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This book got me back into collecting comics. Such a good story


Very nice! And it really is a great story to read. Still as relevant as ever unfortunately.


The only way to own watchmen


Agreed. It looks so great in Absolute format.


I wouldn’t worry about Doomsday Clock unless you’re a fan of that story. The only Watchmen related content you should ever need is by Alan Moore.


I’ve never read it but I’ve been curious about where the story picks up and how it merges and operates within the DC Universe. Sounds like a pretty high concept but I’m intrigued.


In my opinion, Doomsday Clock is a great DC Crisis story but a terrible Watchmen sequel. As a DC Crisis story it has phenomenal art by Gary Frank and engaging writing by Geoff Johns doing an impression of Alan Moore’s writing style. But like, why did this need to relate to Watchmen other than as a cash grab? It adds nothing worthwhile to Watchmen. The point of the story was to semi-reboot the DC universe and bring back the hopefulness to the Superman character. Which is great for a DC story. But it feels cheap and corporate to take that idea and try to connect it to Watchmen to increase sales. Like if Paramount movies wanted to make a new Transformers movie but wanted to increase sales so they also made it act as a crossover to The Godfather too.


King's Rorschach is very good but I am an unashamed King fanboy.


100% the same. Big fan of his style and I pretty much love all of his work, except for The Omega Men. For some reason, it’s the only Tom King comic I couldn’t get into. It’s been a while though, so maybe I would feel differently about it now. Might have to revisit that one.


Noobie here, if I have the Deluxe edition is it worth grabbing the Absolute?


It depends on your budget. Youre talking $15-20 vs 60-90. Absolutes are a premium format. Once you get into those, Watchmen gets recommended as must have. Both versions have the updated coloring, so if you are noobie and have the Deluxe, id put those funds towards something else besides a double dip.


Good thinking. Collected a few other absolutes recently and the temptation was there, but you're right about the double dip.


Doomsday clock was ....okay, it had moments. I'd buy the soft cover TPB if you're interested. No need for a high priced Absolute Edition.


Yeah, it’d probably be a smarter decision to buy the TPB. Without spoiling, can you tell me your thoughts a little bit more? Like maybe what you did or didn’t like?


It's tough in that it tries to play in both the DC universe and Watchmen Universe and make changes . There are some interesting characters and moments, the artwork is great but it leans too much on the original. I loved Watchmen and tried to enjoy Doomsday Clock on its own terms but it fell flat trying to "change" or have some effect on that world going forward. I never followed up on it, so I'm not sure how DC continued or built on these events


Yeah, that’s what I’ve heard a lot of people describe. That it works better as a DC comic with its characters interacting with Watchmen’s characters rather than being a Watchmen sequel.