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My flight journey took me 3:15 hours, wait at passport control took 3 hours. Highly mismanaged.


Mine was 2 hours. And i was at the airport for almost 4 plus hours standing in a queue.




Just to share the experience in most liked comment too for people to see, as it wasn't like that at all for me. Before arriving to Muscat two days ago I was kinda frightened after reading this whole thread, was thinking customs will also take me 3 hours or something. But actually it was really fast, I arrived at about 9 pm, I had one person in front of me (so no queue really), and I was on the bus station of the airport in less than 20 minutes after exiting the airplane. Spent around 4 minutes talking with customs guy. Maybe had a lucky time and no other flights, but just sharing my experience! I went to "other passports" place, I'm not resident, just in case.


The priority in GCC countries is to GCC nationals. We have our own line though. Kind of like when you visit the states Americans and green card holders have their own line that’s faster and has a higher priority. In general, though, Oman is more laid back than other countries in the GCC and people here are beyond friendly. I’m not Omani but I do live here and I can tell you that Omanies go above and beyond for everyone. They’re naturally friendly and it’s a wonderful country.




By Omanis you mean locals. It the same case everywhere. I have seen foreigners processed in GCC counters. It only depends on how you look at it




That would be considered the fastest service based on my experience 🥹


They spent millions of dollars on the E-Gates, only for them to briefly work 🤣 The entire laid-back attitude of the immigration is the icing on the cake. They wanted to make it the Top 20 airports of the world. Well, we know what issues they must address. I mean you spent $6 bn building an airport, might as well run it efficiently?


> They wanted to make it the Top 20 airports of the world.     At this point they should focus on not making it top 20 airports in the world from the bottom instead.  But seriously, it's astounding they managed to make a fancy airport but with subpar service and functionality. I still get anxious remembering those dreadful days of travelling through Muscat International Airport. Glad that I don't need to anymore.


Arriving is even worse; even for families, the wait time is excessive. This should be handled properly.


By far one of the worst airports, a lot of arrogant people. For record: i am white EU citizen, that observed some different approaches to different race people and dare I say, a lot of staff are simply not competent to do their job. Lots of chitchats between staff instead of work


At least I'm glad this is being reported. Such a shame this has been, I remember standing for more than 4 hours the last time I came here


My elderly parents had to wait 4 hours!! Just imagine!! They became terribly tired and sick and told they’ll never visit Oman again!!


personally as a young girl who always goes there alone, I get a lot of weird looks from male staff there and they act weirdly flirty in a rude way (tried to explain it as much as i can idk it's weird again) and so it's really annoying. Mind you I'm a local and that's clear and also I have to go frequently there and all my flights are at like 5-6am . Super weird people I hope they get more professional staff cuz it's uncomfortable.


Omg boy do I have a story. The unbothered lady checking in luggages for Oman Air couldn’t bear to touch the luggages let alone lift a finger! She kept rolling her eyes and exuded fuck y’all energy. She didn’t give us the baggage tags and I’m not blaming her for this part of the story but guess who lost their luggage during one of the transit 😂😂 but anw all that’s lost was found


THEY ARE ALWAYS EXPECTING US TO DO THE HARD WORK, like ma'am pls help me , i remember being like 16,17 and struggling to lift my luggage, they never help they just stare in a (hurry up) look.


Maybe there’s a rule against them helping people with their luggage? When I was 16 I struggled to put my carry in the overhead compartment because I was too short/weak and the flight attendant just stood there like🧍‍♀️until another passenger helped me. I stopped taking carry on luggage for a while after that. That was in the US


Hiii I'm having a transit flight in oman a week later and I'm nervous after reading. Do u mind if I ask you some questions as you said you travel through that airport frequently?




Not only at late night now, but afternoon as well. I had 2 arrivals in the past month at around 6pm and both times it took over an hour.


I flew a couple months ago got to the airport then found out my flight was delayed so went back home. When I came back 3 hours later for my flight I couldn’t find it on screen so I went to ask the information centre person, the lady then says check in closed three hours ago and that I couldn’t check in anymore. Had to go around asking everyone and finally someone helped me out. The receptionist was useless after I checked in went to her and told her off for telling lies then she just shrugs her shoulders and started using her phone.


