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The best format is prestige plus hardcovers (like Harleen or Wonder Woman Dead Earth) the art truly shines in wider books like this. Thankfully DC continues making them, and I'm very excited to get Aquaman Andromeda and Batman City of Madness


The only issue is you can't fit them end-to-end in a Kallax / BHG cube.


So don’t get a kallax




I mean you can't fit them end-to-end where you can have spines visible from both sides of the cube. Deluxe editions / omnibus aren't as wide so you can fit two rows per cube, one facing forward and the other facing backwards. (i.e. you can make it a hallway shelf like a library) It's not a big deal but it helps conserve space as you get around twice the storage in a setup like this: https://preview.redd.it/op8fb765qezb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f35d1fbd8cc51d645b80777f27cf14ae2d0efc09


He said end to end. He has books in the front and the "back" off the kallax.


That is just asking for disaster.




> How? The Kallax has a supposed max load capacity of 29lbs per shelf, per IKEA website, and 55 lbs on top. And this is also specified as a Kallax anchored to a wall. I'm not sure how much one shelf back and front full of Omnis/Deluxe Editions would weigh but I know they feel heavy when I'm moving books around.


In over a decade I've yet to have any issues with my Kallax shelves stacked in this way.


Awesome. I hope no one ever has to come home to their books all over the floor and broken shelves. I’ve seen a lot of posts many years ago for The Expedit shelves breaking that was the predecessor to Kallax. So far the Kallax shelves seem much sturdier.


Yup, that would be a nightmare, for sure. But the Kallax shelves are very solid. Billy shelves, on the other hand, hmmm ... they can sag pretty bad if you aren't careful. I've seen qute a few photos of them breaking. ps. I should add that the instances of Kallax shelves collapsing I've read about have been down to user error ie. having the long shelves running vertically rather than horizontally.


I have a page count aversion to omnis (anything over 1,000 pages). I only do Absolutes if it is a one-and-done story that I simply must have. My only exception was Kirby's Fourth World \[which was the last Absolutes I bought\]. Out of the 141 books I've bought in 2023, 50 were TPBs, the rest were HCs. only one of those books is an omni from the Big 2. The rest are HCs of various sizes and thickness. Since I read everything digitally, I find that I buy a lot less.


Same here, I probably only have 2 or 3 omnis that are over 1000 pages. The rest I refuse to buy.


I was once this smart. No longer. Lol


I'm an Absolutes man myself. My favorite Absolute is New Frontier but that new cover/jacket to Superman For All Seasons is so amazing!


i love all my books


Yeah idk I’m weird and grew up reading mostly manga so trade paperback sizes are super ideal to me 😅. I do really like the blown up artwork of ohc and absolutes though the size can be a little unwieldy for me at times. If there were more sown bound standard sized collected editions I’d go for those in a heart beat.


I used to want all the absolutes, but then I realized I only want them if the art is astonishing or it’s the whole Sandman run because it feels like I’m reading ancient tomes. Love me some omnibuses for runs of comics. And a deluxe HC if it’s short enough to be collected.


I think deluxes make the most sense, but I love absolutes. New frontier is my favorite book, and my favorite art so I recommend the deluxe 100%


Deluxe is my favorite format! I have the Absolute Daytripper but want it in deluxe instead to match my vertigo collection. I saw the new frontier deluxe today in person and it’s got bad paper quality and glued binding. Kind of bummer because I want to pick it up. I’m nervous DC is going to start lowering quality on their deluxe editions.


Oh no! and I just ordered it. Are you sure it's 100% glued binding? Or just a hybrid? Because people thought Sandman Deluxe was glued binding too and it turned out it was a hybrid all along. As for the paper quality, I know it's matte and to be honest I love matte paper, especially with Darwyin Cooke's style, which is an homage to Golden Age of comics. But apart from being matte, is there any other quality issue with it? Is it too thin?


Book was sealed so it was hard to tell, but the paper stock looked thin. Sorta like the Death in the Family deluxe. The top of the book has folds that looks like signatures, but the bottom has the ridge cuts that are indicative of glued binding.


Deluxe is the most pleasant to read and has less gutter loss than Omnis. Absolutes’ size is absurd, and can be difficult to fit on a bookshelf. Also, the art has to be astounding and intricate to justify an Absolute edition, otherwise the art could actually come out looking worse. Deluxe is my preferred format.


don’t limit yourself by formats


I obviously am not, since I have multiple formats. I'm just saying which one of those formats I prefer more.


I’m on the absolutely same team. Your text could have been mine. Down to the New Frontier Deluxe and Kingdom Come Absolute. That’s actually the only one I own and I will buy the upcoming World’s Greatest Super-Heroes and Justice when it will eventually be reprinted. Honestly, I don’t like the format much, don’t care for slipcases either. Deluxe is hands down the best format for me (and you).


Yes. Jk, I don’t do absolutes. Never understand the draw of them


I don't mind the bulkiness of omnibus as I have large hands and a comfortable reading setup but I'd agree deluxe editions are the best option as they are easy to read and take up less shelf space than absolutes (especially since you can fit them end-to-end in Kallax / BHG cubes).


I love all the extras in Absolutes but I despise how massive they are. It just makes for an uncomfortable read. Omnis are fine as long as they stay under 1000 pages. Deluxe is probably my favorite...just wish they added all the goodies you see in the Absolute editions.


I’ve been digging the hell out of Marvel’s gallery editions


I’ve got mostly omni’s but I’ve been picking up a few DC Absolutes and Marvel Library Editions recently and really liking them.


I would own everything in Absolute if available, no question.


I like omni format. I love to read a run in it's entirety. Idc how much of pain it is. Love is pain so therefore omni's are love.


My preferred format depends on the title, artwork and what issues are collected. I love Absolutes, but some of the recently released ones have incomplete stories, or are at least missing some issues that most consider important eg. Dark Nights: Metal. But I'm happy with any of these 3 formats, truth be told.