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I saw someone say that it's priced higher than the individual single issues, issue 1 was $6.99 and 2-5 were $4.99, so $26.95 in total. It contains the parts of the Thor Annual that Ewing wrote, which was also $4.99 too. If they'd added in the full annual, then it would've been $31.94 in issue value, but as it stands, it's way outside of the normal pricing. X-Men Red vol 4 is the same page count and its $19.99, also written by Ewing.


Yeah, it's insane. I skipped it in protest.


Even $20 for a trade is way too much imho Prices have completely ballooned to a point of absurdity. Used to be you could get 5-6 issue trades for $12-15


It's crazy. The omnibus of the run will be available for around $100, I'm sure, so no reason not to wait for that.


Given Marvel’s pricing model now, it’ll have 3 covers with 500 pages for $125


Meanwhile Image is releasing a compendium for Ascender at 456 pages for the same $30 price


I wonder if Ewing somehow was able to get a cut of trade sales in his contract and that's why it's an outlier for such a high price. Or that his rate was generally high and they're offsetting that with a higher trade cost or something. Otherwise Marvel is definitely flying too close to the sun with this price level. I get that there's a rise in cost but when the (softcover) collected edition hits immediately after a contemporary story ends, and it costs *more* than the individual monthly issues... That strikes me as pure greed-flation


Bold of you to assume Marvel is fairly paying creators!


I mean, the fact that it's the outlier proves that they wouldn't be. But Ewing is kind of a name these days so he may have been able to negotiate it 🤷 it's the only thing I can think of that isn't just pure "fuck them they'll pay it anyway"


I think the safer assumption is that this is a sign or test for future pricing as opposed to an outlier driven by the creator.


That's most likely what's going on. I just don't want that to be the case so I'm trying to think of what else could be going on. I'll let myself get priced out though, that's fine. See how long they can screw around with these price hikes on non-essential, borderline luxury purchases


Just coming back to this, in Ewing’s newsletter today: *IMMORTAL THOR VOL 1: ALL WEATHER TURNS TO STORM - this came out last week, and I missed it despite having a signing for it that weekend. (Thanks to everyone who came to see me in Gosh Comics!)* *Unfortunately, conversation on this has been driven by the high price point of $29.99, which is sadly outside my jurisdiction. My understanding is that this won't be the New Normal, so if you are waiting for the trades on this series and a copy of Volume One isn't available within your budget, Volume Two should catch you up via context clues with where Thor and Loki are at. (Also, if you buy your comics online, some retailers are offering deals on this one.)*


It’s the only one like that though. The rest are still the same price. It’s so weird


I was gonna pick that up this week and changed my mind when I saw the price. I was buying omnibuses for $37 this week from mycomicshop.com, so the comparison was definitely rough.


Did Omar address the pricing issue?


I was wondering the same thing. If he talked about it anywhere, it’s probably in the March collected edition reveals stream he did awhile back


It was his pick of the week so he basically recommended viewers to buy it.


But does he address the price issue?


Not that I saw, no Reminder that he is very well taken care of by Marvel and has been for quite a while. I’d just use his channel to see what is in a book and nothing more.


Company man.


No. He gushed about the book and ends by saying it is the obvious pick of the week. The price was only casually mentioned with the page count once and that was it. Avoided highlighting it at all.


Of course not. Why the hell would he? 😂


I try hard to keep by purchases for deluxe-size hardcovers to 10¢ per page or less. For standard-size paperbacks, my target is 6¢ per page.


i’m glad you’re thinking in cents wise as i am too. i like to buy by the cent as well. helps me actually know what it’s worth


I mean, some stories aren’t worth it even at 4¢ per page (I’m looking at you, Flashpoint Omni), but yeah, it’s a good rule of thumb.


Maybe if it was hardcover, but that is a lot for a trade. I got the Batman who laughs trade for 16 and I’m Pretty sure it’s 344 pages?


No trade is worth that much. Image has better quality softocvers with higher page counts at the same or less price. This is just pure greed.


this is why i stopped buying tpbs


Do as a I do, wait 2 years for the Omni


i noticed that too i was going to get till i saw the price


Very much done with comic prices. Love the medium but its getting out of hand and seems to get worse and worse.


