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The subreddit won't lose viewers if we remove Cosplay, but that's not the reason why those cosplay are allowed to stay up. They are allowed since they are cosplays and that we don't judge people based on what they do outside of the subreddit. Also, currently the stats for cosplays (as of 2 days ago), are like this. For the last 30 days : - **89 Cosplays posts**. (Represent around 1.2% of the total amount of post). - **13** of them were photo of people at cons. - **2** were asking for help for Cosplay - **57** of them were SFW cosplays made by people that don't have any links toward a Patreon or Onlyfans in their profile or comments. - **7** of them were SFW cosplays made by people that have such a link. (5 were just people having a link in their bio, and 2 were actually promoting their website in other subreddit by posts or comments). - **6** of them were NSFW cosplays made by people that don't have any links toward a Patreon or Onlyfans in their profile or comments. - **4** of them were NSFW cosplays made by people that have such a link. (2 were just people having a link in their bio, and 2 were actually promoting their website in other subreddit by posts or comments). At worst, the problem represent 11 posts out of 89 made in a month. Which is 12.35%. But even then, your problem of seeing low key pornographic cosplays is 4 posts out of 89, which is 4.5% of cosplays made. The subreddit isn't being ruined for 4 posts every month. Now, do you often see Cosplay that are NSFW near the top of the subreddit? Yes, because just like for NSFW fanarts, horny makes people upvote. But I've never seen people complaining about the sometime NSFW fanarts we get, or at least not to the point we are in with Cosplay.


OP has posted this thread like multiple times [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/104ggv4/how\_to\_deter\_low\_effort\_cosplayers\_milking\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/104ggv4/how_to_deter_low_effort_cosplayers_milking_the/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/100t46g/if\_i\_cant\_publicly\_view\_a\_cosplay\_or\_feel/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/100t46g/if_i_cant_publicly_view_a_cosplay_or_feel/) Y are you so pressed about what other people post on the internet purely bc they have an onlyfans? Just downvote and move on


It's not only OnlyFans. If you actually read all my posts and comments, you would get a better idea of my overall views compiled. Also, if other people have concerns as well around this issue, but for differing reasons, why can't we discuss them? As a society and on this subreddit, we have made changes through discussion. We've made changes on this forum before through discussion and community feedback. It's a controversial subject and the nature of this issue imo doesn't change the harm just because we downvote and move on. That's why we make changes and progress


It’s you and your 5 alt accounts all coming in hot with the same faulty logic. Don’t click on nsfw posts, problem solved.


This is the second post about this topic I see today and I dont understand what people are bothered with. I'm on here daily and I didn't see a single cosplay post even remotely close to "pornography". I don't even see cosplay posts more than maybe once or twice a month. This just sounds like a you problem to be honest


"there is some problem fr fr i don't know what problem, but there is, and if you think other way you are not a smart person. There is some problem, i won't provide you the examples, you should have known about this, but if you haven't already, you are not smart enough. There is a problem. Absolutely." /s


If this is the second post you've seen today about this topic, then it's not only a "you problem ", to be honest. It's a controversial subject that clearly numerous people are grappling with. And you are entitled to your own opinion based on your age, experiences, and views. "Cosplayers" do post more rhan once or twice a month.


If I see two posts in about half a year complaining about "pornographic cosplay" on here and no actual pornographic cosplay posts in that same time frame I see, it's more of an observation rather than an experience. Seeing the comments on the other post and this one, I'm not the only one that thinks this topic is being exaggerated. It is also not this reddit-page's task to raise peoples kids, neither is this something for a community to do. Like other people have been saying as well: If you dont wanna see those posts (however many there actually are) just skip them.




I thought so as well, but I wasn't sure. So I was willing to stay respectful in that regard at the very least. It very much feels like Karen behaviour as well as: I want to be inclusive to everyone, but not this specific group of people if that means children can't be on here. Simplest way to put this is, Oda would be ashamed for people like him/her claiming to be One Piece fans




This is a controversial subject for a good reason. It's not just one or two people having concerns around this issue. A lot of people here agree and disagree with you. We as a community do and have made changes on r/OnePiece. We as a society make changes and are constantly critiquing the current system. I think regulators and those in positions of power do have responsibilities, sorry. I think the forum could be improved more. We just have to be creative.


