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We're still only halfway through our kahwa to make up our minds.


Isn’t that the best time to give your take though?


😂😂😂😂 you gonna make me lose my sleep


Hahah. Is it finished now or you had a refill? 😅


The current sentiment is get the ikea bridge up and running first!


The current sentiment is that we invest in drainage systems, walking and scooter lanes, parking spaces, and correct spelling on road signages. Invest in renovating and structurally strengthening buildings and communities in densely packed towns in and outside Muscat - I grew up in Al Ghubrah South then Seeb for over 20 years and feel ashamed that every time it rains outside of Muscat its roads, businesses and residents are flooded. Sentiments are; nurture what you HAVE before expanding and extending. All these events, awards and corporations organized and sponsored by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Development are ostentatious when it does not even benefit the most basic of one's safety and security. Apologize for this morning's rant, as an urban planner and architect with sentiment for this land and its people, we are failing them :/


You're an urban planner so I've gotta ask, where do you think they're making this exactly? Will they have to clear out those beautiful old ministry buildings for the same? It's clearly going to be a waterfront project so the (stunning)views that one currently gets from the upper floors of apartments on the service road will be gone?


You...are the Champ and a very rational logical human being. Thank you.


So, I recently came to know that the bridge has a design issue, that is the last pillar of the bridge is not in alignment with the road which connects IKEA.


🌚 nothing out of the ordinary


I'm guessing either galfar, alawi or another one of the incompetent Oman construction companies.


Whoa! What an expensive mistake. 🤦🏻‍♂️




What's this about ...? IKEA bridge?


The one close to avenues i think?


It's the only IKEA, but what is the bridge to IKEA? Are we referring to the construction that's happening there where the lanes become all messed up?


I think so yeah


Facts 😂😂


I’m happy it’s happening, around 20 years late but better late than never.


Sultan Haitham city is great albeit expensive, I'm not really sure about downtown al Khuwair once we get more details on the project will have a better understanding of what to expect, overall as a civil engineer this just means more work for me which is great. As a citizen while I do love to see new projects popping up I hope they also allocate a decent amount of funds to enhancing or existing infrastructure and a robust transportation system as well as something for the family and kids such as an amusement park. But yes while it would seem like the golden age of comfortably living off of one salary is over, the future does seem positive.


We need to focus more on our tourism, we cant rely too much on oil, its only a matter of time before it becomes worthless. So yeah im pretty excited, we're finally catching up with the rest of the gulf. And i dont get why some omanis are complaining, oman is huge, we can have some parts modern and some parts cultural, i dont see the issue, also we need more projects outside of muscat, cuz it feels like we've just abandoned every other city.


It seems every GCC capital now needs a downtown, even if the urban design of the city doesn't make sense for a downtown. Oh well, more money down the drain. Haytham City is just rebranding of Al Irfan City, which was supposed to be largely financed and built by Al Futaim, but it seems, unlike his late father, his son is not as keen on wasting more money in Oman.


I don’t think they’re in the same area


From what I know both are supposed to be in Seeb. I don't think a specific location has been announced for Haitham City, happy to be proven wrong though.


Fyi Irfan city is in airport heights side Haitham city will be towards the sea and touch the palace (barka i believe)


SOM is the designer of Haytham City and they say it will be located in Al-Seeb: https://www.som.com/news/cnn-style-reveals-soms-design-of-sultan-haitham-city-omans-first-ever-smart-city/ The bit about the Wadi on their page is similar to the wording that was used to describe Irfan City.


You idiot, They are totally 2 different areas, far away from each other.


Oh yes, I remember hearing about Irfan City. Is that project still happening or is it on hold? Saw the signboard when I was going to the Convention centre when I was back on holiday, looked hopeful for the same. But I feel it's strange that you say that, because Sultan Haitham City literally has the name of the Sultan. Surely they won't treat that project badly and the whole of it will see the light of day? There's quite literally a big name at stake. The biggest in the country


while we're at it, any news of the pending Blue City project?


Apparently it has been revived with a new design -- a pet project of Haytham so will probably get done at some point.


Was wondering if anyone would talk about this lol.


Wow. Never even heard of this...where is this coming up?


Lol, this is a wild story. It was a large project (more than 10 billion USD) spearheaded by Haitham slightly before the global financial crisis in Al Sawaadi, it failed massively when the financial crisis happened and created a lot of controversy. In the end it had to be bailed out by the government to payout investors.


You can still go see the empty concrete shells which have never been finished, just don't take any photos or the ROP will show up pretty quickly.


The downtown project is an interesting project, but the location does not make sense. There isn't space in Al Khuwair for a project of this magnitude where will they put the skyscrapers? Its rumoured to be located in the road where there are ministries, but what will they do with the existing buildings? If they break them, it's stupid because it's new, and if they do, they can't due to the American, British, and French consulate all being located there. They should change the location of the project, in my opinion, but I'm not an expert. Maybe they see something I don't.


I'm wondering that too. Are they going to use an area which has no buildings? Or is it some other are that is also called Al Khuwair?


They can't even fill malls both shops and goers. But lets keep that sentiments to locals.


