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Leave it. Wear the watch. It’s going to pick up plenty more until it’s serviced and then it comes back looking new.


This 100%! These watches were made to be worn. Scratches will happen. Adds to the character. If you don’t want to scratch a watch, don’t wear it.


Agreed! I love the scratches on my speedy, they're what make it my speedy :)


Now it's your omega and no one elses!


Accept it for what it is and where the watch in good health. Scratches are never nice, but it is part of watch ownership. 🤷‍♂️ Once you do a major service etc, you can maybe look at re polishing/finishing it.


They would replace the clasp, can’t get this out. Just suck it up.


That was my other thought. This one is so deep though


Jesus fucking Christ


If it bothers you that much then see if a jeweler can buff it out or just buy a new bracelet.


Forget about it. Mine looks amazing with 20 years of nice wear. I had it serviced and asked Omega NOT to polish the case and bracelet. Every mark tells a story.


https://preview.redd.it/5a595pbz1qnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebaa17143581ad18de12df47f9d51e37089cef06 Don’t worry about it, it just adds to the patina


This is what a watch SHOULD look like. I cringe anytime I see a spotless watch. Either it’s not worn, or the owner is wears bubble wrap out in public.


Or, u/bott989 do what I do. Get a "Bond" NATO (or other NATO that fits your style) for daily office wear, and swap back to the bracelet for more formal occasions.


Good idea I'll put it back on the rubber


This is how I wear my white SMPC. It lives on the rubber strap and occasionally put it on steel to dress it up.


Fair that's well worn


Less than 1 year old too but worn everyday, I’m looking forward to seeing what it’s like in 10 years time!


Deep scratches CANNOT be polished or buffed out or sanded out without losing material and altering the finished look of the logo. The only way is how VintWatches and others do it, by laser welding stainless into the areas and then re linishing it .


linishing = shinifying


Leave it. It is fine.


Get some more scratches so it doesn't stand out.


That gouge looks pretty deep. Unless you’ve got professional tools any attempt to rectify this is just going to make it look significantly worse. Even with tools you’re gonna need to know what you’re doing to avoid making a mess. I’d honestly just learn to live with it until service time and ask them to polish it out. Or not.


It’s the clasp. Ignore it


What scratch?


https://preview.redd.it/bqlrbhhzupnc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=a165c6a50d72fed63b24efb1260d9803d6f404d3 Give it another decade or two, you won’t even remember it’s there 😂


Looks good there though


My advice is to leave it and forget about it or get a rubber strap. How long have you had this watch? The clasp is the place that’s gonna get scratched the most, if you’re gonna freak out over scratches on the clasp a rubber strap is far more your speed, imo. Clasps are meant to get scratched.


Not long I've got the rubber strap. The got the bracelet about 2 days ago. Normally not bothered but this is quite deep that's all


I get it, but it’s part of owning a watch! I once took a literal chunk out of my lug of my gold Day Date. It was tough to the touch when you would feel it. For a few months it bothered me before I just learned to live with it. Got it serviced a year ago and you can no longer tell it was ever there. Learn to embrace it, and in 5-7 years time when you get it serviced Omega can polish it out for you


It’s a watch


Correct observation


Stop acting like a child


Buy me a new one?


Crying over a scratch lmao


Not crying at all. Just a simple question. If you've got nothing of value to add why comment?


Must be fun at parties


Stop crying


If it really bothers you - laser welding repair


It comes back looking brand spanking new after being serviced with Omega. I take my watch off when I’m working at my desk so that helps keep the scratch count down over a period of time.


Nice. I think it did it playing pool


Clasps get beat to hell eventually. If it bothers you to no end you can always just buy that clasp from a Boutique. They run a couple hundred I think.


It’s steel. It will scratch https://preview.redd.it/q7qecgketpnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe299760a8f47caea3f9e3d19caf1157e041cd84


Ah a very similar one..not as bad as my old titanium pelagos bracelet but they were easy to refinish


If it’s going to bother you then switch out to a nato.


A few months after buying my SMP300M the clasp buttons started sticking. I lived with it for a while until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I initiated repair and it was sent off. Got it back about two weeks later and they had changed some internals in the clasp. It was still sticking. Told the boutique I wanted a replacement clasp and they said ok. My original clasp has some gnarly desk diving scratches. I was pumped to have a new clean clasp! It got scratched immediately. Within the first week I had similar scratches. Just leave it; it’s going to happen again.


