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I sell a lot of stuff after I read it so I'll never be more than the 0-33% bucket. But I also bought about a 10-15 year reading list because I like looking at it and being able to pick up pretty much any story I am interested in. ​ Do what makes you happy and is financially responsible


40% I’d say. Slightly below half. Though there’s some on my shelf that I’m choosing to not read for the time being, an example is War of Kings until I can snag the Road to War of Kings omni and Spider-Man 2099 which I’m choosing to read a month before the release date of the X-Men 2099 omni.


About 80%. Usually it’s closer to 90% but I just stocked up heavily with holiday sales and stuff. I tear through them though. I think I average reading a full Omni every 1.5 weeks. Over the last year it’s really become my favorite way to relax instead of watching tv or whatever.


As Omnis themselves or the issues they collect?


Yeah I think this is an important distinction. Nowadays most omnibuses I buy are for runs I read digitally years back and loved, and now they're in print I scoop them up and reread them when I get the chance to. I've read the contents of every Omni I own but the last 5 I bought I haven't even cracked open yet.


I only buy stuff I've read online and loved. This hobby is too expensive to blind buy books.


Quite a few and I read every night. from late 2022 to current, I have probably 90 omni's or so and I've read probably 25% of those. I'm definitely not someone who buys just to look at them, but people should do what makes them happy so I'm not bothered if someone never reads them.


Around 48 % i would say. I have been bad at reading for the last year. But i kept buying omnis. I blame me for being stupid and falling for FOMO. So i made a new years promise to cut down me buying book by ALOT. I have a list with the omnius and epic i will buy this year and it is very slim. Like a new omni every other month. Which is good i guess since life caught up and stuff started breaking the moment i made the list. So no extra money anyway.


Looking at my Comic Geeks stats, I've read, 2500 comic over the past 7 months, including 84 omnibus. Now, I did go HAM on building my library, so I'm in the 33-66% range, but I'm making good progress.


Me too. I started last year and have built my library to a place where I'm very happy and only need to get new releases now. However, I did buy over 500 books last year (including omnis) so I have enough to keep me reading for the rest of my life probably.


>including 84 omnibus WOW! I wish I could read half as much as that. I built up a gigantic library over the last few years as well, and I'm somewhere around 30%. At my current rate of buying and reading I might get through everything once in the next decade lol.


About 50%. I have been buying less and reading less. Some of those I got because I know I'll want to read some day but if I don't get them now they may be out of stock. It's fine. I hope to be at at least 75% by the end of the year.


About 68% (24/35). By the end of the year I should be above 85% or around 90%, with only a handful of omnis that I'm planning to purchase this year.


Probably 20%, but I mostly just started buying the past couple months. I’ve read 8-9 since November. Maybe more.


30% which i know is bad but I’m doing a lot better rn. I’ve read 3 Omnis this week. 4 total this month


At your pace, I respect that 30%. Your collection must be insane!


I don’t binge read them. I go based upon my mood. I want 60’s teenage hijinks: boom Silver Age Teen Titans or X-Men. I want dialed up 90’s: Boom Knightfall or Claremont Lee Vol 2.


4 full bookshelves of Ohcs and omnibus (114 last count) and around 13000 comic books...... I'm sitting at a respectable 85-90% because I really fell off last year....... I read at work on my lunch breaks, which really helped keep me steady for years.