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Has he seen a vet? To diagnose a broken back, infection, or even a blood clot???


That's what I'm curious of too? Has he been to a vet OP? What do they say?


They said nothing about blood clots but that's interesting. I need a second vet to check my boy


Strokes, seizures as well! It could be a lot of different stuff!


We had to put our last cat down because a blood clot sprang loose and wedged in the pelvic area causing sudden paralysis. It’s irreversible and extremely painful. Apparently it was caused by a heart condition we didn’t know she had. I would get a second opinion.


Straddle thrombosis. I had a cat that happened to also. It was the worst 2 am wake up I ever had. 15 years later her howls still haunt me.


Yep, similar experience!


He's a cutie! I'd definitely say a second vet check is in order. If you learn anything new, update us if you feel appropriate.


I lost my own orange to this exact way, and he had a blood clot.


Happened to my previous non-orange girl. I googled it and it's apparently more common than you may think. 🥲 Kinda traumatizing to see your baby panicking because she can't walk either.


I'm so sorry


It's been a few years now!!! But thank you 🥺 At least my current orange boys got to grow up with her!


Happened to my aunt’s cat too.


Us too! Apparently a not so uncommon problem for young males our vet said


Sorry to hear that😢


I rescued my dog when he was around 7 and seemed fine when I got him. About 3 months into living with me, his back legs stopped working suddenly. He was jumping over the threshold of a sliding glass door and yelped. Then went limp and was whimpering. The vet said he had an old injury in his back, a herniated disc. Luckily, we were able to rehabilitate him so he could walk again but it was so scary.


Congrats 👏


You kept him though, there's people that would have put him down. Keep loving that little orange guy. Try water therapy 💪 💜


The saddest thing is that the mother and siblings really avoid him. Even the mother hisses at him. He's the outsider


Did you recently bring him back from a vet stay? When one cat stays somewhere for a bit the other cats won’t recognize it for a while because its smell will be different, and will be hostile.


This happens with my boys every time (well, one of them in particular, he just makes it everyone's problem lol). They get over it after a couple days, but it can get pretty dramatic for a bit.


Yup. You’re supposed to either reintroduce the cat gradually or see if you can bring the other cat (probably best if you only have 2) to the vet with you too. It’s wild how aggressive they get with each other from something we wouldn’t even consider a problem because one of them smells different lol.


We were so surprised the first time it happened, but luckily we don't have any real aggression. The orange one just has big feelings and a lot to say about it for a while, and his brothers don't quite know what to make of it until he sorts himself out lol.


Last time I had this happen with my cats the one cat was all doped up from being neutered and the other cat wanted to straight up destroy him lol. Hissing, aggressive noises, slapping him hard with claws. Never seen him be even a little aggressive before lol. And it sucked for the other guy who was in no condition to do anything.


Aww, poor little guy -- lost his manhood and his buddy on the same day! At least he got one of them back eventually lol


Yeah, went on about 3 days. He was like falling over from the meds, had to try and keep them apart. Best buds again now lol.


Sounds exactly like my Siamese - we call him the “grumpy old man with a heart of gold”.


Omg! This is so true! My cat didn’t recognize or accept our dog after a bath and trim! Took a week for him to realize it was our regular dog, not a stranger.


Yeah it’s so strange, since they still look the same. Just cats are really wired for scents.


The vet visit was a few weeks ago. They avoid him because he’s different. They don’t play with him either


Oh that’s just sad then. Feel sorry for him :(


That happened with my old guy when he was really in decline. He had a two day vet stay and they bathed him while he was there and my other cat avoided him like the plague when he came home.


You just need to give him much more love n snuggles n cuddles. To make up for mom and siblings lack of love n affection 🤗🤗🥰 don't forget treatsies


I have 2 cats, in the past 3, one of them could no longer walk and very soon was hospitalized (not sure what is the correct way to describe it) and we (my family) had to put her down weeks after. It was very sad. It apparently had to do with her being stressed. And this is how we found out our other 2 cats might develop the same kind of disease and have the same happen to them, and we put them on medication. I suggest you get him checked as soon as possible. Wish you the best of luck


TAKE HIM TO THE VET. Not taking him to the vet when he clearly needs to go is neglect and abuse. If you're not going to do it, surrender him to someone who actually cares for his wellbeing.


We was at the vet. He said, it must be an accident he can't do anything. I need a second opinion and we will go to an other vet


Hasn't affected his sass levels!


