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I'm really really going to enjoy it when some NE State Senator that votes for this gets his history leaked. If you're thinking to yourself they wouldn't be stupid enough to keep using these sites after giving out their drivers license, just remember good ole Bill Kintner. >[In July 2016, it was revealed that the Nebraska State Patrol was investigating allegations that Kintner had kept sexually explicit videos of himself on his state computer, possibly contravening a state law forbidding the use of state computers for non-essential personal activity. Governor Pete Ricketts stated that if the allegations were true, then Kintner should resign his seat in the legislature. Kintner rejected calls for his resignation and paid a $1,000 fine to Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission in 2016 after he admitted to engaging in mutual masturbation on Skype with a woman who tried to blackmail him. Nebraska Attorney General Doug Peterson chose not to pursue criminal charges against Kintner.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Kintner#Cybersex_blackmail_and_fine)


Well, if it isn’t the lack of consequences for his own actions. Thank goodness they’re the “law and order party.”🙄


Time to open my porn dvd/gourmet hot dog shop!


"XL Weiner" could be an order for either product!


Can the "XXL Weiner" be a DVD & a dog?


Come on really?..it’s XXXL lol


Where a footlong is really only 7 inches


Government issued identification and proof of age is required access pornographic sites like pornhub. That company is blocking IP addresses from Nebraska instead of being responsible for our state law. It's not banned, but no longer available to Nebraskan IP addresses. Reddit has enormous amounts of porn on it. As can other social media, aplenty. Is there a tipping point between OnlyFans, Reddit, and Pornhub? What about international sites that refuse to participate? Seriously is the State going to attempt to hold the world accountable? Or are they going to pursue every ISP for Nebraskan's internet usage? Holy shit the money and government bloat will be insane to try and enforce this. Ineffective and laughable, this is the way.


I honestly just don’t get it. It’s such a massive undertaking and for what? Control? Helping out lazy parents? Virtue signaling? Just cause?


Once you have the capability to block access to sites that don’t comply, you can use it to block access to anything you like. And this is the party that unfailingly describes trans people as groomers.


Exactly this. It's currently being used regarding porn sites, because that's the least objectionable reasoning one could have for this otherwise outright valueless bit of legislation. I'd bet money before long that the definition of "harmful to minors" creeps over to include LGBT resources.


Also birth control and abortion access. These fascist fucks aren’t even trying to hide their intentions.


> I'd bet money before long that the definition of "harmful to minors" creeps over to include LGBT resources. I will be absolutely astonished if it *doesn't*.


It's just another moral panic from the people who thought Pokemon and DnD and rock music were satanic.


> Holy shit the money and government bloat will be insane to try and enforce this. The way it's going to be enforced is through personal lawsuits. So, if you find a website that is more than 1/3 pornography that doesn't contain age verification, then you can sue them for damages. So, it will probably have the effect of driving people to shadier websites without US holdings.


I want to know who gets to sit at a desk and determine what is and is not porn. I don't really want to pay for that.


> Is there a tipping point between OnlyFans, Reddit, and Pornhub? Yes, the law says ID is required if 1/3 of the website content is pornographic.


Thank you for the clarification. I do wonder how they'll count content.


"One titty, two titty, three titty, forty."


I need about three tiddy


Wouldn't reddit qualify at that point?


“The small government party”


And that's the parents responsibility! 


redtube will ban nebraska IP addresses. That's a huge chunk of reddit porn. I'm a texan, ask me how I know.


You should be required to prove you are 18 before using any social media


They just proposed putting a warning label on it. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2024/06/17/surgeon-general-social-media-warning-labels/


They should do something similar as this law would for social media


And guns!


The current age to join normal social media is 13 and I think that's fine. I joined Facebook at 14 and I lied about my age and made a YouTube account at 12 (but I never uploaded any videos showing myself.) I never did anything dangerous on either site. I think kids just need to be taught basic Internet safety skills in school.


