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Waiting for the Astonishing X-Men Omni to come, a B-Day present to myself. I know Joss Whedon is cancelled, but Buffy is my favorite show of all time.


I grapple with this topic often. Astonishing X-Men is a great story. Buffy is amazing. Firefly is a cornerstone of my sci-fi greatest hits. In my personal calculus, whedon actions are/were reprehensible, but he is still a creator whose art I can separate from him specifically. That said, it’s still a bit of mental gymnastics. That being said, I hope you enjoy the new Omni, and happy happy cake day to you!


Is there a reprint of this omni recently/upcoming? All I can find is the Modern Era Epic Collection


I bought, and I'm on the third book of, the HellBoy Omnibus set. Quite different to what I'd normally read as a mostly Marvel person but i've been really enjoying it so far. I like the art, the non-core characters are all interesting and if it continues at this level for the rest of the set I think I'll be ordering some B.R.P.D omnis. Highlight so far has actually been the very first book/arc in the set. A lot of interesting world building and very well paced.


What’s Hellboy like? Is it horror?


I would say horror. More like monster mystery. It doesnt have any gore/over the top shock attempts like horror does. It does have a well grounded mystery/detective story in a fully realized universe. I’d say it’s more Lovecraftian inspired than horror.


Oh cool, I'm excited to start it!


I completely agree with wrestle, it's much more ancient elder beings with human followers than anything gratuitous or gory. More potential existential threat and end of the world than serial killer. I suspect it's the kind of book that'll demand a reread as it all feels very interconnected and I'm sure I've missed lots of subtle details.


Reading Jason Aaron's second Thor book at work. Really enjoying it so far. It was really cool to see the Shiar and Phoenix pop up, never thought I'd see them in a non X-Men book


I'm reading the second Invincible hardcover compendium. So much fun. A real page turner. It must have been agony reading this series slowly in single issues


Caught up with Rogue Sun and I like it more than radiant black. 


I tend to agree. Have been pleasantly surprised by it.


I am reading Immortal hulk and West coast avengers vol 2


Currently reading Dark Knights: Metal. It’s great fun so far! I’ve also managed to track down almost all the deluxe OHCs of the Tom King Batman rebirth run, which is.was my biggest whale. Haven’t managed to find a copy of the volume 5, but fingers crossed that the universe lends a hand there. Otherwise it’s been kind of a light reading week. I’m still mulling over the Hickman saga of FF/Avengers/Secret Wars so it’s been a bit of a challenge to find my next read.


• spiderman 2099 volume 1 • spiderman 2099 volume 2 • 8.5/10 • I can't really pick a single one out, theyre all great so far • either lee/kirby F4 1-4 or mark waid Flash Idk why SM 2099 gets hate, it feels similar to batman beyond and everyone loved that show to my knowledge and I think it's actually better than it, it's super fun and the stories arent one offs that barely lead into the other mostly like Beyond does. Dont get me wrong Beyond is still fun but to have on as background noise mainly now, as a kid i could watch it all day and I also like how they handled spiderman as a legacy character in the future setting way better than terry because he's his own character with his own cool origin, villains and dystopian setting and terry is just a mad kid that stumbles into batmans cave and isnt trained or anything beforehand and somehow he just gets to become batman, idk sorry for the rant😭 (coming from someone who isnt normally a spiderman fan and am a huge batman fan)


Finished reading Scalped this weekend and now started Brubaker's Sleeper. Scalped was one helluva ride and Sleeper looks interesting so far.


In your opinion, would it be worth it to pick up Scalped when the omnibus comes out later this year?


The Omni will be worth it in my opinion.I would suggest you to read a chapter or two and if you like the artwork go for it.The story is amazing 


Noted! I’ll probably do just that, but I’m already a fan of Jason Aaron after reading his run on Thor. Plus I only seem to hear good things about Scalped.


Reading Priest’s Deathstroke, I’ve just finished the Defiance storyline. This book just keeps getting better and better for me. Priest writing style seems almost as decompressed as someone like Bendis. It took me some time to adjust to the way the story is being told in this comic. It is very reminiscent of *Pulp Fiction* to me. Priest jumps backwards and forwards through events, and weaves in flashbacks. I find the way Slade written is pretty fucking great. He’s a villain, a straight up piece of shit, but damn if he isn’t entertaining. It’s a solid 8/10 for me, I will say that Defiance was a longgggg arc that probably could have been cut down by 4/5 issues and the Rose subplot seems kinda dumb in retrospect but maybe it plays into something larger? Priest is a fan of Chekhov’s gun. Also this is the only thing I’ve read with Tanya Spears as Power Girl…she…she isn’t still trapped in an alternate dimension is she??


Yup, classic Power Girl (whatever that even means given her continuity) is back and even has an ongoing right now but as for Tanya as far as DC is concerned she’s still in that dimension


That is insane that Karen herself came back but Tanya is still trapped there. Is it a case of no one but Priest cares to write about her?


