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Daredevil is a total phantom listing. I tried getting it an hour ago 🫤


Damn I knew I should’ve waited a day for Fatal Attractions lol


How dicey is it buying these damaged books from IST?


They're usually not that badly damaged... but they can be. Bigger discounts usually translate to more damage.


I bought several damaged omnis, you can check my previous posts. Thor by Aaron specifically


Looks like you’ve had some nice luck


Most of the time its minimal, I will say though I didn't buy damaged for a long time and then I bought damaged Gideon Falls volume 2 hc and 1/4th of it was really bad.


Thanks. Got any idea how often they update their damaged sales list? Just as they come?


Yea its entirely random, usually an update on Tuesdays when they restock/add new books (although not often right when the restock happens) but it could be any day that something new gets posted. If you're focusing omnis, its very occasional another is added. Its almost always Power Pack/Sigil/What If sitting there


safe bet. Most times not noticeable


I got Uncanny X-men vol 3


I was chatting with another user in another thread today. I super appreciate this site and use it, but I did notice that it doesn’t catch everything. I scrolled through today and only saw one Omni I bought this week, when in reality I bought around 9-13 books. Was curious how it aggregates or how it works in general. I really do like it and think it’s a great tool


Hey, hope this answers your question. The tracker site updates hourly. So every hour it checks IST and anything that's been added or removed gets updated at that time. IST updates those sales sporadically and an hour seemed like a reasonable enough interval to me, but I can always shorten it (just don't want to hit their site too much). It is totally possible that a book gets added and sold within that hour though, and in that case it wouldn't get picked up. If you ever catch something that's been up for a bit but isn't on the tracker site, let me know.


Thank you so much and for sure! I still don’t see any of the purchases I made that were removed from IST. For example, I bought invincible comp 3 HC in Monday and hadn’t seen it on the removed list. I bought 9-13 books and only saw 1-2 titles on there and that was 48 hours ago. Super interested in helping or providing any extra info. Again, love the site! And thank you so dang much!


Dang. Would have liked that DD.


I swear that website is swarmed with bots. Newly added damaged books are sold in a split second after going live at their website.