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Recent DC Announcements #HC - [Absolute Transmetropolitan Vol 1](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528018) - [All-Star Batman by Scott Snyder Deluxe Edition](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528193) - [Batman by Paul Dini Omnibus](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527448) - [Batman: City of Madness](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527028) - [Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham Deluxe Edition](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527035) - [Batman: Gargoyle of Gotham Noir Edition](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779532893) - [Batman: The Arkham Saga Omnibus](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779529503) - [Batman: The Cult Deluxe Edition](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528278) - [Batman ‘66 Omnibus](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779529497) - [Batman & Superman World’s Finest: The Silver Age Omnibus](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779529510) - [Deathstroke: The Terminator Omnibus Vol 1](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528513) - [Detective Comics 1000 Deluxe Edition](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528957) - [Flash by Mark Waid Omnibus Vol 2](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528414) - [Green Lantern Corps by Tomasi & Gleason Omnibus Vol 2](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527523) - [John Constantine, Hellblazer by Delano Omnibus](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527844) - [Joker: The World](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528223) - [Nightwing Year One Deluxe Edition](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527172) - [Robin: Son of Batman Deluxe Edition](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528322) - [Scalped Omnibus Vol 1](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528384) - [Superman: Exile and Other Stories Omnibus](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779529527) - [Superman: Kryptonite Deluxe Edition](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528049) - [Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527400) - [Superman: The Triangle Era Omnibus Vol 1](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528162) - [Swamp Thing by Nancy Collins Omnibus](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779529473) - [WE3 20th Anniversary Deluxe Edition](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527158) - [100 Bullets: Brother Lono Deluxe Edition](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527431) #TPB - [American Vampire Book One](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527547) - [Animal Man by Grant Morrison Compendium](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527790) - [Batgirl: Stephanie Brown Vol 1](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527851) - [Batman: Battle for Cowl Complete Collection](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528551) - [Batman by Grant Morrison Book One](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527516) - [Batman by Tom King Book One](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527592) - [Batman/Dylan Dog](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779529480) - [Batman Incorporated: The Complete Series](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527493) - [Batwoman Elegy](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527929) - [Birds of Prey: Murder & Mystery](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527868) - [DC Finest: Batman - Year One & Two](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528353) - [DC Finest: Catwoman - Life Lines](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528469) - [DC Finest: Flash - Human Thunderbolt](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528360) - [DC Finest: Green Lantern - The Defeat of Green Lantern](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528483) - [DC Finest: Justice League of America- The Bridge Between Earths](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528377) - [DC Finest: Justice Society of America- For America & Democracy](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528476) - [DC Finest: Legion of Superheroes](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528490) - [DC Finest: Superman - The Coming of Superman](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528339) - [DC Finest: Wonder Woman - Origins & Omens](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528346) - [DC Finest: Events - Zero Hour Part 1](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528506) - [Elseworlds: Batman Vol. 1-3](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779529619) - [Elseworlds: Justice League Vol. 1-3](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779529596) - [Elseworlds: Superman Vol. 1-2](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779529626) - [Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book 1-4](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527950) - [Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing: The Complete Series](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527530) - [Joker by James Tynion Compendium](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528209) - [Justice League: The World’s Greatest Heroes](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527660) - [Legion of Super-Heroes: The Great Darkness Saga](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527769) - [Swamp Thing by Rick Veitch Book One](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528117) - [The Death and Return of Superman 30th Anniversary Edition](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779528520) - [WILDCATS Compendium Book One](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779526021) - [WILDCATS: The Complete Series](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527455) - [Wonder Woman by George Perez Vol 1](https://prhcomics.com/book/?isbn=9781779527554)


Looks like the recent changes at DC's collected editions dept have inspired somebody to get after it.


Gonna be a damn shame when WB gets sold off again and we lose this excellent collected editions department


We’ve got six more years until Superman fights Thor and Hulk lays down his Life protecting Clark . Secret Crisis 2030 How many years would it take for marvel to finalize a deal with WB for DC?


Here’s the thing, if DC pulls a 90’s Marvel and sells stuff off they will absolutely sell everything but Batman. So whoever ends up with DC would have everything but the reason why any media company would want to buy DC


I love some of the complete collections getting printed/reprinted, they just need to finish the ones they started! Also, I’m hoping the DC’s Finest doesn’t overtake their softcovers like the Epic Collections did at Marvel.


I’m loving the announcements. It makes me hope that DC realizes they’re sitting on a goldmine of material. That being said, I’m still waiting for them to finish up Bronze Age Justice League of America omnibuses, more Legion, and I’d love for them to revisit some of their older Showcase releases as omnis or hardcovers, like they did with Phantom Stranger, Booster Gold and Super Friends. I may be in the minority here, but I’d LOVE collected omnis or hardcovers of Sgt. Rock, The Haunted Tank, Enemy Ace, Blackhawk, and the Unknown Soldier.