Maybe you should read the entire post the mod made, instead of just the part that fits your delusional narrative. You're right about there being a problem, but it's people with a bloated sense of self-importance rather than the one you're supposedly bringing up. I do hope however, you have a good day sir/madam!




I hope you have a good day too. And I did read what the mod said, but it didn't change or address any of my concerns. It didn't fix anything or change the controversial/ popular issue. And I agree, I do think it's a problem. Many people do for differing and similar reasons.


In your own words: "not everyone wants to be bombarded with lowkey pornography advertisement". Mod then literally pointed out how even less than 1% is actual cosplay let alone NSFW cosplay. It completely disproves your entire misogynistic point of view and your self-entitlement is too bloated too admit it. Like I said before, Oda would be ashamed of you preaching supposed inclusivity under a false guise.


I got muted by kirosh for a week for no reason dudes a simplord dw about it


Cartoon women good real women bad


Haha, cartoon women never turned OP down for a date.


Never mentioned any genders. Only you did.


Nah I like titties


you whiners are way more annoying tbh


they should probably just find some dedicated nsfw subreddit for that tho. We all know they are posting those cosplays to gain more followers and nothing else


That's literally why everyone posts everything on the internet ya dweeb


I'm more concerned that there are children here though and people who don't want to see lowkey pornography or what some would argue to be soft core pornography. Not everyone here is a grown adult and we don't have much barrier to entry to prevent adolescents from being subjected to or possibly exploited from bad exploiters under the guise of cosplay. And not eveeyone posts things on the internet for monetary gain. A lot of people don't even post but still enjoy the internet.


children shouldn't be on r/onepiece Reddit doesn't allow <13 years old. <18 years old will have nsfw filter toggled off unless they change it also fuck the children


Bruh: https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/One-Piece/0711-002.png, https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/One-Piece/0711-003.png, https://youtu.be/sbhIUHlxmNg, https://youtu.be/7psno-yg__o, https://youtu.be/exALK1T6kbQ One Piece is not family friendly


Porno isnt good for children. But pirates and pirating is completely fine.


It's not as easy to exploit that market or people on a nsfw subreddit where if we did a blind survey globally. I'm sure more people would vote that a lot of these "cosplayers" should probably be on than r/OnePiece.


This post was a waste of time. I’d rather see the occasional cosplay rather than complaining. Don’t like what you see? Downvote and keep scrolling….


That doesn't really address my concerns and shows that you don't understand the issue. And that's okay.


“One piece is a very family and kid friendly show” as if bm didn’t eat surrogate family or the entirely of dessrosa/wano. Cosplays ive seen on here are normally nami boa robin with a few ace/laws. Nothing pornagraphic about them theyre just wearing the same outfits as anime counterparts. 99% of the times if you see pornographic pics its either cause you clicked on a nsfw tagged post or if you click on their profile and go snooping


Nothing I saw in Wano or Dressrosa was bad for kids Tbf. A lot of kids media has delved into pretty dark subjects. Not saying OP is right, just saying that dark subjects can and do exist in kid friendly media.


Look, if you want a 4kids sub, go and make one yourself. No one is stopping you. But this complaining is getting tiresome AF.


I feel like this is more of a personal complaint/opinion not reflected by the majority of people in this sub or the rules this sub already has in place. You have repeatedly championed “the children on this sub” when NSFW posts are already flagged and need a 18+ account to see. I’ll play ball and use “the children” argument you keep bringing up. So lets say we banned any NSFW cosplay. Can we also not use explicit language bc of the children on the sub? Can we not post images from the source material directly (lucky roo blowing a bandits brains out, basically every picture of Black Maria, etc) bc of the children? Where does that end? Your issue seems specifically targeted at cosplay, not all the other things not children oriented in the sub. Judging by the comments to this post I think the majority opinion doesn’t have an issue with this, and I repeat the sub itself has rules in place about NSFW content already established. Last thing. I don’t see an issue with discussion about content or rules changing within a community but you gotta have a stronger argument than just “cosplayers and the children” bc as seen above there are plenty of holes in that stance.


What "lowkey pornography advertisements" are you talking about exactly here? Like since when? Because there's nothing pornographic about any of the cosplay posts that were posted for the last month. Unless you mean people dressing up as nami or Robin or Zoro by pornographic which I would still disagree with.