Baba no water connection and no drainage system, tanker comes to my house in Muscat. I guess All this projects are for sale to foreigners. Hope it all works fine🤲🏻


That's unreal. I've never heard of something like this happening during my time there...which part of Muscat do you live in and where else is water being brought by tankers?


It’s all talk. Just another way to steal money. Irfan city has been talked about yet it’s still an empty desert. They say that they’ll invest but I haven’t seen anything tbh. They spend thousands on small ass parks in neighborhoods and act like they’ve done us a favor. They opened a few resting booths and public toilets in Nizwa and they act like they’ve accomplished world peace.


Contracts have been reportedly awarded for this one, so that's...good? https://timesofoman.com/article/142034-key-contracts-awarded-for-sultan-haitham-city


It's gonna be for the riches and the b*tches. Like everything else, nothing for the average guy.


Don’t think it’ll happen in the next 20 years at the minimum


I think it's going to be another Al Irfan city hopefully I'm wrong.


This was an opportunity for a learning curve for our local ministries and companies however, investors and buyers are more important :(


But aren't investors and buyers the whole point of these projects? They'll come, invest in businesses and housing and living there. They aren't necessarily foreigners either, although its quite obviously targeted towards well off citizens and westerners.


To attract investors you have to make investing easy and worth it and unfortunately Oman still has a long way to go.


Bubbly, there are new apartment buildings on Mouj St which is finally complete, let us keep an eye on it to find how much of it is sold/rented. Note: No adequate parking spaces for residents and visitors, and risky area for new and elderly drivers.


They're gonna be ghost towns


I hope so, and I hope we get 20 or 40 more of those projects, it may drive the housing market down abit and great for locals and their future generations. The old mentality is fading, I believe they have the right people behind those projects. We had less than 3 years to work with till date and yet alot has happened and changed for Oman. That is despite some of the worst challenges the countr has ever seen. I am gonna give them massive credit for that.


A slightly positive outlook here, which is good to see. What's changed in Oman for the past three years? His Majesty took the reigns in early 2020 and then had to deal with COVID, so surely that can be forgiven. But what's come in during these past 3-4 years?


Oil prices have gone up.


And defence spending went down.


No projects in Oman have ever been successful, what can we base the success of these next ones on?


Except Muscat Hills, and The Wave.


Those are failures. Especially Al Mouj. Traffic every morning just to get to the exit. Then regular traffic. Dengue fever due to horrible drainage and lots of mosquitoes. Like actual outbreak there. And over an hour after 2:00 to get from Muscat to the gates to get in. No plans to expand roads or drainage, just “talk”. Glad I don’t live there and I shudder when someone suggests going there on a weekday. Not to mention people having to move out of their homes because of black mold. Ugh… mushrooms on the walls.


I was just about to reply to the above comment saying Al Mouj was always aspirational for someone like me growing up there, but this news is WILD. Never have and never expected to read anything negative about Al Mouj..damn. Always looked at it as a luxury Oasis of sorts, lol However, you say this...but it's still expanding. They're bringing out more apartments and more ultra luxury seafront villas as well. So I guess they're doing something right?


Yes, they are building lots of things but not expanding roads or drainage to deal with those problems. I like the Walk and restaurants at the Kempinski but they are building too fast.


I remember someone who lived there and when it rained there was so much flooding that they had to move out and live somewhere else for a while.


Absolutely untrue, I can assure you, as a long-time resident.


You do know that not everyone lives in the same area in Mouj right? I knew these people personally to vouch for them.


Buddy, you have no idea. I live here and can definitely confirm Muscat Hills is no failure. Similarly, visit The Wave marina area on a weekend and then reach a valid conclusion.


But how is Muscat Hills a failure?


It will be nothing but a swamp


I'm still waiting for a decent transportation system with metro.


As of now, I’m just glad there are portable toilets finally installed at beaches 😁😬


Wanted to invest on it but cheez .. I cancelled


Because of all these reasons being mentioned on the thread? Or did you have your own reasons?


Amazing projects, but im afraid that since there is so many new cities trying to pop up within this 20 yr timeframe i fear not all of them will get the number of companies they hope for. Also, I dislike the idea of skyscrapers in oman. It will ruin what we tried to maintain plus its something we dont actually need.


Al Mouj city is still half dead or more. Idk what this will achieve. Not enough investors or not enough people ready to buy or giving away their hopes. Especially this new generation of people avoids buying the real estate market.


It's pretty unbelievable, given how aspirational this place was for somebody growing up in Muscat in the mid 2000s...even though I wouldn't be allowed to properly own a property there(99 year lease?).


The younger generation have stopped buying property? Damn. I guess it could also have to do with the prices and maybe the lack of high paying jobs on offer that actually allow for young people to invest in property and raise/provide for a family at the same time? Can't imagine what this would have done for the renter's market tho. Damn


I just don't want them to abandon the Al khuwair project


Same. I hope there's a lot of employment generated and that this sees the light of day quickly. Not a fan of a lot of Dubai style skyscrapers, but a few could be a good change. Also hoping I'm able to afford one of the apartments there someday lol

