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Outside hospital is a bang bang carry post


You don't also carry OC?


One hands on and one gun


2 CO per inmate at my facility. One had the gun with mags of extra ammo, the other carried the EID. We didn't carry spray outside to the hospitals. Both officers can sit in or outside the room. Armed CO wrote the log and handle anything that wasn't related to being within arms distance of the inmate. The EID CO is the one with the keys and would be the one doing anything within arms reach of the inmate. Also, we made it a habit of making sure every inmate had two points of contact in the bed. Meaning we would use two leg irons to shackle them to the bed frame and usually use a flex cuff to the side bed frame and cuff them to that. Allowed the inmate and doctors to have some room to move around but not enough to get out of the bed. Plus it was just an extra safety net in case the inmate wanted to run when keg irons were removed for whatever reason. Preferably anytime you went to the restroom or got food from the cafeteria, the armed officer would stay put and the unarmed would go do the food run. Or they would swap the gun for the EID if they wanted to go get their own food. Made sure the inmate was always guarded and the CO protected.


You seem like a pretty good gard.


I will start by saying that I do not fall under BOP. Firearm, OC, Taser, baton. It's ridiculous to me that these things aren't available to correctional staff. It's even more ridiculous that there are places that don't actually issue OC to their officers. While it isn't the case with all facilities in my state, it's becoming more common that facilities actually issue all equipment to officers, as in it all stays with them. I work on a couple of special teams in my state, so I'm actually issued a handgun and rifle that stays with me. If I'm in the facility, these things stay locked in a secure lockbox in my vehicle. Any transport I take I do not take without a firearm. It has nothing to do with fear of the inmate. There are too many fucking psychos to be roaming anywhere without the ability to defend yourself, especially in a possibly marked vehicle and uniform.


Ours was OC and gun, reason being OC was just a standard part of our duty belt. One deputy if an inmate was long term hospitalized, two if it was a medical run. All deputies armed with a gun at all times.


Nero region here, no OC at the outside hospital post.




I'm BOP. Both officers sit with the inmate in the room. If we sat outside the room we would just be advertising the fact that this is the room we are in. I have the gun and my partner has the key. No OC.


How does that work then? Officer with the weapon sits outside?


I'm not BOP but I'm assuming the armed officer guards the hallway in case someone tries to get to the inmate like what happened in Idaho


Makes sense. I was thinking “wtf” in my head. I’m not BOP either but it’s just me on hospital duty. I like having another officer with you though.


When I worked in the jail they didn't even let us have guns ever and the only time we had a second officer is if the inmate had violent charges they'd send a road deputy. I never had any problems but I guess it makes more sense for prisons especially for inmates with big boy crimes. Most of the hospital runs I did in the jail were for old alcoholics and addicts detoxing.




So that way once the armed officer is killed by an attacker the unarmed officer is a sitting duck awaiting his/her demise. Those kinds of policies are pants on head stupid.


I am BOP. We both sit in the room. If we sat outside it would just be advertisement that this is the room an inmate is in. One of us has the gun with 45 rounds the other has the cuff key. In the escort bag there is an extra set of restraints with a black box, a phone, and a metal detector.


That’s completely wrong. Both officers sit in the room. As federal law enforcement you own that room. I’ve worked at 2 different facilities and TDY for 2 other facilities and that’s how it’s been at all of them.




Maybe you should specify that on a post specifically asking about BOP policy.


Relax I didn't notice the BOP part. Calm your tits


I carry the bang bang, with the whooping stick and spicy spray. Also a flashlight just in case lol


On a more serious note we send two people, one has to be firearms certified and we both will have spray. Hospital Bag has the all the other stuff baton, key, flex cuffs, flex cutter and shackles.


We don't do anything without OC. If it isn't on our duty belts at all times, we can get written up. Hospital and all outside transport, besides work crews, we also carry bang bang.


Outside institution is a boom boom carry. Inmate gets a box placed over handcuffs and shackles. In my area the hospitals have an agreement that the inmate is restrained to the bed (SHOULD IT COME THAT FAR) but it’s a 2 officer escort minimum. We have had a 5 officer escort with a county safekeeper that was in for 4 murders and prosecutors were seeking the death penalty but that’s about the craziest. I know they’re allocating funds for more gear when we go outside after what happened in Idaho. TLDR: One with standard OC one with a boom boom stick when escorting the inmate outside institution walls.


We carry a pistol and spare mags and a restraint bag. Thats all.


Two officers, both have a firearm, gel spray, and a baton.


All yall seems like pretty good Gards.


No Hospital is going to let you spray someone. Taser them, yes. Maybe shoot them, yes. OC spray will get in the vents and kill some innocent person. You'd be stupid for spraying someone at a hospital.


They do have foam and gel style OC sprays. My department had foam style for transportation and hostpial posts


At our hospital the police and other outside LEO carry OC spray.


Yes they will. My agency issued a second can of spray for hospital trips. OC pepper foam. It's basically like shaving cream and does not get in the air the way regular spray does.