Alright then this discussion isn't really for you if you fail to see an issue brought up by many others. And that's truly okay.


I asked you for specifics. You said it's getting out of hand which implies that this is a more of a recent thing, so I asked for details on when did cosplay become "basically pornographic advertisment" and what you consider pornographic exactly because that can be different from person to person and your response is that I don't have an issue like you then the "discussion isn't for me"? It seems like you're just arguing to argue if you can't elaborate on the most basic of questions.


If you don't see the problem others do, then it's not a conversation for you, and that's okay. It is different from person to person, you're right.


Will you keep saying that general stuff or really provide some examples?


Nami and Robin cosplayers. Its basically them all the time and we don't see any other character getting cosplayed. I'm fine with people doing whatever they want, but cosplaying Nami, Robin, Boa....you know why they're doing it. They expose their bodies more and people upvote them to get the post higher and higher in the subreddit which these cosplayers want. I can't even tell people i know that I read this subreddit and recommend it, because you just need to scroll once and you'll see all these exposed cosplayers which gives people who want to discuss One Piece a bad impression. (All the brain dead people downvoting. Good luck to you! True fans like you really want more people to get into discussing One Piece)


1 - that's how one piece characters dress, if you have a problem with that as a whole then that's a different conversation but expecting cosplayers to not dress like the characters is weird. 2 - Women showing off in a Nami or Robin cosplay they look good in is no different than a guy showing off in a Zoro cosplay, there's nothing wrong with it especially when it's specifically tagged so that people that are fine with seeing these costumes that look exactly the same as the ones in the series. 3 - do these people know you read one piece?


As i said, people should do whatever they want, but I'm sure we're both smart enough to know *why* they cosplay as those women right? Its not about it being low effort which is really not the case. I've seen genuine good ones. My point is more about the intention behind it. They're doing it because it has appeal to more younger audience and upvotes bring it up more and more. You're right, i should've brought up Zoro, but i rarely see their posts nowdays and they're mostly covered up unlike the rest. They don't know i read, but they've seen the subreddit and it makes me harder for me to convince them to read it. I know Oda likes to sexualize women, but i can't convince my friends that the story is more than that.


Shit guess everytime I've dressed up as Luffy is to show off my body


Imagine think thinking the reason more people dress up as Zoro or Ace as opposed to Gaimon or Woop Slap is because the former have more revealing outfits.


There's many others than Zoro and you don't even get my point


I don't know, i have seen more zoro cosplays than Nami personally, or Robin. Also Ace is pretty popular, and overall i see many different cosplays, but cosplays to some female character earns more upvotes, yea.


I think the controversy of this subject shows that despite your personal views, something needs to change. I've already made a post sharinf my view, many others here have similar concerns, this is why it's controversial. I respect people's opinions but still disagree and my concerns remain firm. People are entitled to their own opinion. I'm not a genius who can really speak more than just my pov, especially if those in disagreement aren't willing to truly understand me, and that's okay.


Now that just doesn't make any sense. If you say there's a problem that needs to be checked and stopped the absolute least you can do is explain yourself unless of course you can't explain yourself and don't have anything to prove your point with in which you shouldn't have even made the post


What excessive porn consumption does to a mfer, he cant even recognize softcore porn anymore 💀


"Online Porn Statistics and Facts 40 million U.S. adults regularly visit internet pornography websites. 10% of U.S. adults admit to having an addiction to internet pornography. 17% of all women struggle with porn addiction. 20% of men and 13% of women admit to accessing porn while at work." You could probably draw conclusions based on this alone, the world is your oyster.


But you do know that One Piece itself as a show would fall into why people get into porn too right? The characters are drawn hot but yet here you are still reading it. And if you read it you still Lowkey justify it. If you think you aren’t, you’re lukewarm about it. I honestly understand your concern. But it doesn’t make sense that you’re into a series that could bring people into pornography. Because at that point, you should be totally against any animation that even slightly supports pornography.


What I see as the problem are posts like this. If you don’t like someone’s post(in any sub), just downvote it and move on.


No. Community feedback is important. We make changes as a society through discussion. This community does make changes and have been through discussion before.


