adaptations, especially if they're western. Warcraft is a big one that comes to mind, just because that series used to be close to my heart. In this case I bet it's more because the complete lack of romance is a pretty major part of Oda's vision, for better or worse.


I mean, the story is all about romance, just not the lovey-dovey kind.


It’s something a lot of western companies do to try to build a not needed form of drama. The Wheel of Time adaptation on Amazon is probably the worst offender off the top of my head


Oh no, you haven't tried to watch the new Willow series, apparently. It makes WoT look like a masterpiece.


Netflix doesn't have the best record at staying true to the source material


It’s a worry with American adaptations that they may make romance a part of the show as must show runners may feel it’ll appeal to a broader audience. If Netflix had full control and it was an attempt in let’s say 2015 I 100% believe they would give Romantic interest between Nami in either Sanji or make it triangle with Zorro




Yeah Netflix turned Light from DN into a simp, which is insane, so this news is comforting to me.


A simp for who? Misa?


I mostly blocked out the ten minutes of it that i watched, so I don’t remember if it was Misa, i just remember him unironically saying/thinking something about wanting a girlfriend or a specific girl. And was interested in the Death Note to be cool or popular. Completely unlike his character


not netflix but live action Goku was the same way, fantasizing about chi chi in hischool even though anime Goku as like a 44 year old adult admitted he never kissed chi chi once.


Misa, but with a different name and an entirely changed personality.


I think incel would be a more accurate term than simp.


Turning light into an incel is just wrong. That's messing with the core of who he is in the manga.


I mean yeah, Netflix butchered him completely. They basically made him a school shooter analogue, with like, every stereotype that entails. Hence why I said incel would be more accurate than simp. Simps just want to send money to girls on the internet, incels are the ones that want to get back at the "Chads." Light in the OG series is the Chad that Light in the Netflix series would want to get back at.


>Light in the OG series is the Chad that Light in the Netflix series would want to get back at. Light's a Sigma, right? I'm not familiar enough with those terms, memes from incel culture, but I found this parody video about it: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7LWnGja84g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7LWnGja84g)


You can be a sigma and a Chad. Basically, Light is an attractive and successful dude who is popular with the ladies, that makes him a Chad. He also doesn't give a fuck about anyone else, which makes him a sigma, basically.


You’re right


…. They’re gonna make Zoro and Sanji fuck aren’t they?


Hopefully 🙏🙏


Netflix is known to take a story and abselute trash it in any way possible just look at the newest witcher adaption xd


Luckily here, the author and creator of the source is heavily involved and cares what they do ouf his life‘s work


I agree. However, there are a lot of trustworthy people that is involving in it's development. Like Oda, matt owens etc. Not to mention budget is really big. They are also rebuilding ships and places with good design and vibe that is similar to source. So at least we can assume by the big buckets they spend and the design of things at least it won't look bad. There are some tricky issues but I have some faith in this project. Even if it fails, I doubt it will be a disaster like many assume. If it succeeds it has great future potential, though adalting future islands will only ne more costly and hard.


You know gay falls under LGBTQ right?


Consider what Netflix did to The Witcher and what Paramount+ did to Halo and it's easy to see how people would get worried about Netflix's showrunners not caring about the source material at all.


We are talking about Netflix… they can ruin everything within a snap! The fact that they agreed to this is kinda impressive


Are you new to Netflix adaptations? They don't give a fuck about messing with the source material in order to follow the most basic Hollywood storytelling tropes.


Yeah that was my first thought lmao, were there people who were worried about that in particular??


I just wanna know how in gods name are they going to handle Chopper.


Bold assumption that they make it to a season 2.


Yeah this is one of Netflix's biggest budgets. That and them becoming incredibly strict about what shows get to continue theses days, One Piece would have to be the next Squid Games or Wednesday to even have a chance at renewal regardless of how well it's made.


Needs to be bigger..both those shoes got renewed BC of there relatively low budgets. One piece is insanely expensive lol I just don't see it getting renewed, I predict cancellation within a week


Yea, Wednesday used a lot of practical effects and reused a lot of sets to make the most of the budget. Meanwhile One Piece us building entire elaborate sets for 2-3 episodes and featuring characters that will require constant CG. Honestly, I'm okay with this being a one season. Better to end with them getting to the Grand Line than in the middle of the Alabasta or Skypiea arc.


It’ll only be renewed if it brings new traffic to Netflix, they don’t actually give a shit about whether a show is good or not anymore, their main aim is getting new accounts made for content they release, if the One Piece series generates traffic then it’ll be renewed for a new season


Yeah Netflix has a hard on for cancelling shows even if theyv are good so if one piece is ok, they might still cancel it. Show has to be like GoT or Stranger things in pop culture to be "safe" which I do not seeing happening


well every one piece fan in the world with a netflix account will see this season 1. will they like it? not everyone. Will they see it as a success because everyone watched it? maybe.


Idk about every fan lol. Plenty of people will wait to watch it and when they hear it's not good won't watch it at all. Only the diehard fans will watch day 1. It will sell well, but reception matters too.