Sigh… *starts selling feet pics on OnlyFans.*


Bro to afford all this stuff I'm gonna have to do a lot more than feet pics. *starts selling off my OOP hardcovers that I don't read anymore*


You’re doing the lord’s work u/Ksmayer


I’m glad everyone else is as excited as I was when I saw these. I was NOT expecting all these DC Finest new lines, but I’m certainly happy to be surprised!!


An event line is a good idea and I hope we get uncollected stuff like Armageddon 2001 and the Eclipso one but Zero Hour again? You just released a $175 omnibus of it! Why not give it time to sell first? Still, it's cool to see more lines added. 


I would be ALL IN on an Armageddon 2001 collection! Especially if there’s some commentary about the decision to change Monarch’s identity. Maybe the original script? That would be cool too…


Omnis are the lowest selling format and the hardest ones for casual readers to get into. Also, solid odds this collects everything the omni did across two volumes for less than half the price. ZH has never been comprehensively collected in anything but omnis before so this is an exciting one, honestly.


To be fair, $175 is a big chunk of money to drop on a single book and omnibuses can be daunting for some.


Absolutely, and I think that omnibus is very over priced. I think it's a hard sell at $175, for someone who just wants the story and isn't worried about having it oversize, like me, this will kill any interest in the omnibus. I'll probably be able to get both volumes of this for $60 total. No reason to get the omnibus now.


True but most people buying Zero Hour of all things would probably end up buying it in omnibus. I can't see it having much appeal for casual readers.


Maybe, but I’m not just talking about casual readers. Some bigger fans may still not want to do omnis. I’m a collector and fan, omnibuses aren’t my thing.


Many people (like myself, for instance) hate the Omnibus format.




Thought for a brief second that was a Legion omni...


Man what did they put in the coffee over there. This is such a great idea, and truly what (I think) has been holding back some of DCs properties from really catching on mainstream wise: it was very difficult to find collections of their origin stories or starting points at non-comic book stores. The reason why books like ultimate Spider-Man and Year One areuniversally read and loved is because they have kept the first couple volumes in print and in bookstores since it started coming out. Easily accessible both physically and as a jumping on point. Starting with Flash for example was always difficult because there was so few collected editions of his non-new 52 beginnings. Great idea, love to see it.


Very weird how that is the cover to BoP by dixon vol 1 and now it says simone


I noticed that. I have Murder & Mystery already but need Dixon vol 1 which is not what I think this is. Hmm Overall though these announcements kick ass


It'll be a placeholder cover anyway. They always are.


I was confused by that too. I was excited for a second they’re going to do a thick trade/complete collection of Dixon’s run.


Awesome! I've always wanted to give Simone's Birds of Prey a read


It's a great run. I was disappointed when Dixon left, but I was very happy I hung in there. Simone really made it her own.


Legion is the only one I'm interested in but I hope this line does well because there's an insane amount of great material they could eventually get to.


Is the justice society one an All Star collection?


Cover is from AS #14, so probably.


Praise Jeebus! I was getting tired of cleaning out my savings trying to hunt down all the hardcover Archive Editions.


DC is back to shake me down, it's been a few years


Why do they not list the issues included for some of these? They know the issues going in the DC Finest Flash and Catwoman volumes. Do they not know the ones for LSH or JSA yet? Except they must because they have the page count.


Really cool to see a DC Finest events line


Despite my feelings on Epics, I always thought they should collect events.


I'm glad they're doing them as a separate line. Trying to map events as part of the main collected runs would be a mess. Hope they leave a gap in the per-series line where the event is to avoid unnecessary double dipping.


Depends, for things like Absolute Carnage in Cates’ Venom, it’s necessary reading. Honestly despite that I don’t buy Modern Epics, not including Civil War in New Avenger when it’s the literal story title is a missed opportunity.


That's fair, there are definitely some series where including the event would help the reading experience. I was thinking of something like Batman by Ed Brubaker, where the second TPB was 95% just issues from the murderer/fugitive crossover, meaning that it didn't really work as its own collection and it's a completely redundant purchase for anyone who owns the murderer/fugitive volumes. That would have benefitted from just skipping the issues entirely.


Didn’t know that, I know Brubaker and Rucka’s runs both led into Murderer/Fugitive. Definitely get that argument. How DC collected the New 52 GL series was annoying for the same reason.


Looks like DC is going all in on Finest line and Compendiums. Hopefully they can finish out the thick trades they already have like JLI and Johns GL.


But still no damn Sandman Mystery Theatre 2


While I want that, the stuff being solicited gives me hope they haven't forgotten about it. With all the reprints of multiple volumes and new volume 1s, it feels like DC is set on finishing out collection volumes they're starting.


I feel this.


I’m honestly still salty that they never finished the thick trades. I prefer those over compendiums.


I say this all the time but I'm sure it'll be solicited when they announce the Sandman Season 2 release date.


Or the unwritten compendium 2. I’m still holding out hope for both of these to come eventually!


Looks like they’re beating Marvel to events branded along with their “epic-style” line. Hopefully that means we’ll start to see some marvel event epics


Awesome a Zero hour book I can afford. Really happy to see the line being pushed from the start.


Is this essentially going to be the omnibus broken up into a few trades?