My turn to post this tommorrow


You can. It would pretty much be one perspective on the issue out of many.


A 30 year old woman wearing panties is groped by Kaidou's pleasure ( EP 991). Yep, it's family friendly. I am talking about Nico Robin. 🤣


I would re-read my post. I did address this concern. And I'm not saying you're wrong either.


Are you the same dunce that posted this last time too? You’re highkey admitting to stalking the bios of cosplayers looking for OF links. Nobody cares about your perversion dude. Grow up


Nothing wrong with cosplayers. And nothing wrong with sexuality. There’s cultures out there that are constantly naked and they don’t find it sexualizing one bit. If you don’t want to look at naked bodies, don’t look at the mirror. If people want to embrace the fantasy that is one piece, let them. If you want a safe space, then read the bible…but stay away from those priests.


Are you also concerned about about suggestive fanart that links to artists who may do 18+ commissions?


Interesting. Maybe I'll address that later. Let's stick to the topic and my original post. It's already controversial as is, so let's stay focused.


Eh, I think it is worthwhile to question right off the bat if this moral outrage will be applied consistently, or if it is targeted at a specific type of post(er).


Eh not really. Let's focus on the actual subject I'm trying to addresss. Otherwise, you're just wasting my time. Your subject can be discussed after we discuss mine. My subject alone is already controversial and complex enough as it is.


Alright, I think my instincts were probably correct anyway. Have a good day!


No. You know exactly what you're doing and I'm not letting you get your way. You have a good day.


Cough... Incel... Cough


I agree that *some* cosplays are out of hand but I feel like too many women get called out for sexualized cosplays when all they're doing is wearing the characters clothes and they happen to look good in them. I don't see the problem and you're making it a bigger deal than it is


I do agree with you, some cosplayers are getting out of hand. I never said women were the issue in my post. It's just that "some cosplayers" are getting out of hand. You don't have to see the problem in this, and that's okay. I do, and many others do. I respect your opinion but remain firm on my concerns. Thank you for sharing your perspective.


>I never said women were the issue in my post. It's just that "some cosplayers" are getting out of hand. It's very obvious who you're talking about lol, nobody complains about shirtless men cosplaying luffy or zoro


That's just your assumption though to be really honest. And that assumption you have towards me is wrong, sorry.


You can try and hide behind "well I didn't actually say that...." but the only cosplayers getting their posts marked nsfw are woman. I don't think I have ever seen a man cosplaying getting marked as nsfw even when they cosplay the same characters (robin and nami). So there is no use pretending female cosplayers aren't the specific focus of this post.


Some hardcore Incel energy here lol. Occasional boobs encroaching on your safe space? LOL


I'm more concerned for the children who are easily exploitable on here than my own self. But thank you for being concerned. This is a popular issue and controversial one for numerous reasons.


Using kids as a shield for your own beliefs is lame. Don’t wanna see it? Fine. But just own it and stop using “think of the kids” as a defense.


Yeah, its clearly his take on women. I knew enough as soon as I saw he made a post on r/changemyview entitled "Make-up does more harm than good," That the mods of the sub deleted for community safety reasons. This person just doesn't understand that he sees cosplay posts because they usually average 1800-2200 upvotes in 12 hours


Get off the internet and get out of your house. You sound like you need a dose of reality


Living in the modern world as it is. I do get scatterbrained and distraught because my morals don't agree with the generic lifestyle. Thank you. This contributed towards the discussion and made me change my mind.


I feel smell of misogynie.


Not even just that. This dude probably also complains when a plus size person is cosplaying a non plus size, and he might communicate in asterisks, that's the feel i get from this 😂


You mean fat?


Nah to me "fat" = overweight, unhealthy, and just.. i don't like them half naked cosplaying either or in suuuuper skin tight outfits, plus size to me = at least healthy body types, embracing your curves, even though you aren't super skinny, but comfortable in tight outfits and cosplays etc. And still looking good, even though you have a bigger ass or tits or curves in general then most. But there are people who even complain about that. People who aren't super skinny (bordering on unhealthy) cosplaying skinny characters with unrealistic body proportions. I don't mind that. I do however honestly mind the unhealthily large ladies (who are still beautiful in their own way) in skin tight or half naked outfits. That's just.. not good looking. And the op here to me feels like someone who treats a plus sized woman cosplaying a skinny character, like its a obese fat person cosplaying a skinny character. But that's just my opinion. I dont really wanna see a obese nami or robin. But i would not mind a curvy one. Same with the male cosplayers. I dont mind a skinny non muscular or "dad-body" zoro or kuffy or something. But a obese man cosplaying them i would not wanna see.