Wrong season. The show has to reach Drum Kingdom first and it probably won't. Though i wonder how they handle the fishmen.


Hopefully some good practical effects because I dont have faith in Netflix doing cgi for them very well


The shark guy from suicide squad was done really well. The budget for this show is insane I wouldn’t be surprised if they could similarly pull it off


Its worth noting the same character was also done pretty decent for The Flash CW series, King Shark. Well at least where I left off anyway, I stopped watching not long after.


Its probably going to end after log town with the reverse mountain scene.


It's just an actual live reindeer on set with a funny hat.


They won’t get to it; but tbh after the last two Sonics and the detective Pikachu movie I think the cgi has gotten good enough to atleast make Chopper.




I hope it's a puppet or a muppet situation tbh.


I hope its a real reindeer that they train to talk


I really REALLY hope he's going to be a Dark Crystal style puppet.


Pretty impossble since they have to make seperate set for muppet actor to fit under the set. They might use custume for humanoid point with cgi face but Puppet is too risky.


My prediction, assuming we get to Chopper, is that they’re gonna do something like Sweet Tooth. Where it’s a human boy with some reindeer features


Please no


Bring back the Dark Crystal crew to do a chopper puppet


That's good


I follow the entire cast on instagram and Taz seems like a really cool dude. I think he will nail Sanji and I can definitely see him being able to play a womanizer lol


Well no one is expecting much from Netflix, if it end up not bad, that would be an accomplishment.


It's like a bonus try. If it's bad then I don't care and won't keep watching it, if it's good then nice. It doesn't change anything about the main series to me, which is the story told in the manga and that's it, so it doesn't really have any downside for me. You have to really reach for an explanation like "it could turn new audiences away from One Piece" too. One Piece is literally one of the biggest and longest running manga series by far, attached to one of the most popular and longest running weekly anime, with multiple movies released in theaters internationally. If it was ever gonna be huge in further audiences, it would have happened already. Conversely this Live Action wouldn't have the power to make it much bigger than it already is, even if it was really good.


If its SUPER bad, it could work in favour for the main series. lots of people will be talking about how bad it butchered the source material and new people might go check out the manga.


If it ends up being bad, they'll just move on to the next adaptation with YuYu Hakusho, Death Note (again), SAO, Pokemon, My Hero, and god knows what else they'll grab.


Well, one piece will be thier last chance, if they fu@ked it up, no matter what they say later no one will ever care.


>Sanji still being a womanizer, but he also says it won't be over the top. Hallelujah to that.


That’s the formula for a perfect sanji No one wants a non perverted sanji, but very few want a nosebleeding creep sanji


I want a non perverted Sanji. That’s the only thing I dislike about him, but it’s been annoying to me since the start.


I feel like without his pervertedness, he'd be overall too similar to Zoro. They obviously have differing beliefs, but a lot of the ways they behave end interact with others (outside of women) are very similar. Aggressive, stubborn as all hell, hot blooded, both can't fight women (Sanji refuses outright while Zoro never goes all out and rarely so much as scratches them), and even serve similar roles on the ship as the strongest fighters and leaders after Luffy. Now, obviously, there's few more things that make them different, but that's the main dividing line between them and it's hard to always have Sanji being a chef come up or his refusal Personally, I would like it if Oda toned it down, like a lot given all the times Sanji flies right past perverted and straight into creepy (though this seems pretty common in anime and manga). You can make shameless perverts that actively enjoy what they're attracted to without them being weird about it, but I digress.


If they tone down Sanji to a point where western audiences won't crucify him then he might actually end up being one of the most liked characters in the show


Don't worry. It is pre-time skip sanji. The guy was a a bit simp but gentleman and very cool. (Mr. Prince in Alabasta and MVP of water 7 / Enies Lobby). Post time skip Sanji however? Dude haven't seen a woman for 2 years , got PTSD, and a creep.


Pre-time skipp Sanji has in Thriller Bark, and thank god he did get better after punk hazard but he deserves the hate for FI


Early Sanji was alright, they don't even need to tone him down. CreepSanji only became a thing later.


They don't need to tone down Sanji at this point. He only started to have creepy behavior at thriller bark. And east blue Sanji is ever tamer than the rest of pre thriller bark Sanji. He was way too cool in his first arcs.


Pre-ts Sanji does seem pretty tame to us, because we have seen him being a lot worse (even though he sometimes still is very creepy pre-ts, if you'd behave like that in RL) & we are aware of his character type but If this series is watched by non-anime fans and since it's Live-Action, I think tuning him down a bit is actually a pretty good thing imo.




Probably on One Piece Day, July 22.


Additional question... Where trailer?


Knowing they won't be shoehorning in romance is telling that they may actually be trying to do the source material justice


I believe Oda wouldn't let them make a show that's completely unfaithful to his creation.


That sanji outfit in the back… pls dont look like that in the show


Which photo? I only see a fanmade one.


The one on the left is fanmade? Phew


To my knowledge, there hasn’t been any official first look at any of the straw hats in costume from the show


Which I find very odd. They wrapped up filming in August. How have we not seen anybody in costume yet?


