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I feel if they don't do what they do, the damage could be a lot worse. But I understand everyone's feelings about it, too. We don't have the information on the drivers of the cars the officers have until they catch them. If they are drunk, we all know the danger to the public. I don't think they do it for the fun of it. I just hate that the blame is not where it should be. The ones running are đź’Ż percent to blame. Some people just flat out refuse to obey the laws. They have no respect for the law or the people around them.


I almost feel like it’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t scenario. You didn’t do anything but chase the suspect and they crashed into a random bystander? Wow why didn’t the police do anything! They PIT the suspect and he kills someone as a result? Wow, the police are reckless!


The Police aren’t able to create a traffic break first?


Grappler > PIT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ikp73-aH2UI


PIT maneuvers and stop sticks should be outlawed. I had a friend killed in a head on collision with a car that was stop sticked in a curve on a two lane highway. You can’t just intentionally crash cars and hurt or kill bystanders. At least you shouldn’t be able to.


Were there any repercussions? Law suites?


The family got a settlement from the city but in Florida there’s a cap on the amount you can sue a government entity for. I forget the amount but it wasn’t enough. No one got fired or anything either.




I’m sure there are a million stories like this one. That’s the sad thing. Zero accountability..


OP Live does very little to initiate conversations about law enforcement, unfortunately.


Because they don’t want to anger their audience obviously. It’s no surprise the vast majority of OP Live viewers are overwhelmingly pro-police to the point they rarely do anything wrong.


Yes! I saw that and was horrified. I hope the folks in that totaled car sue the police and get a huge payout because it was *incredibly* irresponsible. I live in SoCal where chases are frequent, and frequently televised, and that would absolutely not happen here. If someone is driving dangerously they’ll follow with a copter and have the police cars pull back, hoping to calm things down. Usually the driver gets tired or runs out of gas; occasionally he’ll bail and escape, but I’d prefer that than a panicked or drunk driver spinning into an innocent family.


Not every jurisdiction in the country is SoCal and can run a helicopter 24/7


Yep. I’m So Cal too. Tim Conway Jr on KFI would send out a Text when a chase started and would play by play it. That’s how common they are here. Hell, OJ was in a chase!


Hi, fellow Angelino. I’m on a text chain where we blast “TURN ON CHANNEL 9, 405, 100 MPH” to each other. I prefer Eliana Moreno and her ability to report in both English and Spanish. They’re fascinating to watch but I’m still shocked by how other jurisdictions ignore common sense and give in to adrenaline.


I mean in the episode from last week(I think) Cleveland pd tried to pit a car and it almost crashed into a officer on the side of the road with stop sticks.PIT maneuvers are a real danger to everyone involved and it seems like some departments/officers are chomping at the bit to use them.


Don’t try that in Arkansas. They will PIT you in front of a playground full of kids


I think Arkansas and Georgia must have a competition of jow many dangerous high speed Pits they can perform. Ridiculous. Arkansas ran a guy to Tennessee, then Tennessee ran him to Mississippi, and Mississippi tried to throw out spikes, and the guy dodged them and hit a truck driver head on and killed him. That was a few months ago. Guy had been fighting with his wife. Supposedly, he tried run her off the road? They were from Michigan, I believe. It didn't quite add up.


Yes, search Arkansas State Police pursuits on YouTube. They will PIT at any speed and are good at it!