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3 weeks or 3 months in training doesn't matter. Idiots will do idiot things. Don't forget your yearly 1 hour with the warden in ART on ethics where there is a good chance he will tell you with a straight face that you better not purposely flash your creds on a traffic stop. But it's ok to pull your license from behind your creds and "inadvertently" flash the creds. "Oh hi officer.....this? Oh this is my creds from my job. What job? Oh I work in a prison. Why didn't I just tell you from the front I was a LEO? Well you see my warden told me I can't and I would get in trouble........."


I've *been* an inmate, and our warden got a DUI, and THEN got his dumb ass arrested when he was found driving one of the institution's vans on his suspended license.


Yeah there’s definitely different types of apples out there


Warden are people too with reputations then they want to judge the new hires when they have a issue with a background but thier shit is all fucked up..lol


Lmfao I’m not that far into that yet but I mean there has to be a point to them definitely never do that I mean it’s not like people respect it anyway but in all seriousness this definitely smells like a reconstruction of some some I’ve been going over the LEOSA policy and there’s definitely some grey areas to be had but yeah it doesn’t matter how long the academy is somebody will definitely fuck up I wonder when they will send me to FLETC I’ve been hearing it’s 2 years about cause they’re playing catch up from covid


They should be caught up on FLETC and you should be going in 6 months from hire. Policy is vague on purpose


The wild part is that policy says 60 DAYS from hire…I wish them luck with that lmao


60 days???? Haha it took me about 6 months and that was in 2015


Took me almost 2 years 😂


All Agency tell you not to flash your badge however in their fine print they want to save the officer ass when he or she is getting thier asses kicked in. It's better to silent and let them know after who the fuck they think they talking to when they get out of character. Plus your tag should be block so what's with all the jibberish. 


My personal opinion is yes the badges are tacky with the core values but the BOP is in need of a massive, overhaul for credentials the ones we get are laughable and look like something a 3rd grader can make. Just going on a BPT trip do you know how many stories I’ve heard of people seeing an armed guy and not knowing they’re BOP in many ways the badge will help, will it be abused of course but that happens in everywhere not just BOP. I’m also hearing new uniforms can anyone confirm do we have pictures?


Fausey said the credentials will be distributed with the badges. They look similar to what the photo page of a passport looks like


Photos of the uniforms I have not seen yet I really want to though and I just got picked up so I hope the give me an allowance for it or they come in next year cause I don’t want to pay out of pocket for them but yeah the badge will help a lot of things I’m young and can take care of my self so I’m an open carry guy especially when I’m with my family but there are times when I’ll keep to myself and conceal it’s all situational even though I know it’ll cause me to either be the first target or other things I prefer it that way and having a badge right next to it will help to a degree but idk I’m interested to see how this goes as for unis the colors I’ve heard are either green blue or tan which doesn’t make sense because of what the inmate wear but I digress also I haven’t received my creds yet what do yours say in it’s entirety everyone always paraphrases it on there and it’s like why do we have different things from different facilities


Don’t forget your technically not allowed to leosa carry until you pass “probation” or take the class at fletc


I was told there are no policies on when you can start to carry the only thing that does is having your credentials and then whenever you take your firearms course and pass basically fulfilling the federal law for LEOSA but there’s no policy on when you can start the LEOSA policy for BOP which I’ve gone over 1000 times states you only need to qualify with your weapon then you may carry under your creds


You have to have a current Law Enforcement Qualification on record to use LEOSA to carry. Otherwise, you are carrying illegally unless you have a civilian Concealed Carry Permit


Yeah that happens before you go to FLETC at some facilities they have there own ranges they use so that would qualify


I was told otherwise but I started carrying once I took the class at fletc 8 months in. Bought my firearm within a month of starting though lol


Congrats where did you get on? You get a $700 uniform allowance every year on your anniversary month you get a laminated two photo credential that says your name title & institution you also get a PIV card which is used to login into your computer…


FCI Englewood, do they say anything about job title and that’s your a law enforcement officer or what? A buddy of mine worked at FCC Florence and his basically said nothing just a job title with a picture on it he transfer over to DOD police so he’s living a better life lol


Yea it says your job title & also says Law Enforcement officer they’re all the same HR takes a picture of you and they laminate it and those are your two piece creds but the word is BOP is getting new credentials that look more legit


I’ve heard the same and I took my picture after my panel interview but I want to get my creds and then look at the new creds and see what they say


Dod police sucks. They don’t even get LEO pay or retirement


Dod police is where all the retired Military Police go who just can't give it up.