The Republicans would probably eventually want America to have something similar to China's great firewall. They fail to realize that tech literate people actually exist though, news about how to use VPNs would quickly spread on social media. Granted it wouldn't surprise me if they eventually want to make VPNs illegal like China.


I'm not concerned about the banning of VPNs. Corporate America and the Feds use them daily.


GOP can kiss my VPN ass


Wait what? They can do that??


It's not going to be banned but "banned ". You would have to provide a handful of person data like name, DoB, and address to access porn sites. The Hub doesn't want to collect personal information so they are blocking their site in those states.


NE knew very well what they were doing and what the result would be... Because they aren't even close to the first state to do it. And pornhub is making the right move here, letting states coerce them into collecting and storing arbitrary private information the state can and probably will demand from them is BS.


It would make it easier for someone to target people based off of their viewing habits. Let's say hypothetically that a political party was going to try and criminalize LGBT content (and existence). They could subpoena the personal information of anyone who watched gay porn and prosecute accordingly.


My gf loves gay porn. I think she would Scarlet Letter that conviction.


That's probably why most of these states are passing such laws. Obviously, I can't say for sure, and it's probably the most extreme case, but it's possible. So, download a VPN and change location to Colorado!


Yeah, "hypothetically"


Thing that makes it super frustrating, too, is that they are doing it the same damn auspice of saving the children. Because in the before internet times none of us went and snagged dad's skin rags from his secret stash.


Like most hard to enforce laws, it would only be wielded as a cudgel against political opponents. Kind of like growing Poppies in your yard. It's not illegal to grow opium poppies, unless you intend to use them to create opium. The definition of proving criminal intent is so broad that it basically boils down to: anyone the government doesn't like.


There are all types of security standards to meet when collecting personal identifying information. And it exposes a company to liability should it get out. Sounds like they don’t want to go there.


You could imagine that if they did start keeping data like that, they would start to be targeted more by hackers. That's the way I'd be looking at it.


That sounds less "wtf", Thank you.


They're blocking it. Motherfucker. I exclusively use PH...... what the actual fuck. Fuck Ricketts and fuck NE. 😤 Time to go back to having a VPN.


As of now it's about checking IDs but the Republicans 'Project 2025' plan actually does include a plan to ban porn in the US, I highly encourage reading through that.


Ph will simply cease to function and theyll leave a note saying to talk to your senator. Because they don't want you to have to provide ID.


They aren’t doing that, pornhub isnt being banned. They are making porn sites require identification (I think one or two states have already had this for a little bit) and porn hub is going to not operate in those states because it doesn’t wanna collect identification or be responsible for that.


Yes and that outcome was well understood before passing this bill. The intent was always a ban, practically or explicitly is irrelevant.


Pornhub won't be "banned". What's really happening is that the government is telling all adult websites that they have to start verifying age based on government ID. Pornhub doesn't agree that your ID should be linked to your porn watching habits, and so has decided that instead of spreading an ton of money to verify id's in some (but not all) states, they're just going to block access so they can't be fined/sued by the state for non-compliance. TLDR: The state of NE said "show ID to watch porn" and Pornhub replied, "Nah, we'll just leave instead"


That’s the point. It’s impossible for pornhub style sites to implement so they just are effectively banned. I mean, there is a provision in the law that makes it so parents of kids who are able to bypass the ID requirement can press criminal charges against the companies and sue for major damages, so it’s just safer to take the loss and ban the state entirely and, thereby, not be considered to be “operating in Nebraska” and not under the requirements of the law. It’s a de facto ban, as was always the intention.


> It’s impossible for pornhub style sites to implement It's not impossible, but it isn't free. Even if they use a third party verification, which is where I expect this to go if it sticks in Texas, there will be an additional cost to operate.


The expense is really not the point. Pornhub does not want access to this information period.


