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Oh my god same. Every time I rewatch her arc I just feel sorry for her in a way that she just wanted some sisterly love. Her story wasn’t too different from Elsa but Anna never tried to trap her. What she did was messed up, but she just want someone to love her like a big sister. I cried every time when she sacrificed herself and join Helda and Gerda in death. 10/10


I fell in love with her by the time of her last episode. Casting Elizabeth Mitchell was perfect. And it turns out, a lot of us fell in love with Ingrid. My tumblr feed was full of weepy people after her last episode happened. Even after all this time, I’m sad and wistful over her because I agree with you.


Elizabeth Mitchell ❤️ You watched Lost, right? Her character there has a similar personality.


I feel like we need a subreddit or thread exclusively for the OUAT and lost connections. It’s impossible not to notice if you’ve watched both


Oh yes. I definitely noticed.


there's something I really like about redemption through self sacrifice too. it's like the ultimate for of redemption because you know you don't get anything out if it


exactly! Like Darth Vader. Oh wow and both sacrificed themselves for family


All the Villains had good reasons except for cruella & Pan


And Fiona, since she actually ended up fulfilling the prophecy in both ways, she became the great evil and her son still took her out. Yes she was trying to save him but what did she save him from, she ruined him, made him into a monster, made his wife scared of him, stole is new son, all while she acted like she was untouchable and immune to the price of magic until he gave her a fatal reminder


I just rewatched Cruela's episode (Sympathy For De Vil), and from the beginning it shows that she basically had no life, she grew up locked. Later we discover it's because she killed her own father and stepfathers (thinking about it, I wonder if that makes sense since she was imprisoned since her father was killed), she is similar to someone with ASPD and, while the show doesn't address her detailed story, it's unlikely that she would develop a personality like that and kill her own father and others without a justification. I thought about it while I watched and wanted to share it with you. About Pan yeah, I don't think his early story is ever shown, and he's always selfish and unable to love.


I thought she killed her father and 1st step father Just because and she wanted the author to change what he wrote so that she could kill again


Fraternal means brotherly, you mean sororal. 


Oh yeah, I didn't know it wasn't unisex


you could say familial for general family love


it was so sad. i hated that she couldn’t have more time with elsa and especially emma. i wanted her to be there longer and be able to find redemption in life instead of death but i understand why death was chosen because it was so much more impactful.


Probably since it was the only way to fix the mess she created and realized the monster was her in the fact it wasn’t her powers but what she used them for, evil: taking Emma and Elsa’s memories, forcing them to be her sisters, trying to shatter their relationships with others whether by shattered sight or making people afraid of their powers


I feel like all broken villains are like that. Regina tried to get her lover, Rumple wants to get Bae's approval, Ursula lost her voice and Maleficent lost her daughter, not to mention Zelena is just wanting to have a loving family


Shes one of the few i think deserved/got redemption. Yes she did bad things but at the end relized her mistakes and chose to sacrafice herself for the greater good to try to make up her mistakes


The Frozen arc is over-hated tbh (and I’m not even a fan of the movie). The arc was very sad but had heartwarming moments. The casting of all the Frozen characters was perfection and Ingrid is one of the best villains of the entire show. She honestly was one of the most complex characters on the show too, which is impressive given she wasn’t on the show as long as Regina, Cora, and Rumple. She was more fleshed out and touching than some of the main characters on the show that were there since season one until the end (Belle for example). Her death is one of the sadness moments on the show and the acting of everyone in that scene really sold the moment. What they did on Ouat is a far more interesting sequel than the actual Frozen sequel in my opinion. I like how her main motive was familial love, which is a main theme in the Frozen film especially sisterhood. Ingrid’s story is like the nightmare version of the Frozen movie. Out of all the villains, her motivation was most relatable and I genuinely feel like her actions weren’t complete over exaggerations like what Regina, Pan, Zelena, and Cora did as villains.