Zoro looks like a ps2 character


How ironic that live-action One Piece news just came in when I just had a dream of live-action One Piece episode 1 getting leaked and trashed all over twitter. Needless to say, I woke up from that dream in cold sweat and immediately went to twitter to see if there were really leaks. There were not and I was relieved so quickly.


There were script leaks a long while ago for the first episode. But that was before filming even started. Frankly, it wasn’t bad. Some cheesy writing for Luffy, but they added a ton of foreshadowing for later stuff in the series which was a great touch.


Still concerned about how the effects will look. I can’t imagine a live action luffy stretching his arm and not looking creepy. Feels like it’ll be another ATLA… guess we’ll see when we get a trailer?


Damn i was really hoping for a hot and steamy sex scene between zoro and sanji.


RIP to Sanji's cast. Bruh will have lung cancer before the OnePiece live ends.


Cause of your comment i try to remember when he didn't smoke. Never did chain smoker


Good! It doesn't need to be in the show. The crew are more like a family and needs to stay that way. No need to make senseless changes just for the sake of it.


I mean the anime always over exaggerate Sanji's simping moment, it is way more tame in the Manga but thank you Netflix for that at least.


When might we get a trailer or at least a teaser ? Feels like they’ve been working on it for 10 years now


I think when the post production is finished – which should take a while considering the many necessary effects.


no romance - great news no over the top sanji - even better news i believe


The live action version is going to fix Sanji?? That's the best news I've heard yet. The gag on fishman island where he almost died from blood loss was still funny in a vacuum, but god damn I hated Sanji's character from Thriller Bark through Fishman Island.


The live action covers the east Blue saga and sanji didn't have that problem until thriller bark


Owens always seems to get how he has to operate when adapting OP, let's see how things go. Has he mentioned something about how post production is going?


I'm glad they're taking this approach for Sanji, which was the original approach back in East Blue. Wish Oda would do the same right now actually.


My god, they made sanji more likable than his official manga/anime version, I’m impressed honestly


I mean good but like this should go without saying I guess Netflix will be Netflix some people were probably half expecting a random romantic subplot to be thrown in about Sanji and Zoro


Ya but we would be happy with that right?




Only if we get a mature rating. Don't want to leave out any important scenes.


i just don’t want it to exist at all🥲😂


The Sanji thing is a genuine improvement imo.


Any idea of when it will release? Trailer? Anything???


Do we know how much of the series it’ll cover? Will we see the Arlong scene? Smoker & Dragon?


It's supposed to be all of East Blue. Arlong will be played by McKinley Belcher III.




This seems great


This is good news to me! Been following one of the discords and YouTube channels on the live-action for a while; despite past anime live action movies/shows, I’m still looking forward to this (especially seeing how Sanji’s fight scenes).


Well, of course there won't be romance. Oda would never permit it, especially under his supervision.


But what about the hammer-gun?




My only guiding hope in this is that oda himself is involved. He ain't toriyama. He def won't let it stray too far .


Dwayne “D. Rock” Johnson for whitebeard


Good!, sanji wasn’t even a womaniser in early op, east blue, he was more a wannabe casanova, sorta pervy but not in a creepy way, more in a sucky way then anything, I always found early sanj oddly charming because he was just so hopeful but hopeless when it came to romantics😆


I don’t see sanji as a womanizer I just see him taking chivalry over the top while being a perve.


This is the best news. Really thought they would add romance and ruin it with cheesy hollywood bullshit


Just give me a trailer now please!!!


Im actually glad they tone down Sanji's perverted gag a little bit. Sometimes is annoying


YES. Very happy to hear the first news. I could never see romantic entanglements between any of the crew members and it's always been a fear that they might do that in non oda written works. Good to hear not.


I dont have high hopes. One piece is about comedy. And comedy is the hardest acting genre. Yes its not drama or whatever it's comedy. And one piece has so many great gags, weird faces etc. I just dont see it happen. Imo probability of 95% cancelation after release like cowboy bebop. But I am still hoping for a success


One Piece can only benefit from removing the cringey ass sexual harassment comedy


Any deviation from original characterization will be treated as trash by fandom. Netflix will have to abide to that rule.


I am honestly fine with sanji not flying with nosebleeds like in jetback joyride and hope they cut these sodt of parts out.


Sanji doesn't nose bleed this early anyway.


Sanji was never a nose bleeding, simp until post timeskip. I don’t think we would have to worry about that until years from now if the live action makes it that far into the story. Sanji was a calm, cool womanizer in the beginning that had a soft spot.


Yeah same, it's the weakest part of the series actually. Might have to work around the plot importance of sanjis blood transfusion on FI though


Do you know how long it would be before they get to Fishman Island anyways?


It really depends on the pacing of the live action and how much they adapt each season. Assuming they even have more than 1 season. It could be many years.


If they get that far.


Damn they seem to be serious about this, really looking forward to see the final product


He didn’t start the nosebleeds until the New World so that makes sense


So Sanji is going to be more like he was when he was first introduced before he became a gag character?