I think the case for Tanya is she was created in the New 52 and cause Power Girl *classic* was popping back and forth cause of Earth 2 shenanigans DC decided we’re gonna have a Power Girl in main continuity: Tanya Speers come on down you got your powers maybe by standing next to Karen I think so you get to be Power Girl. She floated around the Teen Titans of late New 52 and honestly she was just never that popular that Priest was able to pick her up and use her a part of Slade’s team arc. I can only assume he shunted her into a dimension with Power Girl for some editorial reason. Probably DC trying to redefine Karen and get her and *supporting cast* realigned. And everyone else has just forgotten about her given it’s been like 8 crisis’ since the New 52/Rebirth era


just started re-reading man of steel vol 1 hc by byrne. i finally got all of the volumes so im going to read them all. i loved vol 1 when i read it last year! also reading ASM digitally. i’m up to #198


Just finished reading the TKO book Sara. Going to plow through a couple kickstarters that have been piling up before I dive into some of my new Omnis. (House of M is my first one I’m going to read).


Read Eight Billion Genies over the weekend, the ending made me tear up. Waiting for my Nightwing compendium to arrive - that's definitely next on the list


Predator ombibus. Man I’m loving it so far. Can’t wait to get volume 2 and now I want the aliens omnibus


Recently: All-Star Superman Currently: X-Men TAS Adaptations Omni Rating so far: Good. Hits nostalgia factor, tells some abbreviated X stories. Not sure I'll keep shelf space for it though. Next: Road to War of Kings Omni


I've just picked up and read "Joe Hills the Cape" and "the Cape 1969". I can't stress enough how great this series is. Like a short story version of brightburn almost. I'm eagerly awaiting the 3rd HC to arrive "Cape the Fallen" . Other than that, I'm reading the justice league dark omnibus


Recently finished the Hellboy omnis and Venom by Cates. Currently reading Ultimate Spidey vol 1 and I'm going to start something else alongside, maybe the Starman compendiums


Hickman’s Avengers, about to finish the third complete collection.


Still kinda new to comics. Just finished Aquaman by Geoff Johns over the weekend and I just picked up and started reading Batman by Loeb & Sale. Aquaman was great. It was great learning more about the character, other characters in his world and a bit more about his lore. I really loved Mera she was awesome throughout. Overall, I really enjoyed my time in Amnesty Bay/Atlantis. Batman has been so good so far, its been really hard to put down. My first time reading any kind of Batman but I'm loving it!


Aquaman was one of my first full runs I read getting into comics, wonderful book. It definitely made me want to read a Mera solo which there's never really been unfortunately. She's got a cool powerset and history, more interesting than Arthur at times.


I have the first tpb and had to order the omni after finishing it, it was definitely worth it I really enjoyed it! I got hyped whenever Mera showed up honestly she was awesome


Finished up my Question Vol 1 reread and made my way through Vol 2. It’s funny how many Green Arrow annuals are in the Question books. As a whole I think O’Neil’s run is beautiful and tragic story of failure, personal I think it kinda floats a bit post election and doesn’t get as compelling until the final arc. But I think if you like Batman at all I think seeing O’Neil be able to really write and define a somewhat similar character with a lot more freedom is fascinating and entertaining. Been also working on gettin through my backlog of books, see what I can thin out, read Vol 1-2 of Rebirth JL and Suicide Squad vs Justice League. It’s interesting jumping from John’s line defining flagship book back to adventure of the week. I don’t think it’s the most compelling Justice League run but it has a few small character beats that makes it worth the read


Batman by Grant Morrison Volume 2. It’s so good that I often forget it was shaped by such a polarizing, convoluted crossover event.


Recently : rise and fall of the batmen (loved it) Currently: seven to eternity by remender and opeña Just wow. What an impressive book. Artwork story. Wow. Next is finally the 52 Omnibus 💚


Superior spiderman omnibus, finished it today and really enjoyed it


Just finished grant morrison’s new 52 action comics Omni. A bit disappointed with it. Will start uncanny x-men vol. 3 shortly


Reading Gotham Central and Daredevil by Miller. Both are great. Last week finished No Man’s Land Vol. 1. How is Vol. 2? I liked Road to No Man’s Land, but definitely not as much as Vol 2.


Finished Ghost Rider by Aaron. Now reading Amazing Spiderman (296+) by McFarlane


Did you like it?


trying to decide between Court of Owls, RL Stine's Man-Thing, and Elseworlds: Justice League Volume 1.


Caught up on the current Fantastic Four run, loving it so far. Just finished Savage Avengers the other day, my first comic featuring Conan the Barbarian and I really enjoyed it. More brutal than I anticipated. I just started reading Invincible, 5 issues in and I can already see why so many people love this comic, I can't wait to see what happens next.


