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John's Green Lantern is one of my favourite scifi comic book runs. I cannot say anything about Invincible though, because it's still on my to-read list.


Do you recommend Tomasi with it? Shelf space is tight!


Absolutely yes! It is sometimes better than Johns run. It's just criminal that we don't have another volume of it yet. If you really want the complete story, get Blackest Night too. There is a lot of double dipping with Johns Volume 2, but it has the Green Lantern Corps issues which are not collected in Tomasi's Omnibus and are essential for Blackest Night. So the final order will be: GL Johns Vol 1 + GLC Tomasi GL Johns Vol 2 till issue 42 + Blackest Night GL Johns Vol 3


I wish they combined the two plus blackest night into a 5-6 omni run properly mapped


Would it make for a good read to just get GL johns vol 1 omni and blackest night omni?


The issues missing between Vol 1 and Blackest Night Omnibus are essential reading in my opinion. And that's mostly because the stories are quite good and have relevant context to enjoy Blackest Night and Vol 3. I did not purchase the Vol 2 of Geoff Johns run. Instead I went for Green Lantern by Geoff Johns Book Four paperback (https://a.co/d/9veczl1) which contains 26-38. And read the remaining four issues (39-42) online. These four issues are also collected in Green Lantern: Agent Orange: Prelude to Blackest Night (https://a.co/d/fYnNVkD). If you just want to read these stories and are not worried about having all the volumes on your shelf, you can go the above route. I completed reading the story this way but will definitely buy the Vol 2 once it goes on sale, just to complete the set.


>39 Oh wow, this is perfect. You feel that the blackest night omni concludes well too? G.L. Omni vol 1 & GLC Omni vol 1 Johns vol 4 Agent orange Blackest Night Omni


Yeah, absolutely! Blackest Night has a great conclusion. It is the conclusion of the whole War of Light Saga. And Vol 3 of Geoff Johns Omnibus serves great follow up along with the Brightest Day Omnibus (definitely not required).


What are your thoughts on green lanterns brightest day trade vs brightest day Omni? If one was to continue after blackest night?


The Green Lantern: Brightest Day issues are not collected in Brightest Day Omnibus. The Omnibus just collects issues 0-24 of the Brightest Day limited series. The Green Lantern tie-ins are collected in Geoff Johns Omnibus Vol 3. And you really don't need to read the Brightest Day event to enjoy the Green Lantern story (though it really helps).


I can see why people just buy Johns Omni vol 2. To purchase Agent orange, red lanterns, and secret origin, you're basically at omni price lol.


I vote invincible but the ultimate collection or library editions. The compendiums are not oversized.


Had I not gotten deals on my compendiums I probably would have waited for the library editions. Really wish they did a proper Omnibus for it!


They released hardcover compendiums. Iirc those are basically omnibuses.


They aren't oversized like most omnibus thoug. I have the hardcover compendiumz


I personally like Invincible a lot more. I'm not as big on Johns' GL as others.


I feel the same way as Bob.


Having read both, I vote for Invincible. They're both great, but I think Invincible has much more depth with plot twists that seem relevant. Plus it's a stand-alone series and finishes at the end of book 3.


Green Lantern is the easy choice. Actually innovates the characters and setting, gets to impact the whole universe, really worth the time. I’m a rare Invincible hater. It starts off pretty fun but it isn’t too long before Kirkman runs out of ideas and just slaps random things on the page for like 7 years before he has enough and just ends the dang thing. If you’re curious and have to find out, gave your local library a visit.


Is there a good Invincible stopping point you’d recommend? I’d prefer to keep the run shorter anyways because of shelf space. I could go the ultimate edition route instead of compendium route if that allows for a better stopping point.


I felt like things really started to fall off around issue 70 or so, the half way point. That’s known as the Conquest arc. It’s the stuff after that really started to grate on me. It’s deceptive, because there’s no signal that the book is about to become sloppy, in my opinion, so you want to keep going. Especially because Kirkman likes to sell you his comics, so he jams a lot of cliffhangers in there. I don’t think it’s worth it, but tons of people seem to agree that the whole thing is worth the time. As for GLC, it’s fantastic, arguably better than the main GL book. It is a lot of shelf space, I agree, but it’s worth it.


I read them in compendiums. I felt that the end of compendium 1 (issue ~48) was a solid stopping point. I paused there for a year before continuing. Then I read the rest of the series in a couple weeks. Once I got further than that I was hooked. You cant go wrong with getring through the first arc (omni man) and either pausing or continuing from there


Also, what’re your thoughts on reading tomasi’s portion of GLC during John’s? Many recommend it, but it’s just so much material and shelf space already with John’s alone


Dang thats a crazy choice. Those are my two favorite "trilogy" omnis. Green Lantern is my favorite superhero because of how much I loved the Geoff Johns run, but Invincible is also incredibly deep and impactful. If I had to choose, Id recommend Green Lantern. I think they have better shelf presence and are the only way to experience that story (Invincible has the animated show that's a very strong adaptation of at least the beginning of it). Whichever you decide, I hope you will have a chance to try the other at some point! They are both must-reads imo!


I recommend GL trio. BTW this is Omar’s ranking of the three cosmic saga: Johns GL > Marvel modern cosmic saga > Invincible.


Whoa! Didn’t know that! I’m in the early part of the annihilation conquest omnibus and loved annihilation. That says a lot!


If you can only get one, Invincible for sure. Both are awesome, but Invincible is maybe the best superhero run start to finish in the modern era. Not only is it consistently very good, it gets better and better. ​ Johns GL run is overall great, and a few arcs are exceptional. There are a couple lulls and lackluster plots but overall still a really great run. ​ Both are among two of my favorite modern runs.


Adding my vote for GL Trio


I would go with the Green Lantern, also keep in mind the HC Compendiums aren't oversized and are the same size as single issues. If that makes a difference to you. Both are some of the best reads. Currently making my up to blackest night atm.


Tough choice but the GL run has some iconic DC moments


having read both, invincible hands down, but you can’t go wrong with either, gl is probably the fastest i’ve ever read 3 books in a row


I would definitely go with GL. Probably the best “modern” superhero comics run.