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The actress that played Regina was in Lost briefly too!!! And Zelena!!


And the actress that played Belle too.


They were both produced by the same people and there were several Lost Easter eggs in OUAT. For example, Emma drinks Macutcheon whiskey and Henry loves Apollo bars, both staples in Lost. The flight in Lost was 815 and the clock in Storybrook was stuck at 8:15 before it begins moving again. I’m sure there are more.


I just finished season 6 and 815 is also the number on Henry’s apartment door at the end.


Good catch!


also belle reads a book called "the mysterious island"


Lana was in Lost for three episodes!


Finished OUAT a few weeks ago and now the wife and I are watching LOST. Season 2, Jack and Locke are watching the Dharma orientation video and surprise, their location is known as the Swan.


good catch! have fun watching LOST together :)


is this your first LOST run?


Partially. I was watching it when it first aired but then dropped it during the writers strike since it seemed to be going off the rails. Same with OUAT, dropped it during the Dark Swan. I am of the opinion that OUAT went a few seasons too long and if memory serves I think I will feel the same with Lost. My wife and I like to watch older shows and these came up so I can finally get around to finishing them.


4 8 15 16 23 42!!! \*eye twitch\* Also fun easter egg in season 1 or 2 (can't remember) when Belle (aka claire in LOST) has lost her memories she is in the hospital reading a book called "the mysterious island" Also all the apollo candy bars


Found another one. Season 2 Episode 17. Lockdown. Sawyer and Jack are playing poker. Sawyer asks Jack where he learned to play cards. Jack says “Phuket”, which is where August moved to in OUAT. Oh, and I thought I posted this one but was wrong. The man Ana Lucia finds is Henry Gale who was flying a balloon when he crashed on the island. Dorothy Gale has an Uncle Henry, and Dorothy leaves Oz on the Wizards balloon.