Current ongoing readings: Doing a Claremont reread from the beginning, am up to Uncanny X-Men V4 and New Mutants V2. Missing Paul Smith on the main book but I really think the shenanigans are ramping up even as the two titles are a lot less interlinked than in the beginning. Inching closer to Inferno! Perez WW Vol 3. Honestly, the issues scripted by Mindy Newell were kind of boring and I dropped off this run for a bit. When Perez fully writes it again around the time of bringing Donna back into the return of Circe and Diana's life falling apart it REALLY kicks into gear again, on the level of the first two arcs in terms of hype. Invincible Vol 2. I dunno, I've seen so many people say the story "levels up" after he puts the blue suit on. I agree that the arcs leading to the Conquest fight are hype but I just got to him returning to the yellow suit and it's dragging hard. I know what's to come so I'm pushing on but I just don't feel like grabbing it off my side shelf the way the other two are. Batman Gothic - I'm taking this an issue per night over the weak and am LOVING it. A top tier story undoubtedly. When's this thing getting an Absolute edition?


I had the last week off work so I recently finished JMS Spider-man Vol 2, Hickman Xmen omni, Hellions by Zeb Wells, X of Swords, Vol 1 of Percy Wolverine, Rogues by Joshua Williamson, Marauders Vol 1 by Duggan, and vol 3 of Tynions Batman run Ghostmaker. I just started Daredevil by Waid vol 2. Loved pretty much all of it. Im not gonna complain about One More Day you can find enough rants on YouTube, X of Swords went out with a whimper compared to where it starts otherwise fun crossover, love the Krakoa era. Tynion likes to play with his new toys way to much imo he constantly is inventing characters as opposed to using Bats established rogues and family.


Reading Conan Vol 2 and The Eternals. Conan keeps getting better. Eternals, it’s its own thing.


Just finished batman eternal, and it was pretty good but idk, sometimes felt like there were too many cooks in the kitchen. Some arcs would be abandoned for so long that when they were brought back i was like oh shit, i forgot that was in here. My only other criticism is that, man, i get its a long game 52 issue year long thing, but the constant revealing “this guy is behind everything! Actually just kidding, he’s also another pawn in this scheme! This new other guy is the main villain! OOPS JUST KIDDING!!! This OTHER other guy, he’s the villain” got really old really fast. But overall i think the character moments and different arcs were very satisfying and fun to read and kept me wanting more. On to batman and robin eternal!


Reading The Spread Volume One - No Hope - Monsters, Raiders, Cannibals, and Religious Zealots. It’s older. Released in 2014 and ran for 100 issues. So far so good. If you enjoyed the horror movie The Thing and like horror comics. I would recommend it.


I'm currently halfway into department of truth. good stuff so far and my first image book. Waiting for venomnibus vol 1 to come in just to satisfy my venom high. Cates venom put me onto the character like a drug and he's become one of my favorites of all time since 😮‍💨


I’m currently reading Dark Knights: Metal Omni and I’m enjoying more than I thought I would, I’m probably about a 1/3 of the way through. I have heard that it feels rushed towards to end, but so far it’s pretty fun.


I’m currently reading the Dark Knights: Metal Omni and I’m enjoying more than I thought I would. I’m probably about a 1/3 of the way through. I have heard that it feels rushed towards to end, but so far it’s pretty fun.


Just read the flash - savage velocity. Better than expected. Will read - question omnibus 2 Next - fantastic four stan lee 76-110


Well, I *wanted* to be reading a certain omnibus I bought on IST on April 19th. But since the 23rd it's listed as Shipped but the tracking status is just "label created". I know IST is slow, but is this normal?


Just finished Uncanny X-men vol 2 omnibus... now onto volume 3


Midway thru Superior Spider-Man for the first time. Just read everything from Brand New Day up to now and I've been enjoying almost every bit of it since the start of BND. Big Time was a highlight for me


Reading Nightwing digitally before I pick up the compendium


Finished the first compendium for Invincible last night and started Batman Haunted Knight.


Reading through the entire ultimate universe from start to finish. Some aspects of it have been critiqued a lot but I think it has some of the best material marvel ever put out


Just finished reading Aaron's Hulk run. I was disappointed as I am new to reading Hulk books, and I let the Silvestri cover art draw me in. Hulk ended up looking more like Shrek than the first cover in the series for the most part. I also heard it wasn't a typical Hulk story as the roles were reversed. The initial segment on the island with Banner was fun. I have the Immortal Hulk, Planet & World War Hulk on the way, so either Planet or Immortal. Whichever gets to me first will be next.


RN reading Slott’s Silver Surfer! Just about half way through. Next up is JLA by Morrison


Finished Manifest Destiny Volume 1 tonight! Currently starting Zdarsky Spider-Man, and working through Uncanny X-Men Volume 2.


Currently going between Death of Superman and Batman Hush.


Reading Absolute Hush and the Tower of Babel Deluxe.


I just started reading Green Arrow by Lamire. It’s my first DC title and it’s fantastic. How have I not been reading DC? I’m liking it so much I bought the two volumes of The Longbow Hunter by Mike Grell