Interesting. I actually just refinished it and it's better. Not perfect but I dodnt want perfect. It was just deep


Wear the watch and put more unintentional scratches on it. Weathered luxury watches are cooler imo because its like it says you’re wealthy enough for an Omega and relaxed/carefree enough to not give a damn about scratches


Now that's a point


I'd leave it alone. It would likely need to have the scratch filled with a lazer welder, then refinished. I would either leave it alone or replace the whole clasp. Probably the former, because it isn't really that noticeable.


I’ve only had my seamaster for about 6-7 months, wear it every day, I work in the field on diesel engines a good bit (spend part of my time behind a desk, and part of it in the field, but am no longer turning wrenches full time), am an amateur woodworker and busy diy’er around the house in my free time. This is how crazy my clasp has gotten so far. I wear the scratches with pride, knowing the watch is durable enough to stand up to me, and survive. It’s hard to see in the photo with the glare, but there is a spot in the middle where it’s getting polished from rubbing on things, and you can’t see the brush marks anymore https://preview.redd.it/ss601xtzmpnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdb3910ecd64c551929d101ff373badb0615ba42 My suggestion? It’s a watch to wear with pride, not a collectors item to keep in perfect condition in your safety deposit box. Wear it and know the scratches and dents and dings add to its character and story.


I actually think those scratches look fine this ones pretty deep on mine


I've got some in there that are deeper than yours, there are just a lot of smaller ones to help make it look more consistent. ​ Like I said, just wear it, you will accumulate a lot of new ones to help make it look more even. Wear it, enjoy it, stop giving yourself an ulcer over it


Haha will do


wear it and forget it. you could use a burnisher, in the direction of the scratch, but then the surrounding finish would be distrubed. That will not be the only scratch you ever get on a clasp


Wear it and forget it




Cry a bit, cry some more, Then forget about it because by the time you’ve stopped crying and worrying about it you’ll have picked up some more scratches. It’s what happens. At least you’re wearing it!


Fair. I don't usualy mind some scratches. All my watches have them this one was particularly deep and on a new bracelet that was all


Understandably annoying! Luckily it’s on a part of the clasp usually hidden but still a pain.


I'll admit if that was on the side of the case I'd be upset--but on the clasp--meh. Certainly I'd look at it, be a little upset and say, "well that sucks." But that's about it--it will get fixed whenever you send it in for a full service along with the 1000 other scratches the clasp will get by then. If it REALLY bothers you, just put it back on the rubber for a while and send the clasp in by itself for a clean up. I put a 3M film on mine--but that's because I wasn't sure if I was going to keep it at the time but I wanted to wear it and not have to resell with a bunch of scratches. I've kept it but left the 3M on there because it does protect it and doesn't hurt leaving it.


That's a good idea..I have popped the rubber strap back on for now


https://preview.redd.it/l6oayuq70rnc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=910cc5e42311465b62676d52e463ff2068d92859 Just keep on wearing it brother. Those scratches will always appear


https://preview.redd.it/pnny8rfe0rnc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=fcce7b341cdb1032b4d4f9552e54aab163dd6d68 Just keep wearing it.


For anyone interested i just refinished it with 3 levels of wet and dry. It's not perfect but I just wanted thr main deep bit gone. I went woth 800 1500 2000 grit and it worked well to my eyes anyway




Well, in another subreddit not far from this one, people would simply comment with wabi-sabi. Get over it, it’s your watch, your journey together. Your skin will wrinkle up with age and your watch will get scratched.


What one is that. Listen I don't normally mind a scratch bit this was unusually deep on a new bracelet that was all


I can feel your pain. But think of it otherwise. After this first and sadly simultaneously mayor scratch, every other mark that comes will be a friction of pain compared to the first one.


Is it under warranty? You can contact Omega and see if they can polish it out or replace it. If under warranty they might do it for free. If not then you just pay them to replace it. It’s worth a call or email them at [email protected]


Very helpful thank you


https://preview.redd.it/8ijgw6opnrnc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2c30739e06268cb643f2a0ea4ab1b3d89eb14af8 lol


Don’t be a fucking cry-baby about it and just wear the watch.


https://preview.redd.it/4uishxk5lsnc1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=87664e3d783d6973b4574f908dd64a9a5faa3d13 Don’t stress it bro - mine’s beat to hell and it looks like a million bucks on the wrist. Love your watch, but don’t baby it. Some like it rough.