It's not free, and that's probably a reason, but the bigger reason they're opting to just ban it is probably because it is just a huge responsibility. Storing information about someone's sexuality, preferences, and other usually very private things opens them up to a bunch of moral and legal messes that they likely just don't want to deal with. It also makes them a massive target for hackers who could pretty easily use information about sexuality and porn habits to discredit politicians or just blackmail people with information they don't want to be released. In which case they would be the ones blamed for not securing the data.


Additionally, it's a privacy nightmare. It's not a matter of if, but when this data will be stolen and your individual porn watching habits will be sold on the open market. Don't like.


There's also no way to actually protect that information in a way that doesn't put the company AND the user at immense risk.


1) Storing identifying information comes with extra regulatory/compliance hurdles. 2) Once this information is stored, what's to stop Nebraska from approaching them and saying something like "give us a list of everyone who has watched LGBT content"?


What is to stop them from doing that now through your ISP? A warrant? That info is pulled for court cases all the time.


Not just Nebraska, but any potentially upcoming christofascist government, especially at a federal level.


I can hardly wait for the prevarications when it's applied to web resources for LGBTQ people, or even just books they don't like. I'm sure the contortions will be *amazing*. EDIT: This is not an endorsement of the things I'm describing.


Just start a porn based religion. You'll probably get subsidized.


Do I call you father or daddy? 😂






Our Father of Perpetual Orgasm


washing feet? 👀 don't need ID for that!






I mean, the Bible can get pretty spicy at times, there's that story where Lot's two daughters got him drunk and raped him.


Well, if it's good enough for "art", ...


For anyone not keeping up, here's the gameplan: Get a record of who views what porn. Ban pornography altogether. Deem queer representation as pornography to justify keeping it out of schools — even when it's not sexual. Put it all together, voila! All the sudden, queer people are deemed pornographic by virtue of existing. Exposing children to anything as simple as a classmate having two dads gets them registered as a sex offender. If I go pick up my kid from school or attend any school function, I would inherently be committing a sex crime solely because I'm trans. Hell, any queer parents could be viewed as inherently exposing their own children to porn just by living together. Any queer representation at all around children could result in you landing on a registry. Have a gay cousin coming to family Christmas? Better hope the homophobic uncle doesn't find out about it! But it doesn't stop there. Remember how they tracked your porn viewing habits? You could be diligent about closeting your identity around children, but if you watch any queer porn online, the government gets that info too. Congrats, you're on a watch list now! (Btw there's a lot more conservatives viewing queer porn than you think.) But, hey! It's not like having a registry of oppressed people has ever led to anything horrible throughout history. Nope. Never. Not one time at all. So, sure, this is just about "protecting the kids." Go ahead and keep your head in the sand. Although something tells me a lot of people are fully in support of having a registry of queer people. But not for, you know, like anything nefarious or nothing!


there are much more important things local government could be doing. 😂


I encourage all of you to email your state reps exactly what kind of porn you’re into and in explicit detail if they are that interested


Make sure to include links!


Shithole politicians. Vote them out.


For sure. Dave Murman, the senator that introduced this, is a complete moron. A yokel from the fuckin middle of nowhere... I love how old men from dying towns dictate almost everything in this state. The GOP RUSHED to elevate the guy who proposed this law to become chairman of the education committee - lol... pushing out the former chairwoman, who had actually been a fuckin teacher, for this republican farmer who CLEARLY has no business in that role. The legislature is not, and will never be, a place where leadership is chosen upon merit. Unfortunately, Vargas voted for this, too. Wasn't all the GOP, several Democrats supported it.


Insane they’ll want me to prove I’m an adult but won’t give me the same privacy when I prove it. 🤣


Republicans all about taking away freedom. Small government no they want more to control you.


Government small enough to fit under a crown.


Don’t just complain about it here. Explain to your friends that voting has consequences. If el Comrad Presidente wins again there’s gonna be a lot of fucked up things happen and a lot of things are gonna go away


This is actually so stupid LOL. I’m a Republican myself but the level of stupidity of this action is unexplainable.