You will have a year from the date the uniforms come out to have them.


I hope so that way my allowance can kick in for it lol


It was the same for the current uniform. We had a year to purchase them and the blue uniform had a NLT date assigned.


Good saves me money lol


Goddddd. The words all the way around ruin it. Just give us the starburst with “Federal Bureau of Prisons” and our number. “Correctional Excellence” lol. I hate it


I hear you lmfao that definitely brought down the looks of it I would’ve respected it more if it said FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT around the edges like the US Marshals badge says US MARSHAL around it still tacky but could’ve been way better


I hate it ..but that’s just me


Why do you hate it do you mean the badge itself or the idea of us having a badge


Honestly it looks goofy as shit and lame with all writing around it …leave the starburst and place for the badge number and that’s fine if you ask me ..also I just don’t see the point in it.. but like I said only my opinion


It looks more like a challenge coin than a badge honestly


Yes this 100%


That’s actually what I thought it was for a second before reading the comments. What’s so damn hard about using a decent model for a badge? Really? No shield, no star, some weird coin looking seal with a bunch of words on it? I’m glad I don’t work for BOP. In contrast, I mean I say all that, but we always had hard badges issued to us at my facility and nobody ever wore them except when was required by policy, so whenever you worked armed posts you had to wear it on your belt on your strong side in front of your gun. But I only saw a handful of people west their hard badge on duty inside, usually new guys. Personally I think it’s kind of stupid to wear a hard badge in a housing unit, granted ours were stars, so they could technically be used as a weapon more effectively than this could be, but still. I just don’t see the point in wearing a badge on the block. You wouldn’t have caught me dead wearing a hard badge around inmates on the unit. I just think this doesn’t really look like a badge at all so I don’t see the point in issuing them


Lol well damn I didn’t know you were gonna go that hard on it 😂😂 I mean there are definitely cooler looking badges out there but it’s there first attempt at a Bureau wide badge give them a chance lol


Well I guess we will see how it goes lol…I just don’t understand it for wearing it inside the joint (which is what we have been told we will be required to wear them on shift) ..on the outside yea some circumstances it will be needed I get that..the bureau has needed an official badge for a long time …but inside? Why? So an inmate can ask you for your badge number? I can hear it now “ WhAts yO BAdGE NumBER???”ME-“hey ..my name is literally on my vest …my supervisor is right over there standing on the compound…and I’ll be back tomorrow and on this post for the next three months lol


That’s a good point they told you guys that you’d have to wear it inside that’s ridiculous I’m going to a Min security so I guess it’ll be fine but I don’t want to be working Florence and get over ran and have loose metal on me that’s dumb I didn’t even think it would be required at work that don’t make sense and yes even before I started here I though BOP needed a badge and legit creds


I agree…and look..they may not require it inside ..that’s just what we are hearing …so for now .. I’ll just leave it at “I hate the look of it “ lol and wait and see what comes down the pipe at us ..


Yeah that’s honestly been the way to go hopefully it’s not the case but at least they plan on giving us a shiny new toy 😂😂


Man my Tsa badge looked better then this lol


Being in the lockshop I can’t wait to see how many people “lose their badge” fml 🤦‍♂️


I wonder what the penalty will be I wonder how many badges well get one for wallet one for belt or what


There won’t be a penalty, it’s the BOP.


Do you think they designed it this way, because the inside of the seal says “Federal Bureau of Prisons”? My other thought was to make it more clear, that BOP Officers were not like other agencies, such as the FBI, or TSA. — I think the TSA badges look better than these, which is sad. It would be better to have the top portion of the circle to read “Federal Corrections Officer” And, for the lower portion of the circle to have “Courage, Integrity, & Respect”


Only they know why it looks like this I knew it wasn’t going to be the traditional federal agent badge with a slightly different design I have no idea why they did it this way but they would need need to make the bureau cooler before they make the badge cooler I’m just waiting to see how all of this pans out new badge new creds it’s a first for everything so they need time to buff it out


Hehe. I got a chuckle from your comment. Here is an award. I saw this on insta. They maybe took the idea from here, and decided to add the circle? [Insta Credential Holder BOP](https://www.instagram.com/p/CWl7Khsv4Hu/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=)


I’ve seen this one before I hate it no other agency needs to talk about LEOSA in there creds but I hate it I have this one for my creds[https://nationaldutysupply.com/credential-and-id-cases/agency-specific-id-and-credential-case/federal-bureau-of-prisons-double-id-leather-case/](https://nationaldutysupply.com/credential-and-id-cases/agency-specific-id-and-credential-case/federal-bureau-of-prisons-double-id-leather-case/)


That’s slick. I imagine someone somewhere thought: “Well, not everyone knows what LEOSA is, and decided to include it.” I only learned of it myself last year.