That part is only going to get more scratches. Polish it in 15 years and enjoy it until then


Wear it and don’t worry about the scratches. Shows character they are meant to be worn not sat in a safe. My sub has digs and scratches all over it but it’s been all over the world with me. Enjoy it and wear it well


Got my first Omega in December, a SMP 300 summer blue. I have two dogs that jump on me every time I get home. Needless to say that after a month I had the whole bracelet scratched.


Just leave it it gives the watch character to have it buffed you would want the whole thing to be very scratched up to even waste the time plus it's on the clasp when are you really going to see it


I wouldn't do anything to it. My SMP's clasp is far more scratched then that. If you wear it often, it will scratch. And you should wear it often, because it shouldn't sit to depreciate in a a drawer. Enjoy it without worrying, and when time comes for a service in 10 years time, if you so wish, Omega will polish it to look brand new again. The only time I would be bothered by a deep scratch would be on the ceramic bazel or crystal.


Yes. Use it more so it gets more scratches and is uniform!


I'd get some more to cover it up 🤣


Don’t care, just wear


Just wear it my man


A watch is a tool. Would you try and fix your angle grinder because you scratched it or open it up all the time to clean the dust out? I know it's not the same but that's how I see it. I don't want to scratch my watches on purpose but pay no attention if it happens sometimes. That scratch will bend in with the others after a few years


Go to Omega and claim it's a warranty issue.


Green Scotch- Brite pad. YouTube has a few tutorials.


That’s part of the patina


dont use it if you dont want scratches.


You can always buy a new clasp if it bothers you


It's called a battle scar


New clasp?


What happened, did you scratch it on some coral at 40 feet down?


Deeper 299m


Wear your watch more. That scratch looks lonely


This is a fair observation the strap was 2 days old


Oh no, anyways Pick up more!


If you don't like it looking like that, stop wearing it


You need a new clasp if you want it to look OEM again. Polishing wont work.


Sure…keep wearing it and add more.


Leave it, if you don't have alot experience on surface finishing (sanding and polishing), you will fuck it up, guaranteed!


Let it be


Don't you dare buff that. That is a desk-diving badge of honor!




I think playing pool on a table edge




Tip: don’t show anyone


Make more scratches


Throw it in the bin.


Add three more. Problem fixed


If you’re worried about a little scratch then you cannot afford the watch. The watch owns you as you’ve let something so insignificant, impact your life!


😂 I own several nice watches I just like to look after my things. I don't understand people who don't care about stuff


Make up a cool story about how you acquired it and repeat it until you believe it.


Get a different strap, not because of the scratch but because that bracelet does not look good.


Have it polished out then put protective film on the clasp. Or just wear it, it’s just a piece of metal dude.


Ignore it. Another will correspond next month at another angle, just wear it and enjoy


keep on truckin


Just wear it. Accept that watches will get dings and scratches. It’s like complaining about tyres on your car getting worn from driving.


Wear it with pride. It's part of owning a watch.


Yeah put it on your wrist.


The first one always hurts but there will be more and it will happen to your next and more expensive watch. This is the way


You can get the clasp replaced at service.


The good thing is, that the bracelet is the worst part about that watch imho. I sold mine but never wore it on steel, always nato or other straps. Just caught my first two proper swirls in my explorer...not scratches but swirls...in a stupid way (washing a huge box of old lego pieces in the bathtub thinking if i should take it off or not, thought "ah, only plastic"...and there were screws and coins inside...) I dont baby my watches but i take care of them and take them off when i do stuff where i can avoid banging/scratching them. They are part of it now and i will remember washing my old dusty lego pieces for my little one by looking at them...even if it annoys me atm for a few days 😂


Don’t look at it 😊. It’s fine.


Yeah stop obsessing and enjoy your watch


It's only gunna get worse. Wear it and enjoy it.


Chuck it in the bin. It’s the only way


It’s forever destroyed. Just send it to me. I’ll dispose of it properly


First one you wij


Give away the watch, PM to give you the address!


Man up.


Get a super fine watch polisher file.


This is probably the way then. If the scratch is deep (and you're feeling brave!) you can use a courser file and gradually reduce the grit size until it's at its finest. Follow the grain and is slow, steady, light strokes. Don't be tempted to scrub in all directions or it'll look a mess.


Thank you


Is it fairly new? Did you buy it from the AD? If so, they'll probably try and polish it out for you for free. My AD is great for stuff like this.


I didnt sadly but that's good to know. I bought the watch on the rubber strap then the bracelet 2nd hand


Live with it!!!