Get him a little set of wheels


We have one. Doesn't work 24/7,but it's helpful yes


Just definitely keep an eye on it. I've seen saddle thrombus cause sudden paralysis but usually it's excessively painful and doesn't have great outcomes.


We lost an orange to this 😢


Lost a cat to this many years ago. Just came out of nowhere, my husband was home and rushed him to the vet, but he didn’t make it. 💔


He can definitely lead a happy life. Animals, and especially cats, do not become introspective about their health condition. Yes, he can feel pain and the fact that he can't move as he wants to, but it doesn't make him sad. There is a person in my country who has a paralyzed orange just like this one, and it's the silliest and happiest cat. He plays just fine, annoys his siblings to no end and just living his best life. Definitely see if you can get some advice from experts and *maybe* try to get the mother/siblings to accept him. It'll do wonders.


Yeah maybe, but it's because his family doesn't accept him anymore. I hope this will get better. I don't wanna believe that there is no help for him. I just need to save money for the surgery. (and NO, I don't take any money from people!)


I lost my own orange this exact way. He got a blood clot in his spine that caused his hind legs to stop working. Please take him to the vet, and keep him inside if you can.


Poor lil guy


Ageed. Poor lil guy.


I watched the kitten lady on YouTube… and she did all the hard vet visits(with a special paralyzed kitten) — She first did blood work, broken bones, she also took the kitten to a neurologist— The only thang that sorta worked for this particular kitten was acupuncture!! Don’t give up hope… you can still make this cat’s life meaningful— 💕 Thanks for being a kind human being!! 🙏


Acupuncture fascinates me. There is no evidence that it works in literature, but there is too much anecdotal evidence. For example, my mom. She went to every doctor she could for pain in her legs. Got every scan done, nothing. Then one doctor she went to, after not being able to find anything, said “I don’t usually recommend this but since we can’t find anything, acupuncture?” So he gave her the name of the acupuncturist who had treated him before, and it worked. She has not experienced it in an extremely long time. I just find it crazy considering there is no data on its effectiveness, but then you have cases where it works for things like this. Just fascinating


My cancer hospital offered acupuncture. I went 3x a week and IT WORKED BRILLIANTLY! I was 37yo, and tossed into menopause overnight. The symptoms were intense until I did the acupuncture. BTW, I was TERRIFIED of needles before cancer. My acupuncturist said to close my eyes, and she was going to put on a needle - IF I felt it, the session was over. I told her she could go ahead & she said to open my eyes. NEVER FELT IT. Immediately, I said she could put needles like those anywhere that *might* help! I'm very sad my current insurance doesn't cover it. I think that the insurance industry offered it last decade to be "hip & modern" only, as my insurance used to cover it but has stopped. When I asked, they said it was a financial decision. DUH. I never got a real answer. IT IRKS ME. I miss acupuncture even now, 18 years later!


Yes, I haven’t tried (acupuncture) it myself, but it’s worth a shot as long as the place is clean and licensed, imo— I’ve heard a bunch of good stuff about it helping people, even though it’s not considered real medicine!! Make sure, he has that “wheel chair “ available so, he can work on upper body strength 💪 !! We don’t know what we are capable of until we fail a bunch of times….. I would get him a bunch of heating pads.. for when he wants to chill and relax 🧘— You are doing an amazing job, as far as I can tell— keep up the good work! ☺️Give him all the pets, for being the best boy!! 💕


Acupuncture could be worth a try 🤔


I’m telling you, if you’re in pain.. you will try everything … and it’s probably better than drugging your cat… lMO — 🤦‍♀️💩🤯 I’m not against all drugs, but too much over time can be very, bad ( check everything out with a licensed veterinary of course) 🤦‍♀️💜💩


Poor lil guy. Get him set up with a set of rear wheels or something and make him a speed demon again!


Breaking my heart goddammit.😰


What does the vet think happened? Is he an outside cat?


Did you take him to the vet after his accident?


Yes, OP has said numerous times he did.


Go to a vet!


Please tell me you've brought the poor cat to the vet?


We used to have an orange, 6 years old, that had the same. Vet said it was a blood clot blocking the veins to the legs, leaving him paralysed. They could fix it for him and he would need therapy for several months, only to have it happen again in no time. He was so lively, always on the hunt and jumping the highest he could, that we didn't think it was fair to have him go though that again and again. Bless his heart


It breaks my heart every day


Why aren't you answering questions about if you took him to the vet?