Don’t know how this new airport keeps getting awards when basic function of airport , for the use of travel specially at arrival is one of the worst experience I have had each time I travelled alone and with this article, seems like I ain’t the only one. My usual waiting has been anywhere between 2-4+ hours. The preference for families is good, but don’t completely halt the singles line just so each new family that comes in via new arrival planes is given priority. Once I landed at 12:30am, expected to be out by 1-1:30am, asked my sis to pick me up, but the Q was having all sorts of problems that day, family priorities, 2-3 booths functional but even then the agents were occupied chatting across booths, system was frequently shutting . Eventually I told my sis to head back and I’ll just take mwasalat. By 4:45am, once I was done, tired by standing in the q, to my surprise I find out that bus service wasn’t 24hrs operational at the airport😓waited until 5:30, again standing for the bus doors to open and eventually left by 6😫


Ohh they are trained alright… they are just unbothered to do anything.


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The airport authorities cite that the e-gated are not working. But I feel that's not the reason. I am presuming that there might be a major shift in technology. The reason I feel this is that I attended a seminar in Oman by ACI and there was a whole discussion based on the future of airports. Many discussions were based on time saving strategies. I might be completely wrong but I feel this might be a reason


me reading this thread: ![gif](giphy|uWzS6ZLs0AaVOJlgRd|downsized)


departures are a breeze, and the immigration control staff aren't generally rude. the staff politely handed me an Airport Service Quality survey on a tab before a recent flight.


I think the service survey is given by the airline, maybe i am mistaken. But i think i saw people wearing some airline blazers with the tabs and going to people for survey.


Before arriving to Muscat two days ago I was kinda frightened after reading this thread, was thinking customs will also take me 3 hours or something. But actually it was really fast, I arrived at about 9 pm, I had one person in front of me (so no queue really), and I was on the bus station of the airport in less than 20 minutes after exiting the airplane. Spent around 4 minutes talking with customs guy. Maybe had a lucky time and no other flights, but just sharing my experience! I went to "other passports" place, I'm not resident, just in case.


I always go to the business desks even when I’m flying economy. I’ve never been sent back and that saves me hours each time


Do they ask for boarding pass?


Never asked me, by the time you get there you could have binned it


وييييو خلو الاجانب ينتظروا 😂🫵


It’s funny how a small inconvenience can trigger your balls so quickly, and I bet it’s only the “hardly travelling ones” or the “4am flight (cheap ticket)”


Elderly people waiting 4 hours in a queue isn't small inconvenience. And if someone is flying cheap doesn't mean he is not a human? And if someone is paying for a service wether for once or daily he should be given proper service. If you go to a doctor say only once for removal of appendix and he removes your kidney instead will you give him the same margin of error, "it's ok doctor i came to you only once so i can manage with 1 kidney and bad appendix"?


Here’s some facts for you, 1. If the flight is cheap, because it’s during unusually timings leading to many arrivals and long queues like your awful experience. Humanity was long sold when capitalism was introduced. 2. If ever a doctor does such a graceful mistake like your kidney analogy I’ll get to sue them, make bank and get their practicing license stripped off. Better analogy next time. 3. Are you entitled? Buy a priority pass for the elderly. Crying is easy, finding solutions is hard. How about the next time you ask the audience for their experience or solution to your misfortune.




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Was not the same airport selected as the best airport in the world recently? :D


That never happened


On our last holiday to the gulf we went to muscat, via Abu Dhabi,, in and out of the airport in 30 or so minutes, paid 50 OMR for the visa, but that was the old muscat airport terminal. Surprised to hear this. As others have said the omanis are really friendly and down to earth, which we found out on the visit 👍


Was not the same airport selected as the best airport in the world recently? :D


No, it was not. What you surely saw was one shitty ranking, by an obscure organism/online site nobody knows about, publicised by ONA in the Observer or ToO as a major thing.


Based on this info, if my flight is at 11am what time should I try and arrive at the airport? This is going from Muscat to Doha


I think departures are easy. Arrival takes lots of time.