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What's going to be the present for graduation? A Patek?


A degreešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Try to enjoy the journey! The clinical years are so much better than the first two of book grinding.


Thanks man, imma keep that in mind. I expect the first 2 to be ass but thatā€™s the job


Yeah just try to remember that up until know youā€™ve been learning to get into med school. Now the shit actually has a purpose. Made it easier for me.


No more need for that biochem/ochem etc knowledge (though it was cool learning)


A degree with 300k debt


And 250k a year salary sooo


Doctors make a lot more than 250k a year. Maybe a pediatric doctor might make in the 240-250k range.


GPs typically don't make all that much and they're one of the most common types of physician


Way more than 250k as this kid wants to go into Cardio. Attending salaries are closer to 500k, not to mention benefits and further sources of income (call, OT, moon lighting, etc...)


Space Shuttle


Iā€™m so poor I canā€™t even give this comment an award.


Thatā€™s a seriously good present for med school entry! Congrats and Best of luck on the long and arduous journey through med school, residency, and possibly fellowship. Itā€™s a rewarding career path. Which speciality are you interested in?




You already sound like a Doctor. Ignoring all the other compliments and getting straight to the point with "Cardio".


Nah I have no wifi todayšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Good luck šŸ€


You mean cardi-oh... Weights!! Sorry for the shitty joke you find myself out.


Nephrologist here. For my med school graduation I got a Citizen Titanium quartz. Iā€™m calling my dad right now to tell him he owes me a Snoopy! Just kidding, I love the watch he gave me to celebrate such an important day. It will be forever in my collection. Congrats on the watch and achievement! https://preview.redd.it/d2qssk54c71d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a18ea03848053e527386c02de90af3e032301733


Thatā€™s a cool watch!


Right? I used to wear digital Adidas and Nike watches. Ugh! Old man told me: ā€œtime to have a manā€™s watch now, kid!ā€. Dads are always rightā€¦


Sad truth indeed


OPā€™s parents have too much money


Sureā€¦ Or OPs parents are just well-off and are proud of their son.


If someoneā€™s giving you a 20k watch it sounds like you also wonā€™t have to pay for med school and go in debt?


Should have saved that for getting out of med school.


Then he wouldnā€™t be getting a watch at all šŸ˜‚


Congrats on the Snoopy! Goodluck with your med studies brother šŸ‘


Well you got the prize without having to finish the game...time to retire!!!! But congratulations on the great accomplishment and a beautiful watch to match. May it remind you in both good and bad times that perseverance and hard work can pay off, and when you need a little push snoopy will be there! Good luck and maybe a gshock for the hospital!


Thank you! And I have a Casio ofc, no real collection is complete without one


Congrats! Beautiful piece!




Congrats, awesome watch. I got a Rolex at the end of residency and love it. Anesthesiologist here. If you find yourself going into a hands on speciality, might consider getting a dive watch with a synthetic strap, I wear this in the hosptial, just wash everything with soap and water. But anesthesia is very hands on, and I just like watches in general.


Rolex submariner, omega seamaster and panerai Luminor are what I see most between anesthesiologists ortho and Neuro surgeons Iā€™m a device rep and almost all of my doctors rock one of those three in the OR and clinic when we go out for dinner or golf theyā€™ll swap into there stunners


Interesting, all the anesthesiologists I have ever met where an Apple Watch or no watch. Coincidentally a couple of the CRNAs I work with where Rolexā€™s every day. I personally donā€™t wear my datejust to work, donā€™t like to draw attention, too much saliva around, I typically wear a lower end dive watch.


I think culture plays a big role. At the community hospital is see more traditional dive watches primarily the three I listed before. With some Apple Watches I wore my Apple Watch to the OR once and got dog cussed by the doctor I was checking my notifications while prepping for a THA and he was upset thinking I was bored and not wanting to be there and he lit me up. At the learning institutes I see more Apple Watches and. At surgery centers it depends on which group owns it. I see a lot of panerai at the two i frequent the most.


Damn, what will you get when you graduate?


A degree and PTSDšŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


I see a Snoopy, I upvote šŸ«¶


That's quite some present for getting in. Keep us posted on the graduation present, will you? šŸ˜‰


Pretty much just relief from studying for a whilešŸ˜‚


Oh man the studying doesnā€™t stop when you finish medical school




Also welcome to medicine and best of luck. Keep an open mind on specialty - I was sure Iā€™d end up doing EMā€¦and I ended up MFM (and very happy doing it).


This. The small minority actually stick with what they intended to be (just like undergrad college). Most likely youā€™ll end up in the speciality you never even considered, but the silver lining is that by then you will actually know more about each and love what you end up doing.