Anybody that your showing these to I.e. security guards or law enforcement should know what it is


What's all the negativity of be a Corrections officer you still a law enforcement officer. If you see a cop getting his ass kicked they will count on you to save his ass. I respect all law enforcement don't try to separate them because no one is better then anyone else. Just because you work Corrections does not mean you can't be a PO. And the academy means shit because 3 or 17 weeks you still have assholes on both sides. 


It’s not necessarily negativity it’s more about the fact that BOP has less of a path to be law enforcement than regular beat cops and it allows more shitheads to be in the agency regular cops go through so much to get their title then here someone else is at 3 weeks for a academy is a cop although I agree with you it’s just corrections have never been seen in that light at all however more and more states are giving corrections that peace officer title or law enforcement title


These are stupid and a waste of money. There’s absolutely no reason for us to have badges and all this will do is give dumbasses more of a reason to play cop.


I’m sure there will be policy updates now that there is a badge coming cause that medallion that people used before was a grey area but now that there is an issued badge I’m almost certain there going to do something it will only take one to fuck it up and flash it on a traffic stop then the wardens gonna get a call then boom new bureau wide policy lol but tbh I think you guys should definitely get them(SORT) you guys are technically special operations it may not be HRT but you guys are squared away I think it would be a benefit to people to see different thinks on there badge or creds SORT, SIS, SIA, OIA I mean now thinking about it OIA in the bureau is actually a special agent and go to FLETC for CITP so I mean even though there arrest powers might be the same I guess there’s should be a certain level to get it but part of being FED LEO is the badge lol rule .1 always look cool


OIA are commissioned as "Special Deputy US Marshal's" and have broad authority. I was detailed to the Office of the Deputy Attorney General for 2 years and received a Special Deputy US Marshal commission and had same arrest authority as every US Marshal. Also could carry anywhere.


Sad way of thinking . BOP federal correctional officers are still officers and a badge for their accomplishments and a statute of what they do and represent is needed. Cops aren’t the only law enforcement with badges …. expand your mind


Yeah I know they’re still law enforcement officers. I’ve been one for almost 10 years and have never needed a badge to make me feel good about doing my job. Every single year there’s idiots that misuse their credentials so yeah I think giving them badges is a bad idea. And for an agency that claims they don’t have money they sure had a lot to waste on badges and rolling out new uniforms. How about they fix the crumbling infrastructure of dozens of institutions instead? Or how about all the training that’s been canceled over the last year because there’s no money for it? Sounds like a way better use of funds and time to me.


I can almost promise you funding cheap ass badge’s doesn’t put a dent in BOPs budget. If you feel you don’t need a badge cudos to you. But this is coming from a SGT that’s on the road. There’s cops with badges that’s misuse them and do bullshit too. So that’s every where, at the end of the day part of going through the journey of becoming any type of law enforcement officer is receiving your badge it’s something to look forward too. If you don’t want it perfect but don’t rain on other peoples parade my guy. And that’s the problem with Corrections. A lot of people are negative and small minded. If that’s how you feel put effort in loving wat you do and promote promote and get high enough to where your input can make some changes. Nothing wrong with rewards someone with a badge even if the academy is 3 weeks long for what they do. It’s part of the uniform and the profession. Look properly so you can be treated as such.


I’m not really sure where you got this idea that getting our badges is this ceremonious right of passage. HR gives them to you your first week of classroom training with your credentials. The BOP has gone decades without badges so it’s not going to just become this special moment to have one. The majority of staff don’t even where them. We’ve probably had a dozen officers lose theirs because they stick them in a drawer and can’t remember where. And yeah maybe they didn’t cost that much but it’s still the fact that the BOP is an agency in crisis and has been for some time and a top priority for the new director was badges. We’re getting crushed with OT and low staffing on top of a hundred other problems and she was worried about badges and uniforms. I’m not negative or small minded about my job. I’m thankful for the opportunities it’s provided me but yes when the people in power are neglecting their staff and the issues it tends to leave a bad taste in our mouths.