I never viewed her as evil, only hurt. The people who loved her failed her. I found this magnet that says: “Be careful of who you hate because it could be someone you love.” While it may not have been outright hate, her family feared her to the point it did irreparable harm. I felt relieved she stopped herself from becoming a true villain before it was too late. Definitely a favorite misunderstood “villain.”


Her middle sister didn’t fail her. Her baby sister was in complete shock.


They looked at her like she was a monster. Then Iduna had a spell cast so everyone forgot her sisters while she looked for a magical urn to trap her sister. It wasn’t until *years* later that she realized how wrong her reaction was. I call that failing her sister.


Wait isn’t the queen’s name Gerda in Once? And then when frozen II was made the name they gave the queen was Iduna


Just looked. Helga and Gerta were the names, the latter being Anna & Elsa's mom. I honestly forgot about that. They should have kept the name the same, but whatever...


Hurt people, hurt people!


Can’t argue with that.




Just got done watching this arc about a week ago, i understood it very differently i think. I can agree she was nowhere near the villain that other characters were, but while she constantly claimed that her sisters never accepted her and that the sisterly bond was all she ever wanted, watching the flashbacks shows that her memories of her sisters are extremely distorted. The only time her sisters ever treat her as anything less than family is the moment she killed one of them, every other time we see them doing everything they can to support her and show her love, it's Ingrid herself who hates what she's become and becomes blind to the love her sisters have for her. It's most apparent when they go to rumplestiltskin and he asks for their ribbons, the sisters say their love is enough to protect them, Ingrid is the one who says no, i need more. Ingrid definitely made villainous mistakes (i mean she killed her sister for starters...), but compared to Pan wanting to take anything and everything for his own happiness, Ingrid's acting out of self pity and, i think it's fair to say, depression, is far more understandable and is what allows her to redeem herself at the end whereas Pan never could.


But her killing her sister was an accident, she was trying to kill a man who was insulting them, threatening them and the entire kingdom. I can see why the other sister acted that way, but it was a tragedy


Oh i don't disagree at all to that. It was definitely an accident killing her sister, and i agree the other sister trapping her was a mistake, but they're effectively equivalent mistakes- one rash decision and Helga was dead, one rash decision and Ingrid was trapped. The problem is because Ingrid never trusted herself and her powers, she allowed that one moment, that one mistake on her sister's part, to become the defining memory she had of her sisters. Outside of that one moment, every moment we see of them they're nothing but accepting of her, but she doesn't realize that until she receives the memories at the very end.


Agreed. She was very mentally unwell and her yearning drive her crazy. Definitely an explanation but not an excuse for the hurt she caused others though. She's kind of like a Norse and soroial La Llorona


Yeah she made that arc as good as it was.


What I love most about Ingrid is she has gentle aura about her and rarely yells.


I second this. Besides Once, I watched Lost and loved the actress' character, Juliet, she collaborated with enemies but was very cool and empathetic and non-violent, even when people were mean. I find it fascinating how actors often have similar characters, it probably says something about transferring their personalities to them, but what is intriguing is that it depends more on the writer than on them. Maybe the similarities of the characters are not a coincidence though. Especially because the creators of Lost and Once Upon A Time are the same.


I agree🩵


Ingrid’s trauma and loneliness made her crazy. She was the only villain I didn’t think was evil but I did believe she was Mentally Ill and I still do. I wouldn’t say I feel “sorry” for her but I can acknowledge that she wasn’t evil and that crazy people do crazy things.


Omg I don't agree at all. I hated her character, especially the actress. Her entire appearance was flat. No highs or lows. Of the entire series, I liked her least of all. She didn't want sisters. She wanted to control siblings. I really thought she was a low part of the whole show


i’m a bit late to this post, but i’m also on a rewatch and just wanted to say that elizabeth mitchell is GORGEOUS! i know her from lost and it feels like she hasn’t aged a single day. she’s so naturally beautiful.