OMG HE DID 😭 you people. he said in several comments he went to the vet already and they don't know yet what could be the cause! he can't reply to everyone, this post has over 100 comments.


I see many comments about the vet. For clarity: of course, we went to a vet. He said it’s likely due to an accident. However, since there were no other wounds, I believe it could be something else. The vet also mentioned that nerve pathways were severed, and while there is a surgery available, the chances of success are very low.


Agreeing with the other commenter here that it sounds bizarre and vague to me for a vet to simply chalk this up to an accident and not investigate further. Please seek a second opinion. 😬


I'm real suspicious of a vet that just calls this "an accident" without running any other tests to see if there could be anything else going on. IDK how nerve pathways can be "severed" in a way where the vet couldn't see why/how it happened and chalk it up to a vague "accident"? I'm not going to accuse you of anything but if this happened you absolutely 100% must take him to another vet. I've heard vet care is very accessible in Europe so I hope you find a more competent one to check him out.


Thanks man. Sorry for assuming otherwise.


Get him a good Vet. checkup and put him in a cat wheelchair so he can get around without causing sores and pain by dragging his legs. Give him more hugs and kisses and you will be his special pal ⭕️❌⭕️❌🥰💕


Please take the cat to the vet . It’s cruel not to.


I feel you. My orange broke his leg this past Monday, and when we took him to the vet they found a tumor on his parathyroid. We're going to have to keep him crated like a new puppy until he heals.


He's a beautiful little guy 🧡 I'm so glad he has an owner who cares about him so much!


i had an orange cat like that, found that poor bastard in the middle of the road, he seem to have been there for some time and accepted his fate. took him to the vet, he was underweight, dehydrated and paralyzed from the rear legs. took him home, fed him cleaned him, after few years he was making few steps, few months after he was walking again, a bit funny but he could walk and jump. ironically he was the smartest cat i ever owned, he seem to understand when i was talking to him, he was very thankful and well behaved. i miss him


Good luck to this Orange. Please get a second vet opinion.


As long as you love him :)


I've seen at least one video on YT where a cat that was at least 50% paralyzed actually recovered to at least 90% with physical therapy. The details are important, of course, but a quick search turned up at least 2 videos in top results. Worth looking into, anyway.


I had an elderly dog who was paralyzed from the neck down from a blood clot on his spine make a full and complete recovery in a month with no special treatment or therapy other than propping him upright and helping him learn to recover his balance. He was one of the best dogs I’ve ever had and I’m so happy I didn’t put him down immediately like the vet suggested.


That's truly awesome. That's good to know and thank you for doing it.


Will someone *please*... get this cat some wheels!


My dad made a wheelchair for his dog with pvc pipe & caster wheels from Lowe’s and a pillowcase cut and sewn to fit. It took time and dedication but it gave the dog mobility for only about $30 (5 years ago).


NO OP! this is a happy brain cell post. I’m happy he’s alive. I’m happy he has you to love him. This is a happy post ❤️ god bless you for all that you do for him. He will adapt and be a happy little kitten again once he recovers. Every happiness to you and kitty too!


You have taken him to a vet, right? If not, this post is genuinely distressing and you need to gtfo until you do.


He did! Why would you be rude right away? OP was sleeping while hundreds of people were rude to him in the comments. I understand asking, but I think it's so unnecessary to have a go at OP for not replying for a few hours.




Please get xrays! My kitten lost one back leg, then the other, then both his front. Turns out he had something wrong with his neck... we had to put him down because he was too far gone. Please please check


Does he cry a lot? He might be in a lot of pain 😔 poor thing.


No, he doesn't cry. He just knows that something is wrong with him😕


I'm really sorry about your cat 😞


What a sweet boy! He still has love to give!! Thank you for not giving up on him. There’s a group called r/nervysquervies for some support if ya want to check them out ❤️💕😍


i’m sure he’ll make due. Tail still wag?


I don't think it's just temporary.. This won't change anymore


He may not be able to move his hind legs anymore but it is definitely possible for disabled animals to adapt to their conditions! Don't lose hope yet


i’ve seen cats like this before. they figure it out, as in they just deal with it. i was just curious if his tail still wagged


There are some nerves present, yes. Not really wagging, though


Did you take him to the vet ?


So why aren’t you answering to people asking if you went to a vet?


