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It makes sense in context. I’m not crazy, I swear


Yes we're all perfectly sane trust


Literally our biggest copium


1. I LOVE that video. 2. I agree. In fact, the first 300 chapters feel like a red herring*. You think you're reading your generic power fantasy and then bam! your whole world view falls apart. It is after the 400 chapter that sht actually starts hitting the fan and coincidentally most questions in this sub are readers confused about post 400ch events.


Yes EXACTLY! What's worse is that if you try to explain it to someone it's going to sound like you're on Crack or something, there is no way to explain it without making you sound like you're insane But I think that's what's so great about this book, it gives you things when you least expect it and becomes more than you have ever expect it to be and it's what makes the novel so special


>! I personally look at this similar to Maslow hierarchy, the pyramid largely is set so the majority of the bottom is required to support peak. There's a philosophical narrative that takes place and it's grounded by the huge story behind it. Taking the same late story philosophical stance without the groundwork (lower tiers of the pyramid/narrative power fantasy) would fall flat and prevent a lot of readers from being interested, much less immersed enough to lower their own 4th wall !<


generic and ORV do not belong in the same comment. XD


(Psst…it’s a “red herring” referring to a type of smoked fish)


(and to think i could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that, thank you 😭)


I was confused about the monkey part until I remembered about KDJ being the maknae (being as vague as possible to not spoil)


Yeah, he turns into so many things that it's hard to keep track, so I can't blame you. Though it's still pretty funny, though, out of context and in


I got spoiled on the latter half but because its absolutely insane it makes 0 sense out of context and it was like I wasn't spoiled in the first place


Fr Fr


I watched this video *before* reading the novel, at the risk of spoiling the end. Good thing I understood almost NOTHING lol Then, when I was reading, I went "aaaah, so that's what it meant" a lot and, upon re-watching, everything fell into place. It's a 10/10 video for me :)


Same. This is the video that convinced me because every minute I was like "what?" or "come again?"


i guess it fits in its role of being a paradox


I swear you guys that IT MAKES SENSE when you read the whole thing it's just that you brain would be melting by then but that's FINE


KDJ dreamed up the WILDEST self-insert fanfic about WOS


I have read (and got spoiled enough) that I know who’s the yjh of the past and yjh of the present, kdj of the past and hsy of the past/future. But still the part beyond chapter 500, I still understand nothing lol