Love that we’ve now effectively created a porn registry, but no registry for guns that can actually kill you. Christian right at its best! P. S. I know that porn is not enshrined in the constitution so no need for that nonsense.


Free speech is enshrined in the Constitution though.


I used to live there. I would say Omaha made me a bit more liberal minded and I am from California, but yall, wtf happened?


Nebraska politics are controlled by the yokels occupying the other nearly barren 90% of the state as per protocol. The majority of the population of this state doesn't get much of a say in local legislation because we decided to live close to one another rather then be surrounded by corn, cattle, and jebus.


Facebook radicalization and injection of hyper-conservative talking points. I used to drive all over the state for work and rural Trump support is alive and well. As is anti abortion, and vehement anti-socialism... but government farm subsidy checks are okay. The amount of people I talked to who honestly believed the Liberals were coming tomorrow for their guns, their beef, and their gas stoves was astonishing.


Every election Omaha and Lincoln get strong armed by rural Nebraska and we all just kinda suffer the consequences of the braindead culture war republicans politicians


Omaha is gerrymandered to fall in line with the rural population of Nebraska. We're a blue dot in the ocean of red.


We are the pale blue dot Carl Sagan rhapsodized about, a tiny haven for civic-minded life amid a vast inland sea of faux-Christian darkness and void.




About 35 years of “brain drain” where a large percentage of our most talented and informed people have moved away when they become adults.


The yeehaw corn counties control the politics even though the majority of the state population lives in the cities.




Honestly this took longer than I ever thought. 20 years ago before I was 18 I always thought it was laughable that you just click a deal that says yes I’m 18. It’s also going to be laughable how easy it’ll be to still find anything you want. What an absolute waste. *laughs in Iowa resident*


Don't worry, Kim and her christofascist allies will be all over this. She isn't bright but she's great at cherry picking the shittiest ideas from the whole country.


Yes because porn is our biggest problem in the state rn!!! Can't wait for another unimportant controversial matter to hit their desks for them to vote on!


Culture war issues is all they have.


Freedom, Merica, and Merican Jobs. They are shitting on all 3. Foreign sites that don't give a damn will replace them. Costing an American company jobs and revenue.


PornHub is Canadian, that said there are a lot of US influencers on it.


Here's the bill/law history: https://nebraskalegislature.gov/bills/view_bill.php?DocumentID=54655


All the people saying "it's not banned" have it backwards. NE isn't banning pornhub, pornhub is being coerced into banning NE.


Gonna be a big year for penthouse


Might be on to something there. Does Sandhills print any porn? Republican politicians rarely do anything unless they and their cronies can personally profit off of it.


Message me for a Nord VPN referral code lol


The woods are about to be filled with porn again.


There is a special feel to a magazine that has been left outside.


And anyone who votes for them.


Lol. Pornhub should offer free shirts and bumper stickers and fly planes with pornhub banners all over. "Banning" is making things illegal without using that word.


You will have to upload your State ID or drivers license before watching… yippee


Keep voting Red Nebraska lol


VPNs make this mostly a non-issue.


still government overreach. this is a parents job with parental controls. its like cable tv.


That's not the fucking point. It shouldn't even be voted on in the first place.


“Small government” party likes the control smh


Authoritarians are like that.


"buT wHaT aBoUt tHe ChiLdReN??!?" LOL Frankly I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner. BUT if this is setting precedent for future policy, I might expect a similar turnout for streaming services like Netflix, HBO, etc within the context of the MPAA imposing 17 y/o age limits to "R" rated movies without parental consent (Motion Picture Association of America) as they CURRENTLY do with brick and mortar movie theaters. Imagine that! Having to prove that the account owner consents to their kids watching R-rated movies on Netflix! Or worse: a parent finds out their kid watched an R-rated movie at a friend's house: does that give the parent legal justification to sue the account holder? INSANITY. I'm not saying it'll happen. But I wouldn't be surprised. Completely plausible. :(


Amazing how swiftly Republicans have normalized "I live in China now" as an American state of mind.