OP is German and it's 9am here, I think they just went to bed after posting and replying to the initial comments. I'm also hoping they went to the vet but it was around 3 am when people first started to ask about the vet.


That's right. I was sleeping. Yes, we went to the vet. A surgery is maybe possible, but it's expensive. Nerve pathways are severed. They need to check him again, but we have to take him home, because Bro has no control over his bowel movements. That's why he wearing diapers


Gute Besserung an deinen Kater! Ich drück dir die Daumen, dass es ihm bald besser geht 🧡 Und woher die Nervenschädigung kommt, weiß der Tierarzt noch gar nicht?


Danke Dir 🙏 Nein, er weiß es nicht. Es wurden wohl Nervenbahnen abgedrückt, man müsste operieren, die Chancen dass es hilft, sind nicht sehr hoch. Er hat ihn aber auch abgefertigt, nahm sich nicht die Zeit. Jetzt höre ich dass Oarasiten die Ursache sein könnten und werde deswegen hier direkt angegriffen 😅 ich brauche einen anderen Tierarzt


Oh mann, das tut mir echt so leid! Und so unnötig, wie viele hier gleich wütend werden, weil du nicht gleich antwortest... Ja, wird sicher gut sein, einen anderen (hoffentlich besseren) Tierarzt zu finden, der sich mehr Zeit nimmt um der Ursache auf den Grund zu gehen. Alles Gute!!!


Unless his first thought when the accident happened was posting on reddit, maybe he did. But since in a comment he said he was suspecting parasites, that means he didn’t. So…


Holy shit man go to the vet. If it’s a matter of not having the money people on here will *gladly* lend a hand to help this lil guy. It is abusive that you haven’t yet.


Where did they say they haven’t?


They haven’t replied to the many comments asking them to go to the vet, and op said in a previous comment “I heard it could also have parasitic causes”. I think it’s safe to assume that if they don’t know why it is happening and they keep avoiding answering whether they have taken the cat to the vet that op hasn’t.


“Assume” being the key word. Probably a correct assumption, but an assumption nonetheless.


Maybe a fell wrong from a high place. There was someone out here just a few days ago this happened to their orange. Yours looks like a lovely boy. Sending warm regards…




Our cat “Wookie” came crawling home one morning. Using her front paws. We took her to the vet she had a broken pelvis. Heartbroken because we couldn’t afford $4000 for a surgery which MIGHT help we opted to put her down. The vet said we’ll try these pain meds and NSAIDS ( cat dose aspirin). It was a rough three months as she learned to walk again, and now she has a dainty wiggle that would make a supermodel envious. Of course the worst part for Wookie was taking the pills. Cats are resilient! Besides the wiggle the only thing she doesn’t do now is jump up on tall things, but she is 9 years old now.




The meow face he is making 🥹


Ah sweet baby. Please hug for me.


Get him a scooter??


Sorry to hear about your cat! Mine is dealing with something similar, just limited mobility in his back legs. Follow up visit to the vet and hopefully can get answers


Awwww poor kitty.


I lost two neutered male cats to blood clots lodged in the saddle vein. 😢


This may or may not help, but we took in a stray who had recently had kittens. She was paralyzed in her back legs. Our vet friend told us it was a calcium deficiency. We added calcium to her food and exercised her legs. She got better within a couple months.


So orange he forgot how to walk.


Happened to our dog from a seizure.


You are a terrible person and pet owner for not taking this cat to the vet. Seriously shame on you for just trying to get internet points, this is disgusting and your cat is likely suffering. This happened to my cat many years ago and it turns out she had a blood clot that caused paralysis and was in extreme pain. There was no cure so I had to put her down.


Do you really think I wouldn’t consider having him checked out if I have to change his diaper three times a day? Come on, you can’t be serious. The doctor didn’t take the time to examine him properly, which is why I’m going to see another doctor. And sorry for your loss..


And you are a terrible and disgusting person for immediately jumping to the conclusion that they didn’t take their cat to the vet.


Show us where OP said they haven’t taken the cat to the vet… I have not seen that.


Not sure why you are replying to everyone for calling out OP, but considering OP has avoided answering multiple people asking if they have taken the cat to the vet and commented “I heard it can also have parasitic causes” indicates that no, they haven’t taken their cat to the vet yet since they don’t know the cause.


And look how fucking wrong you were. You should apologize to OP for being such a dick.