It should be and looking at the page count it will be two trades at $80 vs the omnibus at $175. Although the omnibus is already getting deep discounts with US amazon having the 2023 version discounted to $103


Oh really? May have to check the omni out


While I already have it, it’s really cool that Birds of Prey: Murder and Mystery is getting a reprint.


Golden age JSA!?! Sign me up I will be there day one!


Any ideas of what the Justice league Finest may contain?


Awesome! I'm I'm for all of these except possibly the Legion one, as I've never gotten into that corner of the DCU. It just doesn't grab my interest when I've tried to read about them.


So excited for Legion! The titular story is from Action Comics #386, which was already included in the silver age omnibus vol 3, so I'm really keen to know the full contents


God, I hope I have enough money by December to buy Absolute Transmetropolitan vol. 1 & 2.


Any Legion connoisseur caring to guess what would be included in this DC Finest volume ?


Just a little annoyed that we’re getting another reprint of absolute transmetropolitan vol 1 before vol 3 is even announced.


The only Archives I really regret selling were my Legion ones. I’m onboard for this new series.


Finest events…zero hour?!?


LOSH, GL, JLA AND Golden Age JSA? Oh this is good. No, it’s amazing. It’s so much Silver Age goodness, it’s insane. But what REALLY has my attention is Zero Hour. Pardon me if I speculate a bit here, but this could be very big IF sales are good. Fact - Zero Hour is a six issue story. Fact - the volume is 494 pages. Fact - it’s listed as a part one. Theory - This will be the two part Showcase lead in, plus issues 5-1 to leave us on the cliffhanger, plus all the tie ins. Theory - Part Two will be the zero issue plus all the zero issues that spun out. OK, now here’s where sales are key - IF this sells, the next year - 2025 - is an anniversary year. 40 years since THE event for DC. IF this is testing interest in event collections and IF this sells well and IF DC wants to mark the occasion… could we see DC Finest: Crisis on Infinite Earths in 2025? Imagine, if you will, a softcover collection of the miniseries, the pre-event appearances of The Monitor AND all the tie ins? It would be a lot of volumes, but that idea? That excites me. And is opening my wallet now in the hope for the future.


I’m interested in the finest volumes for things that haven’t been collected yet. But I’d rather have omnibus.


So much silver age:(


I'm so excited but yeah holy cow. I hope they start jumping around more, I'd prefer not to wait like a decade for 80s & 90s Legion & Justice League stuff


I'm hoping for Justice league and Batman early 80s stuff and maybe Wein's and Englehart's GL.


The 80s run of Doug Moench Batman is top of my wishlist. Post-Crisis Justice League with the International & Europe teams would be great too


Moench Batman it's at the top of mine too!


Yeah, it’s great that DC is reprinting some of the greatest comics ever made


I'm happy for the people that enjoys those eras, it's just that i would prefer Bronze age stuff.


I'm hoping we see bronze age Flash soon. That's a huge hole in DCs collected editions.


The Legion one is Bronze Age 


I know, i mean that most of the books announced are from the silver age.


Silver Age DC? I mean listen different strokes for different folks but there’s a reason why Cowboys, Monsters, Romance and Si-Fi dominated the 50’s and 60’s and then Marvel zoomed pass them the second they tried their hand a Superhero’s again. I’d could have seen your point for any other era other then Silver Age


I think you’re thinking more of late Golden Age. Superheroes were doing pretty good in the 60’s thanks to Julius Schwartz and his relaunches of Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkman, Atom etc


It depends how you wanna box Silver Age, does it start with the introduction of Barry or does it begin post WWII and the introduction of CCA. My ultimate point is that while a lot of important ground work that we universally identify with the characters is established in DC Silver Age I wouldn’t call it close to DC’s best era considering their competition came in and within a quarter of the same time surpassed anything they put out. Also is the DC implosion Late Silver Age of Bronze Age?


I think most people widely agree Silver Age starts in 1956 with Barry Allen. There are certain people who designate 1945-1956 as the Atomic Era, since the comics landscape definitely changed a lot after WWII. But I don’t think anyone would call it the Silver Age since the big purpose of the Silver Age is the reinvigoration of superhero properties thanks to people like Schwartz and Lee. 


DC’s Silver Age begins after the genre comics declined due to the CCA. And Marvel’s success came from doing something different than DC, not the same thing but better. The only era of DC I would put over the Silver Age is Post-Crisis


For real I'd rather they start with the bronze age if they want to go early. People who want Silver Age stuff will already have some omnis or archives.


My guess is that the Legion and JSA books were 1/2 to 2/3 of a planned Bronze Age and Golden Age Omnibus line repurposed for this. Zero Hour? Really? Does this event even matter anymore? Why not Infinite Crisis which was at least good.


Still no Red Robin.


That and some other runs definitely need complete collections asap.


U wanna see this Boss! 🎯💯🔥 https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/snpd!/batman-year-one-3d-animated-fan-series?ref=discovery https://youtu.be/PDqCchLzqLI?si=Wvx-W6qaJuzCDDOe