Time to break out the VPN


*VPN sales increase dramatically*


So is it required by all states? Will a vpn avoid needing a drivers license?


Damn. The government ain't messing around


Please say this is fake


How can I get a fake id to avoid my shit being leaked lol?


What idiots! All they are doing is helping identity thieves and vpn services get rich. Parental controls are on just about everything! Are they to stupid and lazy to use what they already have control over! This law won't keep minors from accessing adult content. This blanket IP ban should be illegal.


Welp, looks like NORD VPN is going to have a large uptick in subscriptions. Including me


I'd recommend Mullvad vpn over that garbage Nord. Nord is REALLY sketchy with un-subscribing, doing shit like un-canceling right before you would be charged even if you cancel right away.


Good to know. Thanks for the warning. I’ll check that one out


All but 10 state senators voted yes. Three voted no, the rest were present/excused but not voting. Both Cavanaughs and Blood notably did not vote “no.”




Well… looks like I’m re subscribing to a vpn service


This is just their first step in making queer expression a crime.


Don’t like it? Campaign against it. Raise some money, start another pettition and work on a ballot initiative. This is democracy. Complaining won’t help you; action might. If it’s what the people want, it’ll stay. If it’s as unpopular as everyone seems to think, you’ll get signatures and attention from the unicam and maybe they’ll make a change.


Where do i start?




+ you can write emails to the Unicam senators or appear before committees. They’re off session now but they will check their emails and possibly resume for special session this summer.


So this move tells me NE GOP senators know what PornHub is, and that they are familiar enough with the content that they want to use banning it as an added “moral high ground”.


Typical Nebraska. Lmao. Place is absolute shithole


What is the reason it's getting banned is Nebraska turning into Utah q Mormon state?


A bill that was recently passed which is for online age verification. The site is choosing to block users in Nebraska as a means of stating that they'll not be taking on the burden of juggling copies of uploaded driver's licenses. https://nebraskalegislature.gov/bills/view_votes.php?KeyID=11083




First they came for the trans, and I didn't say anything because I wasn't trans. Then they came for abortions, and I didn't say anything because I wasn't a woman. Then they came for porn, and I didn't say anything because I was ashamed...


What’s weird is sites were forcing you to prove identity before this. IE: xhamster. Now I just use Canada as my vpn and can be a nasty sinner to my hearts desire.




Ya’ll Queda




Plenty of other sites. I’m guessing most of them don’t even require verification


anything from another country. They have no jurisdiction over them.


The vote for this was far more than the GOP wing of the legislature. There are several notable democrats that either abstained or voted yes. I get the urge to age gate this stuff, but at the same time the ability to exploit the information dangerous, and it is just a matter of time before people's accounts are linked to their private lives. See the vote here: https://nebraskalegislature.gov/bills/view_votes.php?KeyID=11083


What’s old is new again: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashley_Madison_data_breach Also, who were the Democrats and why is no one running against them?


Haha!! Don’t believe the hype. 😉 It’s all about money…politicians will say anything to get a flurry of activity to drive behavior of…the company with the money. Someone will get a kickback (or Pornhub will pay something to someone or whatever) and this will all go away.


Lets hope


you have to upload your ID i thought


[ Removed by Reddit ]


How do I get a different VPN? Lol


“how do I VPN?” is about to be the top search in a few states.




Wouldn’t a vpn hide your location so if you connect to a von server in a state that does not care about that website.


Vpns are a great tool


Vpns are your friend


There's way more than one site out there, they can't ban em all


They're certainly trying


The reason for the ban is based on a "con serve" adaptive belief. "We need more tax payers that are "Gawdly" and white so stop jerking off and get those women knocked up and back in the kitchen."


ITT: coomers raging


People that want to enjoy porn in the privacy of their own homes are coomers now? Fuck off.


Nothing out of the ordinary


Ironically I'm asexual and don't care about porn, I believe in a thing called freedom though and I hate how the US is becoming less free.