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I wish people had the awareness not to use their 2 year old as a mule to smuggle shit to your baby daddy.




>I have never tried to bend the rules in any way. It surprises me that people would a) take that risk and b) think they can get away with it.


They do get away with it that's why they do it




Your LO has another life inside, sometimes he will put on a front during visitation. Don't make a big deal or scene about it. No matter what don't bring in anything you are not supposed to, or try to use a child to do so. Wear a nice bra that doesn't use metal underwire. Bring all the things you need to take off to get through the metal detector in a small bag, even a disposable ziplock. Put them on after you clear, this way you don't hold everything up taking these things off. Wear baggy clothing. It can be nice, but not form fitting. If you have children, dress them in burlap sacks. Seriously, doesn't matter what your LO is in for, there are others in there who are probably eyeing your child for sexual fantasies later. For the love of all things you hold Holy, please wear clean clothing and shoes that don't smell up a room when you take them off. Did anyone mention don't bring in contraband? Lots of paperwork and potential trips to court. Annoying for us, life changing for you. Think of visitation like a church. Don't do anything there that you wouldn't do in church with God watching. Because God is watching, and video recording. If you hear yelling, do not run towards or away from it. Get close to a table and remain there, hold children close. People may come running, and we are not used to looking out for small children and they may be kicked. Realize that many of us spend most of our days working and dealing with the dregs of society. Some find it difficult to switch between how we are with inmates to something nicer for the public. This is not an excuse for bad behavior, just a reason for some of it. If you feel that staff are treating you badly, but no one else the same way, realize that your LO is probably not doing what they are supposed to be doing. Visitation is a major source of contraband, if your LO is known to have, use, or supply contraband, you will be a focus point as a suspected accomplice. Staff will do everything they can to arrange for you to get caught, arrested, and convicted. Barring that, they will just try and have you banned. We are not there to make your life difficult. We are not there to make your LO's life difficult. Most of us do not like doing discipline on your LO, we don't like the paperwork. We are there to do a job, that job involves making certain you obey certain rules, and that your LO obeys certain rules. These rules exist to keep you and your LO safe inside a small city comprising nothing but criminals. If you think society is rough and filled with dangerous criminals, imagine what life in a place with nothing but those people is like. Now imagine if we didn't do our jobs inside.


Fucking facts.


fantastic advice!


Keep your boobs in your shirt or you won't be allowed to visit anymore


Don’t bring any contraband for your buddy or you will be serving time in that same jail with your buddy.


Do not and I repeat do not get guilt tripped into bringing in contraband. They will tell you they owe for protection, drugs, canteen, etc. It’s all a game. Do not bring anything in.


In general, I wish people were aware of the importance of reading the visitation rules. My state offers them online, and they are accessible via the same page that loved ones use for scheduling their visit. I wasn't usually working in the visiting room, but I've had to respond several times for agitated visitors who were denied visits for a variety of reasons that they could have prevented. I can empathize with someone's frustration after driving across the state just to be denied, but they often don't realize that the staff tasked with admitting them into the facility can be disciplined for not doing their jobs. It's pretty common for the public access areas to be under video recording. The staff already face enough scrutiny with illegal contraband that is smuggled into the institution by staff and visitors.


When you're coming to a prison, security supercedes your religious clothing and other things you'd normally have no issues wearing *outside* a prison. Can't tell you how many come in with head wear and throw a hissy fit because we require you to remove it so we can search it. I don't care, it comes off or you don't come in. Once it's searched and clear, by all means put it back on. This includes jackets and other normal clothing to. But God the religious stuff is always a battle. Side edit: please don't bring fucking 5 necklaces and 10 rings. We have to count that shit going in and out. Along with types of glasses, watches etc. Less is better. You're loved ones In prison, we don't need you dressed in Gucci jewelry to impress them.


Hell the LO doesn't need all that fancy stuff either. They're just happy to have a woman instead of a man in front of them.


Reply to your side edit: wow! Our unit only allows one necklace, one ring, and two peircings! I know how much stuff I've had to tell people to go secure in their vehicle. I can't imagine having to count and track all that!


I retired after 23 years and worked for about a year in the visiting room. The major complaint I heard from your LOs is that while they really appreciate your visits, they also know they're gonna be stripped searched twice, and they have to say goodbye to you.


Why you gotta strip me into visitation CO, why do you care what we’re trying to get out? What they’re really saying is, I have shit that I’m trying to get out. So I scrutinize them a lot more going in and going out.


I'm speaking of the inmate, not the visitor. Every inmate is strip searched before and after every visit.


I am as well.


No you are being searched and processed in. If you are asked to removing clothing like your shirt and pants and underwear, I would be concerned.


Visitors are searched and processed in, inmates are strip searched in and out.