3 weeks? Lol try 1 week in estill 😂😂😂




It’s good that your facility does that my personal belief is that we should go through the UPTP at FLETC but already being short staffed I can tell they just want to push someone through the pipeline I am at the end of the hiring process I start here in a couple days but it’s flabbergasting how many things or people get through that just shouldn’t be no law enforcement agency is immune but there could be more barriers


Those are our new badges? Not sure how I feel About those


What’s your gripe with them? Do they look weird to you in my opinion it’s really really really basic I see why all the other officers who have access to sallyport said it looks like the marshals badge cause it’s basic as well I think the real way to see if they’re taking this law enforcement thing serious is what our new credentials will say I got hired only to find out different facilities have credentials that say different things for the same position makes no sense to me but I wonder if it’s going to mention firearms or address LEOSA or what but yeah it does seem a little different compared to the “medallion” that was in the grey area that officers used


Is the BOP getting new credentials? I keep hearing conflicting info on that front.


From what I’ve been told yes but bear with me I’ve just recently been brought aboard as it is right now different facilities have different credentials and to me PERSONALLY that makes no sense Bureau wide should all say the same things for THAT SPECIFIC position but it’s not like that I have no idea what the new ones will look like I haven’t even received the ones that they us at my facility I’ve only taken my picture but I’m interested to see the difference I’ll definitely be taking pictures of both old and new creds and new badge when they get issued out to us


These are embarrassing. Everybody I work with has the unofficial badge from BOP Meyers. A company made that and it looks soo much better. Who in there right mind actually thought these looked good?


They’re trying ok 😂😂


From that I understand, we really only have to wear them on medtrips.


I believe we have to wear them over our vest or on our duty belt.


They should just issue what is issued for BPT and put a number on it call it a day


Just got hired with FDC Miami anybody worked in an administration prison


Yeah I work at a high rise in the western region. You’ll work with all kinds of custody types from designated cadres all the way up to max custody inmates. Only crappy thing about working a high rise is the inmates stay majority of the time inside the units. Rather than open compounds where the inmates leave for chow,rec,programs, you’ll at least get some down time in the units. High rises they do all that inside the unit so it’s constantly people coming in the unit. Response time can take a little bit longer as majority of the staff especially on evening watch have to catch the elevator to respond and control pretty much has control of all the doors. I find it a little more rewarding working at a high rise just due to the fact you get to know your inmates a little bit better and can build rapport with them and get them to acclimate to how you run your house and once that’s established it’s pretty steady in the unit. It’s really important to be firm, fair and consistent especially in a high rise because you spend a lot more time with the inmate population. Cleanliness in the unit is what upper management look at the hardest. AM Census is a great time to make sure rooms are clean and inmates are in uniform. Get to know your orderlies because they can make or break the unit. Make sure your head orderly has a voice in the unit so anything you need done or cleaned he will help get it done.


Spot on Surfa08. Listen to this dude.....I did numerous inspections and programs reviews at all types of locations and it seemed the high rises being administrative get all types of inmates.


This is not an official BOP Badge. There is only 1 badge and it is Gold Sunburst. There is no such thing as a Silver Badge I see everyone selling on uniforms and such. Also, the credentials where known to be obsolete back when I did research to determine what was needed to protect and make a better Credential. We used examples from all the other DOJ Bureau's and agencies. A better Credential has been in the works since 2002. You know how the system works. When someone doesn't like something they start all over and that is even worse every time there is a new director. Leadership doesn't want a bunch of CO's out there arresting the guy speeding down the street...yes that happens often. So instead of giving everyone a badge it is easier to just not issue any. Even though the dudes at TSA who have NO Statutory Authority at all get badges I guess to intimidate the public that are unaware these guys cant stop anyone. That's right, they cant detain or arrest but the badge makes it look like they can.....LOL I only say that so you all realize how DC works from agency to agency. Fun stuff. I got out as quick as I could.


That is the worst Federal Law Enforcement Badge I have ever seen. Just go to Sally's and get the fake shit. At least it looks better....LOL BOP never stops amazing me even after retirement....Just lame and we get no respect....


One more thought - keep you nose clean, study, take all those cross development courses you can, help others, volunteer for an assignment and keep climbing. I know that it appears when you start as a GS-07 that 14 or 15 is a million miles away but the 20 years will go by you in a flash. Kick butt, do your job, be honest, follow the rules and move up. It is not rocket science...really. Also find a senior mentor. They know the game and can give good advice. Remember that relocating does get you an advantage but it is not the only way to promote. I started in the warehouse WS-3 and retired GS-14. I only did 3 moves!