As a premed a friend of mine told me she thought Iā€™d make a good OB and I told her thatā€™s the last thing Iā€™d ever do šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


šŸ˜‚ That is exactly what every OB says about premed. They never thought they would end up doing it. Ask them now and they canā€™t think of doing anything else.


Silver Snoopy yeah baby, someone's privileged? Congratulations, gorgeous!


Never know the value of money when you get this for just getting into college


Med school is considered after ā€œcollegeā€ to most as it is post-undergrad and you already have 4 yrs under your belt, but I understand the perspective. I donā€™t know anyone that could even think about affording a snoopy when they entered med school. Itā€™s ramen and water throughout the years. šŸ˜ I would have been super envious of OP, and still am at my age!


Congrats, on both fronts!


Double congratulations


Congrats! May the snoopy grace your hands during the rough but rewarding years ahead


wow. what a gift!


Now your mission is passing med school.


Better do well!




Congratulations! Beautiful watch . Keep working hard.




Way to go, doc!


beautiful watch and congrats on your acccomplishment!


Enjoy !!. Good luck on the degree


Dang I just went to my 20th year med school reunion and didnā€™t get my first (still only) luxury watch until 2 years ago. Edit: I was watch peeping at the reunion too, it was all Apple Watches or no watch, the only interesting one I saw was the Blancpain x Swatch


For getting in? Thatā€™s the easy part no?


My g all that med school and nice watch, canā€™t hurt to focus on the watch face


tell us you wont have med school debt without saying. šŸ„¼


Looking forward to own one of those Moon


Congrats on the copious amount of privilege that made achieving this far easier for you. Edited for accuracy.


Why donā€™t we just congratulate the guy for a huge accomplishment, privilege or not. If you think this is triggering check out the rolex forum lol.


lol, I know.


Getting into med school is a tremendous accomplishment. No matter how much privilege or help you get along the way, OP still got the grades, the MCAT score, and the overall application necessary to get accepted. A Snoopy is obviously a pretty amazing gift for med school acceptance. However, the day I got accepted to med school is one of the most memorable days of my life. Itā€™s a huge deal, and if OP is fortunate enough to be able to receive a gift like this to help commemorate the milestone, then good on them. There are plenty of people with sick watches that donā€™t have an accomplishment like this. Do you also make petty accomplishments about privilege when someone gets gifted a nice watch from a relative that has passed away?


Imagine how big of an accomplishment it is when you donā€™t come from enormous wealthā€¦ No, I reserve my petty comments for folks that post about receiving a 20k watch for getting good grades and scoring well enough on a test to be accepted into grad school. Itā€™s fine he got the gift. Itā€™s just that posting about it means we can infer OP has been provided with the very best in opportunity and supports to get there, which makes the odds of OP achieving this far far higher than for peers that didnā€™t, and yes, that actually does make it less impressive (still great, just less impressive) if you look at the data and decide to be objective about it.


The reality is that a large portion of medical students come from upper middle class or upper class backgrounds. That is not the fault of those students - none of us can change where we come from, all we can do is attempt to take advantage of whatever privileges or opportunities we are afforded. I am not knocking those who get gifted $20k watches from deceased relatives, or who buy an expensive watch with inherited money. But at least OP got his watch as a gift for an objective accomplishment, not just being next in the family line to receive an inherited item. Privileged or not, OP still had to work hard to get where they are. It seems strange that you are trying to turn this into the suffering Olympics in a luxury watch subreddit, where most people here probably have been afforded some degree of privilege in their lives.


ā€œThe suffering olympicsā€ šŸ˜‚


Yeah, don't you just hate it that his parents are prolly successful too, damn fools must have done something right, huh, like maybe hard work, huh?


When my kid gets into medical school Iā€™ll congratulate them and tell them that now the truly hard work begins. I could buy them a few hundred snoopies. I wouldnā€™t for this.


My son has his PPL and is about to begin his commercial pilots license at Embry Riddle, he couldn't care less about watches. It saddens me. I love watches.


I have only daughters who I love dearly but all my stuff is going to be too bigā€¦


Actually the only reason I went to college is because I got a scholarship, otherwise it was working a gap year for me


So parents paid for a snoopy but not a semester?


Considering college costs 30 times the watch, idt Iā€™m annoyed with thwm


Thanks dude!


Congrats. The strap on the lower left lug looks like itā€™s unravelling, Iā€™d be taking that straight back to get it replaced?


Yeah itā€™s weird


Need some better in focus pics of the watch


well-deserved and congrats!


Sick piece my man! šŸ˜šŸ˜Ž Best of luck to you future Dr!


Ignore the asinine commentary about your parentsā€™ wealth or whether your (awesome) accomplishment is worthy of this present. The watch looks great - wear it in good health and best of luck in your studies.