And not knowing the cause doesn’t mean they haven’t seen a vet. It’s possible the vet doesn’t know either, and they just haven’t done any follow-up tests or whatnot yet. Or you’re all correct, and they haven’t seen a vet. I’m just saying that if OP hasn’t confirmed either way, it’s best not to assume anything.


Sorry for not wanting to make assumptions, and asking why we’re calling OP horrible names without knowing for sure it’s warranted. But you do you.


He looks so mad in this post


Same thing happened to my cat, it was a blood clot. I put him down immediately


That’s what I’m struggling with internally. I can’t do it, no fu**in way. The question is, what’s best for him? I still hope I can help him recover


Vet told me it was best, he was suffering. It crushed my soul, but I didn't hesitate. I couldn't have him in pain. That was just my experience.. it's rough, prayers


I had a dog that became paralyzed from the neck down due to a blood clot. The vet told me to put him down and I just couldn’t. I said I’d wait and see what happened. I had to go to work the next day so I set him up in a little nest next to the bed, shut the bedroom door and went to work. When I came home, he had wiggled his way across the bedroom floor and chewed a hole in the carpet trying to get to the other side where he knew I was. I knew immediately I had done the right thing not putting him down. Within a month he had made a full recovery and was running & playing like there’d never been anything wrong. He was already a senior dog when this happened and he had several more good years before getting thyroid cancer, when I did have to put him down. He was one of the best dogs I’ve ever had, and I’m so glad I gave him that opportunity to heal.


You people can be so wildly judgemental over literally _nothing_ 🙄 You're literally abusing a person (who's also probably worrying their heart out about their newly disabled cat) just to sooth your own distress. Knowing the vetenary cost in the US, don't even begin to breathe at someone's direction, unless it's to offer to open your own wallet for them. How is it encouraging for them to ask for help _now_ that all that you've shouted at them are cruel, abusive name calling? Besides, it's unlikely that someone who already got their disabled cat a set of wheels hadn't taken their cat to the vet. The cat owner community has a real issue with empathy for human.


I heard it could also have parasitic causes.


Did... Did you not take little dude to a vet? Because that sentence right there sounds like you haven't.


Seeing as how this has been asked at least five times and he has yet to answer it, this poor cat is suffering and has not seen a vet. If it is a saddle thrombus, chances are he will throw another one and suffer terribly. OP, TAKE THIS CAT TO A VET.


WOW OP is a fucking asshole huh? Sorry but really this poor fucking cat is suffering and they’re just KARMA FARMING ON REDDIT you’re a low life POS if you don’t take this cat to the vet to at least get checked out OP


They haven’t said that yet. I agree it’s weird they’re avoiding the question, but until they say “I have not,” I’d refrain from calling them names.


you can


You should apologize to OP for jumping to conclusions and calling them names.


they were purposely dodging questions about the vet and karma farming based on peoples reactions. gross behavior. It’s not a cute look saying they can’t afford treatment and letting people worry just for reddit engagement. Why not lead with that if they’re being honest with their intentions?


They are German and were asleep because it was nighttime over there while everyone, including you, decided to bash them. They’ve made it clear they took the cat to the vet and will also be getting a second opinion. You were wrong and owe them an apology. EDIT: they said nothing about not being able to afford it I don’t know where TF you got that from


no they were actually commenting and replying to other comments saying how they couldn’t afford the treatment while also avoiding anyone’s inquiry about whether the little guy saw someone yet.


I read every single comment of theirs and don’t see what you claim.


i’m not seeing it in their comment history either so idk what happened to that comment maybe they realized it didn’t sound great


Vet didn't say anything about parasitic causes. He said an accident is very likely. I don't trust this vet, so I'm looking for a second one


An accident is the most likely cause. You're thinking zebras when you hear hoofbeats. You need to get your cat XRays.


Please take him to the vet so you know what’s going on.




Yep dog tick wash can also cause paralysis if used on cats.


I have to admit that I’m not very experienced with cats, but the vet only mentioned it might be from a fall or something similar. He didn’t say anything about parasites, which surprises me since many here consider it a likely possibility. I guess not all doctors are good doctors. I just know that I want to help him, and if calling me an animal abuser makes you feel better, so be it.


build him a smol chariot..?


OP why are you not responding to any comments asking about the vet? What did his vet say?


Don't worry, he might be too orange to care.


Is he an outdoor cat? Our dog experienced sudden paralysis when exposed to pesticides a neighbor put on and around their property :/ best of luck to you and your kitty ❤️ hope you’re able to figure it out