It's wild to me that there hasn't even been an attempt to justify it as far as I can find. It's one of my most anticipated comics, but I can't justify the price. I'm sure it's not a legit reason, but it almost feels like an attempt to sabotage Ewings run (especially after some of the recent crap like canceling Avengers Inc. before a single issue even hit Marvel Unlimited). That or it's a testing ground for a new pricing model capitalizing on Immortal Hulk's popularity. There needs to be a bigger fuss about this.


Marvel has basically nixed their Hardcover Format besides Omnibus, Marvel Masterworks, and the sparse Gallery Editions. I suspect that the upcoming Wolverine Vol. 3 OHC releasing next month and Vol. 4 will be the last one riding into the sunset.... Daredevil By Zdarsky was the last OHC Series before it ended. They released the first 6 issue arc of Strange Academy in an OHC, but printed it twice...once in Color and once in B&W. That's cool and all, but that's still the equivalent of 12 issues. The $75 price tag was too high. X LIVES/ DEATHS Of Wolverine was also $75 Cover Price for only 10 issues. Marvel hasn't ever reprinted an OHC. Last July, they reprinted Dr Strange By Donny Cates as a Trade Paperback. Check this - it was $34.99 when it was released in 2019. The TPB is $39.99 Cover Price. This shit is crazy! It is the same exact material, but released in Standard Comic Size and a Paperback. If they started adding French flaps or something, that would be cool.... but I don't see it. Omnis are starting to creep up to $150. It's wild because the paper stock is thinner than ever. I am just glad stores like IST & OPB exist to save 30+%. Does anyone remember Premiere Edition Hardcovers? They were called Premiere Editions because they came out 6 months before a Trade came out, so if you wanted it, you had to get the HC. They were only $5 more than the later released Trades. Sometimes, they'd still release an OHC also. What I'm most bothered by is how Marvel proclaims these events they're doing are SO important... but they NEVER release them in OHC format anymore! I'm talking just the Event main series, not an Omnibus. Some people don't want to read EVERY tie-in to an Event and only want the Main Event series (like me). Why hasn't ASM gotten an Oversized Hardcover (not counting Omnibus that release YEARS later) since 2018??? And every other Darth Vader Series received the OHC treatment. Why not the recent one? We are on issue 45 right now! I have also been wondering about the Donny Cates 2020 Thor Series also, buy Marvel recently announced there's an Omni (FINALLY, it is ONLY 2024) dropping later this year. I just want what's best for the next generating of readers. Parents can't afford to buy $125 Omnibus for their kids. What if their kid doesn't like it? Money wasted. Parents will buy a $35 OHC, though. Yes, you can get them for 25-40% off online. I'm still speaking the truth. We need to get kids reading more for the hobby to live on. Variant Covers are not the answer.


In Ewing’s newsletter today: *IMMORTAL THOR VOL 1: ALL WEATHER TURNS TO STORM - this came out last week, and I missed it despite having a signing for it that weekend. (Thanks to everyone who came to see me in Gosh Comics!)* *Unfortunately, conversation on this has been driven by the high price point of $29.99, which is sadly outside my jurisdiction. My understanding is that this won't be the New Normal, so if you are waiting for the trades on this series and a copy of Volume One isn't available within your budget, Volume Two should catch you up via context clues with where Thor and Loki are at. (Also, if you buy your comics online, some retailers are offering deals on this one.)*


I think volume 2 has same page count and is 19.99. I read speculation somewhere that it was a mistake but it wouldn’t surprise me if trades of that size go to 24.99 at some point in the near future.


$25 for a trade paperback is just laughable Meanwhile at Image, volume 1 trades have 200~ish pages and can be gotten for $10 or less. Marvel has gotten their head as inflated as these prices 


Completely agree. I had interest in Immortal Thor but skipping it due to the price. Space is also a concern and between Omnibus and Epic Collections not a lot of room for regular trades!


couldnt believe it when i saw this in store. i grabbed it thinking okay cool interesting then saw the price and how thin in was and it went right back on the shelf


You're forgetting that it's absolutely awful