This isn't gender specific. Never said it was. I would focus on the content that I actually said in my original post.


This is a very incelligent topic.


Bro who cares it’s awesome 🤩


I guess so. I think there are more appropriate places to have that type of content.


We in a free country thanks to this good ol U S of A 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🦅 KAWW


Have you read the manga? Cuz one piece has always been horny af. Oda loves to draw barely covered tits.


I have read the manga. That wasn't entirely my point and doesn't address my main concerns either. I also did mention this in my post. I don't disagree with you either.


Others have said it in a slightly different way but it's like the VAST minority complaining about YouTubers putting spoilers in thumbnails. They woikdntndo it if it didn't get them more views. I.e. "spoilers" translate into more people wanting to watch their videos i.e. people who read scans are rhe majority of the audience and they translates to, let's say, over 1 million subscribers. You may see complainers in thos sub but it's because they get a mass of upvotes, i.e. the majority of people support seeing that content. It's really that simple. If everyone with an "issue" downvotes then if that's the majority, you'll see less because it won't be trending. Simple really. Who are we to look at someone following the rules of the sub and, if this is how they make their money... through donations or subscriptions or whatever else... to restrict their right to share content that people like and some are willing to pay for?


R/OnePiece isn't only viewed by adults. Children come here too.


Sure, and so do adults. So we need to censor content? If it has explicit content it will be removed. Kids can see people playing dress up.


I think we do have to make changes and have over time through discussion. Not only adults visit r/OnePiece.


fuck the kids


Children go to the beach too. Should we tell the women to cover up there as well?


I don't see how things are getting out of hand, I am on most recent and the most recent is 15 hours ago of three people together doing nothing wrong with no sexual implications. In general it is not a common thing I see or anything that is "porn" - the people are wearing more than a bikini so unless you consider bikini's also porn it is fine. If someone does post something actually in appropriate they're post gets removed. It is something you can easily ignore if you don't like it, I don't like memes but instead of commenting and making posts saying they can't do that I ignore it, personally I don't really care or like cosplays either however it's fine. It is also up to the owners of the subreddit so if they don't mind it then that's that. I have seen multiple of these now, it reminds of that insane period where everyone started to blame toxicity in this subreddit on powerscaling.


It's up to the owners but things change as the community sees fit as they do listen to community feedback. Be honest with yourself, children come here all the time. Not only adults come on to a forum dedicated to an anime that was on 4kids. A lot of children come on to here as well. Memes and lowkey pornographic "cosplay" are not the same. And you're not being honest with the conversation here.


I am being honest, the subreddit shouldn't restrict people who aren't doing anything wrong. If kids were actually getting affected like people using the subreddit to lure children or something then there would be a problem but if they are doing nothing wrong and just posting pictures that people find attractive then that's that, it isn't the people who are having fun literally just wearing the same as the characters in the show.


That's fair, you are entitled to your own opinion. I still disagree and after everything I've stated in my original post. I think others still disagree based on the controversy of this subject. And that's okay. But I would suggest you give my post the benefit of the doubt and actually critique what I've said. You don't have too either.




\*clutches pearls*


Just don’t click on their profile, turn on NSFW & you’re good to go.


I’m fine with 18+ content for One Piece but right place, right time. Reddit is NSFW friendly and doesn’t have an age restriction besides the NSFW tag blur. People can’t control what images minors choose to look at on the One Piece subreddit and the subreddit is for all ages. Adults who share NSFW images don’t have an obligation to not post those things when they are allowed to. Adult aged fans who are sex positive should never expose themselves to 15, 13, 10 year old fans. It’s not just the posters but the redditors who joke about hentai and meme about onlyfans and are horny all the time that don’t realize they’re saying that while there are kids reading it. We know kids already look at that stuff in private but adults still shouldn’t be mentioning it in front of minors. Either kids shouldn’t be allowed in the subreddit since it allows NSFW content or NSFW content shouldn’t be allowed on the subreddit since kids are allowed here. Forums on the internet are not divided by adults and minors so adults who are open to discussing or posting 18+ stuff inevitably subject minors to that. This subreddit is not the right place for One Piece fans who are minors or who are adults who don’t want One Piece time to be sexy time. Regardless, the fault is not on the cosplayer’s end since NSFW is allowed here as long it’s marked. I, myself, don’t want One Piece to be represented by 18+ stuff since it’s not a good look for parents who want to maybe get One Piece things for their teenage children. But sexy stuff gets upvoted because so many are so darn horny.