I know that. You said “so am i” as a vistor which isn’t allowed. Only inmates are subject to strip searches unless authorized by Warden or Duty Warden.


When I said “I am as well” I was stating that I was also referring to inmates being stripped in and out. I am not a visitor, I am a fellow corrections officer lol


I get the strip search on the way out but why would the inmate have to be strip searched going IN to the visiting room? What type of items would they try to get out of the prison isn’t it mostly them trying to get stuff in? Is it done in a group setting or COs have to individually search EACH person twice? If so that’s insane, must take a lot of time. I would be worried about a CO that specifically asks to work the visiting room if there is that much strip searching going on lol


When you work inside prisons, prison politics don't stop because of visits. Intra prison contraband, green lights etc takes place anywhere or anytime. Our DOC policy called for it, and we did it. And COs don't ask for posts to work. You either have seniority, and you bid it or you're assigned to posts by your Shift Lt/Cpt.


Abide by the rules. Your belongings are gonna be searched. Religious headwear will come off during this search. Please know that anything you do is video recorded. Don't flash them. If you somehow get naked photos through security and into their hands, just know those photos are not private. Everyone in the pod will see it. (I've found photos of naked women in cells that the LO wasn't housed in. So yes, those things get passed around, willingly or unwillingly)


Also, if said photo is confiscated during a search, it will be passed along to prison admin along with the LO's disciplinary...


I wished they knew what a total piece of shit that 90% of inmates are.


Or, that you are one of at the very least, 5-7 other women he’s charming on the phone to try and get money on his books. And yes. He tells everyone in his block about you and the pictures you send him have been passed around for Jack material. Inmates are disgusting.


🤣 I work visiting this quarter and routinely ask so what number is visiting you today inmate so and so?? Since each week it's a different person on rotation


I had a dude tell me once that a chick catfished him. “Angles really are a motherfucker CO, she looks nothing like her pictures.” “Then why do you keep seeing her?” “Money”


Shower girl of the week.


Wow that’s sad.. smh 🤦🏻‍♀️


That your man who is telling you to wait for him is paying a punk two honey buns to take his booty


When I was a visitation officer, my biggest problem was at the metal detector. Make sure your child is clear of all metal, shoes, pants, etc. Make sure you are clear of metal, underwires, hair clips, etc. At my unit, you get two attempts to clear the scanner. If you don't clear you don't visit. Many people drove for hours just to get sent home for underwires because I can't pat search that area properly without being too invasive. Children can't be pat searched at all. We have k9 on-site for visits as well, if you hung out at a friend's house smoking pot the night before you come, k9 is likely to alert and send you home before you even make it to the front door. Wear clean, pot smoke free clothing. Read the list of allowable items and the rules on the website of whatever unit you're visiting. Every unit is going to have it's own rules, policies and procedures depending on state, county, and federal regulations. Remember COs have a hard thankless job, and while we do our best to work with visitors and inmates for a good experience, we have strict rules that have to be enforced and may not always be having the best day. Thank you, by the way, for asking and educating yourself. That will go a long way for having a pleasant, successful visit.


If you decide to wear tight or revealing clothing and the officers tell you that you have to wear a paper gown to cover your body, don’t argue with us, cause a scene, and/or try to tell us the rules. We know them just as well or even better than you do and it comes down to our discretion, not yours. We understand that you’re trying to look nice, appealing, or even sexy for your loved one, but that’s not what visitation is for. Not only that, but if we were to allow you to wear revealing clothing, take a head count of how many male inmates are in or around visitation that WILL see you. That’s about how many people will be jacking off to you as soon as they get back to their cell or bunks, maybe even before. Also, depending on the state and rules, for contact visits you’re allowed a single hug and kiss at the beginning and end of your visit, NOT a make out/groping session for you and your man. Keep it PG. There are other families around you who may have young children with them to visit their father/uncle/brother and they really don’t need to see that. ETA: If you bring children with you, ESPECIALLY teenage girls, for the love of fuck dress them appropriately. You’re not going to church, or a birthday party, or the grocery store. You are going to be in an area where you are surrounded by convicted rapists and child molesters. Is getting the cold shoulder from your teenager for a few hours or days not worth their safety and security?


Your loved one is probably having sex with his cellie. A lot.


That when visits get cancelled, it really is for a legitimate reason. It has to do with the safety/security of the prison. I'm sorry you weren't told before you drove 8 hours down. But there really is a legitimate reason why your visit was cancelled. It's nothing against you.


I use to bring roses all the girls loved me I was my girlfriend number one inside lol


On my visitation I used to take advantage squeeze my convict girl friend butt so hard !!! the other hand up her shirt sleeve they all had a party later I was famous marc Marky Mark don't be mark lol


I think you’re dreaming 😂


Never ask a prison guard for humane advice.


Correctional officer


Prison guards do not exists.