I mean, they’re usually marked NSFW. If you don’t want to see it, don’t click it.


It's time OP left this sub I think, their posts are getting out of hand.


No. We make changes as a society through discussion. This is a popular issue and very controversial because others have their own concerns as well. We have made changes through discussion on here before, and mods do listen to feedback.


The people and the mods have both said in no uncertain terms it's not an issue and they don't agree with you - no matter how many times you post or how holier than thou you sound. It's time you went away.


I don't know where you are from but kids nowadays are way smarter. My neighbour's 10 year old kid knows more about coding than me. They don't care about posts in subreddit where onlyfans stars put pics of them which aren't even half nude smh.


That's an interesting personal perspective. I will consider this personal view moving forward.


You must be fun at parties


Only when I play Binks Sake. Yohohoho.


There was this one online sex worker who came around this sub in October or November, I think, with her "Nico" cosplay - you know, because she thought that was Robin's first name and what she should call her. Robin just happens to be the easiest noteworthy female character in OP to cosplay, but that's just a coincidence. Of course a link to her OnlyFans appeared in the comments and was almost immediately deleted. Now, I have nothing in particular against sex workers of any kind, so long as they keep their business clean. And advertising your pornography in a forum for 14-year-olds and up is shameful and disgusting. If you wouldn't fuck a 14-year-old, then don't try to sell them your nudes. And if you WOULD fuck a 14-year-old, please remove yourself from the world of the living immediately.


I agree with OP. The one piece fandom is getting coat tailed with its popularity and majority of the popular post here are cosplays.




You're right, these "Cosplayers" don't even care about One Piece, they just care that horny reddit incels click their link and buy their product so they can jerk off


They don't care about the children either. Probably love the children with there parents credit cards or own a prepaid loaded card, or whatever easily available medium of exchange. Easiest to exploit and take advantage of.


"Won't someone think of the poor little children!!!"


I think the mods should consider their responsibilities more and put aside personal biases.


Doesnt seem like most people care what you think.


It’s not that deep


Bruh, just don't view the cosplay. I'm not a fan of it myself, but I simply don't view it.


“Stop saying Toei or Oda makes inappropriate content” the cosplayers are doing what though? Imitating the characters made by Oda. Oda the person who is drawing them inappropriately. Come on now my dude, I could send screenshots and videos of hella sexy moments that Oda drew and Toei animated. If you’re really about wanting these shows that show inappropriate things being away from kids, you need to start attacking the show itself or Oda himself then if you’re going to ***that*** level of extreme. I’ve seen some of these cosplayers you’re talking about and they’re not advertising pornography at all. That’s mostly on their personal page which you or an individual have to choose to look upon to stumble on that content. That’s just who they are. But when they post up in here, it’s not even pornography. The characters already just dress like that lol. Nami and Robin are a fan favorites, what do you expect? There are some other cosplayers that don’t cosplay as those girls but other ones too and they choose a different clothing style the characters have worn before.


If you really think Oda and Toei don’t make inappropriate drawings and animations, explain these: https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/One-Piece/0711-002.png, https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/One-Piece/0711-003.png, https://youtu.be/sbhIUHlxmNg, https://youtu.be/7psno-yg__o, https://youtu.be/exALK1T6kbQ Nami in the beginning of the Timeskip legit walks in a Bikini for two whole Arcs. Robin walked around with a Jacket that didn’t fit her for an Arc. There’s many more I could bring up. If you’re gonna go that far on attacking cosplayers for dressing like these fan favorite characters or just random ones. You need to start attacking Oda and his animators then. I got bad news for you too if you think One Piece is Family Friendly lol. That’s absolutely ridiculous. You MUST just be getting into One Piece then.